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Oct 27, 2009
Long road to Pantsir

Long road to Pantsir
History of a new set of defense at the turn of the collapse of the Union and the emergence of Russia

Said Aminov

Developing long-term AAMS 96K6 Pantsir-S1 for the Air Defense Troops of the USSR was given a more Instrument Design Bureau in 1990. Complex air defense was supposed to be the protection of moving parts and units, strategically important military and industrial facilities (airfields, military bases, communication centers and facilities of the economy), as well as surface ships. The complex was to provide cover for air defense systems such as long-range S-300P from the means of air attack on the near approaches and simultaneously destroy lightly armored targets and infantry. Given the tasks Pantsir created based on already adopting parts of the air defense of ground forces ZRPK "Tunguska".

As the chassis of the new complex has been used off-road vehicles with 8x8 "Ural-5323.4 with KAMAZ-7406 power 260 hp Purpose of the car chassis - cheapening the complex, which should cover the logistic facilities, and not the troops in combat formations. Later, a set of suggested ground troops and were considered as interspecific.

In 1994, in Instrument Design Bureau was created a prototype combat vehicle complex Pantsir, which has been tested and demonstrated the general public in August 1995 at the air show in Zhukovsky.

Complex Pantsir-S1 (Model 1995) equipped with 12 SAM 9M335 look and layout to look like missiles ZRPK 9M311 Tunguska (launch range has increased up to 12 km altitude the targeted goals - to 8 km, SAM is used more powerful engine, increased weight warhead, and its caliber increased to 90 mm in diameter instrument compartment remained the same - 76 mm). Missile body bikaliberny, the engine is in the second stage of the seceding. The missile has a small flight time of projection. Area defeat in range of 12 km, height - 8 km. Warhead, which consists of rod mills submunitions, or equal to 20 kg. In the rocket used an air-dynamic steering control. The system can simultaneously build up to 3 missiles. Missile guidance systems - radio command.

Armament of the "shell" consists of two 30-mm automatic cannon 2A72. Single-barreled guns. Feeding selective of the two rounds of ammunition with high-explosive incendiary and armor-piercing projectiles.

Fighting module installed on the roof of the body combat vehicle, includes 2 blocks of 6 anti-aircraft missiles, two guns, placed on the inside of containers SAM launchers, radar target detection and target tracking stations and missiles. There is also an optical channel fire control system. In the back of military vehicles are jobs of operators and the commander of an MB.

Radar target tracking and missile "Roman" or product 1L36-01 was developed in OAO Fazatron-NIIR "in 1994-95. commissioned SUE Instrument Design Bureau. Radar 1L36-01 "Roman" - a dual-radio multi-purpose radar operating in cm and mm ranges and designed to provide target tracking and guidance systems on these missiles.

It was reported that the complex could not fire on the move and, according to experts of the special inter-ministerial committee and a number of Defense Ministry's Research Institute, ZRPK Pantsir-S1 can not perform the tasks and cope with high-precision weapons at ranges exceeding 12 kilometers. In connection with the avalanche conditions than in reducing the procurement of military equipment and troops of the Air Defense Army lost interest in him.

To continue work on the antiaircraft missile-gun complexes "Pantsir returned again only in the second half of the 90-ies. Interest in Pantsir showed the UAE has had to be significantly improved its performance, which led to the creation of practical new system: a new military unit, including the rapid-fire anti-aircraft machine 2A38M, new anti-aircraft missiles 57E6-E with a range of controlled flight, up to 20 miles, other radar target detection and control fire.

In May 2000, Instrument Design Bureau signed a contract with the UAE, totaling 734 million U.S. dollars, of which 50% paid by Ministry of Finance covering the state debt of Russia to the UAE for 50 complexes "Pantsir-C1 (24 on a wheeled chassis 26 tracked chassis).

Signing the contract with the Emirates is also not without its scandals. At the contract claimed both Russia company - IEMZ "Dome" with its mass-produce Tor-M1 ", who also conducted a successful demonstration of firing at the range UAE. Apparently the force of personal charisma Chief SUE "PCU" Academician AG Shipunova allowed persuade emirattsev buy a set of non-existent.

