Pakistan cannot sustain an 'Arms Race' with India

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
@Indx TechStyle, this is a new style of propaganda that this guy is adopting, that is, producing figures out of his a**, and justifying his comments.

We have educated people in India, who work in world's fortune 500 companies, and we know how to collect and analyze data.

This guy thinks we will fall for his trick. Pakistani!
Man, I know very well about that but I guess you are giving him too much attention.
You must enjoy his denial in a humorous way like I'm doing. I hope you will enjoy him then more. :D
At least, I do this with pakis on Chinese and British forums. :biggrin2:
The links you are giving to him are endless. I have much more than you can show him. But it's useless.
He knows very well about it and just entered our forum to defend the favour of his nation.
Moreover, you may be looking down on him but he is thinking that you are interested in Indo-pak comparison.
That's a hopeless nation. :D
They are taught day and night to bleed India to thousand cuts(yet their spear changed into boomerang and went back to pakilnad.
They are still counting their cuts and we are still laughing on them.)
Do you seriously think he gonna care about your facts. He is taught that India is $hithole and we are dark and short(reality is inverse), our space and defense achievements are fake etc. etc..

So, paki circus is completely different where jokers not wear masks.
By must enjoy this propaganda instead of revealing.

Hope you may have understood what I'm trying to say. :D
mard I mommins of ghazi paki army!!!!!!


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
Of Course India has gotten slightly ahead in the race; but this has been a pattern, and Pakistan has been ranked the most unpredictable country in terms of forecasts.

India began overtaking Pakistan around 2001-2003; in terms of per capita and HDI - but that was because of War on Terror in which Pakistan lost a whopping 80 Billion dollars, and tens of billions of dollars of investments scared off.
its not 80 billion,its actually 800 billion,you forgot adding one more zero to it, :laugh:

This chart shows how unpredictable our economy can be - we can go from a 5% to a 9% any moment.

Not to mention 40% of our economy is undocumented; meaning we could have a much higher GDP per capita, HDI and GDP over all. 2% of our Growth of our growth is stopped by electric cuts alone - something our government has promised to eliminate by 2018.
yeah,just needed to flick a button fitted on the wall of karachi madarassa and pakis gonna be worlds biggest economy before midnight. :laugh:

source of the data is state bank of pakis so the bars gonna be going through the roof. :laugh:


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
Pakistan since then has been significantly decreasing; meanwhile India has been increasing in ratings - look at the statistics your self.
statics and statics, :laugh:

pakis got sudden love for statics, must be because pakis madarassa suddenly started harvard course of economy and social sciences, :laugh:
part time economist and full time jihadi, modern jahadi job criteria, :laugh:

thats quality pakis education.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
@Hamza Baloch
what you care about dalits, :laugh:

it do not matters for pakis who there neighbours are,pakis just wants to kill or convert and loot their land to setup madarassa education of terrorism for the name of muslims and islam, :laugh:

on the topic of neighbour, lets make a friendly cricket match between pakis and sri lanka cricket team at karachi stadium. :laugh:

Hamza Baloch

Regular Member
Mar 2, 2016
Man, I know very well about that but I guess you are giving him too much attention.
You must enjoy his denial in a humorous way like I'm doing. I hope you will enjoy him then more. :D
At least, I do this with pakis on Chinese and British forums. :biggrin2:
The links you are giving to him are endless. I have much more than you can show him. But it's useless.
He knows very well about it and just entered our forum to defend the favour of his nation.
Moreover, you may be looking down on him but he is thinking that you are interested in Indo-pak comparison.
That's a hopeless nation. :D
They are taught day and night to bleed India to thousand cuts(yet their spear changed into boomerang and went back to pakilnad.
They are still counting their cuts and we are still laughing on them.)
Do you seriously think he gonna care about your facts. He is taught that India is $hithole and we are dark and short(reality is inverse), our space and defense achievements are fake etc. etc..

So, paki circus is completely different where jokers not wear masks.
By must enjoy this propaganda instead of revealing.

Hope you may have understood what I'm trying to say. :D
mard I mommins of ghazi paki army!!!!!!
Hes lucky i'm not giving links; and no we dont think that India is a shithole and that you are dark and short - I'm just saying reality and bollywood are two contradicting dreams - you may have made space and defense achievements but keep in mind - India has the most malnutrioned people, people living in poverty and 683 million people who defecate in the open..

