Skirmishs at LOC, LAC & International Border

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Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
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Oct 13, 2015
We have AN TPQ 37 not 36 which is used by Pak during kargil War while India had no such Arty locating Radar. They also have SLC 2 Radar apart from AN TPQ 36

AN TPQ 37 were inducted way back in 2007 - 2008 ~ apart from portable systems from Israeli Elta to be use at LoC including ELM 2140 (for arty fire correction )


PS - Rest in Peace Yogesh Murlidhar
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Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
New Member
Jun 5, 2017
In other news World Bank just suspended 250 million Loans for Paki
It's great time to hit Pakistan.

Build damns to make their dry state absolute desert.
Increase the transport of toys to Afghanistan which would eventually end up in Balochistan


New Member
Aug 5, 2017
In other news World Bank just suspended 250 million Loans for Paki
It's great time to hit Pakistan.

Build damns to make their dry state absolute desert.
Increase the transport of toys to Afghanistan which would eventually end up in Balochistan
Arrre Yaaar ! Ooour Kitna maroge pakis to .......

They are already eating donkeys ! Any more, and they will be forced to eat Dogs !!! :) :) :)

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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Off late, I hardly have heard Generals being this open about our rivals. Some might find such statements unnecessary and not befitting a General, but it is necessary for those on the ground, to motivate them, to make them realize that they are indeed strong and not less than any Army.



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Jan 25, 2014
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Well, so we are behind them and we can both agree on this.

So, that makes my point actually. We do not have the kind of economic clout PRC has. They are using it in all respect, be it luring the Nepalis, the Sri Lankans, and also to trying to lure the Bangladeshis, while Pakistan is firmly in their control, with investments, both military and civil.

India is doing the best it can: India is buying world's emptiest airport in its battle for territorial dominance with China

Do not forget how foreign aid is used as a diplomatic tool. India cannot afford to dispense off foreign aid to the extent PRC can. I do not have the numbers to compare them, but I do know that PRC is investing a lot more than India is.

I am not able to follow what you mean by this sentence: "When they started taking very firm stand on Tibetan issues." When they started taking a firm stand on Tibetan issues, what happened? Are you trying to say that when they started to take a firm stand on Tibetan issues, India's GDP was 500 billion? Ok. So, what is the point still? I am confused.
You didn't get what I meant by saying we currently are in a phase where we have similar economy size compered to what Chinese had in early 2000s.

It was around this time the Chinese used their economic strength to arm twist foreign policies of several nation from China offensive to China neutral and to some extent China favorable.

They were a superpower on economic forums and got favorable deals, did economy maneuvering to influence foreign policy matters, It is not just about giving aids and loans and use It as baits and exercise influence. Its more about using own market and trade influences.

China in 1996 adopted a policy to stop Tibetans and particularly Dalai Lama exercising their influence as strongly as they did in several countries. They had something called five points process to which Dalai Lama also suggested his own five point process. This was strongly supported by their diplomacy and economic pressures. What happened was people started giving lip services to the genuine issue and ignore Dalai Lama altogether.

Compared to that today Kashmiri activists are holding conferences in countries like Finland etc. On their disappeared husbands and sons. The point is using the economic influence the market India has and the trade volume It controls, to force other countries to isolate Pakistan and hurt them diplomatically and economically.

This should've started already in 2004-2009 period when there was the boom.


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Jan 25, 2014
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I have responded separately. India is doing whatever it can. If you wish to suggest some other action, please provide a list of such possible actions..
India is not doing enough, Is all what I can as of now, the true potential has not been realized. Hopefully the next boom would see some improvement. Yes positive swing in the economy makes such things much easier.

North Korea serves as a launch pad against the US that both Russia and PRC could use while preserving the plausible deniability. I read news that both PRC and Russia were selling them oil in violation of UN resolution. For Russia and PRC, North Korea is an asset. For the US, it gave a defence contractor an opportunity to propose a defence shield along the US West Coast. I wonder what was the need for Trump to muddy the waters with North Korea? I don't believe North Korea is a threat to the US..
South Korea and Japan are two very important countries in the region. They do have great roles to play in isolation of North Korea. For US Russia and China still are the two greatest thread against whom they have strategic deployments in Eastern Europe and two Island Chins on the Pacific rim. Nuclear weapons of North Korea is sufficient to divert these resources(American resources deployed in Europe and Asia) to other parts of the world, If there is proliferation which will happen just like in past in case of Pakistan, stretching the already stretched American resources, and hence weakening the defense, today the tactical nukes which Pakistan talk about is based on plutonium based device, they got their 1st plutonium based device from North Korea in 1998. If South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Philippines fall, Pacific is just an open sea up for scaling.

We did it officially? Perhaps I was misinformed. Would you please provide the statement from the Army spokesperson that we crossed the international border?.
Please watch the press conference of DGMO, now don't tell me that we also have terrorist camps on our side and Pakistani Army manning these camps for supporting them, Which our forces attacked. And what would be more official than the Foreign Secretary starting that conference.