In accordance with the terms of the contract until the end of the Instrument Design Bureau in 2002 was to conduct experimental work on an updated kontstruktorskie Pantsir and within three years (2003-2005). Put in the UAE three parties 50 complexes (12, 24, 14 armed machines). To carry out research and development the UAE remitted KB instrumentation advances, not more than $ 100 million (taking into account the specifics of the contract covering the state debt of the PCU UAE could get no more than 50 million U.S. dollars - approx. S. Aminov).

In November 2006, during a visit to SUE Instrument Design Bureau, Minister of Economic Development and Trade GO Gref, research manager of enterprise AG Shipunov reported that subjects Pantsir is exclusively due to advances in the total amount of 259 million dollars, listed three firms (foreign customers - prim.S.Aminova), while Russia's budget provided a total of 30 Thousands of U.S. dollars.

Creating Emirati complex, despite some technical difficulties and organizational measures, there was a generally successful. However, the timing of the contract were broken. It is believed that the main reason for delays in performance of obligations - the problem with the establishment of the station target tracking and viewing SAM (SSTSR).

Development of radar fire control was assigned to long-time partner Instrument Design Bureau on the previous version of the "shell" - OJSC "Phazotron." Given the experience in creating and radar 1L36 "Roman" Phazotron began work on a new dual-band radar 1RS2-E "Helmet".

Base Station - Dual Band Radar (cm + mm), which provides job ZRPK (including the move) for a broad class of objectives - airplanes, helicopters (including those who are in the "hover"), remotely piloted vehicles (RPV) , high-precision weapons (WTO), a moving ground targets.

The combination of simultaneously working in high-grade dual-band transmitters, a single antenna system and a powerful combination of a computer system with open architecture provides a higher resolution, high precision targeting and weapon guidance, noise and system reliability.

The modular principle of SSTSR makes it possible to use it for ZPRK placed on different chassis (tracked, wheeled, naval and shelterny options).

Developer radar "Helmet" is not only tightened the time frame for the establishment of the station, but failed to meet several technical requirements of the customer, in connection with which the development was rejected. At the same time, according to information received from officials in Phazotron, this company has fully complied with its obligations to the PCU.

This situation has led to the fact that the PCU has decided to create a multi-function fire control radar with a phased array on its own, involving RATEP (company participated in the design and manufacture of prototypes of beam control system PAR).

In connection with the situation in 2005 KBP proposed project is virtually a new complex, the development of which took more time. The UAE has agreed to change the timing. In accordance with the new dates for the first complexes to be delivered to customers in 2006 and then for three years to complete the delivery of this complex army UAE.

In the complex model 2006 " provides the installation of a new multifunction radar tracking with phased-array mm-range, developed in the PCU. This revision will significantly improve the performance characteristics of the complex. Thus, while the number of the targeted objectives communicated with 2 to 4. Zone capture objectives - 200 ... 20000 m in range and 0 ... 15000 m in height (previously declared 0-10000 meters). The velocities of the targeted goals - up to 1000 m / sec. KBP promises high stability of the new ZRPK to tools jamming. Has been discussed by the installation of the complex Crawler (GM352M1E the domestic production) or a number of wheeled chassis (MZKT-7930, Kamaz-6350, MAN, etc.), as well as placement in a secure hospital complex defense of object. Apparently, complexes that are supplied to the UAE, will be placed on chassis KAMAZ-6350 and GM352M1E.

In mid-2006 were successful tests ZRPK Pantsir-S1 with missile launches at Kapustin Yar. UAE signed a contract extension and delivery Pantsir-S1, which will be held during 2007-2009. in the sequence, which had been approved previously: 12 - in 2007, 24 - in 2008 and 14 - in 2009 all facilities will be supplied to the wheel platform 8 x 8, as the emirate want to select a car company MAN. In late 2006, KBP supplied to the Emirates demonstration sample Pantsir-S1 for the first phase of qualification tests on the territory of foreign customers. The second phase of tests planned for summer 2007.

