Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Jun 14, 2012
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Children always collect dangerous "toys", on every war and after that :(

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Children - it is only the information weapon in any war.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
Light reconaisence and surveyers are used from day 1.
Attackers are not in service for now, waiting for Summer 2016 for 1 and 5 tons MTOW.
Okhotnik-B supersonic unmanned fighter-bomber will fly first in 2017.

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Latest news, translated as ~ Syrian Kurdistan autonomous govt is officially established in Moscow to have high-level autonomy with its own army as agreed by the Assad regime for Syria to become a federation post war, due to Russian coordination.

Russia will have certain privileges in the future federal Syria.

Syrian Kurds are allied with Assad. Now that Kurds of both Iraq and Syria have attained self rule respectively, what does this spell out for Turkey especially with Kurds resistance within, as well as Iran?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Payback: Some of Russia’s Most Lethal Weapons of War Just Struck ISIS

Dave Majumdar | National Interest
November 17, 2015

The Kremlin has launched a massive barrage of air and sea launched cruise missiles against Daesh targets in Syria in retaliation for the downing of a Russian airliner over Egypt last month.

Russia launched the missiles from Tupolev Tu-22M3 Backfire, Tu-95MS Bear and Tu-160 Blackjack strategic bombers, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense. Additionally, the Russian navy launched its own barrage of the cruise missiles against the self-styled Islamic State according to some reports.

“In accordance to the task assigned by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces concerning enhancing combat air operations in the Syrian Arab Republic, crews of Tu-160, Tu-95MS and Tu-22M3 long-range aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out strikes with air-based cruise missiles at the ISIS terrorist objects within the air operation,” reads a statement from the Russian defense ministry.

During the first wave of the Russian raids, a dozen Tu-22M3 bombers struck Daesh targets in Syria’s Raqqah and Deir-ez-Zor provinces. Later, a force of massive Mach 2.0-capable Tu-160 supersonic bombers and quad-turboprop Tu-95MS Bears launched a salvo of thirty-four air-launched cruise missiles against the terrorists in Aleppo and Idlib. “Today as a result of the first massive airstrike 14 terrorist facilities of special importance were destroyed with 34 cruise missiles,” reads the Russian government statement. It’s the first time Russian strategic bombers—particular the Blackjack—has conducted combat operations in recent memory.

There are no details available about the Russian naval cruise missile strikes against Syrian targets. But presumably, the Russians followed a similar game plan as their last series of sea-based cruise missile strikes that were launched from the Caspian Sea. Russia could have once again launched missiles from the Caspian Sea, but it could also have launched those weapons from the Mediterranean.

The Russian air attack consisted of twenty-five bombers backed by eight Su-34 Fullback strike aircraft and four Su-30SM multirole fighters. The Fullback strike aircraft hit a number of targets—including Daesh’s fuel supply. “Su-34 aircraft destroyed two columns of fuel bowsers and about 50 vehicles. As a result, taking into consideration previous airstrikes aimed at oil supply transports (410 fuellers in total) and several infrastructure elements, the illegal fuel export capabilities of the terrorists have been significantly cut,” the Russian defense ministry states.

In total, the Russian expeditionary force in Latakia flew a total of sixty-five combat sorties, according to the Russian defense ministry. The Russians planned to fly 127 combat sorties against 206 Daesh targets‑including the strategic bomber raids. The Russians also apparently provided advanced notice to the United States of their impending operation. “The Russian Defence Ministry had informed the US Air Force Command and other coalition countries’ Commands about the airstrikes in advance,” the Russian statement reads.

Pentagon officials confirmed that Russia had given them prior notice of the operation. “We are aware that over the past several hours Russia conducted a significant number of strikes in Raqqah, some of which may have included sea-launched cruise missiles and long-range bombers,” a senior U.S. defense official told Agency France Presse. “While we do not coordinate or collaborate in any way with Russia on its activities in Syria, I can confirm that the Russians did provide us notice prior to conducting these strikes, via the Coalition Combined Air Operations Center in Qatar, in accordance with the safety protocols agreed to in October.”

Meanwhile, Russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered the Slava-class missile cruiser Moskva—which is the Russian flagship in the Mediterranean—and her task force to cooperate with French forces in the region.

