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Mar 21, 2009
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Major terrorist attack thwarted in North Caucasus

Police in Russia's North Caucasus Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria have prevented a major terrorist attack after discovering a powerful bomb planted near a busy road, a police source said on Tuesday.
A 40-liter barrel stuffed with explosives was found some two meters (six feet) from the Baksan-Azau highway. It was taken to a safe place and detonated.
"The blast was equal to 50 kg of TNT, and might have resulted in many deaths," the source said.
Russia's mainly Muslim North Caucasus republics, especially Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia, have seen an upsurge of militant violence this year, with frequent attacks on police and officials.

Major terrorist attack thwarted in North Caucasus | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Mar 21, 2009
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Major terrorist attack thwarted in North Caucasus

Police in Russia's North Caucasus Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria have prevented a major terrorist attack after discovering a powerful bomb planted near a busy road, a police source said on Tuesday.
A 40-liter barrel stuffed with explosives was found some two meters (six feet) from the Baksan-Azau highway. It was taken to a safe place and detonated.
"The blast was equal to 50 kg of TNT, and might have resulted in many deaths," the source said.
Russia's mainly Muslim North Caucasus republics, especially Chechnya, Dagestan and Ingushetia, have seen an upsurge of militant violence this year, with frequent attacks on police and officials.

Major terrorist attack thwarted in North Caucasus | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Oct 27, 2009
Bookmark fourth generation submarine "Borei" will be held at Sevmash

MOSCOW, Jan. 5 - RIA Novosti. One of the important events of 2010 for Russia's military industrial complex should be a tab at a shipbuilding company "Sevmash in the Arkhangelsk region of the Fourth nuclear submarine (APL) class" Borei", the press service of the enterprise.

Lay the boat was planned in 2009 to celebrate the 70 anniversary of the enterprise, but the ceremony was postponed. Some media linked the postponement tab submarines from unsuccessful launches Bulava, which is planned to equip the submarine project. Commander Navy of Russia in December 2009, told reporters that the submarine is expected to lay in early 2010, as "minor" the postponement is due to technological reasons not related to the tests of the Bulava.

As confirmed by the RIA Novosti Press Officer of the Sevmash ", addressed to the company received a letter from the leadership of the Navy of Russia, which refers to the transfer of bookmarks at the beginning of 2010.

"The date will be announced later," - said the agency.

There are varying degrees of preparedness at the plant "Sevmashpredpriyatie" are three submarines of the new project - "Yuri Dolgoruky," Alexander Nevsky and Vladimir Monomakh. Total up to 2015 is planned to build eight submarines of this type.

Submarine Project 955 "Borey" have displacement 14700/24000 tons. Dimensions - 170h13, 5х9 meters, maximum diving depth - 450 meters, speed - 15/29 knots, crew - 107 people, including 55 officers.

At the submarines of this project to be deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles are sea-based R30 3M30 Bulava-30 "- Russia's latest three-stage solid-fuel rocket. Of the 12 test launches of the Bulava, according to some reports, only 5 were found to be successful. However, to abandon the Bulava is not anticipated, as at the end of December 2009 the head of the Defense Ministry.

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Oct 27, 2009
MOSCOW, Jan. 4 - RIA Novosti. Russia's military will receive the latest Ka-52 helicopters in 2010, in addition to the troops arrive Mi-28N and various modifications of the Mi-8 and Mi-26, told RIA Novosti Press Secretary Office of the Press and Information of the Defense Ministry to the Military Air Force Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik.

Russia's military in 2010, will receive Ka-52

"As part of the Army Aviation Air Force began to flow on the new armament of the Mi-28N, in 2010 is expected to receive a new clock and all-weather helicopter complex Ka-52", - said Drik.

According to him, created and developed new helicopter systems for various applications. In particular, helicopters, jammers, air control points, tanker and rescue helicopters.

"As a result, the supply of new and modernization of the existing fleet of modern helicopters share by 2015 will amount to about 40%", - said Drik.

He added that the importance recently attached to the creation of a class of light helicopters carrying capacity of the order of one ton. New developments in this regard are the primary trainer helicopters ANSAT-Y, and Ka-60U.

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Oct 27, 2009
Defense in 2009

MOSCOW. (Ilya Kramnik, RIA Novosti military commentator) - It might sound bizarre to describe 2009 as "a year of war," but it is certainly true that this year has seen some impressive defense developments.

The ongoing global recession was the key factor influencing international defense developments, since it meant many countries had to make significant adjustments to their defense programs. Also, U.S. defense policy changed dramatically following the election of President Barack Obama.

The United States predictably cut their defense equipment acquisitions as well as their allocations for military R&D projects. The ambitious Future Combat System (FCS) program was the main victim of this new policy. The heated debate on the future of the F-22 fighter jets, that continued throughout 2008, concluded in 2009 with the aircraft being taken out of production. The U.S. armed forces will take delivery of the earlier contracted batch of 183 jets, but no further acquisitions are envisaged. Now a similar debate has flared up around the F-35 fighter. The cutting-edge jet remains expensive despite all the producer's promises of cuts.

As with the United States, Russia's defense programs were also influenced by the economic downturn, albeit in a different way. Many defense plants suffered from a lack of funds for most of the year, despite a formal increase in the state defense order. The federal budget was not approved on time, which led to delays in defense programs' financing, which, in turn, delayed their implementation.

Other factors also contributed to the slowdown. The Project 935 strategic missile submarine Yuri Dolgoruky was not commissioned, because of the repeated failures of its Bulava missile tests. Production difficulties cause delays in the deliveries of other new weapons to the armed forces. Even increased financing for defense R&D projects has so far failed to compensate for the destructive effects of the chaos of the 1990's.

