Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Mar 10, 2009

You can delete your own post within a certain time limit. Otherwise, please quote yourself and issue a corrigendum.

There are way too many requests like this.


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Oct 11, 2017
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15000 tonnes of T-55 spares :facepalm: 40000 crores :frusty: Army wale Babus :hail: Russian Vodka :daru: and Shasha :basanti:
bro, im not saying that indian military is completely incorrupt; since its our media who reported this, take it with a grain of salt. exaggeration and sensationalism r the bedrock of indian media.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
bro, im not saying that indian military is completely incorrupt; since its our media who reported this, take it with a grain of salt. exaggeration and sensationalism r the bedrock of indian media.
Actually I refer you again to the specific quotes from Lt Gen Nimborkar in his interview with Nitin Gokhale.

Digitization of records and inventory has now allowed the top leadership, including the Army Chief, Vice Chief and the MGO, to have a 360 degree view of equipment availability, the MGO said. “This allows us to reduce dead inventory. There have been instances in the past when we had bought spares worth tens of thousands of crores of rupees and didn’t use them. In some cases, these spares were not even opened and have now become dead stock since the equipment they were meant for have been retired from service,” Lt Gen Nimborkar revealed.
I would say this is not sensationalism. Such clusterfcuks indeed happened in the past and only now have they been rectified. Lt Gen Nimborkar may well be referring to T-55 spares in this case.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Instead of crying about the T-55 spares. I hope they use them to refurbish the stored T-55's and provide them to Myanmar and Afghanistan. Along with 4 Mi-24's for ANA, we can provide 200-300 T-55's and 105 mm IFG's.
only if cost allows


New Member
Jun 28, 2017
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Cost of what?? T-55's have been decommissioned. Yes a deal for Afghan transit trade or Lithium/Copper mining can be explored but it can be done.

Gaurav Rai

Tihar Jail
Apr 10, 2017
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Because of our own habits. We can't see our own relatives getting success. This is in our DNA.
Well your comment is nerve wrenkingly true to a lot of extent. But besides backstabbers and leg pullers, we have so many pseudo seculars and anti nationals amongst ourselves that its very difficult to convince them to unite most of them towards a common goal. The wannabe westernised bimbos and dudes think those who think along our lines are idiots and some kinda backward asses and openly support hypocrisy of Muslims in the name of secularism. Akhand C*ppa.

Gaurav Rai

Tihar Jail
Apr 10, 2017
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Our situation is not as bad as Israels, if they can survive so can we.
The thing is Israelis are aware that they were exploited and tortured throughout their history (atleast last millenia), but here noone knows jacksh*t about our struggles and how we are made to despise ourselves besides ofcourse most of the people in this forum. They think we are some kinda hindutva nutjobs who is trying to incite hatred. Only when majority of our dharmic brethrens realise and accept these facts will we ever be to develop fanatical approach like Israelis for our national security.


New Member
Jan 25, 2014
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Cost of what?? T-55's have been decommissioned. Yes a deal for Afghan transit trade or Lithium/Copper mining can be explored but it can be done.
Lithium and Copper mining can only be done once we have railway link to Chabahar, and railway link requires 10+ billion $$ investments.

India has already invested lots of money in Afghanistan, and they are yet to pay us back. T-55 can be sold to Afghans but USA and NATO should pay us for that, to make the deal attractive we should present and upgrade package like this.

It will help in defense of ANA fortifications specially in southern Afghan deserts.

Not a good idea.

RPG-7s are made in Taliban homes.

T-55s will be blown out to smithereens. Every blown tank gives morale boost to Taliban.
RPG won't be as effective If the tanks are upgraded properly, Pakis used their Al Zarar a Chinese copy of T-55 extensively in Swat and Zarb-e-Kabz operations.

Yes there were some Tanks taken out but that's the nature of war, no tank is full proof and safer tanks from the west would require lots of money which Afghans don't have neither they have the infrastructure to support such heavy MBTs.

On the other hand T-55 has been used by ANA, Nothern Alliance and Taliban, So there won't be need to set up a totally new infrastructure for support of these tanks. Upgrading the existing ones will do.

The Ultranationalist

Tihar Jail
Jan 30, 2017
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The thing is Israelis are aware that they were exploited and tortured throughout their history (atleast last millenia), but here noone knows jacksh*t about our struggles and how we are made to despise ourselves besides ofcourse most of the people in this forum. They think we are some kinda hindutva nutjobs who is trying to incite hatred. Only when majority of our dharmic brethrens realise and accept these facts will we ever be to develop fanatical approach like Israelis for our national security.


