Russian involvement in Syrian crisis


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Any, preferably non Russian, press about the Russians attacking actual ISIS, not "Al Qaida", or that Chinese aircraft carrier turning up?
It's clear 70% of Russian air strikes over FSA controlled Territories only, they were moving advance to Russian base near Latakia, Bombing the ISIS is just a show off to cheer those Russian Supporters

No, Chinese carrier not there ..!! still no relevance reports


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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How are Israel and Russia going to work together? Strange when Iran is on Russian side.
Israel keep trying to push Russians not to support the Hezbullah terrorists ..earlier some odd T 72 Tanks along with some ATGM's transferred to Hezbullah.

also, there is zero chance of Israel Russian coordination


Regular Member
May 5, 2014
Israel keep trying to push Russians not to support the Hezbullah terrorists ..earlier some odd T 72 Tanks along with some ATGM's transferred to Hezbullah.

also, there is zero chance of Israel Russian coordination
Russia to coordinate Syria military actions with Israel
Israeli PM Netanyahu says coordination aims to prevent accidental military clashes with Russian troops in Syria.

22 Sep 2015 08:30 GMT |

Netanyahu (L) said he and Putin "agreed on a mechanism to prevent [...] misunderstandings" [Reuters]

Israel and Russia have agreed to coordinate military actions over Syria in order to avoid accidentally trading fire, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a visit to Moscow.

Briefing Israeli reporters after he met Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday, Netanyahu said he had come with the goal of "prevent[ing] misunderstandings between IDF [Israeli army] units and Russian forces" in Syria, where Assad is fighting rebels in a civil war.

Netanyahu added that he and Putin "agreed on a mechanism to prevent such misunderstandings".


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2014
Russia is the first superpower that is running on vodka and state sponsored propaganda tv channels.

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Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
It's clear 70% of Russian air strikes over FSA controlled Territories only, they were moving advance to Russian base near Latakia, Bombing the ISIS is just a show off to cheer those Russian Supporters

No, Chinese carrier not there ..!! still no relevance reports
Russian MOD have given you a lot of videos where you can see no civillians or civillian buildings in the strike areas.
Do you really think that some other source can be more precise than military objective control?

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Turning into a frog
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Mar 30, 2009
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Isn't this what ever country does? Every country looks after their own interest and only fools try to make others happy.

How will having another acknowledged Super Power (Russia) will help Indian interest globally???? Russian will look for their interest not Indian interest.
Yeah, it will help. Just like it is helping Syria at present, has been helping Iran for a long time, helped Novorossia. It is the non-assertiveness of any power globally that emboldened USA so much that they started rampaging around in the guise of spreading "democracy". Even if that meant ousting Democratically elected office-holders to suite their own purpose. The USA and its war-machinery (including financial machinery like IMF) has been getting its own way for a long time, and the result is what you see globally. Russian assertiveness is what saved Novorossian people and now keeping ISIS from over-running Syria. Also, Russia is not going to help India, unless in its own interest - even a child knows that.

Also, lets this way. India has a significant influence globally, but will that matter if all the power in the world is accumulated with a single nation? Then the wish and will of USA will be imposed on everyone, and anybody will invite a invasion or military strike if they went against USA's will. Remember 1971, when USA was prepared to invade India to support Pakistan? Remember when USA supported dictators in Vietnam? Without another power to counter USA, India would have lost 1971, as India could not have protected its coasts from the fleet of USA or South Vietnam would still be under a dictatorship.

In every sphere of power and influence, some kind of balance is required so that the power cannot run havoc with impunity. Common sense.

Btw, you forget that China is at the verge of becoming the 3rd Super Power. All thing that is preventing it from being one is its dismal international image and needless posturing, which makes it unreliable. A super power cannot be a super power unless it has some kind of reliability with its allies.
Just another day dream. I think you need to research a bit more about term Super power.
Russian Federation is Potential superpowers at best.
"A superpower is a state with a dominant position in international relations and is characterised by its unparalleled ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale" - This is what wikipedia says, and actually it fits my understanding too.