It should also be noted that in some cases even stable and sufficient financing have failed to produce the required results in Russia. These effects are usually described in cautious euphemisms such as "ineffective appropriation of funds" which can imply anything from redundant staff to fraud, embezzlement and sabotage.

The year 2010 will mark the end of the first half of the 2006-2015 government rearmament program. But even now, with one year ahead, it is clear that part of these new weapons supply plans will not be fulfilled on time: in particular the Su-34 bombers, Mi-28N helicopters, Project 677 submarines, and S-400 artillery systems, as well as other complex equipment which has not been delivered in the required amounts.

As a result, Russia has so far failed to deal with its ageing military equipment, which spells disastrous consequences for the country's defenses in the next two decades, unless decisive measures are applied to halt and reverse this trend.

One possible measure could be the purchase of some vital military equipment abroad. The government has been mulling this possibility for a long time, until finally in 2009 they took a step forward and began talks on buying a Mistral-type carrier ship from France. It is difficult to say whether the contract will be signed, given the strong opposition to such plans in Russia. In addition, the ship may not be adaptable to Russian standards. However, it is clear that the Defense Ministry is, in principle, ready to take this unpopular step.

The U.S.-Russia negotiation of the new nuclear arms reduction terms was the most high-profile international discussion of this year. Having started out in conflicting positions, both sides have gone a long way to reach agreement on a number of key points, including: the number of remaining warheads and delivery vehicles, the restrictions on the "nuclear return potential" and the lifting of limitations on the deployment of Russia's mobile missile systems.

Strategic weapons remain an obvious priority for the Russian government, judging by the uninterrupted production of missiles for the Strategic Missile Force, and major investment in developing cutting-edge delivery vehicles which would be able to replace the aging Soviet equipment.

However, it is impossible to defend the country with strategic weapons alone. The world is living through an era of local conflicts, which are likely to keep flaring up in one region or another. To maintain its defenses in this new situation, Russia needs to re-equip its army with the latest equipment as soon as possible, since the recent military reform has so far failed to do away with its technological backwardness.

The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.

Defense in 2009 | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


DFI Technocrat
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Oct 10, 2009
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Russia to produce T-95 tanks, Mig-35 fighter jets
Sunday, January 10, 2010, 18:11 IST

Moscow: Russia will begin the serial production of its new state-of-the-art weapons which include a new Main Battle Tank T-95 and a multi-role fighter jet Mig-35, as the country braces to compete for a share in the global arms market, with India being a potential buyer.

"The specifications of new main battle tank T-95, to be serially produced from 2010, are being tightly kept under the warps of secrecy," defence expert Igor Korotchenko told state-run Vesti FM radio.

"However, judging from the reports it would provide better survivability for the tank crew in the battle field, which will sit in an armoured capsule inside the T-95 MBT," Korotchenko said.

Russia's RAC MiG - part of the United Aircraft Corporation is also beginning the serial production of four-plus generation MiG-35 MMRCA, which is also bidding for the Indian Air Force's global tender for the acquisition of 126 fighters, according to Vesti FM radio.

In January-February Russia is also beginning flight tests of the prototype of new fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA) T-50 developed by Sukhoi Corporation under the secret PAK-FA project, in which India is also a partner.

In December at the KNAAPO aircraft plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in the far eastern part of Russia the taxiing trials of the prototype were successfully carried out. "A satellite cluster of American CIA and Google, which is also a cover for CIA is constantly monitoring the airfield of KNAAPO, to get the glimpse of T-50, developed to counter US F-22 Raptor," a defence analyst Ruslan Pukhov told Vesti FM radio.

He also said in 2010 Russia's global satellite navigational system (GLONASS) would be fully operational.

Under an agreement signed in 2005, Russia has agreed to provide India with the access to military segment of GLONASS.

IAF's Sukhoi Su-30MKI fighter fleet is equipped with dual band GPS/GLONASS receivers to avoid a Balkan like situation, when Pentagon had switched off GPS before striking at Serbia.

Despite repeated failures in 2010 Russia will continue the development of multiple warhead submarine launched (SLBM-MIRV) 'Bulava' nuclear missiles, which would be able to pierce present and future American missile shields, the Vesti FM radio said.

Russia to produce T-95 tanks, Mig-35 fighter jets

While this may just be sensational journalism(something zee news excels at), what i really found interesting was the news about the dual band GPS/GLONASS receivers on the Rambha.


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Dec 17, 2009
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In Khabarovsk lost Su-27
Publication time: 12:23

Su-27 Air Forces of Russia disappeared from radar on Thursday during a planned flight around the city of Komsomolsk-na-Amur. According to the law enforcement bodies of the Khabarovsk Territory, the search is on for missing plane. Most likely, the fighter crashed, but the pilot managed to eject certain - the system rescue the pilot of the Su-27 is highly reliable, the source said "Interfaka" in the Far East Air Force and Air Defense Association.

"On Thursday at 9:27 Moscow time on the radar screen disappeared mark of the Su-27, who has been planning a flight from the airfield Dzemgi at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur", - reported in the Office of News and Information Defense Ministry said. They said the plane was lost at a distance of about 30 km from the airport.

Su-27 pilot managed and well-trained pilot, "- added in the military. Ammunition on board the missing fighter ammunition was not, because he served a planned training flight, the ministry explained.

