Russian Military Pictures and Videos


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian Airborne Troops to hold exercises in northwest Russia

Over 300 paratroopers from the 76th Airborne Division will be airdropped during military exercises in northwest Russia on Thursday, Airborne Troops spokesman Col. Alexander Cherednik said.
"We plan to airdrop about 300 servicemen and 12 airborne combat vehicles, three of them will be dropped with the crew. In addition, for the first time we will drop the newest Sprut self-propelled anti-tank gun," he said.
Exercises will also involve live firing. They will be held under the command of the Airborne Troops chief, Lt. Gen. Vladimir Shamanov.
The Airborne Troops are considered the most capable mobile assault forces in Russia. Various estimates put the current personnel at about 48,000 troops deployed in four divisions and a brigade.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian bombers did not violate UK air space: Official

A day after Britain's allegation that two Russian strategic bombers violated its airspace early this month, Russia on Friday refuted the charges.

"Tu-160 strategic bombers did indeed make routine flights over the Arctic and Atlantic oceans on March 10, but there were no airspace violations," Russian Air Force spokesman Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti.

Britain's Defence Ministry, had on Thursday, alleged that Russia's Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bombers had entered its air space on March 10 following which two of the Royal Air Force's Tornado F3 fighters took off from their base at Leuchars in Fife.

Lt. Col. Drik said that the Russian Air Force had, on March 12, issued a statement saying that two of its T-160 bombers had conducted an 11-hour “routine patrol mission” over the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans.

"The Russian bombers were escorted by two NATO F-16 Fighting Falcons of the Norwegian AF and two RAF Tornados," the statement had said.

"All flights of Air Force aircraft were and are fulfilled in strict compliance with the international rules on the use of airspace over neutral waters, without violation of other states' borders," Drik said.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russia makes first appearance at DIMDEX naval show

Russia's state arms exporter Rosoboronexport will showcase 150 exhibits of Russian naval equipment at a biennial naval show in Qatar on March 29-31.

Founded in 2008, DIMDEX is the only specialized maritime defense exhibition in the Middle East bringing together companies, which represent the latest achievements in the sphere of maritime security.

Russia will spotlight at the show the Club M mobile high-precision coastal cruise missile system equipped with 3M-14E, 3M-54E and 3M54E1 missiles, which are capable of destroying naval and land targets.

Other Russian exhibits include Tiger and Gepard class corvettes, Mirage and Mangust class patrol boats, Murena-E class air cushion landing craft, and Kilo and Amur-1650 class diesel attack submarines.

According to organizers, 130 exhibitors from 30 countries will take part in the DIMDEX 2010 naval show, hosted by Qatar Emiri Naval Forces and held under the patronage of Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, Heir Apparent of The State of Qatar.

Over 70 official delegations and up to 20 warships are expected to attend the exhibition.


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Oct 5, 2009
French warship to arrive in Russian port, participate in naval exercises

A French anti-aircraft frigate will arrive on Tuesday to the northern Russian port of Severomorsk to participate in joint naval exercises, a Russian Navy spokesman said.

The Chevalier Paul, a Horizon-class frigate, is to arrive at Severomorsk on March 30, and will then take part in tactical maneuvers and anti-aircraft defense exercises with the Russian Northern Fleet Navy on April 3.

"After leaving the Russian port, the French frigate will participate in...exercises together with ships from the Northern Fleet," the spokesman said.

Russia is negotiating the purchase of a Mistral-class ship from France, worth 400-500 million euros (around $540-$675 million). Russia could also use French technology later to build another three such vessels in Russia in partnership with the French naval shipbuilder DCNS.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy said March 1 at a joint press conference with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev that Mistral is "a helicopter carrier we will create for Russia without military equipment."

A Mistral-class ship is capable of transporting and deploying 16 helicopters, four landing barges, up to 70 armored vehicles including 13 battle tanks, and 450 personnel.

Many Russian military and industry experts have questioned the financial and military sense of the purchase, and some believe that Russia simply wants to gain access to advanced naval technology that could be used in the future in potential conflicts with NATO and its allies.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian nuclear cruiser sails on mission in Indian Ocean

The Russian nuclear-powered cruiser Pyotr Veliky (Peter the Great) set sail from its base in Severomorsk on Tuesday on a tour-of-duty in the Indian Ocean, RIA Novosti reported from the board of the ship.

