Russia Ukraine War 2022

Who will win this war?.

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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Russian have enough agro produce oil gas etc for itself so essential products arent inflated.

Though Europe is facing the brunt of major inflation now.

Though Russian military industry complex will face issues in longterm from now on.
Russia Reaches Out For Food, Grocery Supplies From India | Mint

BENGALURU : With its departmental stores running out of groceries, sanctions-hit Russia has reached out to Indian retailers and agro exporters for urgent supplies, more so as the EU has stopped supplies for the second month in a row.
The list includes orange marmalade, mango jam, pasta, oats flakes, pancake mix, spaghetti, basmati rice, coffee, tea, cornflakes, rum, ketchup and prawns.

other than putins ego..something else is also getting inflated in russia


Food for S-500 seems a good deal..
They would sell for potatoes as in russia potato is still a currency than rubble ruble.


Senior Member
Oct 12, 2013
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some of the BIGG defense projects we have with Russians .

pray to god , these dont get delayed

Zircon was the game changer which
We would get as brahmos 2

Its uncertain now as

Russians are to reliable on china after the war


Turning into a frog
Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
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next mental gymnastics is coming

A formal declaration of war isn't just mental gymnastics.

It gives enormous power and agility to the ruling govt, including targetting those and shutting up anyone who hinders the war effort.

Democracy is funny that way. Even quasi-dictators need legitimacy for their actions.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Calm down fanbois... here is something to lighten up the mood. :wink:

A SAUDI TV has made a mockery of Sleepy and Forgetty Joe Prez & that insane dancing laughing Transgender Hyna Vice Prez. It's going viral! Not to mention SAUDIS refused to pick up Budden's call when he wanted to BEG them to increase OIL production! US also BEGGED Venezuela for the same but got refused! :pound: :pound: :pound:

Also posting the original tweet video and reading the comments( specially Americans) shows they are EMBARRASSED and have a head in SHAME to have such leaders!

The mighty US has become a LAUGHING STOCK in front of the world to have such pathetic & INCOMPETENT leaders! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Former ex-Physician of White House has to say this.





Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Ab karenge comparison capture of baghdad vs running away from Kyiv after utterly getting trashed by Saint Javelin . I know some of you will come with super copium aka Komium saying Russia put UKr forces in stress by feint attack on kyiv . But then your kyiv adventure has left lots of tin can garbage in streets of Kyiv oblast which is worth not even scrap .
Sounds like a lotta copium from you, since even western analysts are now accepting the fact that Kiev was a feint.

Those Azov battalion guys in steel plant in mariupol has shown more resistance then pucchie russian conscripts can expect in their 100 years life .
So this is why they are surrendering en-masse to the Rooskies ?!? Makes a lotta sense indeed.

Indian Osnit have proven to be true Ass nits who can't control their copium shit of masta russia getting trashed :rofl:
Thank you for proving you are an anti-indian yankee gungadeen jaichand. Must be nice to simp for the side with the biggest losing track record in war in the last century.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Free advice for Putin: ‘Make peace, you fool’
John Arquilla, who recently retired as a distinguished professor of defence analysis at the US Naval Postgraduate School. When I called Arquilla and asked him what he’d tell Putin today, he didn’t hesitate: “I would say, ‘Make peace, you fool.’”
“In that book, I outlined the three new rules of war, all of which I am seeing being employed by the Ukrainians,” he explained. “The first is that many and small beats large and heavy. The Ukrainians are operating in squad-level units armed with smart weapons, and these are able to disrupt far larger formations and attack slow-moving, loud helicopters and such. So even though they’re outnumbered by the Russians, the Ukrainians have many, many more units of action — usually between eight and 10 soldiers in size.”

Arquilla said that these small Ukrainian units armed with precision-guided smart weapons like killer drones, anti-aircraft weapons and light anti-tank weapons “can take out the Russians’ much larger and more heavily armed tank units.”

The second rule of modern warfare playing out in Ukraine, he said, “is that finding always beats flanking. If you can locate the enemy first, you can take him out. And especially if the enemy is made up of a few large units, like a 40-mile-long convoy of tanks and armored personnel carriers, you’re going to hammer the hell out of them with your small squads, without having to outflank them with an equal-sized force.”