Now, if you say that Russia doesn't have major global influence, I would stop arguing with you right now. There is no potentiality to it. Russia ignored USA and its whole lot of allys, went to 1000s of kms from its own border and bombing at a place defying USA and blasting away the forces that USA supports. Now, if you still don't accept Russia as a Super Power - powerful enough to counter USA, obviously not in every matter, you may need to learn the basics of international affairs.

Well, my day-dream involves IAF bombing the terror camps at POK; and having Baluchistan and Sindh as a separate countries when Kashmir is in entirety within India. I don't dream about Russia, neither I am a diehard fan of it.

Economy and military do matter.
When did I deny? But, not in the scale as it is projected. The results of examinations matter more than how long you have studied, how expensive your private tutor was, how ultra-modern your school was or how good your pens were. When the result came, USA has failed at every exam in last decade.

Hardwares and economy matters. Just look at the looses suffered by USA compared to Soviets. Afghanistan by itself is unconquerable. You need to visit Afghanistan to understand this. As far as Americans are concerned they achieved this goal in Afghanistan.
In Afghanistan Soviets wanted to keep the nation and rule it - unlike USA which was not interested in ruling it. The soviet troops were actively spread out initially to suppress the Mujahideens, when USA just built fots in places and let the whole regions go to hell around them. Also, when Soviets were there and when USA was there - it has 20 years of time gap and 20 years of technical gap. Did Soviet or for the matter contemporary USA forces had drones 20 years ago? Or so sophisticated satellite coverage? How much difference these two technology alone would have made during Soviets time, just imagine - if you are able.

They killed OBL and also after 9/11 their hasn't been a major terrorist attack on continental US.
That's another shot against USA. Their own vassal state whose lifeline was beholden to USA, harboured OBL for such a long time, and even when caught pants down USA could do to squat to Pakis. Now, compare that to Chechen rebels. Most of them have been dead over a decade, and rest had to flee.

As for Iraq War :
Before the 2003 invasion, Iraq's domestic oil industry was fully nationalized and closed to Western oil companies. A decade of war later, it is largely privatized and utterly dominated by foreign firms.
From ExxonMobil and Chevron to BP and Shell, the West's largest oil companies have set up shop in Iraq.
The war is the one and only reason for this long sought and newly acquired access.
Well, you see you are validating my own point. For resources USA can go to any extent, so some other power to counter it is very very much required. The Iraq invasion happened when Russia was still not in a position to flex its own muscle, which no longer is the case.

However, regarding Iraq. Yes, western MNCs got access to the oil, but how long it will be is anybody's guess given growing Russian influence in Iraq and Iraq's antipathy towards USA for all the mess it has created. Also, given oil's price being spiraling down, even USA would be reluctant to indulge in another messy engagement. Even the worst kind of redneck in Texas would not support military action if Iraq govt. starts blocking access to the oil gradually.

As for Syria their is no oil for which US will physically get involved in the conflict. Its pure economics and nothing else. Hence the Americans will let Russians do what they want.
Boy, you are naive. USA cannot stop Russia from doing what it is doing unless it is ready to go to war against Russia. Putin has set his feet down and whole of the Europe doesn't give a fuck about Obama's 'moderate' rebels anymore. Americans have been pushed to so much backfoot and lost so much face that it has actually become a laughing stock. Do you think, if USA was confornted by some other nation whom it can strongarm, it would have let such a humiliation heaped on it? Also, it is not solely about Syria. Do not peek and choose. Remember Ukraine? Georgia? There too USA had to eat humble pie.

In 90s, Russia was too weak and still recovering from the huge blow of collapse of USSR, and it could not protect its interests in Europe. But, that is no longer the case.

And yet people have started claiming Russia is a super power.
Honeybun, you have read too much of western propaganda. The proof of the pudding is eating it. The western propaganda may have you believing that there's only one supah powah, however recent events do prove that USA may be the global bully, but not the undisputed strongman.

No country super-power or not will counter any other country (leave USA out of the equation) for Indian interest.
there you go talking BS. Of course, any counrty, super power or not, will counter any other country for Indian interest, if India is more valuable to it, or Indian interests is same as its own interest.