Hamza Baloch

Regular Member
Mar 2, 2016
@Hamza Baloch
what you care about dalits, :laugh:

it do not matters for pakis who there neighbours are,pakis just wants to kill or convert and loot their land to setup madarassa education of terrorism for the name of muslims and islam, :laugh:

on the topic of neighbour, lets make a friendly cricket match between pakis and sri lanka cricket team at karachi stadium. :laugh:
I care about all humans ,bro

and the education I have is something you cant even dream of.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
Country flag
Hes lucky i'm not giving links; and no we dont think that India is a shithole and that you are dark and short - I'm just saying reality and bollywood are two contradicting dreams - you may have made space and defense achievements but keep in mind - India has the most malnutrioned people, people living in poverty and 683 million people who defecate in the open..
This is a defence message board, not bollywood board.

You have no arguments, no statistics, no education worth the name.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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The Pakistani Rich are Worse than Animals

Taimur Rahman
Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party

Even animals have their limits, but the Pakistani ruling-class,
arguibly the most reactionary ruling-class anywhere in the world (if not
in the history of the world) are worse than animals. In Muzaffargarh
the worst crime imaginable has occurred.

A boy of low class peasant origin was found sitting in a field next to a
girl of the feudal family. The boy was twelve years old and the girl was
about 16. Obviously, these were two kids just playing in the fields.

The feudal lords of the area, who live with a culture of strictly
segregating their women and themselves from the manual workers were
infuriated by the fact that the two were socialising. Feudal lords in
Pakistan think of women as property that might become unclean if low
class people come in contact with their Izzat (honour).

So they kidnapped the boy and raped him.

At first they thought that the 12 year boy would not leak the story. As
it became clear that the boy might leak the story possibly even to the
police, the feudal lords made another attack on the peasants.

To cover up their earlier deed, they called a meeting of the Jirga
(feudal tribal council) and alleged that the two had been found in a
"compromising position" and that justice could only be served by the
rule "an eye for an eye". 400 peasants were watching the meeting of the

The Jirga ordered the father of the girl to bring his 18 year old
daughter (the sister of the boy) to the Jirga. He complied. She was
taken to a nearby barn and gang raped by four adult men. She was sent
back to her father and parents NAKED.

All the low classes of the village stood-by powerless.

These are the Jirgas and Panchayats that politicians such as Imran Khan
and Karzai (in Afghanistan) so boldy hold up as the model of democracy.
Who order the gang rape of teenagers. Some of the names of those who
committed this crime are: Fayyaz, Manzoor, Allah Ditta, Maulvi Abdul
Razzaq and Mazoor Jatoi. The name of the sixth member could not be

The Punjab police has allegedly arrested some people involved with this
incident. But the fact is that the Punjab police is full of more rapists
than the feudals of Pakistan. In my opinion they have arrested the
perpetrators of this crime to save them from a possible attack by other

There are powerful lessons to be learnt from this incident.

First, this teenage girl (just like your daughter or sister) was not
gang raped by
some frustrated group of youngsters acting on their own (not that this
would have made this henious act any less barbaric), but by the TRIBAL
COUNCIL. To further humiliate the poor peasants, she was sent back home

This was therefore, a decision taken by the ruling-class against the
poor peasants. Its intention was to "teach them all a lesson". The
lesson is that the poor are the slaves of the rich ruling-class of
Pakistan. If they mistakenly feel that there is any form of equality,
even socialisation between the rich and the poor, the worst possible and
most humiliating punishment will be metted out against them. Even the
Israeli army has to maintain some semblance of democracy and concern for
human rights in the international media, but the feudal lords of
Pakistan are criminals beyond compare. They are worse than the

Therefore, it is abundantly clear that these slave drivers are unwilling
for any form of equality or democracy. Is there any solution open to
the workers and peasants of Pakistan other than a revolution?

No! The slave holders of Pakistan, who have denied the people the
opportunity for freedom and justice have themselves sealed the fate of
the future course of development of Pakistani society. They are the
ones that should be held responsible for violent revolution. They have
denied the people any other course of action. The peace-loving people
have tried every means to achieve some semblance of equality and
democracy but it has always been crushed by the military, the feudals,
and the capitalists.

The time has come for the people of Pakistan to take their destiny into
their own hands. To not wait for the establishment, the police, the
army, the courts, the judiciary, the parliament (which does not exist),
and all these other institutions that are only built to protect the rich
to "deliver" justice. The time has come for the people to create a
peoples justice.

