Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

I heard Russians never negotiate with terrorists .. until last night

Not last night. Russia already told the US to show them what this FSA is, because if they are indeed "moderate," then Russia would like to talk to them.
Lavrov: Show Us Your Fake “Free Syrian Army”
Russia is willing to coordinate with the “phantom” group, but nobody can seem to find them; except maybe on CNN

(TASS) | Russia Insider

So are these head-choppers your friends?

This article originally appeared at TASS - Russian News Agency

The Free Syrian Army and the moderate opposition in general remain a “phantom” group, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, adding that Moscow has called on the US to explain what it is and where it is based.

“No one has told us where the Free Syrian Army operates or where and how the other units of the moderate opposition act,” Lavrov said.

“We will even be ready to establish contact with it, if these are indeed efficient armed groups of the patriotic opposition that consist of Syrians,” the foreign minister added.

So far, the Free Syrian Army remains a “phantom group,” he said. “Nothing is known about it,” Lavrov said.

Lavrov said he has asked US Secretary of State John Kerry to provide information on this group and its leadership.

Last week, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said “there is absolutely controversial information about this so-called army.” “What is Free Syrian Army? Is this an official term? Are they official armed forces or what is it,” Peskov said. He reiterated that Russia would support Syria in the fight against the Islamic State terrorist group and other extremists and terrorists.
Again proves

And, I heard from USA that FSA is not terrorist group?!!!
It was not a Tweet. It was a six paragraph long article. :wink:
Last edited:


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009

Mi-24s Hinds in action.
Quick question. Why are these Hinds flying so low? I know 12.7 mm MMG rounds will bounce off. However, will MANPADs also fail to detect due to the altitude being low?


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russian flying tank. mi 24 at work. ISIS cam

The funny part is, these terrorists are shooting at it from their Kalashnikovs.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
How many? One? :) Then we will look...

And while we are waiting, the reports from ISIS positions - Russian thermobarics (FAE) impacts on their heads:
When these clown will be killed, western press will show their pictures and say Russia or Assad is killing civilians.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
There is nothing to prove. The article is speculative. I have read it. You should read it too.

It is a claim from US, so we will have to wait to see if this is true.

If true, as long as it did not hurt civilians in Iran, I am fine with it. If things fail, it is an opportunity to perfect the weapon system.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
US-Backed ‘Free Syria Army’ Says Fighting Assad a Priority Over Fighting ISIS
Big surprise. FSA in Southern Syria is barely managing to maintain itself on the Syria-Jordan border and then only because of Americans backing from Jordan

(The Jerusalem Post) | Russia Insider

Originally appeared in The Jerusalem Post

A leading Syrian rebel commander said on Wednesday it was illogical to suggest the Free Syrian Army (FSA) could join forces with Damascus to fight Islamic State, after the Russian president said his French counterpart had tabled the idea.

Bashar al-Zoubi, who heads a group fighting under the banner of the FSA in southern Syria, told Reuters: “Before we fight Daesh alongside the Syrian army, the one who brought Daesh into Syria - the Syrian regime - must be held to account.”

Daesh is an Arabic name for Islamic State typically used by the group's opponents.

France has repeatedly said that once there is a political transition there will be the need for government forces and moderate rebels to join to fight Islamic State, but only once President Bashar Assad has gone from power.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Chechen Leader Would Prefer Russia Boots on the Ground in Syria
RI Staff | Russia Insider

Lifenews reports that the head of the Russian Republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, expressed disappointment that Russia was not fighting on the ground in Syria. At a recent press conference, Kadyrov said that Chechen soldiers would be ready to fight there, should the Kremlin change its policy.

“It's a shame that Russia's operations will only be air strikes. But if infantry is needed for the fight against ISIL in Syria, we will be the first in line. Our military readiness is first-rate,” Kadyrov said, pledging that several thousand Chechen soldiers are ready to fight at any time.

On 30th September, Russia's Senate voted unanimously to allow the use of military force to support Syria, whose government had formally requested such help. Official sources in the Kremlin have indicated that Russia will limit such support to air operations, ruling out intervention by ground forces.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
US-Armed Syrian Faction Complains Russia Destroyed Weapons Depot
Group happens to be a close ally of Jabhat al-Nusra - Al Qaeda’s Syrian branch

Jason Ditz | ( | Russia Insider

Originally appeared at

Adding to US claims that the vast majority of Russian airstrikes in Syria aren’t targeting ISIS, but rather other rebel factions, the Liwa Suqour al-Jabal (Falcons of the Mountain) brigade is claiming that Russia attacked and destroyed their main weapons depots in western Aleppo Province on Tuesday.