To find a fighter in addition to the powers of search and rescue services involved in aircraft AN-12 Antonov An-26 and two Mi-28. The search for the crash of the aircraft and pilot are hampered because in the search for dark, pointed out in bringing the Air Force and Air Defense. The planes are equipped with emergency beacons that must transmit the coordinates of the crash in case of accident or disaster. However, for some unknown reason, the beacon signal has not yet fixed.

In connection with the incident garrison military prosecutor's office "Komsomolsk-on-Amur is the beginning of verifying the fulfillment of the command of the laws related to safety.

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Dec 17, 2009
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Russia grounds Su-27 fighters after crash


Russia has suspended SU-27 Flanker fighter jet flights until the cause of a deadly crash earlier in the week is determined, a Defense Ministry official told RIA Novosti on Saturday.

The fighter had been performing a scheduled flight on Thursday and was about 30 km away from the Dzemga airbase in Russia's Far East when it disappeared from radar screens. The body of the pilot was discovered earlier on Saturday.

"Until the reason for the SU-27 crash in the Khabarovsk Territory becomes clear, all flights by this type of aircraft have been suspended," the spokesperson said.

The plane's flight data recorder has also been located and sent for analysis.

The Su-27 is a Mach-2 class air-superiority aircraft designed as a direct competitor for the heavy fourth generation Western fighters, such as the F-15 Eagle.

About 450 Su-27 aircraft have been built for the Russian Air Force since 1984, and over 200 jets have been exported to other countries, including China, Indonesia, Angola and some ex-Soviet states.

Russia used Su-27s to gain airspace control over Tskhinvali, the capital city of South Ossetia, during a brief war with Georgia in August 2008.

Last year there were at least two fatal crashes involving Su-27 fighter jets.

On August 30, 2009, a Belarusian Air Force Su-27 fighter crashed while performing aerobatic maneuvers at an airshow in Poland, killing two pilots.

Two Su-27 fighter planes collided in midair when the Russian Knights aerial display team was rehearsing for the MAKS 2009 air show outside Moscow. The group's commander, Col. Igor Tkachenko, was killed while two other pilots were injured in the collision.

MOSCOW, January 16 (RIA Novosti)


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Aug 13, 2009
Russian Navy to receive new carrier-based fighters

18:57, 15/01/2010

Russia's Navy will take delivery of the first MiG-29K (Fulcrum-D) fighters later this year, a Navy official said on Friday.

"This year we are planning to buy the first batch of several machines," he said.

He did not give an exact figure for the fighters, which are due to be deployed on the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier.

The Navy earlier said it would buy a total of 24 MiG-29Ks in the next three to four years.

The military official said the Navy was currently using MiG-29K carrier-based multirole fighters and the more advanced Su-33 (Flanker-D) fighters, which will subsequently replace the MiGs.

"The Su-33s' service life is to expire in 2015, but we intend to extend it through 2025," he said.

Military analyst Konstantin Makiyenko has suggested that production of new Su-33 aircraft is possible but not cost-effective, given the small production volumes, whereas considering that India has already contracted 16 MiG-29Ks and could place an order for another 28, the latter option is more financially viable.

The 24 aircraft will cost an estimated $1 billion.

MOSCOW, January 15 (RIA Novosti)

Russian Navy to receive new carrier-based fighters | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Dec 17, 2009
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Russia's UAV "Stork" exploded during tests

time of publication: January 18, 2010, 16:42

The failure ended the test Russia's unmanned aerial vehicle StorkThat took place in the city of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region: the plane exploded, reports NEWSru Israel citing a source in the military-industrial complex of Russia.

According to these data, the UAV "Stork" in the approved program of tests carried out jogging on the runway Rybinsk airport. "At some point drone for some unknown reason left the ground in uncontrollable flight fell on the wing. Observers have noticed with this plume of fuel that overflowed from the console of the wing. There was a lengthy blast, which destroyed all remnants of the UAV," - said the source publication. Official confirmation of this information from Russia's side has not yet been received.

According to witnesses, during the tests visually observed delay in the management of the UAV "Stork", which may have led to loss of control apparatus in pitch. Most experts point out design flaws and glider "Stork", which could also cause accidents, the article says.

The publication notes that it is about Russia's unmanned aircraft, which represents the equivalent of the Israeli UAV Searcher MkII, which publishes concern "Aviation industry" (IAI). Israeli UAV in this class were purchased from Israel Russia, and some officials have openly talked about the fact that Russia's developers try to "copy" the Israeli planes. At the time of testing "the Stork" supply of Israeli Searcher MkII in Russia has not yet been implemented, the article says.

According to available information, is now built three unmanned "Stork". The cost of one of the UAV, according to some sources, is about 3 million dollars. While the process of developing and bringing these systems continues, Russia's military awaiting delivery of the Israeli drones. According to the company IAI, working on unmanned aircraft for Russia are in full compliance with the terms of the contract, it says.

The editor of a specialized web portal UAV.RUDedicated to unmanned aerial vehicles, Denis Fedutin to which editors NEWSru Israel asked for comment about the failed test "the Stork", pointed out that in Russia over the past few years, several companies were developing unmanned systems, similar in its class Israeli Searcher MkII.

"Leaving aside the draft UAV" Dan-Baruk, work on that for quite a long time leads Kazan KB Falcon, but that seems to remain at a rudimentary level, there remain the two most viable competing project. One of them, as once a UAV "Stork", the development group "Vega", the second - UAV "Dozor-600 St. Petersburg company" Transas ", - said Russia expert. since your" Stork "incident, in his view, takes forward the St. Petersburg" Watch ".