Just like the women of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) are arming
their women, the women of Pakistan should be fully armed to defend
themselves. Not only those who raped the girl, but all those who
participated in anyway in the decision of to rape this girl should be
given the death sentence.

People talk of non-violence, they say we need reform not revolution.
These are the silly dreams of utopians who are totally disconnected and
unaware of the reality of the oppression on the ground. They are
unaware of the barbaric character of the ruling-class of Pakistan.

The first conclusion is that Pakistan needs a peoples-democratic

Second, we must ask ourselves, when Pakistan was created it was said
that this was in order to safeguard the Muslims. Have the Muslims been
safeguarded? On the Khabarnama (news) at 9 pm our government talks of
the rape of Kashmiri women by the Indian soldiers. Are the working-women
of Pakistan safe from the feudals, police, and army of Pakistan? It is
said that the rights of self-determination of the Kashmiri people are
not safeguarded. Are the rights of self-determination of the people of
Pakistan guaranteed?

The answer to all these questions, and many others, is NO!
Today the people of Pakistan are enslaved to the feudals, capitalists,
and the civil military oligarchy.

Therefore, the greatest enemy of the people of Pakistan is not the
Indian aggressor. The Indian aggressor is the greatest enemy of the
people of India. The greatest enemy of the people of Pakistan is the
enemy at home. The ruling-class and rich of Pakistan who thrive on
looting, plundering, and rape.

It is against our own ruling-class that we need to make a
peoples-democratic revolution.

Therefore, I appeal to you:

People of Pakistan, do not be fooled by the nationalist and religious
sloganeering of our ruling-class.

The real enemy of the poor people of Pakistan, the workers and peasants
of Pakistan, the men and women of Pakistan, the Baluchi, Sindhi, Pathan,
Kashmiri, Punjabi is the ruling-class, the class of rich people of

In what sense can we talk of Independence when our daughters and sisters
raped by jirgas and panchayats. Enough is enough.

Unite the many to fight the few!
Unite the poor to fight the rich!
Unite the people to overthrow the ruling-class!

Inqalab Zindabad

Taimur Rahman
Communist Mazdoor Kissan Party

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
Hes lucky i'm not giving links; and no we dont think that India is a shithole and that you are dark and short -
Don't use word we as your compatriots think so.
You know I have to daily face an idiot on British Defence Forum from pakistan.
I'm a fair guy with height 6.1. :D
But I am and will remain a dark and short yindoo kuffur for him.
By the way, jokers can be found in every country.
I even face Chinese sometimes American, Russian jokers as well.

But British jokers are worst. Even worse than paki jokers. :D
I'm just saying reality and bollywood are two contradicting dreams
What do you mean by Bollywood here?
Bollywood is known for covering poorest lives and isolated people in India. It never represented us as rich.
I guess there are limited Indian Movies sent abroad. Otherwise, if you would have watched all movies, you won't be saying this.
You would be supporting Bollywood because you have no idea what sort of movies we watch.
Bollywood hypes everything, you watch richness, we watch poverty and richness both.
And we live a life more real than directors. So, we must have more knowledge than Bollywood.
- you may have made space and defense achievements but keep in mind - India has the most malnutrioned people, people living in poverty and 683 million people who defecate in the open..
I have explained this above.
Please, feel free to ask me for links if you want. :D
By the way, may you live long. :namaste:
Now, don't ask why, you know why I'm praying. :lol:
I care about all humans bro.

and the education I have is something you cant even dream of.
Surely, US education has given you ego. Indian Institutions have also a great reputation and rising. Students from many countries (including Africans, Iranians and Pakistanis) also study here.
Can you tell me a single institution in Pak which could compete with Indian Counterparts?

Anyway, what are your views on South China Sea dispute? You know Chinese are so sensitive about it.
At least on their own defence forum. :D


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
I care about all humans ,bro
really, you love for humanity is great,

actually you remind of ....wait,wait,wait,

mahatmaji, u reborn again,

but this time on other side of border,

border that you made,

dont you worry when congi govt. gets back at power,

you gonna get your free election card and all other cards,

and the education I have is something you cant even dream of.
yeah,cant dream of madarassa education.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
Country flag
Well I think Pakistan is sustaining an arms race with India, due to its big benefactors like USA, China and Saudi.

Without such benefactors, the chances of Pakistan doing this is zero.

The biggest risk to Pakistan is not military defeat but tearing of its social fabric beyond repair. Pakistan can become totally unmanageable and a failed State.

