North East - Developments & Debate


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
RH Khan remanded to judicial custody
Staff reporter
– RH Khan, prime accused in the mutli-crore-rupee financial irregularities in the NC Hills district has been sent to judicial custody by the Special Court, CBI today.
Khan's seven days CBI custody expired today.

The investigation agency did not seek any extension of the remand period today.

Khan will be again produced before the Special court on July 20.

"If found necessary, the investigation agency may again seek his custody," a source said.

It needs mention here that the CBI, which is probing the financial irregularities in the NC Hills district, have registered five cases in this connection and RH Khan, a former joint director of the Social Welfare department, is an accused in all of them.

A source, meanwhile, has revealed that the CBI during the last seven days has laid hands on new developments and a few more arrests are likely to take place.

CBI questioning began after the medical board set up to examine Khan had declared him fit to be questioned.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Ultra gunned down in Manipur, arms seized
Sobhapati Samom
IMPHAL, July 6
– Security forces gunned down a suspected militant in a pre-dawn operation, while three persons were hurt when suspected militants exploded a bomb in at a private clinic in Manipur today.
At around 3 am, troops of 12 Maratha Light Infantry observed suspicious movement of three militants, PRO Assam Rifles said in a press release. "On being challenged, the ultras opened fire which was immediately retaliated by the troops resulting in death of one militant.

One nine mm Pistol, five live rounds, one Chinese hand grenade, a mobile phone, etc., were recovered from the deceased.

Meanwhile, three persons sustained injuries when suspected militants exploded a hand grenade near an Alto Maruti car parked in front of Langol View Clinic in Imphal around 2.30pm.

Police said, a two wheeler borne suspected militants hurled a hand grenade towards the car which belonged to the clinic's owner.

The Assam Rifles jawans detected a huge cache of ammunition including 536 live rounds of AK 47 rifle, 30 numbers of 7.62 mm CTN, 10 nine mm balls, six Lathode bombs, three Kenwood radio sets and three battery chargers while checking a Omni van at Khudengthabi, 100 km from here near the Indo-Myanmar border on Tuesday.

The consignment was being transported by one Hemkhopao Touthang of Moreh border town. In a follow up operations, 85 rounds of AK 47 ammunition and Rs 1,50,000 in cash were also recovered from Moreh town, the source added. The arrested person was handed over to Imphal West Police Station.


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
Militants blast railway tracks, Garibrath Express derails

At least seven persons, including the train driver, were injured when five bogies and engine of the Kolkata-bound Garibrath Express derailed in the wee hours today after NDFP militants blasted railway track in Assam's Kokrajhar district.

The incident occurred around 2.25 a.m. after militants of the banned group blasted rail tracks at a spot between Gosaigaon and Chowtara in lower Assam, police said.

The injured have been rushed to a hospital, a railway spokesperson said.

The General Manager of Northeast Frontier Railways (Guwahati), along with senior officials, have rushed to the spot, the spokesperson said, adding Divisional General Manager (Alipurduar) had reached there with a medical team.

Passengers have been sent by another train, while recovery vans from New Bongaigaon (Assam) and Alipurduar (West Bengal) have been sent to the spot, he said.

Rescue operations were on at the spot, when reports last came in.

NDFB militants had last night blasted railway tracks at two places in Sonitpur district of Assam. The banned group had threatened to target railway tracks and roads in Tezpur and Udalgiri districts.


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
Gun-runner held in Manipur

The troopers of 31 Assam Rifles have handed over a gun-runner, Hemkhopao Taothang, to the police on Tuesday along with a van and a huge assortment of bullets.

He has been charged with being a member of the gang of the international gun-runners active along the border with Myanmar.

The troopers found 536 rounds of AK-47 rifle ammunition, 10 rounds of 9 mm and 30 rounds of 7.32 mm bullets and three radio sets. During preliminary interrogation, Taothang disclosed that there were some more ammunition at Moreh, the shanty town along the international border. On this information, 85 rounds of AK-47 ammunition and currency worth Rs.1.50 lakh were recovered.

The troopers have been arresting gun-runners, including women, on Highway 39 frequently. After buying sophisticated weapons and bullets from the international gun-runners, the men and women bring the same to Manipur for supplying to militants of the North-East region.
Grenade attack

Five pedestrians were injured when suspected militants lobbed a hand-grenade at the parked car of the proprietor of a private nursing home here on Tuesday. There had been several bomb attacks on the clinic for extortion of money. Though police have registered a case, no arrest has been made yet.

The women vendors of a shopping complex staged a sit-in protest after a hand-grenade was discovered in the complex on Tuesday. A bomb was recovered from the same complex on June 30.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Serial blasts in Assam, one killed

- The outlawed National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) Thursday struck in Assam triggering three explosions, including a blast on a passenger train that killed a five-year-old, officials said.
A police spokesperson said the blast at the Garib Rath Express from Guwahati to Kolkata took place at 2.15 am at Babubil in Kokrajhar district, about 270 km west of Guwahati.

"The Garib Rath was at Babubil when the blast took place derailing seven coaches," S Hajong, chief spokesperson of the Northeast Frontier Railways, told IANS. At least 15 people were injured in the blast.