At the same time expanding the geography of export complexes Pantsir-S1. Recently it became known that the contract with Syria on the supply of 36 complexes. In addition, in 2006 the State Unitary Enterprise "Instrument Design Bureau" has signed a third contract for the supply of "shells" - now in Algeria.

It is planned that upon completion of testing ZRPK Pantsir-S1 will be adopted for Russia's army.

Production of the main elements of the complex will be deployed in at the subsidiary SUE KB instrumentation "- OJSC" Shcheglovskaya shaft, and at OAO Tulamashzavod, JSC KEMZ. "Radar 1RS1-1E target detection dm-band formed in VNIIRT . Automated complex means of communication (АКСС), designed to provide data exchange between fighting machines (BM) was established jointly Voronezh Communications Research Institute and JSC Concern "Constellation." Data communication developed in the UAB Center for optical fiber communication systems. "ideology of thermal imaging channels of an optical subsystem of the complex proposed by NPO State Institute of Applied Optics.

Currently in Tula is already in serial production of the first 10 combat vehicles ZRPK Pantsir-S1.

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Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009

S-400 Triumph at MAKS-2007

One of the most interesting events held in August 2007, the International Air and Space Salon MAKS-2007 in Zhukovsky was a one-day demonstration of anti-aircraft missile system with a new generation (the fourth) 40R6, it is the same C-400, it also "Triumph".

AAMS "Triumph" was and remains one of the most anticipated weapons systems, which supply the troops permanently postponed.

In February of 2007 (27.02.2007) "Chetyrehsotka" was first officially presented the leadership of the Military-Industrial Commission under the Government at the retreat meeting, the MIC Concern PVO Almaz-Antey "in the NGO" Almaz "[1]. RF Government Decree anti-aircraft missile system "Triumph" adopted an army of Russia's April 28, 2007 [2] And on Aug. 6, 2007 the first battalion and a headquarters of S-400 Triumph in a solemn ceremony put on combat duty in Elektrostal in the Moscow region [3].

The public AAMS "Triumph" was shown only on the first day of the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS-2007. At the airshow included the following elements of S-400: launchers 5P85TE2 (with tractors BAZ-64022) with four SAM in transportation and launch container, multifunction radar 92N2E (at the MZKT-7930), para battle management 55K6E (chassis Ural -532,301), missing only shown in Elektrostal all-altitude radar 96L6E and never displayed radar detection 91N6E [4].

At the disposal of the President of Russia № 465-rp of 21 August 2007, authorizing a demonstration at the MAKS-2007 sample of military products, revealed indices of anti-aircraft missiles, which can be equipped with S-400 - 48N6E, 48N6E2, 48N6E3, 9M96E2, 40N6E .

Advertising booklet NPO "Almaz", dedicated air defense missile systems "Triumph", are the main features of the new anti-aircraft missile system in its current configuration with the use of anti-aircraft guided missiles 48N6E2 and 48N6E3. Since target detection range of 600 km, range defeat aviation purposes - from 3 to 240 km, and ballistic targets - from 5 to 60 km. Thus, apparently the first division, put on combat duty, is not armed with the so-called "long" hands - an anti-aircraft missiles with a range of up to 400 km (perhaps its index 40N6E).

Despite the relative youth of AAMS "Triumph", immediately after its appearance in the public started marketing efforts to promote AAMS "Triumph" on foreign markets. In September, information was received that the Turkish Air Force within the announced international tender for the supply of long-range air defense missile systems are considering the acquisition of S-400 Triumph "[5]. Russia is negotiating with the United Arab Emirates to establish a national defense system, using the elements of S-400 Triumph, but the evidence for the conclusion of contracts in the press did not appear.
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Air defense missile systems S-400 Triumf (40R6)

S-400 Triumf (NATO classification - SA-21) - system of new generation, replacing the well-known family of systems S-300P and S-200. In the coming years "chetyrehsotka" will be the basis of Defense air borders of the country. It is designed to defeat all types of aerial targets (aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, cruise missiles, etc.) at a distance of 400 km and an altitude of 30 km.

Compared with the previous generation of S-400 Triumph has a much greater tactical and technical vozmozhnostyamiobespechivaya more than twofold increase in efficiency. "Triumph" - the only system that can selectively operate with more than 4 types of missiles with various launch mass and launch range, creating a layered defense.