At the same time Interfax leads the other, somewhat softened by the same expert's comment about the incident. Denis Fedutin told the news agency that "this incident, if it actually occurred, should not be over-dramatized." "Yes, what happened, of course, very disappointing, especially given the fact that the" Stork "rather heavy and quite expensive unmanned aerial vehicle, but I believe that almost no company can escape the fate of the loss of vehicles during the test," - said the expert.

He recalled that the original work on the UAV took place in the Moscow Scientific Research Institute "pendant. Then the project was transferred to another company in the Concern "Vega" - KB "Ray", which is located in Rybinsk. "I believe that such a move could adversely affect the progress of the project," - concluded the expert.

"Stork" is intended to help "Iskander"

On early trials "forward-looking complex in unmanned surveillance and strike option, which will define target operational-tactical missile system IskanderWas announced a year ago the concern "Vega", the leading developer of unmanned aircraft for the Defense Ministry.

"According to preliminary estimates, the test will last up to two years", - said in late January 2009 program director for the UAV Concern Vega Rear Admiral Arkady Syroezhko. According to him, the new complex tentatively called "The Stork" intended not only for the Iskander missiles, but also for a wide range of tasks in the final stages of creation.

"The main difference between a new set of previous designs is the increased weight - up to 500 kilograms, including by increasing the payload." Stork "will be multifunctional, so as a payload on it will be placed depending on the tasks still and video cameras, and Complex shock weapons, and repeaters, and directors interference, and so on, "- said Syroezhko.

He stressed that the detailed characteristics of the payload as a state secret, saying only that the range of the latest range UAV will allow him to operate "Iskander", the maximum range which, in turn, is 500 kilometers.

UAV "Stork" capable of carrying payloads up to 100 kg. The device has two engines. The flight speed of 130-250 km / h. Duration - 12 hours. Wingspan - 8 meters, length - 4,7 meters, running start - no more than 150 meters. The range of flight altitudes - from 100 to 6000 meters.

High precision operational-tactical missile ground troops "Iskander" (SS-26 Stone by NATO classification) is designed for secretive preparation and application of effective missile strikes on particularly important Small and area targets in depth the operational construct of enemy troops. The complex was created as a result of joint work of research institutes, design bureaus and plants under the guidance of KBM (Kolomna), known as a company-maker of missile systems "Point", "Oka". Used during the five-day war in South Ossetia. Range of fire complex in the export version is up to 280 km, for Russia's army - up to 500 km.

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Dec 17, 2009
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In Perm crash landed Air Force MiG-31 Russia
Text: Ivan Osipov /

Air Force Fighter Russia MiG-31 made emergency landing at the airfield near the Permian because out oxygen equipment. The incident confirmed that the flights in the "moments of" still unsafe for pilots because malfunctioning on-board equipment.

"The incident occurred on Monday at 13.37 Moscow time. During routine training flight in the vicinity of the airfield great Savino (Perm city) on the MiG-31 there was a refusal of oxygen equipment ", - said the military department.

According to the press service, as a result of the skillful actions of the pilot and the aircraft flight management team has successfully crashed on the base airfield. "A commission to investigate a serious incident arose", - stated in a press release.

Oxygen relapse

Problems with the oxygen equipment is not the first time give rise to emergencies on the "moments of". According Infox.ruIn mid-July last year, Lieutenant Colonel Igor Stepanov, died several hours after landing the MiG-29 in Perm. The aircraft was converted from Andreapol in Perm, but, according to the source, in the stratosphere occurred latent depressurization of the cabin of one of the fighters. Due to lack of oxygen in the pilot began severe headaches, double Stepanov requested an emergency landing, but eventually I landed in Perm. Eight hours after the accident the pilot had died - according to the military, from cerebral edema.

According to unofficial information, the history of death of the pilot tried to hush up the representatives of the military prosecution since the incident proved the failure of the requirements of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, the upgrading of airfields and military installation in the so-called fighter jets on-board active safety systems.

Military Commission previously found that a third of the fleet of MiG-29 hose, which sealed the cabin, are in working order.
Emergency Fighters

Recall just a few days ago, the decision of the Air Force commander suspended flights to the fighters Su-27. The reason for the ban was a disaster in the Khabarovsk Krai, where last week's plane crash under Lieutenant-Colonel Vladimir Sobolev. Among the major versions of a fighter is considered the collapse of the refusal techniques.

And in late 2008, several MiG-29 fighters were lost during the flight to the Far East. October 17, an aircraft crashed near the village of Hadakta Uletovskogo district of the Chita region 60 km from the airport Domna. Then the pilot managed to eject. Later, it was announced that the cause of the fall was the failure of the system of governance.

A Dec. 5 MiG-29 crashed in Russia Defense Transbaykal province during a routine flight. The accident occurred at 700 m to the north-west of the village Ingoda, 5 km from Domna airfield.

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New Member
Oct 27, 2009
Chinese to English translation

Russian media speculated that the new bomber will be installed four sets 117S engine

PAK DA imagined map.

Source: China National Aero-reported Source: China National Aero-reported

According to "China's aviation newspaper" reported: end of 2009, Russian media reported that the Russian Tupolev company intends to 2017 years ago at a new strategic bomber development work so that in 2020 ~ 2025, production volumes. According to "China's aviation newspaper" reported: end of 2009, Russian media reported that the Russian Tupolev company intends to 2017 years ago at a new strategic bomber development work so that in 2020 ~ 2025, production volumes. According to plan, Tupolev company should be completed in 2012, scientific research work in order to balance the transition to a pilot phase of design work. According to plan, Tupolev company should be completed in 2012, scientific research work in order to balance the transition to a pilot phase of design work. 2017 years ago, needed to create the body, 2020 ~ 2025 airborne equipment to be manufactured. 2017 years ago, needed to create the body, 2020 ~ 2025 airborne equipment to be manufactured.