I asked Arquilla why the Ukrainians are so good at finding. (I assume they are getting some reconnaissance help from NATO.)

“The Ukrainians are making very good use of small drones, particularly those Turkish drones, which are tremendous,” said Arquilla. But it’s their human sensors — the informal Ukrainian observer corps — that are devastating the Russians. Grandmas with iPhones can trump satellites.

“The Ukrainian observer corps is made up of babushkas and kids and anyone else who has got a smartphone,” he said. “And they’ve been calling in the locations of where the Russian units are and where they’re moving. And so the Ukrainian forces have this big edge in finding the Russians in this big country, and that is giving their small units with smart weapons” real-time, actionable intelligence.

The third rule of new-age warfare playing out in Ukraine, said Arquilla, is that “swarming always beats surging.” He explained: “War is not just a numbers game anymore. You don’t need big numbers to swarm the opponent with a lot of small smart weapons. I am sure you’ve seen some of the videos of these Russian tanks and columns, where suddenly one tank gets taken out at the front and then another at the rear, so the Russians can’t maneuver, and then they just get picked off.”
Tell this fool to STFU and no one takes seriously analysts of the side that has lost the most wars in the last 100 years.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Come on sir are you seriously believing they are not using full force ? please don't take their incompetency as relunctance they are utter unprofessional force . If they say their battle cruiser got sunk because of ammo explosion you can consider how pathetic their forces are trained. This if we don't want to buy theory of Ukr Ashp missile strike .

They are throwing everything they got including Tik tok videos showing their suber sonic hyber sonic kinzhal attacking some post in ukr . their Su-35 best bird is getting shot down . their S-400 not able to prevent couple of Ukr Mi-17 to sneak and fire fuel dump . they also got LST bombed few weeks ago by Ukr missile .

This after claiming they achieved complete air superiority over Ukr after 36 hours and also claiming they destroyed all TB2 drones .

their ego is as big as shakeela tits don't underestimate their lying skills
they are not throwing everything they got - strategic bombers have not entered the fray yet, except just today, in Azovstal. Neither are they lobbing shit tons of ballistic missiles at ukrainian cities. That would be throwing everything they got.


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Oh please tell me when did chacha Putin or Russia went to war with anyone who had nukes ???? i am really surprised how people think Russia will get away using Nuke and USA will just bent down they amount of nuke USA can throw at russia will make that land worse than that meteor crash in siberia 1000s of year ago .

Start of war putin strong warning to countries support ukraine .

Day 50 . Slovaika has transferred S-300 and Czech has sent BM-21 , Poland has delivered lots of ATGM and UK USA all sent weapons . Even Australia sent few APV .. :pound: But that strong action has not come yet . As we speak A400 of RAF just landed near black sea coast of Romania close to UKr border i am sure its carrying lots of supplies .
Cacha putin has lost less wars than yankeestan has during his tenure, fyi.
And the amount of nukes Russia can throw at yankeestan is more than yankees can throw at Russia.


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2016
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Free advice for Putin: ‘Make peace, you fool’
John Arquilla, who recently retired as a distinguished professor of defence analysis at the US Naval Postgraduate School. When I called Arquilla and asked him what he’d tell Putin today, he didn’t hesitate: “I would say, ‘Make peace, you fool.’”
“In that book, I outlined the three new rules of war, all of which I am seeing being employed by the Ukrainians,” he explained. “The first is that many and small beats large and heavy. The Ukrainians are operating in squad-level units armed with smart weapons, and these are able to disrupt far larger formations and attack slow-moving, loud helicopters and such. So even though they’re outnumbered by the Russians, the Ukrainians have many, many more units of action — usually between eight and 10 soldiers in size.”

Arquilla said that these small Ukrainian units armed with precision-guided smart weapons like killer drones, anti-aircraft weapons and light anti-tank weapons “can take out the Russians’ much larger and more heavily armed tank units.”

The second rule of modern warfare playing out in Ukraine, he said, “is that finding always beats flanking. If you can locate the enemy first, you can take him out. And especially if the enemy is made up of a few large units, like a 40-mile-long convoy of tanks and armored personnel carriers, you’re going to hammer the hell out of them with your small squads, without having to outflank them with an equal-sized force.”