The high degree of automation of all phases of combat operation, modern element base significantly reduced staff. Principles of construction and an extensive communications system means "chetyrehsotki" enable integration into various levels of management, not only military but also other branches of the Armed Forces.

S-400 Triumf adopted an April 28, 2007. First Division put on combat duty Aug. 6, 2007. In the period until 2015 is planned to supply the troops for more than 20 battalions of S-400 Triumph. Ministry of Defense develop the necessary statutory instrument to be used "chetyrehsotki" to ensure security during the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi in 2014.

The system has significant export potential. The system is already interested in the armed forces of China, negotiations with the UAE. According to the Director General of NPO Almaz manufacturing for export is planned to start in 2009 after two years of bringing the complex in the light of comments from the Russian military.

The performance characteristics of S-400 Triumph

To date, S-400 Triumph has more than the double advantage of efficacy compared with previous generation systems.

The command post of "Triumph" can provide the integration of air defense missile systems in the management structure of any air defense system. Each SAM provides fire up to 10 targets with guided them to 20 missiles.

The means of S-400 Triumph offers organizing defenses of objects from a massive attack from the air. Ensured the defeat of aerial targets at speeds up to 4800 m / s at a distance of 400 km and an altitude of 30 km. The minimum distance is 2 km defeat at a minimum height of 100 meters.

Time of the full deployment of the state and marching prevedeniya of the system in the combat readiness of 5-10 minutes.

The automated processes of all combat activity - detection; line travel support; distribution of objectives between the SAMs, and their capture, tracking and recognition, select the type of missiles, their preparation for launch, launch, capture, and missile guidance to the target, evaluation of results of fire.

Applying the principle of construction and an extensive communication system of S-400 Triumph enable integration into various levels of management, not only military but also other branches of the Armed Forces.

New important features are:

News pairing with a large number of existing and emerging sources of land, air and space-based
a base-building block concept, allowing to meet the specific requirements of the systems in their application to the Air Force, Navy and Army
possibility of integration into existing and future management groups, not only air defense, but an army air defense forces and air defense of the Navy

Composition of S-400 Triumph

The composition of the new generation is based on well-established family structure ZRS S-300P. However, advanced principles of building, the use of modern element base accounts for more than two-fold superiority in efficacy.

The basic version of an anti-aircraft missile system S-400 Triumph includes:

multifunction radar
anti-aircraft missile systems
autonomous detection and targeting
Command Post
complex technical systems AKING
means the technical operation of missiles

All means are installed on wheeled chassis of high cross and allow transport by rail, water and air.

The command post has a radar air defense missile systems, radar creates a field within the range of systems, and implement it in the detection, line travel support and identifying the nationality of all types of goals in a quantity of hundreds of units. Radar detection of air defense missile systems equipped with phased array with two-dimensional scanning beam operates on a circular view, is a Three-, noise.

According to radar detection of the command post makes the distribution of objectives between the guided anti-aircraft missile systems systems, and ensures their appropriate targeting, and also interacts SAMs under massive attacks of air attack at different altitudes of their combat use, in an atmosphere of intense jamming. The command post of air defense missile systems may also receive additional trace information about the objectives of the higher command posts, which are closed with ground-based radar duty and battle mode, or directly from these radars, as well as on-board aircraft radar systems. Integration of radar data obtained at different wavelengths, the most appropriate in conditions of intense jamming. KP AAMS "Triumph" has the ability to simultaneously control up to 8 SAM c total number of launchers to 12 in each.

SAMs are equipped with single-pulse chetyrehkoordinatnymi the sectoral multi-function radar (MFRLS). In the SAM used a combined system management SAM, which consists of an inertial system of governance in most of the trajectory and homing (GOS) in the area closer to the goal. This allows the stage of inertial control channels to release a multifunction radar tracking function of the SAM and to increase the number of simultaneously tracked and fired targets. Application of active homing head frees MFRLS of support functions and illumination purposes at the site homing, which also extends the capabilities of radar on the number of tracked targets. Envisaged the use of SAM Advanced kompleksirovannyh active-semi-active homing, have also passive receive channel capable of searching not only the frequency of the received signal, but also target search over the angular coordinates.

