Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Jun 14, 2012
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Shooting at drones with assault rifles and rifle-caliber machine guns is likely to be prohibited. Yesterday, one of the "mopeds" was hit, changed course and crashed into a residential building, killing several people.
Iran stubbornly denies the supply of weapons. Indeed, there is such a version that these Iranian drones were assembled at a Syrian factory.
Why you can believe this version. It became known that Moscow is returning R-17 complexes (Scud) from storage. This means. that they were unable to buy Iranian ballistic missiles.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
Global supply chains, whether they produce military or civilian goods, are facing a Minsky Moment – an actual Minsky Moment. The term refers to the implosion of the long-intermediation chains of the shadow banking system that marked the onset of the Great Financial Crisis. Today, we are witnessing the implosion of the long-intermediation chains of the globalized world order: masks, baby formula, chips, missiles, and artillery shells, for now.

The triggers aren’t a lack of liquidity and capital in the banking and shadow banking systems, but a lack of inventory and protection in the globalized production system, in which the West designs at home and manages from home, but sources, produces, and ships everything from abroad, where commodities, factories, and fleets of ships are dominated by states – Russia and China – that are in conflict with the West.

Inventory for supply chains is what liquidity is for banks. In 2007-08, big banks ran on “just-in-time” liquidity: the dominant form of liquidity was market liquidity, for which you could always sell assets into a deep market without moving prices, so you did not have to have liquidity reserves at the central bank. Similarly, big corporations today run “just-in-time” supply chains for which they assume that they can always source what they need without moving the price.

But not really: the U.S. military has to wait a little bit as Raytheon “will take a little while”; Taiwan and Saudi Arabia have to wait as well until the conflict in Ukraine is over; and if your washing machine broke recently, you’ll have to wait a bit too until defense contractors are done buying them up to rip chips out to make missiles.

We’re borrowing from “here” to make things “there”. Hedge units can cover their payments from their incomes. Speculative units have to borrow to be able to make payments. And Ponzi units can make their payments only if they sell some of their assets and are thus the most exposed to rising interest rates.

As the chip examples demonstrate, Minsky would classify the military supply chains as “speculative” units at best, which are exposed to a further escalation of geopolitical tensions that could easily turn them into Ponzi supply chains. We can also apply Minsky’s framework in Europe, where Germany can’t cover its payments without Russian gas and the government is asking citizens to conserve energy to leave more for industry.

Protection by Pax Americana for global supply chains is what capital is for banks. In 2007-08, big banks didn’t have enough capital to deal with systemic events, because they were Too Big to Fail. The assumption was that the state will bail them out. The state did provide a bailout, but at a cost, which was Basel III.

Today, the assumption among investors is that globalization is Too Big to Fail but globalization is not a bank in need of a bailout. It’s in need of a hegemon to maintain order. The systemic event is someone challenging the hegemon, and today, Russia, China and various countries are challenging the U.S. hegemon.

For the current world order and its trade arrangements and network of global supply chains to survive the challenge, the challenge must be squashed quickly and decisively, in the spirit of the Powell Doctrine. Unfortunately for the West, Ukraine and Taiwan aren’t Kuwait, Russia and China aren’t Iraq, and Top Gun 2 isn’t the same movie as Top Gun.
I disagree on China. If anything it is bolstering a dualist world order to be the leader of the east while the USA is determined to be the leader of the west. Basically it wants to be the USA of the east


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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Akshai Hind and Arunachal Pradesh has also shown in India.

Few days back, A Gl0b0h0m0 claimed that Russia do not recognise Akshai Hind and Arunachal Pradesh as a part of India.
Doesn't SCO has HQ in China?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
Akshai Hind and Arunachal Pradesh has also shown in India.

Few days back, A Gl0b0h0m0 claimed that Russia do not recognise Akshai Hind and Arunachal Pradesh as a part of India.
This isn’t their official government stance


Jun 14, 2012
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People will see them too very soon.
I can give a synchron, like a woman in Yeysk yells that they got into a civilian house, but you won’t understand anything.
However, the point of that video is that it's easy to be cynical when it's not about you personally. Therefore, I think that many here are as "brave" as those Russians who are fleeing the mobilization. The previous record was held by the US - 40K men fled to Canada from the Vietnam War. The Russian record is 10 times bigger.


Senior Member
May 20, 2021
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I can give a synchron, like a woman in Yeysk yells that they got into a civilian house, but you won’t understand anything.
However, the point of that video is that it's easy to be cynical when it's not about you personally. Therefore, I think that many here are as "brave" as those Russians who are fleeing the mobilization. The previous record was held by the US - 40K men fled to Canada from the Vietnam War. The Russian record is 10 times bigger.
I was just saying that if Iranian drones are been used in Ukraine so can be Iranian ballistic missiles by Russia.

Russia is also running low.