"The ship will conduct maneuvers in the Indian Ocean with ships from the Black Sea Fleet and will dock in ports on the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean," a representative of the Russian navy's Northern Fleet said.

He said that the ship will pass through the Atlantic and the Mediterranean waters and enter the Indian Ocean via the Suez Canal.

Russia announced in 2007 that it was building up its naval presence in the world's oceans. Once one the world's most powerful navies, Russia now has few ships regularly deployed.

In September 2008, Russia was reported to be in talks with Syria about turning Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus into a permanent Middle East base for Russian warships.

Commander of the Pyotr Veliky, Capt. 2nd Rank Vladimir Minkov said that the port of Tartus is one of the ship's docking points.

Northern Fleet Commander Vice-Admiral Nikolai Maksimov said that the ship is ready to begin its mission and that the ship's tour-of-duty will be not shorter than its previous one, which lasted around six months.

The 2008 tour of Pyotr Veliky in the Mediterranean, Caribbean, South Atlantic and the Indian Oceans was lauded by many in Russia as the country's naval reappearance on a global scale and criticized in the West as an echo of the Cold War.

During the Caribbean leg of the tour, the cruiser held joint naval exercises with Venezuela. It was the first such deployment since the Cold War when Latin America became an ideological battleground between the Soviet Union and the United States.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russia, Greece to hold joint naval drills in 2010

The Russian and Greek navies will conduct joint exercises in 2010 as part of a bilateral military cooperation action plan, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday.

Anatoly Serdyukov met on Tuesday his Greek counterpart Evangelos Venezelos in Moscow to discuss bilateral military ties and a Russian initiative to sign a new European security treaty.

"15 events are planned for 2010 for the Russian and Greek servicemen, including exchanges, reciprocal visits of the countries' warships and joint naval drills," spokeswoman for the Russian defense minister Irina Kovalchuk told reporters.

Military-technical cooperation between Russia and Greece began in 1993 and the countries signed an intergovernmental agreement that is currently in force two years later. In the 1990s, Greece acquired over $1 billion worth of Russian weapons.

Russian TOR-M1 air defense systems, Kornet and Fagot antitank weapons, as well as air cushion landing craft Zubr are in service with the Greek Armed Forces.

"Our relations in the sphere of military-technological cooperation are very constructive. And they play an important role both in the development of bilateral relations between Russia and Greece and in the development of Russia-EU relations in general," the Greek defense minister said.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russia set to float out 2nd stealth corvette

St. Petersburg's Severnaya Verf shipyard will float out on Wednesday a new corvette featuring stealth technology, a Russian Navy spokesman said.

The Soobrazitelny is the second Project 20380 corvette designed by the Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau.

"The corvette features innovative solutions regarding hull design, armament, communications and electronics," the spokesman said.

The first Project 20380 corvette, the Steregushchy, was put into service with Russia's Baltic Fleet in October 2008, and two other ships of the same series, the Boyky and the Stoyky, are under construction.

The Project 20380 corvette can be deployed to destroy enemy surface ships, submarines and aircraft, and to provide artillery support for beach landings. It uses stealth technology to reduce the ship's secondary radar field, as well as its acoustic, infrared, magnetic and visual signatures.

Russia plans to have up to 30 vessels of this class to ensure the protection of its coastal waters, as well as its oil and gas transportation routes, especially in the Black and the Baltic seas.

Each corvette has a displacement of 2,000 metric tons, maximum speed of 27 knots, and a crew of 100.


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Nov 1, 2009
Russia to Showcase T-95 a 55 ton New Generation Main battle Tank in Mid 2010