The Falcons are part of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), and the recipients of massive amounts of arms from the CIA earlier in the war. The group also claims large funding from other unnamed “Arab and foreign countries” and insists it is fighting ISIS as well as the Syrian government.

Which all appears to be true enough, but absent in the story is that this faction of the FSA has been closely allied with al-Qaeda’s Nusra Front in the offensive in Idlib, which left them in control of that province. With one of the main early focuses of Russia’s Syria campaign retaking territory in Idlib Province to more readily connect the capital of Damascus to the Latakia coast.

So while the group is a “US-backed” rebel faction, and the US expresses anger at them being in a target in the war, Russia is likely seeing attacks on their weapons depots as akin to attacks on al-Qaeda’s own weapons caches. This likely doesn’t make the US feel any better, as former officials like David Petraeus have been angling to get the US to ally with al-Qaeda formally.

Ironically, the US faced similar criticism when it first started striking Syria for undermining al-Qaeda’s position in the northwest with airstrikes, and Russia has argued that their policy essentially mirrors America’s.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Which Side Is the US on in Syria?
Nobody can tell - except that it’s on the side of chaos, death and destruction

Peter Hitchens | (Daily Mail) | Russia Insider

This article originally appeared in the Daily Mail

I don’t think the British or American governments really want to fight the Islamic State. They just want to look as if they are doing so.

I judge these people by what they do, not by what they say. And in recent months I have noticed them doing – and not doing – some very interesting things.

The White House and Downing Street both seethe with genuine outrage about Russia’s bombing raids on Syria.

Yet the people Vladimir Putin bombed have views and aims that would get them rounded up as dangerous Islamist extremists if they turned up in Manchester. So why do British politicians call them ‘moderates’ when Russia bombs them?

It’s not as if London or Washington can claim to be squeamish about bombing as a method of war. We have done our fair share of it in Belgrade, Baghdad and Tripoli, where our bombs certainly (if unintentionally) killed innocent civilians, including small children.

Then there’s the curious case of Turkey. Rather like Russia, Turkey suddenly announced last summer that it was sending its bombers in to fight against the Islamic State.

But in fact Turkey barely bothered to attack IS at all. It has spent most of the past few months blasting the daylights out of the Kurdish militias, a policy that Turkey’s President Erdogan has selfish reasons for following.

Yet the Kurds, alongside the Syrian army, have been by far the most effective resistance to IS on the ground. Why then does a key member of the alleged anti-IS coalition go to war against them?

Turkey, a Nato member, is not criticised for this behaviour by Western politicians or by the feeble, slavish Western media. These geniuses never attack our foreign policy mistakes while we are making them. They wait until they have actually ended in disaster. Then they pretend to have been against them all along.

I’ve grown tired of people impersonating world-weary cynics by intoning the old saying ‘My enemy’s enemy is my friend’ as if it were a new-minted witticism.

But in this case, this sensible old rule seems to have been dropped. Instead, our enemy’s enemies – in the case of the Kurds, Syria’s government and the Russians – are mysteriously our enemies too.

Meanwhile the Turkish enemies of our Kurdish friends are somehow or other still our noble allies.

Compare our weird attitude towards Syria’s horrible but anti-IS president, Bashar Assad, to Winston Churchill’s wiser view of Stalin.

Stalin became our ally when the Nazis invaded Russia. Churchill, a lifelong foe of Soviet communism, immediately grasped that times had changed. ‘If Hitler invaded Hell,’ he said ‘I would at least make a favourable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.’

That is because, in body, heart and soul, sleeping and waking, with all the force and spirit he possessed, he was committed to the fight against Hitler above all things. So he would have accepted any ally against him.

Is this true of our leaders, who constantly portray Assad (and Putin) as Hitler, who imagine themselves as modern Churchills and condemn their critics as ‘appeasers’?

No. They play both ends against the middle. Their anti-extremist rhetoric, turned up full when confronting Birmingham schoolteachers or bearded preachers, drops to a whisper when they want to sell weapons to Saudi Arabia, the home of Islamist fanaticism.

Things are not what they seem to be here. Russia’s action may be rash and dangerous. It may fail, especially as we are obviously trying so hard to undermine it. But at least it is honest and straightforward.