Russia's next-generation bomber project's official name is "the future of long-range aviation system," (PAK DA), and closely watched the fifth-generation fighter, "the future of front-line aviation system," (PAK FA), compared, PAK DA obscurity once seemed, while the end of last year This news makes it a focus of international attention. Russia's next-generation bomber project's official name is "the future of long-range aviation system," (PAK DA), and closely watched the fifth-generation fighter, "the future of front-line aviation system," (PAK FA), compared, PAK DA obscurity once seemed, while the end of last year This news makes it a focus of international attention. As the public information on the PAK DA is very rare, its true face can only make a rough guess. As the public information on the PAK DA is very rare, its true face can make a rough guess.

Development History Development History

Is also the 20th century, 90 years, when the Russian Air Force commander Deinekin hope that a new, cheaper to replace the map-22M bombers and Figure -160. Is also the 20th century, 90 years, when the Russian Air Force commander Deinekin hope that a new, cheaper to replace the map-22M bombers and Figure -160. He said: "multi-purpose medium bombers to the strategic bomber would be a great impact, because they are more expensive and relatively difficult to detect. "Perhaps he refers to" project 54S "bombers. He said: "multi-purpose medium bombers to the strategic bomber would be a great impact, because they are more expensive and relatively difficult to detect." Perhaps he refers to "project 54S" bombers. This research project stalled in 1991, and in the economic situation is very bad attempt to re-launched in 1994. The research project stalled in 1991, and in the economic situation is very bad attempt to re-launched in 1994. To be fair, this is indeed a kind of revolutionary bombers, but it can not completely replace the position of Figure -160 and role. To be fair, this is indeed a kind of revolutionary bombers, but it can not completely replace the map's position and role of the -160.

In 1999, Russia's new bomber design work started, the purpose is to replace the existing map-95MS and Figure -160, but the plans have been unrealistic to hope to use medium bomber to replace the strategic bombers. In 1999, Russia's new bomber design work started, the purpose is to replace the existing map-95MS and Figure -160, but the plans have been unrealistic to hope to use medium bomber to replace the strategic bombers. According to the draft plan, the new machine must be be completed in 2010, but the problem is simply impossible at this time there is sufficient 20-ton thrust of the AL-41F engines. According to the draft plan, the new aircraft must be completed by 2010, but the problem is simply impossible at this time there is sufficient 20-ton thrust of the AL-41F engines.

"Medium-range bomber," the word in the present conditions, it is difficult to understand: It is SO -34? "Medium-range bomber," the word in the present conditions, it is difficult to understand: It is SO -34? Or a map-22M? Or Fig-22M? Or something in between a plane? Or something in between a plane? In the past, the word is very clear: Figure -16, Figure -22, Figure-22M and the United States B-58 are medium-range bombers. In the past, the word is very clear: Figure -16, Figure -22, Figure-22M and the United States B-58 are medium-range bombers. "Remote" is defined as the range of 7,000 kilometers. "Remote" is defined as the range of 7,000 kilometers. The "long-range strategic flights" refers to the flight of at least 12,000 km. The "long-range strategic flights" refers to the flight of at least 12,000 km. Fig -160 has a range up to 14,000 km. Fig -160 has a range up to 14,000 km.

It is estimated that, PAK DA can use the existing map-22M bases and runways. It is estimated that, PAK DA can use the existing map-22M bases and runways. Flight time is about 2015 ~ 2021, the 2027 production of 100 or so, an annual output of 10 ~ 12, or 1 per month. Flight time is about 2015 ~ 2021, the 2027 production of 100 or so, an annual output of 10 ~ 12, or 1 per month.

Allegedly, PAK DA will continue for a diagram of the -160 design ideas, which means it is unlikely similar to the U.S. B-2 stealth bomber. Allegedly, PAK DA will continue for a diagram of the -160 design ideas, which means it is unlikely similar to the US B-2 stealth bomber. And the B-2 stealth bomber, similar to the Russian project in the 20th century, the mid-90s had been suspension. With the B-2 stealth bomber, similar to the Russian project in the 20th century, the mid-90s has been suspended. Later PAK DA project, the MiG design bureau, Sukhoi Design Bureau and the Tupolev Design Bureau have put forward their own programs, including the MiG design bureau of the program is a hypersonic bomber, the Sukhoi Design Bureau's program is based on an existing design, while the Tupolev Design Bureau hopes to continue to significantly improve the map -- 22M, the development of a 50-ton twin variable-geometry wing bomber, size is about half the figure -160. Later PAK DA project, the MiG design bureau, Sukhoi Design Bureau and the Tupolev Design Bureau have put forward their own programs, including the MiG design bureau of the program is a hypersonic bomber, the Sukhoi Design Bureau The program is based on an existing design , while the Tupolev Design Bureau hopes to continue to significantly improve the map-22M, the development of a 50-ton twin variable-geometry wing bomber, size is about half the figure -160. from the current situation, it should be Polje map Cardiff Design Bureau program was PAK DA project eventually selected, but the initial data has been some significant changes have taken place. Judging from the current situation, should be the Tupolev Design Bureau's PAK DA project the program was ultimately selected, but the initial data has been some significant changes have taken place.