The Global play is about serving one's own first. If India is more valuable to USA than China, of course USA will counter China, just as USSR did once.

Lets just talk about how we can make sure Indian interest are maintained and no other country will screw with us.

Well, the whole bloody forum is only for that. Whether Russia becomes a Super power or not, means squat unless it affects India.

But, since, in absence of a multi-polar world, having a bi-polar would is better, Russia's status is important from India's POV.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Russia to coordinate Syria military actions with Israel
Israeli PM Netanyahu says coordination aims to prevent accidental military clashes with Russian troops in Syria.

22 Sep 2015 08:30 GMT |
Defense Minister: We're not coordinating Syria response with Russia

Israel is not coordinating our Syria response with Russia, Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said Tuesday in the wake of Russian President Vladimir Putin's statements that he was "worried" about recent Israeli strikes in Syria.,7340,L-4705371,00.html


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May 5, 2014


Jun 14, 2012
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Helicopters are needed to support the advancing troops.


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2013
No. In this particular case they are needed to cover take off and landing approaches from guys with MANPADS, who can infiltrate closely to runways.

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Jun 14, 2012
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No. In this particular case they are needed to cover take off and landing approaches from guys with MANPADS, who can infiltrate closely to runways.

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Aug 8, 2014
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Turkish F-16 jets had radar lock by an unidentified MIG-29

Turkish F-16 jets had radar lock by an unidentified MIG-29
Published October 6, 2015

Turkey’s F-16 jets were harassed and put on radar lock by an unidentified MIG-29 aircraft on the Syrian border, after Russian fighter planes violated Turkish airspace at the weekend, the Turkish military said on Tuesday.

“Eight Turkish F-16 jets carried out reconnaissance flights over the Turkish-Syrian border (on Monday) and during this mission our jets were held on radar lock by an unidentified MIG-29 plane for a total of four minutes and 30 seconds,” the army said in a statement.

Radar lock-on enables missile systems to automatically follow a target.

In a separate incident, the same Turkish jets were also “harassed by missile systems deployed in Syria for a total of four minutes and 15 seconds,” the army added.

It did not go into further detail about the nature of the harassment from the missile systems or whether the Turkish jets were in any danger.

Russian aircraft violated Turkish airspace on Saturday and on Sunday, prompting Ankara to summon the Russian envoy to the foreign ministry twice to protest the breach.

The army gave no indication that the MIG-29 was a Russian plane. It had also complained a similar incident involving an unidentified MIG-29 took place on Sunday.

In Brussels, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Moscow on Tuesday against losing Turkey’s friendship and said his country cannot remain “patient” in the face of air space violations.

NATO’s chief Jens Stoltenberg accused Russia of deliberately violating Turkey’s airspace during its air campaign on Syria.


Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Some countries like Russia, India and China look the equal abilities and common development for all to not to have imperialistic troubles.
How does this counter my point? All I said was every country will look after its own interest and not other's.
He is countering your point.

You are saying all countries look out for their own interests. He is saying Russia, India, China look for equal abilities and common development for all. Now, you may disagree with this, as Russia today might not be as benevolent, but you cannot deny that the Soviet Union gave away unparalleled help to India without getting next to nothing in return.
Isn't this what ever country does? Every country looks after their own interest and only fools try to make others happy.
Not true for every country. Look above.

How will having another acknowledged Super Power (Russia) will help Indian interest globally???? Russian will look for their interest not Indian interest.
Russia may or may not be a super-power, but that is not the reason why many Indians are happy at what Russia is doing. Many Indians are happy because Russia is frying those Wahhabi nutjobs, whether you call them FSA, ISIS, or Ice-Cream. They are Wahhabis, and given half a chance, would kill Hindus, just like they are chopping the heads off of the Christians and Shias.

So, supporting Russia (look at the thread title) does help India.

Now, let us assume that these Wahhabis would be very kind to Indians. Even then, what these Wahhabis are doing is pure evil, whether it relates to India or not. That is why many Indians are supporting Russia (look at the thread title).

Now, if you think that Indians should not be bothered about what Russia is doing in Syria, why are you even commenting in this thread?
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