At one launcher can be placed four extra high-range missiles (400 km) for the defeat of AWACS aircraft, air command posts, electronic warfare aircraft, strategic bombers and ballistic targets with a maximum speed of 4800 m / sec. It will destroy the aircraft outside the radio coverage ground radar guidance. The need to defeat the horizon goals require the installation of a radically new missile homing (GSN), developed by the Almaz, which can operate as a semi-active and in active mode. In the latter case, the missile after the climb on the team from the ground translates into a search mode, and finding purpose, brings on her own.

Unlike their foreign counterparts, the system uses a "cold" vertical launch missiles - before starting the propulsion engine, they are ejected from the container to a height of more than 30 meters. During the ascent to this altitude the rocket with gasdynamic system leans toward the goal. After starting the propulsion engine on the primary and secondary sections of the flight path used in inertial control with radio correction (which allows for maximum noise immunity), and directly in the process of interception target - active radar homing. If you want intense maneuvering before the meeting point to the missile is capable to realize mode super maneuverability ", which uses gas-dynamic control system. This system allows for increased aerodynamic overload 0.025s missiles on the order of 20 units. It should be noted that the use of the system of "super maneuverability" missiles, along with increased precision guidance allows for trajectory guidance that improve the conditions in order to meet the rocket, increasing the efficiency of the use of military equipment of anti-aircraft missiles.

Used in the S-400 Triumph missile equipped with a 24-kilogram fragmentation warhead with a controlled field of lesion. Such fighting equipment geared to defeat the purposes of "stopping" action (destruction of the structure) when intercepting manned goals and defeat (neutralize) the combat load for the interception of unmanned purposes. Arming missiles controlled radiovzryvatelem, which is used to adapt to the meeting to all the available on board the missile information. Radiovzryvatel determines the time to undermine the warhead, which must be carefully coordinated with the velocities of fragments for the covering of the fragmentation field of vulnerable targets and the direction in which you want to secure the release of fragments with increased rates of spread. Directional emission of fragments is carried out using a controlled high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a system of multi-point initiation. This system of command radiovzryvatelya to relieve the warhead in a controlled manner (if there is information about the phase slip) causes the initiation of its charge in the desired direction of the peripheral points of detonation. As a result of the explosion energy is a redistribution of charge in a given direction, and throwing the main part of the fragmentation of the field at high speed toward the goal. In the absence of information about the phase slip center realized undermining warhead with a symmetrical dispersion of the fragments.
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Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009
RF Air Force will receive a new strategic bomber in the years 2025-2030


MOSCOW, December 22 - RIA Novosti. Russia promising long range aircraft to replace the Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22MZ and entered the Air Force of Russia in 2025-2030, and will be designed taking into account the invisibility technology ( "Stealth"), told reporters on Tuesday the commander of long-range Aviation Air Force RF Maj. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev.

"The new aircraft will be little noticed, but completely eliminate its visibility for an aircraft of this class is impossible. Reduce the effective reflecting surface is very possible with the use of new technologies and materials. He will come into service in 2025-2030 years", - said Zhikharev.

According to him, the technology to reduce radar visibility ( "Stealth") planned to apply for another Tu-160. However, this work was not completed until the end, because the first planes arrived at the Air Force of Russia in 1987, when our industry was not able to fully realize all the plane's ideas.

We have implemented and developed research work on the aviation complex. Perspective aircraft should be immediately replaced and distant, and strategic bombers, submarines.

"Here there will already be fully implemented system of invisibility, or, as it is like to be called," Stealth "- the commander said.

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Mar 21, 2009
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Russian Test of Upgraded Voevoda Missile Deemed Success

MOSCOW - Russia has successfully test launched a nuclear-capable missile that struck its target across the country in the Russian Far East, Russian news agencies said, citing the Ministry of Defence.

"Prelaunch operations, the launch and flight went strictly according to plan," a spokesman for Russia's Strategic Missile Forces, Col. Vadim Konval, was quoted by Interfax as saying.