France has stepped up its operations in the region following a barbaric terrorist attack on Paris on Friday. The French carrier Charles de Gaulle is set to arrive in the region within days to start bombarding the Daesh forces. According to Putin,Moskva will “cooperate with them as with allies.” While Paris and Moscow are not currently coordinating, French president Francois Hollande is set to meet with Putin on Nov. 26.

Dave Majumdar is the defense editor for The National Interest. You can follow him on Twitter: @davemajumdar.

Image: Flickr/Creative Commons.

Some comments (more to be appended if found interesting):

Paula Heady bgy1a day ago

And you might want to learn about US history and foreign policy, especially since WW II. Since that time the centerpiece of US foreign policy has been "regime change" otherwise known as overthrowing other people's governments. The US has attempted to overthrow the governments of more than 50 sovereign governments and succeeded in more than 30 of those attempts. Successes include: Iran '53 (a democratically elected government whose sin it was to insist upon selling their resources via any currency they so chose instead of the US petrodollar); Guatemala '54; British Guiana 1953-64; Iraq '63 and again 2003; Cambodia 1955-70; Laos 1958, 1959, 1960; Ecuador 1960-63 and again in 2000; Congo '60 Brazil 1962-64; Dominican Republic '63; Bolivia 1964 and again in 1971; Indonesia '65; Ghana '66; Chile 1964-73; Greece '67; Australia 1973-75 (an ally) Portugal 1974-76; Jamaica 1976-80; Chad 1981-1982; Grenada '83; Fiji '87; Libya (attempted through the '80s) success in 2011; Nicaragua 1981-90; Panama '89; Bulgaria '90; Albania '91; Afghanistan 1980s and again in 2001; Yugoslavia 1999-2000; Venezuela 2002; Haiti 2004;, not to mention the US / Victoria Nuland's role in the overthrow of the Ukraine. By the way, in the early '90s former US national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote "Grand Chessboard: American Primacy& It's Geostrategic Imperative" in which he outlined the "US timetable for incorporation of Ukraine into NATO/EU as between the years 2010-2015". Right on target. So was he a master psychic or was this a US foreign policy plan all along. And if you are missing the integrity of the US government over a longer period of time, remember if you will that the US government made nearly 400 international treaties with First Nation people and systematically violated each and every single one of them continuing to do so even today where both the Navajo and Apache nations are fighting the US government for stealing their lands and handing them over to mining companies. The US government annexed Hawaii, an internationally-recognized independent nation and used the Dole family (pineapple and sugarcane) to do so. Yes, know your own history before you go taking the other guy's inventory. Putin is not remotely the problem in the world today and there would be no Islamic State if Reagan's CIA/Pentagon had not trained, armed and funded 35,000 of them along during his administration.

Corrupt Club Steve W2 days ago

Obamie the Commie and Stealth Muslim, is working for Iran, you can see it by what he has done for them. He is working for the She-ite side and against the Sunies.

kassanova Corrupt Club2 days ago

why don't you stop kissing other peoples arss by reiterating what they say about Obama and come out and say that you are a Sunni sympathizer. The ones who are killing innocent people all over the place are Sunnis not Shi-ia. I have no sympathy for the Shi_ia's either, but, someone had to call your brown nosing.

rodgerolsen Steve W2 days ago

We are not on the same side. Putin wants to kill terrorists. Obama is obsessed with replacing Assad with an American puppet and forcing Russia out of its Mediterranean bases. He rarely attacks ISIS and even arms and pays any part of ISIS that will attack Syria.