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Sep 8, 2022
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Amusing how people can believe these lies after the laughable Bucha hoax was debunked so bad.
Oh, my sweet summer child, you really look at those Russian soldiers through rosy glasses, do ya? :rofl:Tens of thousands of people live in Bucha and other cities that suffered and they all say the same story. Yet, some ppl, whose world would be ruined if they found out that Russians commited massacres pretend, that everything is done by Ukrainians and whole population of northern Ukraine is silent about it - the largest coverup in the world. :cool3:

You should educate yourself about what Russians did for example during Chechens wars. Compared to that, in Ukraine, they are actually still restained - there is no organized killing, rather some random, even though quite numerous, crimes stemming from lack of oversight and bad psychical state of RuSSian soldiers.


Jun 14, 2012
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I was just saying that if Iranian drones are been used in Ukraine so can be Iranian ballistic missiles by Russia.

Russia is also running low.
So I built the sentence incorrectly. I was talking about the Russian Scuds that she returns from storage.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
Scuds and drones will fail without real-time intel on Ukrainian air defence grids which NATO's IAMD backs.

Only 4 out of 25 drones were made into hitting their so-called intended targets. One they say went astray due to non-military interception.

If I were a Russian General I will work on long-range small dynamic artillery attacks to soften multiple frontiers. And keep doing it to achieve similar objectives that they now appear to claim with high attrition.

Anyhow from the very first week itself, I gave very bad scores to Russian Generals. I still don't know what they are doing and what are their objectives.

The longer it gets worst it will become. A statemate for an invading force = defeat.

Trial By Fire

Regular Member
Jul 16, 2022
Oh, my sweet summer child, you really look at those Russian soldiers through rosy glasses, do ya? :rofl:Tens of thousands of people live in Bucha and other cities that suffered and they all say the same story. Yet, some ppl, whose world would be ruined if they found out that Russians commited massacres pretend, that everything is done by Ukrainians and whole population of northern Ukraine is silent about it - the largest coverup in the world. :cool3:

You should educate yourself about what Russians did for example during Chechens wars. Compared to that, in Ukraine, they are actually still restained - there is no organized killing, rather some random, even though quite numerous, crimes stemming from lack of oversight and bad psychical state of RuSSian soldiers.
You're just a really dumb fuckin' Polack, ain't you? You have actually been debunked and stripped naked of all your lies earlier on this thread and yet you persist on like a retarded cousin who doesn't know better.

I'm not going to post the same message all over again, go back and refresh your memory. Plus, we've already seen the proud celebrations of the UkroNazis who were jubilant about, "We are shooting them ("collaborators") like animals!!" so we know who's got the motive here.

Oh boy, this must be my third time making the same damn post, hope I'll get a proper response and rebuttal this time around.

First off, NYT claimed that their satellite images show bodies lying in Bucha for weeks.View attachment 154168

Absolute bullshit. If the bodies had been lying there for weeks, why were all their clothes pristine? Apart from the decomposition of the bodies, the clothes would’ve been all waterlogged (it had rained/snowed in the last weeks).

This is literally manufactured evidence that anyone with even a little bit of commonsense would realize is a complete lie.

View attachment 154169

This proves that it is impossible that the bodies at Bucha could’ve been lying outside for weeks without decaying. It was too warm, as the graph proves. The satellite photos are manufactured.

Also, attentive people would have noticed— the bodies are weirdly “tidy”. People who have been violently killed have their limbs splayed out randomly. Even if they have been bound, you never see such victims legs close together.

A further note: All of the bodies lying on the street are perfectly spaced so that cars can go between them. No corpse is lying immediately in the path of any car, necessitating the driver and passenger to get out and move the dead body. That doesn’t make any sense at all.

The AFU have used civilians as human shields in multiple locations, most infamously in Mariupol. The AFU have shot at Mariupol civilians who tried to escape from their clutches.

The AFU have lied repeatedly (Ghost of Kyiv, 13 on Snake Island, etc.), as well as made fake combat videos for propaganda purposes. The AFU have tortured and murdered prisoners of war. The AFU have kidnapped, tortured and murdered Ukrainian journalists and Ukrainian politicians.

Oh, and what's this, a now deleted article by Ukrainian special forces claiming they are starting a "clearing operation of collaborators and accomplices of Russia" in Bucha?

View attachment 154170


View attachment 154172

View attachment 154173

The photo of the "Bucha massacre of March 19" was taken on April 1.

▪A picture from the NYT allegedly from March 19 shows sandy alluvium after the downpour, which lasted from the 31st to the first.

▪ The attached comparison from the NYT is based on two images with identical shadow positions. They allegedly compared March 19 and February 28.

In fact, they compared February 28 and April 1 - the time and position of the shadows coincide. Original dates of photos according to American time.

▪ The Maxar website provides information on which satellites have been imaging the Bucha region in recent times. A total of three satellites were involved.