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russian Ships Launch Missile Attack on Syria Targets, Clearing Way for Iran Ground Invasion
Zero Hedge figues Syria’s next offensive will really be fought by Iranians

(Zero Hedge) | Russia Insider

This article originally appeared at Zero Hedge

In case it wasn’t clear enough what was set to happen soon after the Russian air force had spent a few days softening up anti-regime positions on the ground, allow us to spell it out: with the opposition on the run thanks to five days of aerial bombardment, Iran will now send in the Hezbollah/Shiite militia/Quds clean up crew, who will personally ensure that whoever is left in the wake of the Su-34 strikes is swiftly eliminated at close range.

You see, this is how you conduct an actual war and you needn’t be a West Point graduate to understand it.

Russia has essentially debilitated Assad’s opposition from the air and now, Iran will (both figuratively and literally in all likelihood), simply walk up and execute anyone who’s left and that, as they say, will be that.

Of course Damascus will get to claim that the SAA emerged victorious with the help of Russian air support, but in reality, there is no SAA. Just as we said weeks ago, the ground campaign is being orchestrated from Damascus by Quds commander Qasem Soleimani. Here’s Reuters:

“The Russian government says its Syria deployment came as the result of a formal request from Assad, who himself laid out the problems facing the Syrian military in stark terms in July, saying it faced a manpower problem.

“Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him, ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani.’”

“Soleimani is almost resident in Damascus, or let's say he goes there a lot and you can find him between meetings with President Assad and visits to the theater of operations like any other soldier,” said one of the senior regional officials.”

What’s going on here really couldn’t be much clearer. Iran is simply taking over Syria with the help of the Russian military juggernaut and as we’ve documented exhaustively, Putin gets to spin the entire Mid-East power grab as a “war on terror.” Here’s AP (reporting from Beirut by the way, so just Google “Hezbollah, Iran, Lebanon,” and draw your own conclusions about who’s feeding them these headlines):

“Syrian troops, emboldened by Russian airstrikes, launch a ground offensive against insurgents.”
Again, there are no “Syrian troops.” They were defeated a long, long time ago, but there are most certainly dozens of fierce Shiite militias from Iraq and there’s always Hezbollah and when you combine these groups with the Russian air force, what you get is a formidable land/air military presence and now, Moscow is also firing on anti-regime targets from the sea. Here’s RT:

“Four Russian Navy warships have fired a total of 26 missiles at the position of the terrorist group Islamic State in Syria, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu announced. The missiles were fired from the Caspian Sea.

““Four missile ships launched 26 cruise missiles at 11 targets. According to objective control data, all the targets were destroyed. No civilian objects sustained damage,” Shoigu said.

“The missiles flew some 1,500 km before reaching their targets, probing their efficiency.

“The missile attacks came from Russia’s fleet in the Caspian Sea, which borders Russia, Iran and three other littoral countries. The precision weapons hit all intended targets.

“The attacks apparently required cooperation from Iran and Iraq, as the missiles had to travel through their airspace to reach Syria.”

Yes, “the attacks apparently required cooperation from Iran and Iraq” which we certainly imagine wasn’t too difficult for Moscow to obtain, because as we outlined in “Mid-East Coup: As Russia Pounds Militant Targets, Iran Readies Ground Invasions While Saudis Panic,” this was the plan all along. Skeptical? That's ok, just consider the following out today from WSJ:

“Iraqi Shiite lawmakers and militia leaders are urging Russia to launch airstrikes on Islamic State militants in their country, an escalation that would heighten tensions with Washington and increase risks of a clash between the two powers.

“Since Moscow began bombing opponents of the regime in Syria last week, Iraq’s Shiite politicians, who dominate government, have been largely united in their praise of Moscow’s intervention and in calls for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to invite Russia to join the battle. Mr. Abadi said he would welcome Russian strikes as long as they were coordinated with the U.S.-led coalition’s air campaign against Islamic State in Iraq.

““We welcome Russian airstrikes in Iraq to help hit Islamic State headquarters, target Islamic State supply lines from Syria and target the oil smuggling lines,” said Moeen al-Kadhimi, a spokesman for the Badr Corps, an Iranian-backed militia and political party that plays a front-line role in fighting Islamic State. “We welcome Russia as they have advanced military technology and can help with intelligence.”