Allegedly, PAK DA's maximum takeoff weight of up to 125 tons, with a supersonic cruise capability, maximum flight speed of Mach 1.5 to 2, aircraft thrust-weight ratio is 0.5. Allegedly, PAK DA's maximum takeoff weight of up to 125 tons, with a supersonic cruise capability, maximum flight speed of Mach 1.5 to 2, aircraft thrust-weight ratio is 0.5. On this basis, the PAK DA twin-engine, single station thrust of about 31000 kgf. On this basis, the PAK DA twin engines of the single thrust of about 31,000 kgf. But the problem is that Russia has no such level of engine thrust, so some people speculated, PAK DA may be installed on four sets 117S engine (for the fifth-generation Fighter PAK FA) an improved version of this single engine thrust 15,500 kgf. But the problem is that Russia has no such level of engine thrust, so some people speculated, PAK DA may be installed on four sets 117S engine (for the fifth-generation fighter PAK FA) an improved version of that engine thrust for a single 15.5 thousand kilograms force. The advantage of improved use of 117S, the future PAK DA and the PAK FA's power plant will have a very high versatility. The advantage of improved use of 117S, the future PAK DA and the PAK FA's power plant will have a very high versatility.

117S engine when installed on the Su--35 fuel consumption of 1.25 kg / km, if the PAK DA with good aerodynamic shape and new technologies, 117S engine's fuel consumption is expected to drop to 1 kg / km, so that installation of four Taiwan 117S engine improved version of the PAK DA implementation of the 12,500 km journey, when the strategic bombing mission to carry only 50 tons of aviation fuel. 117S engine when installed on the Su - 35 fuel consumption of 1.25 kg / km, if the PAK DA with good aerodynamic shape and new technologies, 117S engine's fuel consumption is expected to drop to 1 kg / km, so that installation of four Taiwan 117S engine improved version of the PAK DA implementation of the 12,500 km journey, when the strategic bombing mission to carry only 50 tons of aviation fuel.

Weapons, PAK DA might carry KH-101 cruise missiles or conventional strategy of KH-102 strategic nuclear cruise missiles. Weapons, PAK DA might carry KH-101 cruise missiles or conventional strategy of KH-102 strategic nuclear cruise missiles. KH-101 full-weight 2200 ~ 2400 kg, warhead weight 400 kg, a maximum range of 5000 ~ 5500 km. KH-101 full-weight 2200 ~ 2400 kg, warhead weight 400 kg, a maximum range of 5000 ~ 5500 km.



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Dec 17, 2009
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Russia Air Force will receive ten complexes Pantsir during the year

Air Force Russia in 2010 to take on arms to ten antiaircraft missile-gun complexes "Pantsir-S1. This RIA Novosti reported with reference to the words of spokesman for the Press and Information Ministry of Defense of Russia's Air Force Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik. As expected, several of these complexes participate in the Victory Parade in Red Square May 9, 2010.

In late December last year, several professional anti-aircraft missile troops (ZRV) Air Force of Russia took a course on managing complex Pantsir. In the future, these specialists will training officers ZRV use new ZRPK.

ZRPK Pantsir-S1 was developed in the mid 1990's the Tula Instrument Engineering Design Bureau. It is assumed that in the future Pantsir substitute for standing in the arms ZRPK "Tunguska". Pantsir-S1 is designed to protect small and point objects from the means of air attack. In addition, ZRPK can be used to protect objects from the ground and surface threats.

Pantsir Three-equipped dual-band radar system capable of capturing up to ten goals in a minute. Armament "shell" is the twin anti-aircraft automatic caliber 30 millimeters, as well as rocket launchers, 76 caliber and 90 mm. Ammo ZRPK of 12 missiles and 1,4 thousands of shells.

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Dec 17, 2009
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Putin is targeting the army on the Internet
The inertia of the military-industrial complex does not allow to solve problems quickly

2010-01-22 / Viktor Myasnikov

January 18 Prime Minister Vladimir Putin made another attempt to mobilize the military-industrial complex to equip the Armed Forces of modern high-quality products. It was about creating a single automated command and control. In this area much more disadvantages than advantages.

At a special meeting in Voronezh, Putin noted that the army has received a new look as a result of reforms, which nevertheless remained the army of yesterday. Make it capable of responding to current and future challenges of the XXI century - an urgent task. As chairman of the government, "our orientation for the coming years - to give the troops a new generation of technology, to make a qualitative step forward." However, to fulfill the covenant with premiere companies will regularly fall through the transition to new generations of expensive equipment. By flightless "Bulava" and dormant GLONASS will soon be added to an unemployed single system command and control (ESUV) "Acacia" worth a trillion rubles.

In Voronezh, Putin arrived late and immediately went to the Communications Research Institute - the leading enterprise group "Constellation". He is the executor of the development ESUV, without which it is impossible to conduct a new type of war. "Acacia" is intended to control the flow of information - intelligence, command, geo-spatial (navigation), tseleukazyvayuschey etc. Prime Minister personally tested one of its segments - a system of video in research institutes and went to a meeting in the building of the regional government.

Instruction to develop ESUV Vladimir Putin signed in August 2000. At the tenth year of the project, he went to find out why the system is still not only not been implemented, but did not actually become developed. He was accompanied by cabinet members, directors of enterprises and research institutes of a defensive nature.

"We must not only be a fundamental modernization of existing facilities and systems. Put bluntly, most of them are already outdated morally and their condition leaves much to be desired ", - Putin said at the meeting, giving such a good image for the modernization of long obsolete. In his opinion, the military-industrial complex has a good technological advance. However, if the groundwork is not clear why has it not yet been exploited.