▪ By checking the angle of the Sun over the horizon, SunCalc found the exact time of the image and the direction of the shadows by searching.

▪ The photo was taken on April 1 at 11:57 GMT (14:57 local time).

So, you see, no sensible or intelligent person believes in this hoax. Or any bogus claims of "Hundreds of thousands of women raped by Russians" shared by Ukrainian propagandists.

I mean, I can easily show you dozens of videos of Ukie civilians claiming the AFU and Azog preventing them to leave, using them as shields and even attacking them, and you'll say it's Russian propaganda. So?

In such cases, a side's own actions and history is the best evidence. The hundreds and hundreds of journalists and civilians killed and shelled by Nazi battalions over the last 8 years, as well as the Russophobic attitude, strikingly similar to ISIS, shows the mass-killers are and who are mere soldiers.

View attachment 154179

View attachment 154180
It's blindingly obvious to everyone but the blind that the Neo-Nazi Larpers who hate Russians, and who have done similar atrocities for the last 8 years and openly stated there would be retribution against "traitors" did this.

Oh and by the way, Polack, that reminds me. Didn't Ukraine reject your country's offer to send technical experts to help investigate Bucha?

Shortly after the discovery of corpses in Bucha, Poland's minister of justice was asked in a press conference about whether any teams to collect evidence in Bucha were established.

He said they contacted Ukraine to "offer all possible technical assistance as regards to the collection of materials or the creation of expert opinions" regarding Bucha.

This offer was rejected.

As far as I am aware, there are no scientific reports estimating the day of death of corpses in Bucha. Instead of forensic evidence by specialist scientists, Ukraine instead used journalists to establish the facts.

So the UkroNazis didn't even trust their closest lapdogs, you, to conduct an investigation into Bucha. I mean, that's clearly a massacre committed by the other side, right? Unfortunately the rest of the world isn't as delusional as you are and we recognize that testimonial evidence is the most unreliable form of evidence, especially elicited from people who live in a country ruled by wannabe Neo-Nazis who have carried out a regime of torture, murder and oppression for 8 years.

And you seem very sorry and sympathetic for the Chechens, interesting. Never thought that Polacks would be so receptive towards Chechens. But maybe it's again you who needs an education on Chechnya.

The first Chechnya war? Russia fought by tying their hands behind their back and let the Chechens get away with everything. The second war is when the brutality started. Oh, and those Chechens you think are such angels who were preyed on by the evil Russians? They used terrorist tactics wherein they would behead people and then ran off to their mountain homes to avoid arrest. During that war, beheadings of Russian soldiers by Chechens was commonplace.

@Waanar posted about this some time back. Chechens used to capture Russian soldiers alive, hang them out of windows alive from the houses where they'd set up defensive positions and then fire on the Russian troops to provoke a response which would inevitably lead to the hanging Russians screaming, begging to their friends to stop firing and their friends being forced to kill their helpless buddies to save their own lives.

They also loved beheading Russian troops and putting their head on stakes on ambush points which the Russian logistic troops would pass from. If they caught a soldier's address from his dead body, they'd send letters to their mama explaining how they tortured and killed her son.

They also loved starving soldiers to near-death and then feeding them the uncooked remains of their buddy's flesh. Let's not even talk of what they did to ethnic Russians before and after the war. Whatever twisted, sadistic thing you can think of doing, the chechens had done it.

So put your Westfag CIA-approved talking points down and use your brain for once. Or maybe you can continue being Uncle Sam's little bitch and be a good little Polack, getting used and dumped by everybody.



Regular Member
Sep 8, 2022
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Oh and by the way, Polack, that reminds me. Didn't Ukraine reject your country's offer to send technical experts to help investigate Bucha?
No idea about Poland, but from my country, a dozen of criminalists and forensic experts went to Ukraine and spent time around Bucha, gathering evidence about what happened there - they gave several interviews after return. But yeah, largest cover-up in the world :crazy:. Those women, who claimed they were raped by Russian soldiers, whose husbands were murdered in front of them when they tried to interfere, they made everything up and it was Azov who killed their husbands, right?

Trial By Fire

Regular Member
Jul 16, 2022
No idea about Poland, but from my country, a dozen of criminalists and forensic experts went to Ukraine and spent time around Bucha, gathering evidence about what happened there - they gave several interviews after return. But yeah, largest cover-up in the world :crazy:. Those women, who claimed they were raped by Russian soldiers, whose husbands were murdered in front of them when they tried to interfere, they made everything up and it was Azov who killed their husbands, right?
See, I don't even need to read the rest of your post, because your very first few words expose you as a liar. You already admitted you are a Polack once before, and now you lie about it either because you know you are laughing-stocks whose word counts for nothing in the rest of the world and no one will take you seriously or maybe you just have an immense amount of self-loathing.

Why would I trust any of the nonsense that is spouted by a lying Polack who's not even willing to tell the truth about who he is?

Isn't that right, @Namori ?

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