Paula Heady Scott3 hours ago

The Reagan administration recruited, trained, armed and funded 35,000 jihadists; the US government paid the University of Nebraska millions under a faux literacy program to publish textbooks for schoolchildren calling for violent jihad; Afghanistan was never ever a threat to the US - it was, however, the kick-off point for a series of well-planned US wars (wars for Israel who offered not a single soldier) in Iraq, then proposed for Iran, Libya (the only stabile advanced government in the region), Lebanon (where Israel fell on its face) and Syria. None of these nations had zip to do with 9/11; that would be Saudi Arabia (where by the way, six of the alleged terrorists are alive and well today stating that their passports had been stolen years before); fist there was the US funded Mujahideen, who came from and were followed by al Qaeda (which means the center), then morphed into the Islamic State (which also included Iraq's army and military disbanded and tossed out by the US invasion that simply ignored that they'd most likely join the rest of the jihadists in the region); and now they also call themselves Al Nusra etc. The evidence is all over the place Scott, you'd just rather believe that the most advanced military on earth, spying on every single person on earth that uses a phone, the internet or email, with a collection of advanced satellites watching the world, can't handle a sandy, barren, area of the world with a rag tag disorganized group of uneducated men as opponents. Face reality, 80% of all weapons in the entire Middle East come from the US; Saudi Arabia is the world's third largest military and gets its weapons from the US. The US and Israel have no interest in the region except to totally destroy it for geopolitical advantage and resource theft. The US created the Islamic State beginning with Reagan's administration, the same administration that deregulated banking, put corporate cartels in power by removing controls and taxes, and began the utter destruction of the American middleclass sending wealth upwards at a rate not seen before. You can do your own research, just cease looking at the same sources that are controlled and owned by the corporate cartels.

olegar carlitos2k22 days ago

I guess you have conveniently forgotten that the KGB and the Soviet Union got their a$$es handed to them in Afghanistan so they haven't gotten the whole picture yet.

carlitos2k2 olegara day ago

Olegar, let's analyze your statement for a second. You said, "The Soviets got their a$$es handed to them in Afghanistan".

OK now let's look at the facts and figures;

In the 10 year Soviet Afghan war the USSR casualties:
14,453 total casualties, here's the breakdown;
9,500 killed in combat
4,000 died from wounds
1,000 died from disease and accidents

Mujahideen casulaties: 75,000 - 90,000 all killed in combat

Sure doesn't look like the USSR got their a$$es handed to them, if that were the case same could be said for the US involvement in Vietnam. US lost 58,307 troops while they killed between 444,000 - 1,100,000 VC / NV troops yet we still withdrew just like the Soviets did. Helps to do your research first before posting stupid comments doesn't it Olegar?

rodgerolsen2 days ago

The difference in Russian and American tactics is that Putin wants to kill terrorists. Obama is obsessed with replacing Assad with an American puppet and forcing Russia out of its Mediterranean bases. He rarely attacks ISIS and even arms and pays any part of ISIS that will attack Syria.That why we "bombed" ISIS for a year and never hit anything important.

sail3752 days ago

Russia commands. The U.S. does not.

Makes me all warm and fuzzy!

James Phifer2 days ago

A good start for Putin is to bomb the
Saudi Oil Terminals on both coast's and the pipelines going into Oman,
this would send Oil prices skyrocketing, and strike at the Juglar vein
of Saudi Arabia, while Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Iraq would immediately
benefit from the enormous increase in profits and gain market share away
from Saudi Arabia, if Saudi Arabia manage to get the terminals
operational after months of repairs, they will have almost no market
share, and will have to sell Oil far below its break-even price until
the whole economy capitulates. This strike would also immediately kill
the Petrodollar forever, and all Oil will be bought in other currencies,
like the Yuan, and will be effectively ending the bankrupt dollar's
hegemony. The west has declared Syria as a key pivotal point in their
agenda of dominating the Middle East, but a strike like this against
Saudi Arabia would be instead the pivotal point when the western US led
hegemony comes to an end.

future James Phifer2 days ago

I agree that Russian moves against Saudi Arabia are called for and essential -- especially since the US seems incapable of controlling this rogue tribal thing.

Weapons transfers should be targeted also, ships boarded and advanced weapons slipped to the Houthis and others in Yemen. The brave Saudis apparently will fight to the last Sudanese

A Saudi air force leader was killed by an old SCUD the Houthis had in their arsenal: just think what they might do with more advanced weapons. Once those S-300s are delivered to Iran, it's possible (I haven't checked the specs) they can shield Yemeni fighters from Saudi aircraft. I doubt the US will defend the Saudis. America is happy to sell them bombs and aircraft, but they're on their own in Yemen, I think.

