Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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NRI in Europe
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Aug 10, 2009
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Shouldn't the name of the show be '#ChuSays'? ;)
But that said, I find it funny that 'Gobar Times' is saying this.

i wont trust china one bit
Chinese are simply bidding their time
this is the same clown who called us a "curious nation " while himself speaking with a most curious accent to begin with ...... basically i dont think anyone in india is the least bit impressed with the clown let alone listen to him , so he's speaking to himself

secondly regarding south indian and other dialects .... so now china must be regretting cutting all their dialects out and streamlining to mandarin only hehehehehe

everyone in india should learn 3 languages , english, hindi and regional language ..... regional language will be spoken at home, whilst the other two will be taught in school plus some time give for regional language in school as well .

..... start this early and kids will take to it without any stress ...make it fun and we will have a nation of linguists who can master encryption tehniologies and any form of cupter programmming like a natural not to forget we will counfound our enemies with ease !!!

as for the climb downs at doka -la .... i'd say kudos to both china and india , yes indeed kudos to china for being realistic enough but as many of you say , it's not necessarily over yet .....

we have to show them that we can do the same thoroughout our border .....i.e we an out number them as it is nearer us .... plus get israel to pressure the usa to do something on the eastern side

im still of the opinion that if usa doesnt do something to draw cpc troops on the eastern side then they will have the idea tht they can engage us in the south west ..... we have to pressure israel to instruct usa to do something with china way is to scare israel about china - pack and thus islam nexus ..... something along those lines , i wont give the whole game away here
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New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Another surprise strike at pakistan in the making

Number of terror camps across LoC has gone up: Army commander
The number of terror camps and launch pads across the Line of Control (LoC) in Pakistan- occupied Kashmir have gone up and around 475 militants are waiting to sneak into the Indian side, northern Army commander Lt Gen Devraj Anbu said today.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Another surprise strike at pakistan in the making

Number of terror camps across LoC has gone up: Army commander
The number of terror camps and launch pads across the Line of Control (LoC) in Pakistan- occupied Kashmir have gone up and around 475 militants are waiting to sneak into the Indian side, northern Army commander Lt Gen Devraj Anbu said today.
Another good thing Anbu said was tht LoC does not hold sanctitity and can be crossed at time of our choosing. Thats too good


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May 10, 2017
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So who was making a list of Pakistani soldiers killed at LoC but not declared by ISPR?
I am not sure if it was discussed here, but a Pakistani soldier Behram Khan was killed on 29th August, 2017. Unfortunately, I am not being able to find pics of him.


Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
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Jun 5, 2017
I am against repeated surgical strikes. If the camps are located should just take them out with cheap long range stand off weapons. That's where EITAN and Rustom-II are needed. Heck even Arty with guided shells is good.
Pinaka would do just fine


aditya g

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Jan 14, 2014
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So who was making a list of Pakistani soldiers killed at LoC but not declared by ISPR?
I am not sure if it was discussed here, but a Pakistani soldier Behram Khan was killed on 29th August, 2017. Unfortunately, I am not being able to find pics of him.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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BRICS conference is over, and if Chinese wish to start all over again at Doklam, where they left off two weeks back, then china please think again.

Going by the Global Times shrill objection to a routine statement of India's General Rawat that India has to prepare for two front War, it would appear that the lull was temporary. There is nothing unusual about of General Rawat's statement. India has two enemies and both have been preparing for years to attack India, if possible concurrently. Previously there was no excuse, but now there is an excuse I.e. for Chinese the Doklam excuse and Pakistanis heavy tension on the LOC.

The world perception just two weeks back was that Chinese suffered a loss of face by withdrawing. It is only for BRICS conference the Chinese withdrew. If possible they would like to wash away that loss of their face with a bit more aggressive behaviour. Time is quickly running out for that sort of action by them. Winter will set in about two months hence they will begin soon and again blame it on india. They will use a routine General Rawat's caution to his troops as a starting point.

If not Dokolam this time, they will pick out another spot.

What is Pakistan doing during this lull period of two weeks and 76 days of eye ball to eye ball confrontation at Dokalam prior to that. Pakistanis are readying their plans to snatch Kashmir away from India when Chinese are busy not at Doklam but at Tawang to snatch it away from India.

Clever plan, but it will not succeed.


At Tawang that easy ride the Chinese had in 1962 is not possible. They do not have manpower and hardware to overpower 30,000 troops stationed in the area. They would need 5:1 attacking force, which they do not have. Defending Indian forces unlike 1962 are better equipped and better trained and IAF is waiting round the corner to shell shock them. They may suffer a loss of face from which they may never be able to recover ever. By December, all passes will be closed hence Chinese will not be able to resupply an already defeated and surrounded attacking force.

Once the passes are closed with snow in the north on china border, any Pakistani action in Kashmir is not possible. First they will find their reception way to hot if they cross the LOC. Second, India can unleash the operation Cold Start at seven or nine points to draw the Pakistani forces into open and annihilate them, without reaching the nuclear threshold. US will standby to prevent any temptation of nuclear war.

Net conclusion is that if Chinese are thinking of restarting of eye ball to eye ball confrontation soon after the BRICKS conference and encourage Pakistan to have their own go, then think twice. India is well prepared and India has allies which neither china or Pakistan has.



The only one
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Jun 16, 2016
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Indian Army Chief Gen Bipin Rawat has a big mouth: China's Global Times on salami slicing, two-front war remarks

Another hot air from gobar times...

Sent from my XT1562 using Tapatalk


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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I am against repeated surgical strikes. If the camps are located should just take them out with cheap long range stand off weapons. That's where EITAN and Rustom-II are needed. Heck even Arty with guided shells is good.
Direct assault is effective but lacks the fun. Surgical strikes mean we come in the night, screw tightly and go back without anyone even knowing. When World wakes up they realise they have been fcuked. Psychologically its a huge boost. Let Pakis be under constant fear that they can be screwed anytime anyday.
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