Russia will be soon showcasing a new generation Main battle tank in mid of 2010, Known has “Item 195″ and the T-95, and this new model has been under development for many years. Details still remain classified. It has been in developed at Uralvagonzavod, where it will also be mass-produced. Russia will become the first country to unveil a fifth-generation tank this tank is expected to surpass all of its predecessors and rivals.Despite the secrecy surrounding the T-95, some information has been leaked. It appears that the new tank will weigh about 55 metric tons and that it will have a remote-controlled turret with 152-mm cannon capable of firing conventional rounds and guided missiles. T-95 is armed with 135 mm gun with a smooth barrel. Russian tanks commonly used 125 mm tank gun west of 120 mm. Russians claim that more guns will achieve higher muzzle velocity and ensures a higher likelihood of puncture armor of all modern tanks. Vehicle dimensions are comparable with the known dimensions of battle tanks T-72 T-80 and T-90. However, the design of the tank T-95 is considered revolutionary. All the main weapons are mounted on a rotating turret unmanned. This requires a fully automatic charging system. Is a three-member crew of the tank? The driver, gunner and commander are installed in a specially armored space in front of the hull. Space is separated from the revolving tower and an ammunition compartment. Crew protection on the tank will be emphasized to a far greater degree than ever before in any Russian tank designs. The level of crew protection should ensure its survival when the tank is hit by any anti-tank munitions from any aspect or angle, thanks to the crew placement in a unitary armored pod inside the hull. A unique drivetrain suspension system is being tested on this tank that to a certain extent extinguishes the hull vibrations and stabilizes its position. Construction of the tank is known for its low silhouette which makes the T-95 tank on the battlefield less vulnerable.
-Diesel-electric propulsion
-135mm gun
-360° sensors and ECM and network-capability
-pro-active electric reactive armor
-Weight > 55 tonnes
-ceramics&fiber armor instead of steel
-virtual reality for the driver and gunner
-only two guys are sufficient to man it
-autoloader for three different types of ammo


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Oct 5, 2009
Russia to have full gamut of air, outer space defenses by 2015

Russia's space defense system will have a comprehensive network of air and outer space defense facilities, a leading missile manufacturer said on Friday.

"By 2015, we will have Morfei short-range air-defense complexes, Vityaz, Favorit and S-500 medium-range systems, and something else," said Igor Ashurbeili, general director of the Almaz-Antei concern's design bureau.

"In this way, Russia will have the complete array of military-space defense capabilities," he said.

He said the 2015 deadline was linked to the fact that by that time S-300 PS antiaircraft complexes, the first in the S-300 series, would have been taken out of service.

He also said Antei was currently developing six new types of air-defense/missile defense systems, of which he only named the Vityaz medium-range antiaircraft missile complex.

Earlier in the day, he said Russia had just completed the delivery of a total of 15 batteries of S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to China, adding that there was a "huge line" of foreign clients waiting to buy S-300s and a more advanced version, the S-400, but that no new contracts would be signed for the time being.

"First we have to arm the Russian military. If there are available production capacities and we fulfill our current contracts, then this process [the signing of new contracts] will resume," he said.

Ashurbeili added that the situation regarding spare capacity would not become clear until after the Defense Ministry adopted a state arms procurement program through 2020.

The advanced version of the S-300 missile system, called S-300PMU1 (SA-20 Gargoyle), has a range of over 150 kilometers (over 93 miles) and can intercept ballistic missiles and aircraft at low and high altitudes, making the system an effective tool for warding off possible airstrikes.

First deployed by the Soviet Union in 1979, the S-300 is still considered to be one of the most potent antiaircraft missile systems available. It can simultaneously track up to 100 targets and engage up to 12.


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Dec 17, 2009
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Russian air defences stuck in the mud

They really aren't supposed to get stuck in something that easy.
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Oct 5, 2009
Russian military set to upgrade bulk of weaponry by 2020

Russia may boost the share of advanced military equipment in its Armed Forces to 70% of the total by 2020, a Russian think tank said on Wednesday.

"A draft state arms procurement program for 2011-2020 will be finalized in 2010. This program stipulates the upgrade of up to 11% of military equipment annually and will allow Russia to increase the share of modern weaponry to 70%," Russian-based World Arms Markets Analysis Center said in a report.

According to the draft program, the Russian Armed Forces should receive more than 1,500 combat aircraft and about 200 air defense systems by 2020.

Russia also plans to develop a unified air defense/missile defense network, to start the production of a fifth-generation fighter, and to develop a new strategic bomber during the same period.

Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov earlier said the government had already outlined the budget for the draft arms procurement program and asked President Dmitry Medvedev to authorize the increase of financing for the defense industry by 100 billion rubles ($3.4 bln) annually to ensure the efficient implementation of the program until 2020.

The Russian military is expected to receive 27 combat jets, over 50 helicopters and five battalions of S-400 air defense systems in 2010.


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Dec 17, 2009
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40% of R&D funding was wasted

Anastasia Savinykh

According to statistics, 40% of defense research and experimental development (R & D) in Russia are under the cloth. April 5, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has ordered a comprehensive audit in this area and as soon as possible to draw conclusions.