Understanding the need to create a modern system of command and control in the leadership. But, it seems, no understanding of how to organize the process of its creation. It turns out that before 2000 had not been appointed in charge of the project, only now Vladimir Putin recalled that it is necessary to appoint a chief designer of the system. Repeat history with GLONASS, which for decades has remained without a single leadership. PM criticized the defense for the lack of coordination in the development ESUV, although he was head of the Military-Industrial Commission, Sergei Ivanov, who seemed to be and should be responsible for such things.

These meetings focused on aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding, missile technology and so on, occur regularly. The result is an increase in appropriations in questionable results. It seems that in Russia's defense, industry have formed officer-directors factions involved pumping money under the guise of ineffective implementation of the multi-year projects. History of automatic control system eloquently attested.

The first automated system for command and control (ASUV) "maneuver" was put into service in 1983 and implemented in the Warsaw Pact troops. But in the Soviet army did not hit, allegedly because of unreliable components. It was constructed in one of Moscow institutes, participates, in particular, in the development of "nuclear suitcase". After the collapse of the socialist camp "maneuver" in American hands, was tested in their Command and Staff and the game resulted in a shock. Only through automation of conventional army crushed the Warsaw Pact in three days without the use of nuclear weapons. Algorithm "maneuver" was the basis for a similar system set up then for the U.S. Ministry of Defense.

In Russia, meanwhile, in the same institute in 2000 designed a better ASU "Flight-K for the airborne part of the Airborne Troops, linking into a single system of each helicopter, tank, staffs and individual soldier. By this time, it became clear that Russia army, in order to keep abreast of world trends, should urgently establish a unified system of governance.

The following actions of the country and the armed forces resemble the epic "Bulava". Almost finished the development of ACS "Flight-K closed, and the subject gave Voronezh Research Institute, was never involved in management systems, and prepared the station. Future ASUV received cipher "Acacia" (the popular name "Constellation") and included a number of subsystems. Just as the basis for the Bulava missile was assumed to take the "Poplar", based ASUV put satellite radio station "Aqueduct" in 1998. Since then, it took almost 10 years ...

In 2007 ASUV in general was ready, concern "Constellation" has demonstrated the first results - command and staff vehicles. In late 2009, several units of the Taman Brigades carried out exercises with the test uniform system of tactical-level (Yeosu TK), involving 280 individual units of equipment - computers and handhelds. During the week, about 140 system failures and of which only 12 occurred due to operator error. In this case the officers and soldiers complained about the complex interface. Embracing this technology pocket six months starting from March 2009-the first in a specially equipped classroom. It had to learn a lot of keyboard shortcuts, remember that the real battle just once. Yes, and communication in each case had to configure separately.

Judging by the results failed to reach even the level ASUV "maneuver" in 1983. But it does not confuse leadership group "Constellation". Result, it granted. Moreover, raised questions about the widespread introduction of the system. The project envisages the creation of a unified computer network (the Internet War), by sea, linking the unified system of management of all types and kinds of troops of AC, all the connections and divisions, the orbital constellation, etc. These segments are yet to be created, that is, pay from the budget.

The provision required is astronomical. As the general director of Concern "Constellation" Vasily Borisov, for one brigade requires 8 billion rubles. This amount includes the cost of 3 thousand radio stations, 4 thousand computers, coding equipment, and vehicles. Since the miniaturization of electronic database, we stayed at the level of the 1980's, part of the radio equipment must be installed in special vehicles of communication. There are 85 Army brigades. Hence, their inclusion in ASUV take several years and 680 billion rubles. If we take into account equipment staffs and other parts, it needs a trillion, no less - is just the annual state defense order in all respects. In this framework the system is not - this is an orbital constellation of GLONASS satellites and space communications. Without them, the system has no meaning and just be broken.

The navigation system GLONASS, as it is used for 25 years, can not collect the minimum number of operational satellites. Today there are 17, although last year was 20. This allows you to implement unfinished ASUV, because it will be difficult to verify. It turns out some "constellation Maces" of non-performing expensive systems, development of which has no end.

Another intractable problem - outdated communications equipment HF and VHF radios. Besides, all the arms of their ranges, and all equipment is set up only for them. High-speed modern communications are impossible. Modernization of all this will require even larger appropriation ...

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Nov 25, 2009
Five Russian soldiers killed, six injured in Chechnya operation

Five soldiers have been killed and six injured in clashes with militants in Russia's troubled southern republic of Chechnya, a police source said on Friday.

The fighting occurred during a special operation in the North Caucasus republic's Urus-Martan district, southwest of the capital Grozny late on Thursday, a police official said.

"A group commander, a squad chief, a section commander and a rifleman were killed in a shootout. A sniper died as militants attempted to break through federal lines during the second clash," the spokesman said.

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov, who led the special operation, announced earlier on Thursday that six militants, including a suspected Arab mercenary, had been killed, and that another 15 fighters remained surrounded.

Kadyrov earlier said the operation, which began on January 19, was primarily aimed at catching notorious warlord Doku Umarov.

Chechnya has seen a dramatic surge in violence recently, undermining efforts to bring life back to normal in the region after two brutal separatist wars in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

In January, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev decided to include Chechnya, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachai-Circassia into the new North Caucasus Federal District and appointed Krasnoyarsk governor and former business executive Alexander Khloponin as his envoy there in a bid to improve the economic situation in the volatile region.


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Nov 25, 2009
Russia says killed 20 militants in N.Caucasus battle

NAZRAN, Russia, Feb 12 (Reuters) - Russia said on Friday its forces had killed at least 20 insurgents in intense gun battles over the last two days in its Muslim-dominated Ingushetia region where Moscow is struggling to contain an Islamist insurgency.