Defense lover
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Aug 23, 2017
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Basically it means we're screwing them but denying that we're doing it. And lizard mouth blabberring loudly we will do this and that while being screwed by India....
God knows Bhai ............wait for mod s statement


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May 19, 2017
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India slowly building military muscle from Ladakh to Arunachal on the China front
Rajat Pandit | TNN | Updated: Mar 31, 2018, 22:46 IST
  • India is increasing its military capabilities along the LAC to offset the stark military asymmetry with China.
  • Four infantry mountain divisions (each with over 12,000 soldiers) are tasked for the defence of Arunachal Pradesh alone.
  • The troop density at Tawang, which China claims to be part of south Tibet, is particularly high to thwart any nefarious designs.
KIBITHU: India is no longer the India of 1962, with weak defences along the border, paltry number of troops deployed in isolated and uncoordinated forward posts, and poor military command and control structures that virtually collapsed at the first sign of a Chinese invasion all those years ago.

This is the enduring refrain of military commanders as one travels along the border in the eastern sector amidst heightened shadow-boxing with China on the Line of Actual Control (LAC), stretching from Ladakh to Arunachal Pradesh, despite troop disengagement from the 73-day face-off at Doklam near the Sikkim-Bhutan-Tibet tri-junction seven months ago.

Yes, there are daunting challenges for the Indian troops, ranging from lack of requisite roads, bridges and inter-valley connectivity to shortages of artillery, helicopters, drones and specialised ammunition stocks. But the operational readiness and troop morale is high, with India slowly but steadily adding some much-needed muscle to its military capabilities all along the 4,057-km long LAC to offset the stark military asymmetry with its larger neighbour. This has picked up pace after the People’s Liberation Army occupied north Doklam throughout the winter this time, even as it is disengaged from the actual face-off site on Bhutanese territory, say officers.

Four infantry mountain divisions (each with over 12,000 soldiers) under the 3 Corps (Dimapur) and 4 Corps (Tezpur), with two more divisions in reserve, are for example tasked for the defence of Arunachal Pradesh alone. The troop density at Tawang, which China claims to be part of south Tibet, is particularly high to thwart any nefarious designs.

The memorial and advanced landing ground at Walong, where the outnumbered Indian troops heroically fought the Chinese invasion for almost a month during the 1962 war.
“Our primary task is to maintain the sanctity of the LAC and dominate the heights in peacetime, and be ready for war if it’s thrust on us. We shall not allow them to pass this time,” said a senior officer, overseeing the forbidding frontier in the Kibithu-Walong sector.

An expansionist and aggressive China is surely flexing its muscles. The number of its “transgressions” across the LAC went up to 426 last year, with around half of them resulting in troop face-offs, as compared to 273 in 2016. The upward trend continues this year.

Indian troops also conduct long-range patrols, which can even take up to 28-30 days in the harsh terrain, to “physically dominate” disputed areas along the LAC. India is also backing its foot soldiers with some firepower for credible deterrence, from deploying additional T-72 tanks in eastern Ladakh and Sikkim to the 290-km range BrahMos supersonic missiles and Boforshowitzers in Arunachal. The Sukhoi-30MKI fighter squadrons in the North-East will also be bolstered with the first squadron of the spanking new Rafale jets, which can also deliver nuclear weapons, at Hasimara by 2020.

Then, of course, the new 17 Mountain Strike Corps and associated units, with a total of 90,274 soldiers for “quick-reaction ground offensive capabilities”, will be fully raised by 2021-2022. After the 59 Infantry Division of the 17 Corps became fully operational at Panagarh(West Bengal), the 72 Infantry Division to be headquartered in Dehradun is now taking shape, with its first brigade to be raised at Roorkee next month.

“The 1962 debacle happened because we were grossly unprepared. It will not happen again. We are no longer blind in terms of surveillance, as we were even 15 years ago, and have enough boots on the ground to prevent any misadventure,” said an officer.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Basically it means we're screwing them but denying that we're doing it. And lizard mouth blabberring loudly we will do this and that while being screwed by India....
Not at the moment! If were were screwing them, then we would have shot their choppers out of the sky, which had intruded into own side of the LAC last month.

We probably don't want to stir the pot just yet until we have raised all our formations of the Mountain Strike Corps and made them combat ready.
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