Over the past few months, the Government has conducted an extensive inventory of domestic defense industry. We evaluated the work of defense in terms of readiness of enterprises and holding companies to implement ambitious plans to refurbish the Army and Navy. The results, according to Vladimir Putin, on the whole were positive. But the fact that most of our defense companies have significant resource development, personnel and scientific and industrial potential, still only half the battle. Most importantly, how these competitive advantages are used in practice.

- In the past, very difficult, crisis in 2009 the volume of military production has increased by 13%, and in general, if you look on defense, along with civilian production, the increase occurred at 4% - the prime minister said, stressing that the state played here is not the last role, providing defense industry 93 billion rubles to combat financial difficulties.

But the crisis is a crisis, but life goes on. So on the agenda now radical modernization of the productive base of the military-industrial complex.

- The New Face of the Armed Forces can not be imagined without the new face of the military-industrial complex, - said Putin.

Alas, but practice shows that in this area, there are serious failures. Premier called the stark figure: about 40% of defense R & D are not realized. The money is spent, the work of specialists spent on it, and the results fall under the carpet.

- This situation should, of course, change and build an effective system of order and the development of weapons - the prime minister. - Incidentally, I understand that part of the work of this kind, of course, goes to "dump". But 40% - a bit too much. I think that it is necessary to undertake a comprehensive audit of research and development work in the defense industry, and on this basis to take the necessary measures to improve research and development.

In other words, we must clearly know what equipment and under what tasks need the Armed Forces. And not only our own, but also our partners abroad. Indeed, in Venezuela alone Russia intends to export military equipment as much as $ 5 billion of this is true, if we assume with our credit of $ 2.2 billion, but only at the expense of the orders will be 13 head of the Russian defense enterprises.


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Dec 17, 2009
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Shot from the tank killed two officers
11:36 09.04.10 Russia, St. Petersburg NEGA

Two soldiers were killed during a training fire in the military part of the heater of the Leningrad military district. This RIA Novosti reported the prosecutor Lenwil. Given the evidence of review. According to the organization "Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg", a shell hit the tower, both died - the officers.

It clarifies the Interfax news agency, during the night firing of the standard weapons tank T-80 One of the commanders of crews lost his bearings and fired a shot in the tower.

Hard to imagine their aim could be that far off... something makes me think he did it on purpose.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian bombers conduct another Pacific patrol mission

Two Russian Tu-95MS Bear strategic bombers have carried out a routine patrol flight over the Pacific Ocean, the Defense Ministry said on Friday.

"Two Tu-95MS strategic bombers took off from Ukrainka Airbase on April 8 and carried out patrols over neutral waters in the Pacific Ocean and near the Aleutian Islands," Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said.

During the 15-hour mission, the crews practiced instrumental guidance flights and in-flight refueling.

All flights by Russian aircraft are performed in strict compliance with international law on the use of airspace over neutral waters, without intruding in the airspace of other states.

However, the Russian bombers were shadowed by Canadian F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets during the patrols.

Russia resumed strategic bomber patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans in August 2007, following an order from then-President Vladimir Putin.

Ukrainka Airbase is one of the largest strategic air force bases in Russia's Far East.


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Oct 5, 2009
New air defense systems to take part in Moscow's VE-Day parade

Russia's new short-range gun and missile air defense systems will take part in a Victory Day parade on Red Square in Moscow on May 9, a Defense Ministry spokesman said on Wednesday.

This year's parade in Moscow to mark the 65th anniversary of Soviet victory in WWII will involve more than 10,000 personnel, 160 military vehicles and 127 aircraft.

"Eight new Pantsir-S1 air defense systems, designed to provide point defense for civilian and military installations and to protect theater and strategic air defense complexes, such as S-300 and S-400, will participate for the first time in a military parade on the country's main square this year," Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said.

The Pantsir system was unveiled at the MAKS air show near Moscow in 1995 and has been thoroughly modified since then. It is expected to replace the obsolete Tunguska air defense system in the Russian army.

The first 10 Pantsir-S1 (SA-22 Greyhound) air defense systems entered service with the Russian Air Force on March 18, 2010.

The system carries up to 12 guided surface-to-air missiles with an operational range of 20 kilometers (12 miles). It also has two dual 30-mm automatic cannons that can engage targets up to 4 km away.

The combination of missiles and cannons allows the system to effectively engage aerial targets at various ranges and altitudes.


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Oct 5, 2009
Russian nuclear cruiser makes port call in Syria

Russia's nuclear-powered missile cruiser Pyotr Veliky has arrived in Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus ahead of Russian Navy drills in the Indian Ocean.