Jim 632 days ago

This article mentions Russia bombing ISIS' oil trucks, "410 oilers" to be exact, which are used by ISIS to sell the oil they pump out of Syrian territory they seized last year. Twice in the last two days are the first time I have seen any mention of ISIS' oil tankers since ISIS magically arose from the desert some 16 months ago. Yesterday the USAF "coalition" reportedly bombed oil tanker trucks, for the first time.

Two days ago at the G-20 summit Russian Pres. Putin gave a press conference wherein he told the press that he provided detailed intelligence data that showed imagery of ISIS oil truck convoys "dozens of kilometers" long, so long that they run "beyond the horizon". They sell the oil to third party buyers. He also said that he could document financial aid to ISIS by sources in "over 40 nations", "including some G-20 members"

You won't find an article in any western website covering this story yet - wonder why - just google "Putin G-20 ISIS oil tankers" and see what comes up, mostly Russian news sites and non-MSM media, that even includes video of his presser.

So where does ISIS sell its ill-gotten oil?? ISIS is landlocked, by the two nations it is trying to dismember (Syria & Iraq), and 3 US allied countries. The obvious answer is that they sell it through a US ally, most certainly mostly through Turkey, and/or Jordan or Saudi Arabia.

Why does the USAF only bomb the oil trucks, the source of ISIS' wealth (estimated up to $3 million per day) for the first time ever literally within hours of Russia calling out the "coalition" for not bombing those convoys in our year-old bombing campaign? Could it be that are ruling elites don't mind that ISIS sells oil, through our ally, to fund their war effort?

As the saying goes, something is rotten in the state of Denmark - and I don't mean another Wahhabi ISIS terror cell was found. Why does it take Russia shaming the G-20 members into action to get the "coalition" to actually start depriving ISIS of its income from selling stolen Syrian oil?

future2 days ago

If the US wants to be considered serious in its "fight against terrorism" some essential steps, now that Russia has pointed the way -- are necessary.

The means joint, strategic bombing of terrorist targets, as was done in WWII.

Obliteration, not "containment" would be the objective. Both countries would have to acknowledge civilian casualties, which were not an issue fighting N a z ism, and should not be here, either.

Yeah, the US will see some of its TOW missiles and Humvees blown up. Get over it.

The US has systems such as the B-52 and B-2.

Use them.

I'm not a military expert, but I think carpet bombing /missile strikes could be used as a rolling barrage to drive opponents into advancing, deadly forces.

When Syrian army troops and Kurds shake hands like Americans and Russians on the Elbe -- we're getting somewhere.

If almost no one is left alive in Raqqa -- there's your "message" to those tempted to join ISIS and similar groups.

This is also an easy political "out" for Obama, who won't need "boots on the ground" and can be perceived as doing something by -- actually doing something. (what a concept, no?) Morons like John McCain will have no come-back for this.

BaronR2 days ago

The European countries and the Middle-Eastern Nations should give more credit to Putin. He did not come to Middle East blowing his horn but carried out its strategy in quick succession unlike the US and its allies. After all stopping the IS is the main objective and US should be more cooperative with the Russian and put politics and its self agenda aside.

rodgerolsen2 days ago

You might have noticed that the incredibly biased American media has absolutely refused to air the story. The word must have come down that Putin was gaining support in the US and our leaders were looking like idiots, so, starting on Saturday, Nov, 14th all mention of Russian bombing disappear from all major news outlets in America.

David James rodgerolsen2 days ago

Well Its on Yahoo, in fact Ive seen this story on a handful of American Media sites today. Much of America believes we should work with Russia (Just not our government sadly.)

However as much as we would like things to be that simple there is no government run conspiracy to keep news like this off the air or net in America.

rodgerolsen David James2 days ago

Of course there is no official government run censorship in America.
There are just very biased media outlets and consensus based story
lines. These are the people who decided to completely hide the N@zi
influences in Ukraine and ignored the report from German intelligence
that said every NATO accusation of Russian interference in Ukraine was
either grossly exaggerated or a complete fabrication. This isn't the
first time their bias has been front and center.
The reason we know about this raid is the internet sources. However, none of the three major networks, Fox, CNN and MSNBC, so much as mentioned it today - even when they were covering the American raid that destroyed 106 oil transport trucks - about a fourth as many at Russia attacked. You would think they would cover the biggest bomber raid in 40 years, but silence reigns.