"The test hit the intended target area on the Kamchatka peninsula with astounding accuracy," he said.

The RS-20V Voevoda intercontinental ballistic missile - known by the NATO codename Satan - launched about 6:30 a.m. GMT Dec. 24 from Orenburg in the south Urals and hit its hypothetical target on the Kamchatka peninsula, the spokesman said.

The test firing aimed to check the missile's flight and technical characteristics to extend the service life of the Voevoda-type systems up to 23 years, he told ITAR-TASS.

The land-based RS-20V missiles, developed in 1988, can be equipped with 10 individually targeted nuclear warheads and has a maximum range of 6,840 miles (11,000 kilometers).

On Dec. 10, the latest test launch of Russia's new nuclear-capable Bulava missile failed over the White Sea, resulting in a mysterious plume of light that appeared in the sky over Norway.

The Bulava missile is central to Russia's plan to revamp its aging weapons arsenal but has been dogged by persistent technical problems.
Russian Test of Upgraded Voevoda Missile Deemed Success - Defense News


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia and Georgia to reopen border crossing

Russia and Georgia have agreed to reopen a border crossing that has been closed since July 2006, Georgia's foreign ministry says.
The Kazbegi-Upper Lars crossing is likely to reopen next March, deputy foreign minister Nino Kalandadze said.
It is the only crossing that does not go through the Russian-backed breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Georgian forces were driven out of the two regions in a bitter war with Russia in August 2008.
The Russian government has confirmed the border agreement, saying that the checkpoint could "in theory" reopen from 1 March 2010.
But air links could only be re-established if the safety of Russian air crews could be guaranteed, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov said.
Diplomatic relations had not been restored since the war, and that was the problem, he added.
The BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes in Moscow says there has been virtually no contact between Moscow and Tbilisi since the war, so the news that they are to reopen their border is a significant move, especially for the many Georgian and Russian families separated by the conflict.
But the hostility between the Russian and Georgian governments is unabated, our correspondent says.
Russia's Sergei Ivanov on Thursday accused Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili of behaving like the Afghan Taliban, after he ordered the demolition of a Soviet-era war memorial.
BBC News - Russia and Georgia to reopen border crossing


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Mar 21, 2009
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More Russian transport aviation to participate in drills next year

More military transport aviation will be used in a large-scale exercises next year than this year, a top Air Force commander said on Friday.
Lt. Gen. Viktor Kachalkin, commander of the 61st Air Army, said "somewhat more military transport aviation" would be used in the course of the Vostok (East) 2010 exercise than was used during the Osen (Fall) 2009 exercise.
He did not provide any numbers.
The Defense Ministry has said the Russian Armed Forces will conduct large-scale Vostok military exercises in Siberia and the country's Far East in 2010.
The exercises will be part on the annual training cycle in the Russian military, aimed at improving combat readiness and interoperability of the various branches of the Armed Forces.
The drills will involve units of the Siberian and the Far Eastern military districts, the Air Force, Airborne troops and the Pacific Fleet.
So far this year, the military has conducted the Caucasus 2009, Zapad 2009 and Ladoga 2009 strategic exercises, and 15 brigade-level and 161 battalion-level drills.
Russia holds Vostok strategic command-and-staff exercises every two years. More than 8,000 troops took part in Vostok-2008.
MOSCOW, December 25 (RIA Novosti)
More Russian transport aviation to participate in drills next year | Top Russian news and analysis online | 'RIA Novosti' newswire


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russian military to receive Il-476 heavy transport planes in 2012

The Russian Air Force will start receiving Il-476 heavy transport planes in 2012, the commander of the Russian Air Force's military transport aviation said on Friday.
The Il-476 is a significantly modernized version of Russia's Il-76 Candid transport plane, featuring a fully-digital flight control system, new avionics and PS-90A-76 engines with improved fuel efficiency systems.
"I think the Il-476, which will eventually replace the Il-76, will start arriving in the military transport aviation sometime in 2012," Lt. Gen. Viktor Kachalkin said.
The plane will be built at the Urals-based Aviastar-SP aircraft-manufacturing plant.
The Russian Defense Ministry plans to buy at least 38 Il-476 in cargo and aerial tanker versions in line with the state arms procurement program for the period of 2011-2020.
According to various sources, there are up to 300 transport aircraft in service with the Russian Air Force, including An-12 Cub, An-72 Coaler, An-22 Cock, An-124 Condor and Il-76 Candid planes. Most of the aircraft entered service in the 1960s and 1970s and are considered outdated by modern safety and noise pollution standards.
MOSCOW, December 25 (RIA Novosti)