A large Syrian naval delegation accompanied by Russia's ambassador to Syria, Sergei Kirpichenko, visited the Russian warship on Wednesday.

"The Pyotr Veliky's visit to the Syrian port of Tartus is a symbolic event. It is a continuation of our historic ties with Syria that serves as a guarantee of our future cooperation not only in the naval sphere but also in other areas," Kirpichenko said.

"I am certain that we will witness new and significant progress in our bilateral cooperation in the near future," he added.

Pyotr Veliky, the flagship of Russia's Northern Fleet, left the fleet's headquarters in Severomorsk on March 31 to join the warships of other Russian fleets, including the Moskva missile cruiser, in the Indian Ocean for large-scale naval exercises.

A naval maintenance site near the port of Tartus is the only Russian foothold in the Mediterranean.

About 50 naval personnel and three berthing floats are currently deployed at the Tartus site, which can accommodate up to a dozen warships.

According to the Russian Navy, the naval base in Syria significantly boosts Russia's operational capability in the region because the warships based there are capable of reaching the Red Sea through the Suez Canal and the Atlantic through the Strait of Gibraltar in a matter of days.

In September 2008, Russia was reported to be in talks with Syria about turning Tartus into a permanent base for Russian warships in the Middle East.


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Oct 5, 2009
SAM missiles intercept simulated air strikes in NW Russia

It took the Kola Peninsula air-defense unit's surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems only a few minutes to shoot down "enemy" ballistic and cruise missiles at the Ashuluk missile test range in Russia's Astrakhan Region during military drills.
S-300 SAMs are launched against dummies during an exercise at the Ashuluk range. The Ashuluk range is 120 km by 38 km.
In all, 23 missiles were launched to intercept 10 dummy rockets. Representatives from the air defense forces in Kazakhstan and Belarus watched the exercise.


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Dec 17, 2009
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It looks like several of them were shot down with guns.

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Oct 5, 2009
Russia, Israel to jointly produce spy drones

MOSCOW : Russia, which is lagging behind in producing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) for defence purposes, is planning to set up a joint venture with Israel to produce spy drones.

Russian military's Pchela-1 drone

"We have already bought 15 drones for testing and we do not rule out a joint production of UAVs with Israel," State Technology Corporation CEO Sergei Chemezev was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti.

The decision was made after Russian Deputy Defence Minister Vladimir Popovkin conceded that domestically developed drones failed to meet requirements after spending funds equivalent to USD172 million on their development.

Russian Air Force commander Col Gen Alexander Zelin said last November that Russian UAVs do not satisfy the requirements in speed, altitude or their specifications.

The Russian military has stressed the need to provide the Armed Forces with advanced reconnaissance systems in the wake of five-day war with Georgia in August 2008, when Tbilisi widely used Israeli spy drones and the effectiveness of Russian military operations was severely hampered by the lack of reliable intelligence.

According to various estimates, the Russian military needs up to 100 UAVs and at least 10 guidance systems to ensure effective battlefield reconnaissance.


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Oct 5, 2009
Drills in Far East to involve warships of three Russian fleets

Warships of three Russian fleets will meet in the Sea of Japan during large-scale military exercises in the Far East, a Pacific Fleet source told RIA Novosti on Friday.

The Russian Armed Forces will conduct large-scale Vostok-2010 military exercises in Siberia and Far East in June-July. The exact date of the drills is yet to be announced.

The flagships of the Northern Fleet and the Black Sea Fleet, the Pyotr Veliky nuclear-powered missile cruiser and the Moskva missile cruiser, respectively, are expected to join warships of the Pacific Fleet during the exercise, the source said.

"During the Vostok exercise, warships of the three Russian fleets will conduct joint maneuvers with firing at naval and aerial targets. In addition, they will train elements of joint combat and repelling underwater and aerial attacks," the source said.

The upcoming land drills will involve units from the Far Eastern, the Siberian and the Volga-Urals military districts.

As part of the drills, the Armed Forces will practice the deployment of additional troops in Siberia and the Far East to strengthen the existing military contingent in the region in case of a potential military conflict.

Russia holds Vostok strategic command-and-staff exercises every two years. More than 8,000 troops took part in Vostok-2008.

The Russian military conducted the Caucasus 2009, Zapad 2009 and Ladoga 2009 strategic exercises, and 15 brigade-level and 161 battalion-level drills last year.