“For Moscow, any involvement in Iraq would be even more complicated than its current Syria gambit. A Kremlin play in Iraq is likely to spotlight weaknesses of U.S. policy there, while exposing the contradictions in the Iraqi government’s dueling alliances, said Anthony Cordesman, a longtime Iraq analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

““It would be difficult to sustain congressional support for an Iraq playing off Iran and Russia against the U.S.,” he said. “The administration would have very tough calls to make.”

“Options would include leaving Iraq or finding a way to operate in parallel with Russia and Iran, raising questions about broader U.S. goals in Iraq.

““We don’t really have a strategy, just a set of short-term engagements,” he said.”

No, Washington doesn’t “really have a strategy” in Iraq, but do you know who does? Tehran. And the very same General who is running the Syrian gound war from Damascus and who Putin sent for directly to organize the entire campaign has long been known to control these Iraqi Shiite lawmakers and millitia leaders and now, Russia is apparently set to just kick the US out of Iraq altogether.

And while Russia literally takes over the Mid-East, the West is busy trying to find silly excuses to claim that Moscow is in violation of NATO members’ sovereignty. Here’s CNN:

“Russian involvement in the 4½-year-old Syrian civil war seems to be escalating, with NATO’s secretary general confirming Tuesday a second incursion by Russian planes into Turkish airspace and saying Russian ground troops were in Syria as well.”

It's unacceptable, it’s dangerous, and it’s reckless behavior and it adds to the tensions,” Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told CNN about the incursions into Turkish airspace.

We see the violation of the Turkish airspace becomes more important, more dangerous, because it happens in a context where we see more fighting, more Russian military presence in Syria.”

So basically, Washington wants the public to focus on some Russian fighter jets that may or may not have accidentally crossed into Turkey's airspace, because after all, the good folks in Ankara are allies of the West, and because they are allies you should pay no attention to the fact that the Erdogan government is systematically exterminating its political opposition in the name of a fake fight against the very same group of terrorists who Putin is actually fighting. In other words: NATO is crying foul because Moscow, in its attempts to fight the terrorists that Turkey has helped to support all along, accidently flew a few miles into Turkey's airspace.

As you can see from the above, the Western hypocrisy and outright panic is accelerating here as Washington is simply bewildered about what to do next. Meanwhile, the Russian military has, in the space of a week, cleared the way (literally) for an Iranian ground invasion in Syria on behalf of Assad. Once that’s finished (which, if recent events are any indication, should be in about two weeks), the entire campaign will shift to Iraq, where the US will either need to confront Russia or simply pack up and leave.

On the “bright” side, open war between Russia and the US would be great for GDP growth…


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Flying Sukhoi bombers, with MiG 29s overhead monitoring Turk enemy radar and communications, the coalition annihilated 2 separate command-and-control centers and 4 warehouses loaded with ammunition along with a training base. The actual number of dead hyenas may increase as many die due to severe wounds at the hands of Turk quacks. The SAA landed several platoons of SF and paratroops on brand new Hind helicopters to clean out the areas attacked and to evaluate the results of the assaults. The results were spectacular. An entire vehicle storage garage complete with 14 pickup trucks was converted into molten metal. Here are the only Syrians among the dead:

‘Abduh Kallaas

Majdeddeen Abu-Saalih

Muhammad Al-Abrash

Hussayn Jammool

Faadi ‘Abdul-Muttalib

Suhayl Shaahbandar

‘Amr Al-Hassan

Hussayn Mushaabik Ghabara

Zayn Rabaah

The rest were all foreigners. Some were identified as having oriental features suggesting they were Uighers.



Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
From Syria To Asia To Russia – Terror Network Organized By NATO And Turkey
While many might suspect at first glance that the two crises are unrelated, the fact is that the same powers that control the savages raping and beheading their way across Syria also control the Uyghur “separatists” wreaking havoc in Xinjang China.
Jisr al-Shughour, a town located in Idlib province in Syria and about twelve miles away from the border with Turkey, has been the scene of at least two massacres by Western-backed terrorists – one in 2011 and the other occurring this year in 2015. In the second massacre, most of the killers were Chechen. However, after the massacre of the indigenous Syrians took place, hundreds of Uyghur families were moved in to “resettle” the town.
Indeed, part of the goal is to destroy the ethnic and demographic nature of Syria as it existed before the war. It is also designed to destroy modern secular Syrian culture. But the fact that Uyghur terrorists are both involved in the fighting as well as “resettling” areas of Syria goes to show that the connection between terrorism, the destruction of Syria, Uyghurs, and Western/NATO intelligence is even deeper.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russia Makes It Rainy Days for Would-Be Sultan Erdogan and America’s Geopolitical Jihadi Tools
Meanwhile NATO is too busy training to ‘defend’ against Russia to be fighting terrorists

Pepe Escobar | Russia Insider

Originally appeared at RT

So a Su-30 enters a few hundred meters into Turkish airspace for only two minutes over Hatay province, and returns to Syrian airspace after being warned by a couple of Turkish F-16s.