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Mar 21, 2009
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Sukhoi Hands Over Su-34 Bombers to Russian Air Force

MOSCOW: V.P.Chkalov Novosibirsk Aircraft Production Association (NAPO) handed over to the Russian AF two batch-production Su-34 frontline fighter-bombers produced in the framework of the national defense order for 2009. The planes have already arrived to the Russian AF Lipetsk Center for Combat Use and Flight Training.
In accordance with the 5-year state contract with the Ministry of Defense signed in 2008, NAPO will produce 32 Su-34 fighter-bombers till 2013.
This December NAPO has also fulfilled its obligations under 3-year state contract by handing over to the Russian AF the final batch of Su-24M2 bombers after repair and modernization.
The two-seat Su-34 fighter-bomber is designed to deliver high-precision strikes on heavily defended air, ground and naval targets (including small and mobile targets) on solo and group missions in any weather conditions, day or night, as well as for air reconnaissance.
Su-34 belongs to the 4 + generation of aircraft by its combat capabilities. Active security systems as well as modern computers allow pilot-commander and navigator/operator of weapons to deliver precise strikes on targets and make maneuvers under hostile fire.
The main distinctive features of the fighter-bomber are:
large ordnance load and a broad line-up of guided air-launched weapons,
high load capabilities engineered through reinforced design of the airframe and landing gear, and increased fuel tanks,
effective digitally-controlled twin afterburning turbojet engines,
in-flight refueling capability,
advanced avionics line-up, including multi-purpose PAA radar, onboard optical search and track station and an integrated defensive aids suite.
The Su-34 can engage in long-range combat missions close to ranges of medium strategic bombers.


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Mar 21, 2009
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Russia to Develop New Nuclear Missiles

In his end of the year speech, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev says his country will develop a new generation of nuclear weaponry, even as it works toward a new strategic arms treaty with the United States.
Russian President Dmitri Medvedev's comments were broadcast on Russia's state-run television networks.
Russia and the United States are continuing to hammer out the details of a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. The current treaty expired earlier this month, and senior U.S. and Russian officials say they expect to reach a new accord in early January.
President Medvedev says that negotiations have been tense.
He says in some aspects, Russia is putting slight pressure on its partners, by saying this or that is unacceptable. He goes on to say that even though Moscow is working on, and will sign a new treaty, the Kremlin will nevertheless work on the development of its strategic assault forces because Russia cannot protect itself without this.
Mr. Medvedev said new missile technology will be developed in full accordance with any new arms agreements reached with Washington, but that other weapons are necessary.
He says Russia's nuclear shield allows it to solve all the problems, which it has to solve. He says of course Russia will develop new systems, including delivery systems, that is, missiles. He says it is quite normal and that the whole world is doing this.
The Russian leader also praised U.S. President Barack Obama's recent call for a nuclear-weapons-free world, calling it a "beautiful and right goal." But he said movement toward that objective should be gradual and should require other nuclear-armed countries to cut their arsenals as well.
President Medvedev said he is encouraged by the discussions.
He says, anyway we are moving forward very quickly, we have already agreed almost on all issues."
Mr. Medvedev used the TV broadcast to touch on a host of other topics, chief among them the environment and the economy. State-owned media quote the president as saying he is dissatisfied with this month's global-warming summit in Copenhagen, calling it "a lot of hot air." He said Russia will none-the-less continue to push for domestic energy efficiency and cuts in carbon emissions.
The president also said Russia has survived the global economic crisis with no major losses. He said the country could see its gross domestic product grow by 2.5 to five percent in 2010, "in an optimistic scenario."

Russia to Develop New Nuclear Missiles | Missiles & Bombs News at Defense Talk

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