What should the government have allowed after 26/11? Who sought permission? I ask because someone in a higher authority can allow an action only if someone from a subordinate position seeks permission. So, please clarify..
Air strikes, through guided munitions or cruise missiles. It is higher authority to ask the forces if they can do that, we live in a democracy where Civilian Government calls shots. So this question should not be who sought permission, It should be who gave permission or why wasn't the permission given. And permission for what, a military area were not attacked, civilians were attacked, since when did military started meddling into civilian matters.

And It is beyond me how Brasstacs, Parakaram era had pro-active commanders who jumped gun to seek permission according to your theory but in 26/11 they never came to ask for "permission", seems like the weather was not good or something like that, so they couldn't get to the 7 race course road to seek "permission".

And suddenly it has improved so much that permission is already there on LoC and LAC for active and at times pro-active action.

We have the moral right to respond, yes, so what do you propose we do?.

I hope the recommendation is to actually do against Pakistan and not against fellow Indians. I mean, I don't want a situation where we cannot hit back at Pakistan so we hit back at our fellow countrymen under some flimsy excuses.
Understanding the worth of our own fellow countrymen would be the 1st, about 90000 of them have been slaughtered in these proxy war. Being responsible about them would a 1st, upholding the responsibilities which higher offices hold would be a 1st, enforcing the rule of law would be a 1st. These people don't want non-violence and strategic restrains or moral high grounds which costs their lives and lively hood. These things happen when incompetent people start getting such high offices without doing the hard work, they don't realize the pain of common man when they turn the other cheek.

Our biggest weakness is our propensity to jump to conclusions without any evidence, just because someone said so. India is a highly faith and belief based culture, unlike the west, that is an evidence or metrics based culture.
What conclusions are you talking about ? I don't think we have reached any significant conclusions for a long time on foreign policy matters lately. It look more like state of confusion that conclusion, trying to have all eggs in one basket and ending up with none.

Lets 1st accept the culture we have, strength and weakness come later. And we have to work with what we have.

For the excerpt above, I have responded inline in red.

Oh, I believe they are a victim of terrorism. If someone thinks that I have no sense left, then so be it. It won't change my opinion. :)
I don't want to respond you anymore on this. Just search for Shahid Afridi's views on Hindus, or that Shoheil Tanveer views on Hindus, or Fawad Khan etc. These are representatives on Pakistan, I am not talking about random people, just get a text book of history Pakistanis have for their school children and see what they say about Hindus, It would put the Nazi hate views on Jews to shame.

You should try teaching their foreign office sometimes, such talent would be a great asset for them convincing the world on their narrative.

Is it on YouTube. If yes, please share.
Search "Secret Pakistan, Double cross" you might find that. It talks about Kunduz airlift and how many times top leadership of Al Qaeda escaped thanks to Pakistan.

Please clarify.
You said Georgia's proximity and energy trade forced Russia to take offensive military action, tow which I replied, Kashmir is in India's proximity and we have huge energy reserves waiting to be tapped in central Asia.

India needs to wait for the right opportunity to take control of PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan. It won't happen tomorrow or next year. However, we need to prepare and be ready when the window of opportunity arrives. Access to Central Asia will not only ensure energy security, but it is also important to delink the physical geographical connection between PRC and Pakistan.

While we are talking about Central Asia, I am not very optimistic about attempts to create an alliance with the Uighurs. They have the potential of turning into a Frankenstein. We should learn from our mistake with the LTTE, from Pakistan's mistake with the Mujahideen, the USA's mistake with OBL.
See all this was thought out well by the visionary General Hoon, back in 80s. You are right about waiting for the right time that is very important, but also important is snatching the opportunity when it comes and make full use of that. 80s was the perfect time, when such an opportunity will come next lets wait and watch.


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Nov 19, 2017
NEW DELHI, January 14, 2018 13:40 IST
Updated: January 14, 2018 17:38 IST
New Delhi, January 14, 2018 17:24 IST
Updated: January 14, 2018 17:27 IST

Army chief Gen. Bipin Rawat during an interview at his residence in New Delhi on January 14, 2018. | Photo Credit: PTI

Gen. Bipin Rawat favours ramping up military offensive to pile up heat on Pakistan to stop cross-border terrorism in J&K.
Political initiative must go “hand-in-hand” with military operations in Jammu and Kashmir to bring peace, Army chief Gen. Bipin Rawat said on January 14, and favoured ramping up military offensive to pile up heat on Pakistan to stop cross-border terrorism in the State.

Gen. Rawat said the armed forces operating in the State cannot be “status quoist” and must evolve new strategies and tactics to deal with the situation, which he feels is “marginally” better since he took over a year ago.

In an interview to PTI, the Army chief asserted that there was room for ramping up heat on Pakistan to cut flow of cross border terror activities, clearly indicating that the Army will continue its policy of hot pursuit in dealing with militancy.