Then all hell breaks loose as if this was the ultimate pretext for a NATO-Russia war.

NATO, predictably, went out all rhetorical guns blazing. Russia is causing “extreme danger” and should immediately stop bombing those cute “moderate rebels” the coalition of the dodgy opportunists refuses to bomb.

But wait; NATO is actually too busy to go to war. The priority, until at least November, is the epic Trident Juncture 2015; 36,000 troops from 30 states, more than 60 warships, around 200 aircraft, all are seriously practicing how to defend from the proverbial “The Russians are Coming!”

Still, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu – he of the former “zero problems with our neighbors” doctrine - actually “warned” Moscow that next time Ankara would respond “militarily”.

Until, of course, he backed down; “What we have received from Russia …is that this was a mistake and that they respect Turkey's borders and this will not happen again.”

The incident could have been easily defused – via military to military communication - without the posturing.

But Ankara – NATO’s eastern flank – is under immense pressure from ‘Exceptionalistan.’ It’s no accident Pentagon supremo and notorious neocon Ash Carter “conferred” with Ankara about the incident. Carter of course is the most stellar practitioner of the official Beltway diktat; “By taking military action in Syria against moderate groups’ targets, Russia has escalated the civil war.”

‘Sultan’ Erdogan, right on cue, and straight from Strasbourg (no, he was not campaigning for the European Parliament) doubled down: “Assad has committed state terrorism, and unfortunately you find Russia and Iran defending (him).”

And yet ‘Sultan’ Erdogan won’t go down in history as the catalyst for the much-awaited NATO-Russia Hot War 2.0. At least not yet.

Only bomb if we say so

Enter Dr. Zbigniew “Grand Chessboard” Brzezinski, growling in a FT Op-Ed that Washington should “retaliate” if Moscow does not stop attacking US assets in Syria. “US assets” means CIA-trained “moderate rebels.” And after all, “American credibility” is at stake.

Dr. Zbig – Obama’s prime foreign policy mentor – insists bombing CIA-trained “rebels” accounts for “Russian military incompetence”. And the American counter-attack should be to “disarm” the “Russian naval and air presence.” Now that’s how you go for a NATO-Russia Hot War 2.0.

Dr. Zbig admitted though that “regional chaos could easily spread northeastward,” and then “both Russia and then China could be adversely affected.” Who cares? What matters is that “American interests and America’s friends…would also suffer.”

This is what passes for prime geopolitical analysis in the ‘Empire of Chaos’.

‘Sultan’ Erdogan, for his part, remains restless. Moscow has already evaporated his so cherished three-year-old dream of a no-fly zone over northern Syria. There is an actual no-fly zone all over Syria now in effect. But it’s managed by Russia.

And that explains why there’s already full spectrum hysteria for more US Congress sanctions on Russia. How can a no-fly zone be imposed over Syria when Russia got there first?

And it was all going so swimmingly for the ‘Sultan.’ Ankara – at the insistence of Washington – had finally thrown open its air bases to fight ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, but as long as this was part of a regime change operation in Damascus. And for that, Ankara would get its no-fly zone.

Enter ‘The Sultan’s’ recurrent nightmare; the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its sister organization, the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).

‘The Sultan’ simply cannot accept the PYD advancing to the western bank of the Euphrates to help in the fight against ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. ‘The Sultan’ wants to “contain” the PYD in Kobani.

The problem is the PYD – supported by the PKK – is the only reliable ‘Empire of Chaos’ ally in Syria. Yet ‘the Sultan’ could not help himself; he got into a war – again – against the PKK. Washington was not exactly amused.

And then there’s the key corridor from the Bab al-Salam border crossing down to Aleppo - controlled by Ankara-supported goon squads. That’s Ankara’s bridge to Aleppo; without it, not the slightest chance of regime change, ever. The fake “Caliphate” was threatening to take over the corridor. So action was imperative.