There are indications already of very large discontent in Pakistani public. The public may revolt if establishment becomes weak.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
Well I think Pakistan is sustaining an arms race with India, due to its big benefactors like USA, China and Saudi.

Without such benefactors, the chances of Pakistan doing this is zero.

The biggest risk to Pakistan is not military defeat but tearing of its social fabric beyond repair. Pakistan can become totally unmanageable and a failed State.

There are indications already of very large discontent in Pakistani public. The public may revolt if establishment becomes weak.
pakis are waving their chinese nukes at usa and even to china to blackmail them if they ever threatens pakis about money,

and to saudis as a carrot on the stick for money.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
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I think Pakistan cannot blackmail either USA or China.

It is all about power. Sunni Muslims is a large number representing good amount of land and economic resources.

Anglo-American empire always pandered to Sunnis (Muslims). There is nothing new. China panders to Pakistan to "contain" India.

But the history shows that Muslims will bite the hand that feeds them. Nobody should keep a pet snake.


Regular Member
Aug 8, 2015
3: No, you have an armed forces of 3-4 million people; that is 1/7th compared to us. So ofcourse, you will need a 50 million dollar budget, if not more - your infantry cant even match Pakistan police - you'll need a budget of 150 billion dollars to match us. You have more quantity than quality.
@Hamza Baloch boy you have got some balls man ruffling up so many feathers. I agree that on such forums there are a lot of hysterical chest-beating guys with narrow-minded myopic views of what exactly goes on the other side of the border from both countries but I'm not ashamed to say that a couple of your posts have broadened my view on Pakistan.

Personally I feel that India is projected in a far better light in Pakistani media than vice versa. Believe me since the 1990s or the start of Kashmir insurgency the Indian media, film industry and the civil society has systematically demonised Pakistan to such an extent in our minds that we have basically started to look down upon Pakistanis.

I also detest my countrymen who compare India with Pakistan on silly far fetched HDI stats and pretend that we are living in Utopia. Fuck off! As if we are angels. Every day here women are raped, infant girls are murdered, lower castes are harassed just because everyone's been doing it to them for the past 4000 years, laws apply only to middle and lower income class people while the rich and the bureaucrats are single-mindedly focused on breaking every rule in the book etc. etc and hey recently people who consume beef are being lynched too. In spite of all these faults India apparently will be the world's 3rd largest economy by 2050 after China and USA. Still staring in disbelief. Wait have you have turned green with envy too? Don't sweat yourself man. I'm sure that things are far worse if not better in Pakistan.

I was enjoying going through your posts till I reached the quoted post. So let me get it straight as to what you are implying- Qualitatively Pakistani Army is better than India's? Balls...

1) Seriously $50 million budget? well if you do have such superior quality then first learn to differentiate b/w a million and a billion. There's a difference of at least 3 zeros.
I don't blame you for your ignorance. For a country with zero manufacturing & tertiary industry base that has been surviving on American and Saudi handouts since 1947 you have done a tremendous job just by aspiring to use the word 'billion'.
Never mind. Inspite of its superior quality Pakistan has never managed to make a dime on its own other than whoring its loyalty to the highest bidder. Before 9/11 Pak was America's whore now it finds Asian particularly Chinese dicks much better.

2) you've explicitly said and I quote- 'your infantry cant even match Pakistan police - you'll need a budget of 150 billion dollars to match us'
Aha ha ha ha ha ha :pound:Finally the oldest line in the book.

Pakistan's education sys is shit Period. Why? Coz they are taught lies and hatred throughout their entire curriculum. There's a whole bunch of them that I would like to bring up but what a waste of my time anyways so I'll only concentrate on the one on hand. Seriously the only country worse than Pak in brainwashing its citizens is North Korea.

Since 1947 the whole setup in Pakistan- the army, the politicians, the civil society has propagated and come to firmly believe in the theory that Pakistanis are a martial race and one Pakistani soldier is equivalent to ten Hindu soldiers thereby negating the advantage of a numerically superior foe i.e. India. Reasons behind this are various such as- Hindus don't eat beef hence they are weaker or Hindus are kafirs hence they cannot prevail before the will of Allah etc. etc. Also it's India/Bharat not Hindustan - another one of your textbook lies and it's inhabited by Indians not Hindus FYI. Maybe North Indians like to call it Hindustan but they don't speak for the rest of the nation nor do they have the bloody right to tell me so.