KC O2 days ago

Wow Putin is pretty good....send a massive message to ISIS and totally embarrass Obama in the same stroke of the pen....what an impotent little fly spec Obama looks like right now.
If he was smart he would say hey lets get in on this you take norther Siria and we'll take southern Syria and clean this mess up right now in a you in the middle.

Emasculation 101 is what this operation is called in Russia

No PC2 days ago

Gee, I wish America could do that.

meow-meow-meow No PC2 days ago

It can, but the US govt is fighting the president of Syria using these terrorists as proxies... or the proverbial "boots on the ground". So it's not in its interest.

steve kay2 days ago

What Putin is basically saying to Obama, if you are standing around doing nothing, at least get out of the way.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
I don't necessarily agree with every single thing stated here. I am presenting this because I found the discussion enlightening.

Is Russia Hell-Bent on Starting World War III in Syria?


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2013
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So Russia has launched a total of 78 cruise missiles on targets in Syria so far. What would be the approximate cost of each missile that was launched?

07-oct-15 : 26 missiles ( ships of Caspian sea fleet)
17-nov-15 : 34 missiles (bombers flying from Russia, ships of Caspian fleet)
20-nov-15 : 18 missiles (ships of Caspian sea fleet)

Air War is costly!!!


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
‘That’s for Paris’ Russia inscribes message on the side of bomb in Syria after Paris attacks Watch


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Just another Russian cruise missile flying

Russian cruise missiles filmed in northern Syria


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria: Against the Islamic state in turn went Russian warships Syria news Today

Syria: In the course went cruise missiles, air-and sea-based positions on ISIS news Syria


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
This video was posted earlier, but here, you can hear the sound as the pilot would hear on the aircraft.

SYRIA, Russian airstrikes on an oil refinery of ISIS. Bombing of tanks and cars with oil ISIS, Syria


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Syria War - Russia Rolls Out Its Super Fighter
Russian released film shows super advanced MiG31BM being prepared for flight alongside the TU22M3s at Mozdok Air Base.

Daniel Fielding | Russia Insider

MiG31BM - about to join the fight?

The Russians have released a number of very interesting videos showing their bombers engaged in an early morning strike apparently on 19th November 2015.

The video showing a TU22M3 in action is the most interesting.

It gives an idea of the size of some of the bombs being used.

Right at the beginning of the film there are pictures of the technicians at Mozdok loading the bombs. It is obvious that they are much bigger than the bombs used by the Russian aircraft at the base in Latakia.

There are 12 bombs in total. They are probably 2,000 kg bombs.

Most likely this was a strike on an oil facility. A strike of 12 2,000 kg bombs on such a facility would be utterly devastating.

The most interesting thing however in the whole film comes right at the start.

This shows parked near to the TU22M3 as it is being prepared for the mission, what is unmistakably a MiG31BM.

This is the most powerful interceptor aircraft in the world.

It has a crew of two, has an exceptionally long range, can fly at three times the speed of sound (faster than any other fighter aircraft in the world today) and can also fly supersonically for long distances (“supercruise”).

It also has exceptionally advanced and powerful radar and electronics, and carries extremely powerful missiles that are able to engage enemy aircraft at very long distances.

Its radar has a detection range against airborne targets of - it is believed - 320 kms and can track 24 targets simultaneously, allowing the aircraft to engage 10 targets with its missiles simultaneously.

The MiG31BM’s very long range, and its uniquely capable radar, electronics and weapons, makes it a rather more obvious escort for the bombers than the less capable - though more manoeuvrable - SU27SM.

The fact the Russians are showing the MiG31BM in the film - seemingly being prepared for flight by ground technicians - suggests it is already escorting the Russian bombers on their missions or will shortly be.

If so, in terms of establishing Russia’s air ascendancy of the skies over Syria, it would be as big a game changer as deployment of S300 or S400 missiles on the ground.
Commentary: What Russia needs to do, and what they have correctly identified, is building lots of more Tupolev-160 bombers.

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