Russia’s spectacular entry into the war theatre threw all these elaborate plans into disarray. Imagine a complete liberation of northeast Syria as soon as the PYD – with help from PKK fighters - is weaponized enough to smash the ISIS/ISIL/Daesh goons. And imagine the Russian Air Force providing air cover for such an operation, with extra coordination by the Russia-Syria-Iraq-Iran central in Baghdad.

‘The Sultan’, in desperation, would have to maneuver his F-16s against such an offensive. And then we might really have a NATO-Russia five seconds to midnight scenario – with terrifying consequences. ‘The Sultan’ would blink first. And NATO would collapse into the ignominy it never left – back to its elaborate “Russia is invading” drills.

Say hello to my geopolitical jihadi tool

Next steps for the Russian campaign would be to pay close attention to the road linking ISIS/ISIL/Daesh’s capital, Al-Raqqah, around which jihadis are fighting for the control of oil and gas in Sha’ir and Jazal. And then there are pockets east of both Homs and Hama, and in al-Qaryatayn. Moscow – slowly, surely, methodically - is getting there.

What the Russian air campaign has already graphically exposed is the whole rotten core myth of the new Jihad International.

ISIS/ISIL/Daesh, Jabhat al-Nusra and assorted Salafi-jihadi goon squads have been kept up and running by a massive financial/logistical/weaponizing “effort” – which includes all sorts of key nodes, from arms factories in Bulgaria and Croatia to transportation routes via Turkey and Jordan.

As for those Syrian “moderate rebels” – and most of them are not even Syrian, they’re mercenaries – every pebble in the ravaged Sykes-Picot desert sands knows they were trained by the CIA in Jordan. The desert pebbles are also aware that ISIS/ISIL/Daesh goons have been infiltrated into Syria from Turkey – once again, across Hatay province; and vast swathes of ‘the Sultan’s’ Army and police were into the game.

As for who pays the bills for the lavish weaponizing, talk to the proverbial “pious wealthy donors” – incited by their clerics - in the GCC, the petrodollar arm of NATO. None of these goon squads could possibly thrive for so long without full, multidisciplinary “support” from the usual suspects.

So the hysterical/apoplectic/paroxystic rage enveloping the ‘Empire of Chaos’ betrays the utter failure, once again, of the same old “policy” (remember Afghanistan) of using jihadis as geopolitical tools. Fake “Caliphate” or “rebels,” they are all NATO-GCC’s bitches.

To add insult to injury, a frustrated ‘Sultan’ has also been forced to annex himself to a slightly changing Washington position – which now rules that “Assad must go,” yes, but it may take some time, as part of a yet to be defined “transition.”

‘The Sultan’ will remain a pile of nerves. He does not give a damn about ISIS/ISIL/Daesh. Washington now does – sort of. He wants to smash the PYD and the PKK. For Washington, the PYD is a helpful ally. As for Moscow, ‘the Sultan’ better watch his neo-Ottoman step.

‘The Sultan’ simply cannot afford to antagonize ‘The Bear.’ Gazprom will expand the Blue Stream pipeline into Turkey. It would be by 3 billion cubic meters; instead it will be by 1 billion cubic meters. According to Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, it’s due to technical capabilities.

Yet Ankara better get its act together, because even that extension may evaporate if there’s no agreement on the commercial terms of TurkStream, the former Turkish Stream. Ankara is under tremendous pressure from the Obama administration. And ‘the Sultan’ knows very well that without Russia all his elaborate plans to position Turkey as the key energy transit hub from East to West will vanish in Anatolian scrub. In the end, he may even get regime-changed himself.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Russian warplanes in Syria destroy U.S.-trained rebels' weapons depots: commander
Russian air strikes have destroyed the main weapons depots of a U.S.-trained rebel group in Syria, their commander said on Wednesday, in an expansion of Russian attacks on insurgents backed by foreign enemies of President Bashar al-Assad.

The Liwa Suqour al-Jabal, whose fighters have attended military training organized by the Central Intelligence Agency in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, was also hit last week by Russian raids as Moscow began its air campaign in support of Damascus.
Haj Ali said he believed the Russians were targeting his group because it was one of the bigger and stronger factions fighting under the banner of the Free Syrian Army with support from "Arab and foreign countries".

"These were considered the principal depots of the Liwa," he told Reuters.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
What it should look like? There is not even operational coverage. I will not explain the specifics of an amateur.
Well, he did a better job than the chocolate seller's "orderly retreat" from Debaltsevo.