This mindset of farcical martial supremacy is so deeply ingrained in most Pakistanis' trivial little minds that they end up blabbing about it no matter how clever or sophisticated they pretend to be. I see you believe in it, most certainly your family & relatives believe in it and your whole society believes in it too. There's no denying it as you are the one who's posted it. I feel sorry for you and your misplaced 'superiority' complex.

I feel so glad when we violated and desecrated Pakistan in 1971 and cut it to the right size thereby putting it in it's correct place in the world order i.e. the loser board till eternity. To refresh the Pak public's memory and to further rub salt onto their perennial wounds here's a jolly reminder

And here's the qualitatively superior Pakistani Army laying down arms. Oh my what a shocker!

Our school textbooks have never touched upon the India-Pakistan split, the four subsequent wars including the royal ass whooping Pak got in 1971, let alone Hindu-Muslim communalism or riots. Just a paragraph in our entire school career focusing entirely on the human aspect of the loss caused by Partition on both sides of the border and that's it. Never have our textbooks even projected the Muslim League or Jinnah himself in a negative light. I guarantee all the hate's from your side not from us.

So WTF has the Pakistani Army been able to achieve with all its abundant reserves of quality? Ghanta! Their only claim to fame till date is throwing the Soviets out of Afghanistan for which they are milking the Americans till date and that too through a proxy war. So much for their quality and bravery :blah:

Truth is Pakistan could never digest their massive humiliation at our hands in 1971. They unsuccessfully tried to replicate India's Mukti Bahini model first in Punjab/Khalistan in 1980s and later in Kashmir from the 1990s till date.
Pakistanis should not forget that they are trying to play this game with a country which created the baap of all terrorist organisations- the LTTE besides the Mukti Bahini. I wouldn't be surprised if Balochistan and NWFP were next no matter how loyal the so called Baloch tribal leaders are.

3) You are right India as a single unified entity never existed before the British but our civilisation was always there. In fact we are the oldest continuous surviving civilisation to date and I'm not referring to Hinduism only in any way. Not even the Jews can hold a candle to us. The Mauryas, the Guptas, the Mughals, the Marathas they all tried to dominate the entire sub-continent but none succeeded.

Of course Pakistanis wouldn't know any of this would they? Because of their half ass education. Who's this guy who founded modern Pakistan a/c to their version of half baked history? Mohammed Bin Qasim isn't it...The Syrian who conquered their lands and raped all their women and suddenly the spirit of Pakistan manifested itself isn't it? What a load of grade A shit.

Well facts apart my civilisation invented the number zero and mathematics as you know it today. And a hell lot of other things. Our graduates from the IITs, IIMs and AIIMS & even our CAs rule the world. After Hollywood it's Bollywood (though it sucks) and not even the Europeans come close. Business, arts, technology you name it we're everywhere and all over leading from the front. If that's not quality then I fear Pakistanis have a distorted understanding of quality just like their history.

Considering that Pakistan has been a lawless military dictatorship for pretty much it's entire existence where favoritism and nepotism is the rule of the day I'm quite sure that the Pakistani Army losers wouldn't even make the reserve list for the NDA entrance exam (if you don't know what NDA is then google it, oh wait Google is headed by an Indian too :laugh: man these Indians are everywhere!)

And lastly I'll tell you why India was, always is qualitatively better than Pakistan and Inshallah in the future too shall always be better than not only Pakistan but hopefully the rest of the world too.

Simply put we are a 10k yr old civilisation. Been there done that.
If you can succeed here in this gargantuan nation which represents 16% of the world's population but which comprises only 2% of the world's land mass (roughly 1/3rd of USA in size but 5 times more people) then you can definitely succeed anywhere in this world and dare I say would be a cakewalk too.

P.S. - No offense intended. But I wouldn't care either :india:


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
Country flag
Hdi and crime is bad in Pakistan. Worse is tendency to hide it.

Pakistan is more rural than India. Modern education is practically absent in Pakistan's rural areas. Only Madarsa is there.

Look at testimonials from Pakistanis themselves.

There are a lot of Pakistani overseas and I have talked to some.

Judiciary is also bad in Pakistan.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
Country flag
The perception of Pakistan is due to its deeds, not an Indian creation.

Pakistani are now having difficulty in getting jobs in middle east due to poor education.


Senior Member
Dec 12, 2015
Country flag
India has problems too. But India has made considerable progress in achieving social equality. Indian press has a tendency to sensationalize every piece of news. A random incident is turned into an anti establishment tirade. Try this in pakistan, you will be shot in no time.

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