Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Jan 25, 2014
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The Poonch problem, being south of Pir Panjal and being dominated by Pakis sitting at heights, the district and areas around It has been an everygreen infiltration route i.e. 365 days 24x7 this route is open for infiltration unlike the North of Pir Panjal routes.

Here is an overview of poonch towns seen on Google maps, the rides on the North is covered with Paki posts and the see everything in the town, near LoC.

poonch 1.jpg

The red line is Paki, posts alignment on the ridge, they sit North of the town near LoC and dominate the area south.

Typical Paki, post.

poonch 2.jpg

Indian positions slightly eastern ridge, the barbed wire fence can be seen here, south of this forward post of our Army.

poonch 3.jpg

The areas north of this post is dense forest, no man's land. It is very hard to do observation here and make full proof LoC fence in Jungle. So the patrolling parties has to be sent inside to keep vigil.

poonch 4.jpg

Possible routes taken by patrolling parties in the nallas, since the area is heavily forested an ambush party can easily infiltrate for BAT raid on patrolling party.

Solution to this problem ? I don't think there is any solution without breaching the LoC and capturing the higher ridges and dominate Pakis in this area to stop the infiltration once for all in south of Pir Panjal area.

Indian positions south of Poonch, in Rajouri, Krishna ghati etc is good, and our forces sit over Paki town of Bhattal, Nakyal etc.


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Jan 25, 2014
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The MC who was killed at Hajira Sector few days back and announced by ISPR wasn't an ordinary civilian, but transports terrorists at LoC. He was an asset of Pak Army.

Killed by SF using Galil Sniper Rifle. The message was simple, loud and clear.
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Pakis use schools as Bunkers for terrorists and school van for transporting them. Earlier they were using mosques but during 2015 and in 2016 SS many mosques were made Shaheed by our Army, so now they have resorted to using schools for refuge and cover.


जय परशुराम‍।
Senior Member
Oct 7, 2015
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The Poonch problem, being south of Pir Panjal and being dominated by Pakis sitting at heights, the district and areas around It has been an everygreen infiltration route i.e. 365 days 24x7 this route is open for infiltration unlike the North of Pir Panjal routes.

Here is an overview of poonch towns seen on Google maps, the rides on the North is covered with Paki posts and the see everything in the town, near LoC.

View attachment 23297
The red line is Paki, posts alignment on the ridge, they sit North of the town near LoC and dominate the area south.

Typical Paki, post.

View attachment 23298
Indian positions slightly eastern ridge, the barbed wire fence can be seen here, south of this forward post of our Army.

View attachment 23299
The areas north of this post is dense forest, no man's land. It is very hard to do observation here and make full proof LoC fence in Jungle. So the patrolling parties has to be sent inside to keep vigil.

View attachment 23300
Possible routes taken by patrolling parties in the nallas, since the area is heavily forested an ambush party can easily infiltrate for BAT raid on patrolling party.

Solution to this problem ? I don't think there is any solution without breaching the LoC and capturing the higher ridges and dominate Pakis in this area to stop the infiltration once for all in south of Pir Panjal area.

Indian positions south of Poonch, in Rajouri, Krishna ghati etc is good, and our forces sit over Paki town of Bhattal, Nakyal etc.
India had captured Haji Pir which is a dominating feature in 1965 but our secular and international law abiding Macaulay Putras give them back as a return gift.


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2014
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Senior Member
Jul 9, 2014
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At 1:29 sec it showing a gun battery of artillery which is 3km from LOC.
Do any one can identify the location.
Means with 120mm near loc we can pound the battery....


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2016


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May 19, 2017
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Army foils major infiltration attempt last evening by Pak Army Border Action Team at LoC Kotli/Gulpur area south of Poonch. One infiltrator killed. Recoveries include disposable rocket launchers.

•3 live RPG Grenades
•4 disposable RL
•Molotov Cocktail.
•Hand Grenade
•AK Magazine
•Mobile phone & R/T Set
•Medical kit, backpack, Pakistan Flag


Galaxy 7

Regular Member
Feb 14, 2018
The Poonch problem, being south of Pir Panjal and being dominated by Pakis sitting at heights, the district and areas around It has been an everygreen infiltration route i.e. 365 days 24x7 this route is open for infiltration unlike the North of Pir Panjal routes.

Here is an overview of poonch towns seen on Google maps, the rides on the North is covered with Paki posts and the see everything in the town, near LoC.

View attachment 23297
The red line is Paki, posts alignment on the ridge, they sit North of the town near LoC and dominate the area south.

Typical Paki, post.

View attachment 23298
Indian positions slightly eastern ridge, the barbed wire fence can be seen here, south of this forward post of our Army.

View attachment 23299
The areas north of this post is dense forest, no man's land. It is very hard to do observation here and make full proof LoC fence in Jungle. So the patrolling parties has to be sent inside to keep vigil.

View attachment 23300
Possible routes taken by patrolling parties in the nallas, since the area is heavily forested an ambush party can easily infiltrate for BAT raid on patrolling party.

Solution to this problem ? I don't think there is any solution without breaching the LoC and capturing the higher ridges and dominate Pakis in this area to stop the infiltration once for all in south of Pir Panjal area.

Indian positions south of Poonch, in Rajouri, Krishna ghati etc is good, and our forces sit over Paki town of Bhattal, Nakyal etc.
Atleast We should capture pir panjal heights.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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on elevation, left side, they seem to be paki positions in Poonch. You can see they dominate it.
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Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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How has appeasement worked well inside India ?
FIR against army major is nothing more than an appeasement.
Military's job is to fight wars, Diplomacy is done by diplomats who are usually bureaucrats. This has happened ever since the man started fighting wars, and in statecraft, It is expected of the bureaucrats and military both to understand each other's methods, limitations etc. Both make each other complete, without the bureaucrats the Military is aimless, and without Military bureaucrats are teeth less in their negotiations. When Military mixes with bureaucracy then you have a disaster called Pakistan.
The skirmishes will continue for 1000s of years till humans pick up arms and fight wars, I don't understand what is your problem with skirmishes, or are you expecting everyone to follow recent Chinese methods of bringing sticks and stones for a fight ?
The problem with skirmish is not the problem, the reason for what skirmish is happening is the problem.
Yes why wouldn't the Pakistan use Indian dossiers and copy English lines and format to make their own dossiers, all the more reason to rubbish this appeasement policy by the likes of Mani, which you seem to be advocating here, has been at the cost of our blood and money.
You and me are making similar points, but you can't stop manishankar from going to Pakistan and negotiate on behalf of congress on LC skirmishes.


Sep 7, 2015
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Army foils major infiltration attempt last evening by Pak Army Border Action Team at LoC Kotli/Gulpur area south of Poonch. One infiltrator killed. Recoveries include disposable rocket launchers.

It seems these pussies fled like rats with their asses on fire, leaving behind one dead SSG commando and abandoning a whole lot of weapons and ammo. They must have soiled their pants too with massive amounts of pig shit!

Guess what these are (marked with a red arrow).....

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