I asked Arquilla why the Ukrainians are so good at finding. (I assume they are getting some reconnaissance help from NATO.)

“The Ukrainians are making very good use of small drones, particularly those Turkish drones, which are tremendous,” said Arquilla. But it’s their human sensors — the informal Ukrainian observer corps — that are devastating the Russians. Grandmas with iPhones can trump satellites.

“The Ukrainian observer corps is made up of babushkas and kids and anyone else who has got a smartphone,” he said. “And they’ve been calling in the locations of where the Russian units are and where they’re moving. And so the Ukrainian forces have this big edge in finding the Russians in this big country, and that is giving their small units with smart weapons” real-time, actionable intelligence.

The third rule of new-age warfare playing out in Ukraine, said Arquilla, is that “swarming always beats surging.” He explained: “War is not just a numbers game anymore. You don’t need big numbers to swarm the opponent with a lot of small smart weapons. I am sure you’ve seen some of the videos of these Russian tanks and columns, where suddenly one tank gets taken out at the front and then another at the rear, so the Russians can’t maneuver, and then they just get picked off.”
So let is summarise this "genius"
The road to victory is
- many and small beats large and heavy
-finding always beats flanking
- swarming always beats surging

Basically, any army that follows his "expert" advice would end up exactly where France did in 1940.

Hari Sud

Senior Member
Mar 31, 2012
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I talked about the scenarios of that post.

Obviously, if those two scenarios were to occur, there would have been much more factors besides those simple numbers which would have decided the assessment.

But, China would anyway accept the casualty of 30K if it can manage to get hold off strategically important Arunachal, if they could. With Arunachal under them, they would effectively be able to control the NE India policies and may be able to cut off NE from rest of the India in a few days' of battle again. It would be able to influence Mayanmar and Bangladesh even more with its proximity. Further, they would have crossed the Himalayas which till this date makes their supply line an impossibility to face the onslaught Indian forces can bring against them. A single regiment of S-400 or even a regiment of HQ-9 would be a constant threat to IAF assets. If China gets Arunachal, it would be akin to a boot to India's throat. So yeah, the loss of lives and assets projected would be a fair exchange, as obviously Indian troops would not have come out of the exchange unscathed either.

As for losing 15K troops for whole of PoK. India lost almost half of that number since the insurgency begun and tens of thousands more of civilians casualties to add to it. It would cause a civil war in Pakistan and the military might just lose everything. BLA would take the opportunity to liberate itself as well as FATA. India would gain back Gilgit and access to the land route to Afghanistan -Tajikistan. So yeah, it will be absolutely a fair trade.
‘’There are only total 11 narrow passes from Kameng Division (Twang) to Lohit Divison (Walong) which the ill equipped Chinese (not trained for mountain and Snow warfare) can take. To take Arunachal they will need to overcome 50,000 to 100,000 Indian troops and then travel 200 miles width of Himalayas going up and down from 8,000 feet to 18,000 feet alternately to seize all of Arunachal Pradesh. That is an impossible task. They will need 600,000 men all along the MacMohan Line, which they don’t have. That means they would have to empty the front line from Japan to Taiwan to bring that kind of conquest force. To keep them supplied such a large force in an offensive mode from Tibet or from China even if they have better dirt road to the high passes is next to impossible. This is a Bad …… Bad, thinking. it is more likely a dream scenario of Chinese conquest of Arunachal Pradesh.

As opposed to that Indian troops in 50,000 to 100,000 strength are already there in a defensive position with high altitude artillery and mountain helicopters and the very best airforce planes as opposed third rate copied technology plane of the Chinese. Their offensive beyond the MacMohan line will cost them not 15,000 dead but 50,000 dead and still not succeeding much beyond the high passes. Chinese missile force becomes useless on Indian troops as missiles do not work on reverse slopes.

It will be a big loosing fight for the Chinese and imagine the loss of prestige they will suffer.

I guess Chinese know all this but Indian posters on this website seem to assume omnipotent Chinese can do that. They have been over taken by Chinese propaganda.

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