“The political initiative and all the other initiatives must go simultaneously hand-in-hand and only if all of us function in synergy, we can bring lasting peace in Kashmir. It has to be a politico-military approach that we have to adopt,” the Army chief said. In October, the government had appointed former Intelligence Bureau chief Dineshwar Sharma as its special representative for a “sustained dialogue” with all stakeholders in J&K.

“When the government appointed an interlocutor, it is with that purpose. He is the government’s representative to reach out to the people of Kashmir and see what their grievances are so that those can then be addressed at a political level,” the Army chief said.

Asked whether there is room for ramping up pressure on Pakistan to force it to stop sending terrorists to the State, he said, “Yes, you cannot be status quoist. You have to continuously think and keep moving forward. You have to keep changing your doctrines and concept and the manner in which you operate in such areas.”

Gen. Rawat said the Army will have to evolve new strategies and new tactics to deal with the situation. At the same time, he said an overall approach was required to deal with the Kashmir issue.

Since beginning of 2017, the Army pursued an aggressive anti-terror policy in Jammu and Kashmir and, at the same time, forcefully responded to all ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops along the Line of Control with a tit-for-tat approach.

“Military is only part of the mechanism to resolve the Kashmir issue. Our charter is to ensure that the terrorists who are creating violence in the state are taken to task and those who have been radicalised and are increasingly moving towards terrorism are prevented from doing so,” he said.

Gen. Rawat said some youths continue to be radicalised and are joining militancy. The Army has been trying to maintain pressure on terror groups, he said.

The Army’s aim is to ensure that it continues to maintain the pressure on the terrorists and those fomenting trouble there, Gen. Rawat said. “But at the same time, we have to also reach out to the people,” he said. Asked whether the situation in Kashmir has improved since he has taken over as the Army chief a year ago, Gen. Rawat said, “I am only seeing a marginal change in situation for the better.

“I do not think it is time to become over confident and start assuming that the situation has been brought under control because infiltration from across the borders will continue.”

The LoC has remained volatile in 2017. According to official figures, 860 incidents of ceasefire violations by Pakistani troops were reported in 2017 as against 221 the year before.

India has also been effectively retaliating to Pakistani firing and even crossed the LoC to punish Pakistani troops on several occasions as part of tactical operations.


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Jan 25, 2014
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Oh man, this is brilliant. These guys should also put in their casualty figures. As I said previously, these guys are damn pissed. We here are missing something.

Also, put this in sync with Gen Bipin Rawat's recent statements ;)
For the 1st time our COAS has said to the press openly that they are hitting Pakistani posts who aid the infiltrators, or have presence of infiltrators on or near It. So 2003 agreement has been sent to dustbin it seems, atleast from our side. Possibly a reason why 14000 bunkers construction has been sought, It seem heavy artillery might see action in coming years.

Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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India has also been effectively retaliating to Pakistani firing and even crossed the LoC to punish Pakistani troops on several occasions as part of tactical operations.
So, I was right. We are crossing the LoC to punish TSPA a lot these days, and for the first time, a sitting General is accepting it in public. That confidence though _/\_


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Aug 9, 2014
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ITBP gets air wing to keep watch on China border

NEW DELHI: Learning from the Doklam experience, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police(ITBP) will soon have an air wing primarily for reconnaissance so that transgressions by the People's Liberation Army (PLA), troop build-up and construction activities across the border can be spotted in time.

For starters, two twin-engined helicopters are being procured, which will be used for recce, transportation of combat troops, evacuation of dead, injured and sick jawans, supplying rations and flying VIPs at altitudes of 16,000-18,000 feet in the Himalayas.

Sources said the ITBP helicopters will operate from its bases in Chandigarh and Borjhar (Guwahati), covering almost the whole 3,488-km-long border with China, from J&K to Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and the northeast region, including Sikkim. The process to acquire the helicopters on wet lease has been initiated.
The helicopters will have several features to meet operational exigencies at high altitudes and reach forward locations. The twin-engine helicopters will be able to transport 8-10 troopers on a single trip, carry arms/ammunition/explosives to forward locations, fly for two hours without refuelling, have night flying capability and special features for slithering of troopers and dropping of rations. ITBP director general R K Pachnanda will be in command of the air wing.

The government has asked ITBP to make sure that pilots and crew are well acquainted with the border and they don't cross the Line of Actual Control (LAC)/International Border (IB) under any circumstances. "The move is aimed at keeping an eye on Chinese activities across the border, including construction of roads, building permanent structures in disputed area across the LAC, PLA troop build-up and also to stay informed about transgressions into Indian villages and enhance mobility of our troops, so that there is no delay on our part in case China tries something mischievous," a home ministry source said.

Until now, IAF and Border Security Force (BSF) provided air support to ITBP on an emergency basis. At times, there was no air support on the China border due to various reasons. After the Doklam standoff, the government decided to beef up its border infrastructure and reconnaissance capabilities and home minister Rajnath Singh made two visits to the sensitive border.

As first reported by TOI, the government recently gave dedicated satellite bandwidth to ITBP so that it can have better command, control, communication, surveillance, intelligence and reconnaissance abilities on the border.
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