In any event, it is difficult to find ORBAT related information, because Google Search seems to turn up lots of western propaganda websites, such as BBC, CNN, and NYT.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
One-Pager on Latest Developments in Russia (RF Sitrep 20151008)

Patrick Armstrong | Russia Insider


10 DAYS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD. They did, don’t you think? Gilbert Doctorow describes the interlocking parts of Moscow’s actions: coalition assembled, the UNGA, the military moves, the demonstration that Russia has full-capacity armed forces, Ukraine.

SYRIA. Clearly the big story. Others have commented: I recommend Dyer, Escobar and Buchanan. But there are plenty more. All I have to add are a few observations. Re the “Russian invasion” of Ukraine and grainy photos of combine harvesters or whatever somewhere or other, this is what real satellite photoslook like: colour, detail, precision. Russia’s intervention has exploded the US fantasy of “moderate opposition” (but weren’t there only four or five of them?) and its incoherent two-horse scheme (watch McCain lump “barrel bombs” and beheaders together as if Assad and ISIS were the same at 6:51). As to Russia being “doomed to fail”, its strikes are coordinated with the forces on the ground that are actually fighting ISIS; Syrian forces have begun an offensive. And with Iraq too. Egypt as well. Israel even? Is Iran coming? There are suggestions that both Iraq and Afghanistan would welcome Russian assistance because ISIS has only grown stronger in the year of the US-led operation, despite its claims. Moscow prepared the ground, did everything legally, assembled a coalition and moved quickly and decisively. Not Putin vs Obama, or “standing up to Putin”, but a direct challenge to the New American Century crowd; “the most powerful, good and honorable nation… the exceptional nation”: “Do you at least realise now what you have done?” (Вы хоть понимаете теперь, что вы натворили?).

WESTERN VALUES™. No sooner had the US and its allies complained about “civilian casualties” (on faked evidence) than US forces struck a hospital in Afghanistan. The American story is now in its fourth iteration but still no response to the three main charges– that they knew where the hospital was, that there was no firing from it, that the hospital was repeatedly struck after MSF had called on the US authorities to stop. Meanwhile, on Russia’s “violation of Turkish airspace”, look at this screen from a Western source: the green are NATO aircraft in Syria. Whose violations there? Turkey has been violating Syria airspace for some time. And here’s a Deutsche Welle report on the ISIS supply route from Turkey.

PAST AND PRESENT. Wikileaks tells us that Qadaffi was willing to talk but Clinton was not willing to listen. The former Defense Intelligence Agency head says the Administration made a “wilful decision” to ignore its warnings about the growth of ISIS; nor does he believe the “moderate opposition” exists.

INTENTIONS. Don’t know what Russia’s intentions are? Stop speculating and read Putin’s speech. A clue: “we can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world” (что терпеть складывающееся в мире положение уже невозможно). He's been saying this since the famous Munich speech and now he’s found a time and place to act. He seems to have a lot of support in the West, too – see below. Read Xi’s speech as well, not as blunt, but the same message.

THE WORM TURNS. Read the comments on this story, this story, this story and this story. The first two condemn Russia’s actions, the second two approve. But, in all cases the readers’ comments are overwhelmingly supportive of Russia’s attacks. I have suspected for a while – why else all the talk about “Putin trolls”, Putin’s “information war” and the closing of comments sections? – that an increasing proportion of the Western audience sees through the spin and propaganda. Syria may burst the dam. The last words go to Paul Craig Roberts: “By telling the truth at a time of universal deceit, Putin committed a revolutionary act.

RT. Remember when RT was “Putin’s weapon of mass deception” and a challenge that had to be countered? Well now it fakes its numbers and is insignificant. Hard to keep up with the story, isn’t it?

RUSSIA INC. I highly recommend this from the perceptive Mr Mercouris on how Russian economy measurements miss something important. While the USA undeniably leads his super trio, how much longer can it with so much of its manufacturing out-sourced?

CORRUPTION. Is a big problem in Russia and no one hides it. I’ve said before that I’ll believe a serious anti-corruption effort is really happening when someone in an office next to Putin’s or Medvedev’s is taken away. It almost happened with Serdyukov but he seems to have got away with it. Ditto the Luzhkovs. Well, maybe something more significant than busting traffic cops is beginning. We’ll see.

© Patrick Armstrong Analysis, Ottawa, Canada Websites: ROPV, US-Russia, Russia Insider

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