"According to our latest figures around 20 insurgents have been killed, but the number of dead could be higher," a police official in Ingushetia's largest city, Nazran, told Reuters.

Violence is growing in the patchwork of southern regions -- including Chechnya, site of two separatist wars with Moscow since the mid-1990s, Dagestan and Ingushetia -- that make up the North Caucasus.

Islamist militancy overlaps with the activity of criminal groups and clan and ethnic rivalries.

An Ingush police officer stationed close to the site of Friday's clash said Russian forces had fired at rebel positions from helicopters during an intense battle.

He added that the death toll included 10 from Thursday in an operation in a mountainous area near the border with Chechnya.

State TV First Channel showed armoured cars and camouflage-clad forces priming for battle in snowy fields.

Unofficial Islamist website said several dozen "infidels", or ordinary citizens, were also injured in the Thursday shoot-out and placed in local hospitals.

Eurasia analyst Matthew Clements, at London-based Janes Information Group, said the scale of shoot-outs over the last 48 hours indicates more violence should be expected.

"Militant attacks, bombings and a high level of violence are all likely. Such large-scale operations show there's going to be an escalation in violence," he told Reuters by telephone.

Speaking to state TV, Ingushetia's leader Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, who narrowly escaped a suicide bomb attack on his car last year, said, "Militants who terrorised local villagers have been eliminated... Our goal is to restore stability in the republic and in the Caucasus in general".

Security measures have been strengthened to prevent the violence from crossing over into neighbouring Chechnya, the region's President Ramzan Kadyrov said on Thursday.

In an interview with government-run newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta on Friday, Kadyrov said only several dozen militants remained in Chechnya, though analysts have said the figure is much higher.

Vladimir Zakharov, of Moscow's Caucasus Research Centre, said rapidly increasing violence in Ingushetia is "now affecting the entire North Caucasus and moving at an alarming rate".

Local leaders in Ingushetia, with a population of some 300,000, say poverty and unemployment are fuelling the insurgency, though Russia's security services say links to al Qaeda also play a part.

Last month Russian President Dmitry Medvedev appointed former metals executive Alexander Khloponin to head the North Caucasus Federal District, including Ingushetia, to try to target the corruption, unemployment and poverty that is seen threatening an area important to the security of energy transit. (Additional reporting by Amie Ferris-Rotman; Writing by Amie Ferris-Rotman and Conor Sweeney; Editing by Louise Ireland)


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Dec 17, 2009
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MVD of Russia interested in the French armored vehicles

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia interested in the possibility of buying French VBL light armored vehicles produced by Panhard General Defense. According to the newspaper Kommersant, the talks are conducted between November 2009 and has not yet reached the formal level. In the negotiation process involved Panhard and NGOs 'Special Equipment and Communications' (STIS), which deals with technical equipment of the Interior Ministry units.

According to the STIS Anatoly Platonov, until it comes to buying a VBL for comparative testing. At the same time in the STIS believe that the main criterion on which the decision will be taken on the purchase of French armored vehicles, will be the ratio of effectiveness and cost of the vehicle. At list prices, the price of a VBL is from 230 to 280 thousand dollars.

According to the Director General Panhard Christian Mons, the MIA of Russia are interested in the ability to overcome obstacles VBL better than other types of armored vehicles. In addition, according to a French company, Russia may be interested in. and maneuverability of armored vehicles. The Interior Ministry believes that the mentioned characteristics, as well as the buoyancy VBL "much better than Russian amphibians. According to Russian security officials, the French armored division will increase the firepower of three.

VBL was developed in France in mid-1980's. Armored car weighing up to four tons equipped with engines capacity of 95 or 125 horsepower. It can reach speeds of up to 95 kilometers per hour and move to a distance of 600 kilometers. VBL armed with machine guns, anti-tank missiles or anti-aircraft missiles. At the armed security forces of France is 1,6 thousand such vehicles.

As the Kommersant, the Ministry of Interior of Russia already has a similar type of armored vehicles. This is an SPM-2 Tiger and SPM-3 "Bear". Unlike the French VBL, Russia's car better suited to off-road, and also have better protection from mines and fire heavy machine guns. Meanwhile, in France itself VBL declared obsolete and security officials have already begun to gradually replace the more modern armored PVP.
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Dec 17, 2009
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Near St. Petersburg, caught fire during takeoff Su-24
Text: Paul Kotlyar /

In the Leningrad region during a training flight on fire Sukhoi Su-24. According to a source in Air Force, Sukhoi started running start when the ignition of the engine went on fire. The incident took place in Pushkin region Leningrad region.

The plane disappeared from the runway, the crew members were unhurt. Being flight investigation of the incident.

June 20, 2009 Su-24 bomber crashed in the Rostov region in landing after the planned flight. Both pilots managed catapult, they survived. The car was destroyed completely and not subject to recovery. According to the Defense Ministry, on the ground of victims and destruction no.

Then, a source in the Defense Ministry said that the cause of the accident was the failure one of the aircraft. "The pilots attempted to save the car, but have command to commit ejection. The pilots were selected safe place which was sent to the machine, after which they committed ejection ", -- source said. In connection with the accident flight of Su-24 were then suspended.

Rostov accident was the second Su-24 for three days: at the airport Monchegordk Murmansk region bomber fell down while landing. Both pilots and survived. Then, it was reported that, according to preliminary data, the cause of the fall bomber was technical malfunction.

Su-24 - front-line bomber is designed for application missile strikes and bombings in simple and adverse weather conditions, day and night, in those at low altitudes. One of the most popular combat aircraft of modern Russian Air Force.
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