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Senior Member
Oct 27, 2009


Developing long-term complex Pantsir "for defense forces was given KBP in 1990. Complex air defense was supposed to be the protection of moving parts and units, strategically important military and industrial facilities (airfields, military bases, communication centers and facilities of the economy), as well as surface ships. The complex was to provide cover for air defense systems such as long-range S-300P from the means of air attack on the near approaches and simultaneously destroy lightly armored targets and infantry. Given the tasks Pantsir "was created based on already adopting parts of the air defense of ground forces ZRPK" Tunguska ", as the chassis has been used off-road vehicles with 8x8" Ural-5323.4.

Model BM SPAR Pantsir-S1 with a new array of DAILY-2006 BM Layout SPAR Pantsir-S1 with a new phased support for IDELF-2006

In 1994, in Instrument Design Bureau was created a prototype combat vehicle complex Pantsir ", which was tested and demonstrated the general public in August 1995 at the air show in Zhukovsky. However, at this point because of the economic crisis, funding for the development of complex virtual standstill.

To continue work on the antiaircraft missile-gun system Pantsir "returned again only in the second half of the 90-ies. "Second Life" complex Pantsir was donated in 2000, then signed a contract worth $ 734 million from the United Arab Emirates for the supply of the SPAR. According to the preliminary terms of the contract, within two years must complete the PCU development work on Pantsir and then for three years to put in the UAE 50 complexes. Creating complex, despite some technical difficulties and organizational measures, there was a generally successful. A long-range missile, gun 2A72 replaced by rapid-dvuhstvolnye 30-mm anti-aircraft machine 2A38M, developed major subsystems and elements of the complex, including radar target detection, selected accommodation options set on the wheeled and tracked chassis. There remained one problem - the creation of the station target tracking and viewing SAM (SSTSR).

First, in OAO Fazatron-NIIR "was established dual-radio multi-purpose radar tracking 1L36" Roman "(1995) for a system of land management and ship ZRPK, including the first version ZRPK Pantsir. Later the company developed a new station 1RS2-E (2005). However, in cooperation with the PCU considered Phazotron unsuccessful. At the same time, according to information received from officials in Phazotron, this company has fully complied with its obligations to the PCU. Participated in the development and manufacture of prototypes of beam control system PAR venture RATEP.

In connection with the situation in 2005 KBP proposed project is virtually a new complex, the development of which took more time. The UAE has agreed to change the timing. In accordance with the new dates for the first complexes to be delivered to customers in 2006 and then for three years to complete the delivery of this complex army UAE.

In the complex model 2006 " provides the installation of a new multifunction radar tracking with phased-array mm-range, developed in the PCU. This revision will significantly improve the performance characteristics of the complex. Thus, while the number of the targeted objectives communicated with 2 to 4. Zone capture objectives - 200 ... 20000 m in range and 0 ... 15000 m in height (previously declared 0-10000 meters). The velocities of the targeted goals - up to 1000 m / sec. KBP promises high stability of the new SPAR to the means of jamming. Has been discussed by the installation of the complex Crawler (GM352M1E the domestic production) or a number of wheeled chassis (MZKT-7930, Kamaz-6350, etc.), as well as placement in a secure hospital complex defense of object. Apparently, complexes that are supplied to the UAE, will be placed on chassis KAMAZ-6350 and GM352M1E.

In mid-2006 were successful tests ZRPK Pantsir-S1 with missile launches at Kapustin Yar. Currently, extensive tests are nearing completion and will soon set will be sent to the UAE, which will be the final stage demonstration to final confirmation TTZ. UAE signed a contract extension and delivery Pantsir-S1, which will be held during 2006-2009. Also possible to supply the UAE of 28 additional complexes in the following 2009-2010. At the same time expanding the geography of export complexes Pantsir-S1. Recently it became known that the contract with Syria on the supply of 36 complexes. It is planned that upon completion of testing ZRPK Pantsir-S1 will be adopted for Russia's army.

Production of the main elements of the complex will be deployed in OAO AK Tulamashzavod ", OAO" KEMZ. " Radar 1RS1-1E target detection dm-band formed in VNIIRT. Automated complex communication (АКСС), designed to provide data exchange between the tanks (BM), established jointly Voronezh Communications Research Institute and JSC Concern "Constellation." Data communication developed in the JSC "Center of fiber-optic communication systems. Ideology of infrared channels of an optical subsystem of the complex proposed by the NGO Gos. Institute of Applied Optics.

The performance characteristics of anti-aircraft gun-missile system Pantsir-C1

Radar detection of targets dm-band:

- Zone review on the azimuth and elevation

360h60 deg.

- Range of detection of air targets

up to 36 km

- Measurement of the azimuth, range, elevation, speed


Target tracking radar station mm-band phased arrays:

- Zone review on the azimuth and elevation

45x45 degrees

- Range of detection of air targets

to 28 km

Opto-electronic tracking system of air and ground targets:

- Auto-accompaniment on

18 km

- Field of view

1,8 x2, 7 deg.

Anti-aircraft guided missile 57E6-E:

- Length, mm


- Caliber, mm

90/76 (bikalibernaya)

- Weight of container / non container, kg

94 / 74.5

- Weight of warhead, kg


- Range of target, m


- Height of target, m

15-15000 m

- Maximum speed destroys targets, m / c


- SAM speed max., M / s


- Ammunition, ed.

8 ... 12

Cannon (2h2A38M):

- Caliber gun, mm


- Total rate of fire, rds / min.


- Muzzle velocity, m / sec.


- Range of target, m


- Ammunition, cartridges


- Height of target, m


Deployment time (clotting) complex

5 min.

Crew BM

3 pers.

Mass combat vehicle

20 t

Reaction time with.


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