The injured were shifted to hospitals. Relief trains shifted the stranded passengers from the site.

"The driver of the train and another passenger received serious injuries, while six coaches were damaged," Hajong said.

The lone casuality in the incident was identified as Durlav Sethia, 5, of Guwahati. His parents escaped unhurt.

The remote-controlled improvised explosive device was planted on the track over a rail bridge, police said.

"The engine and the first coach bore the maximum brunt of the explosion. The other four coaches just derailed, thereby minimizing the casualties," the official said.

"The casualty figure is less since the train was moving very slowly on the rail bridge."

Police blamed the NDFB for the blast.

"A group of about 25 NDFB militants were involved in the blast," Kokrajhar district police chief PK Dutta told IANS.

There were two more explosions Thursday - both on rail tracks in Batasipur and Delseri railway stations in northern Assam.

The explosions took place even as the Assam government Wednesday sounded a security alert with intelligence inputs of serial explosions by the NDFB.

The railways Wednesday night announced cancellation or suspension of at least six long-distance passenger trains due to the threat.

A police spokesperson said radio intercepts of the NDFB revealed a massive plan to trigger a wave of blasts across Assam, mainly targeting trains, bridges, and other vital installations, besides security forces and public places.

"There are definite plans by the NDFB to create violence in parts of Assam to make their presence felt. We are on full alert," Inspector General of Police (Law and Order) Bhaskarjyoti Mahanta said.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
New NE students stare at prejudice in Delhi

- Thousands of northeastern students join Delhi University every year. But the joy of securing admission is often cut short by the difficulties they face in the Indian capital, be it racial discrimination, the language barrier, sexual harassment or trouble in finding accommodation.
The varsity is set to open July 15. But the first roadblock comes up right at the time when admissions begin. The difference in marking criteria between the Central and State boards reduces their chances.

According to the students, colleges in Delhi don't consider the marks scored in some regional languages, bringing their percentage down.

"Despite getting good marks in Assamese, only my marks in alternative English were included. This reduced my percentage to some extent," Jyoti Das, a student from Cotton College in Guwahati, told IANS.

The language barrier and cultural differences at times lead to racial discrimination, leaving them helpless amid strangers.

"There is a racial approach. We are considered outsiders because of our looks and language," says Kahimthoilue Gangmei from Manipur.

"In Delhi, there's a trend of calling northeast students 'chinkis'. Local people usually behave very rudely," she adds.

With cases of molestation and sexual harassment involving girls from the Northeast reported regularly - the most recent being the molestation of a Manipuri girl in South Delhi's Munirka area - students as well as parents are concerned.

"Delhi is not such a safe city, especially for girls from our region. I'm quite concerned about my daughter's safety as she has never stayed this far from us. Every now and then I hear lots of cases happening with girls," said Hiranya Das, father of Suhansika from Meghalaya.

Looking at the magnitude of the problem, a group of human rights activists, along with experts from various fields, started a helpline to handle the grievances of these students.

The helpline named North East Support Centre and Helpline helps students in cases related to harassment or racial discrimination.

"We have been functioning for the last five years and have handled several cases of discrimination and grievances of students," said Madhu Chandra, spokesperson of the helpline.

"In cases of harassment, we tell them which police station to contact and what to do. Ours is a group of various human rights activists, social workers and lawyers who organise various programmes for students regarding how to keep themselves safe here," she said.

Chandra, however, alleges that most cases are not even registered by police.

"We are not really happy with the way the police act. Since 2005, only 20 cases have been registered while 70-75 incidents happened. They usually avoid registering cases when it comes to youth from the northeast. Police must know their duties and work in that way," she says.

The language barrier comes across as the biggest problem for many as it makes the locals treat them like outsiders.

"Local shopkeepers, rickshaw-wallas and others fool us because we can't speak Hindi. A few days back I was going to the university's North Campus and a rickshaw puller charged me Rs.20 from the Metro station, which is not the usual amount," says Maharshi Goswami from Assam.

Seeking accommodation is also difficult.

"I'm from Mizoram and my name is there in the first cutoff list. I want to apply for the college hostel. But as the Commonwealth Games are approaching, they will provide seats only after October. Now I am finding it difficult to get accommodation," Mompi, one of the applicants, told IANS.

"It is difficult to get a room on rent as most people have apprehensions against northeast students," she added.

Established in 1922, Delhi University is a premier varsity of India. It has 14 faculties, 86 academic departments and 79 colleges with over 200,000 students from within and outside the country, many of who, like from the northeast, flock here because of paucity of higher educational opportunities in their region.
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New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Govt waiting for ULFA to make first move
Staff reporter
– The Government of India is likely to adopt a wait and watch policy regarding talks with the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) for a political solution of the problems, while, extortion bids by some members of the militant group has become a cause of serious concern.
Highly placed official sources told The Assam Tribune that the Government of India is likely to wait for the ULFA leaders to make the first move for talks. Though a delegation of the Sanmilita Jatiya Abhibartan (SJA) recently met the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister with the request to start the process of talks, the Centre is of the view that the ULFA should formally announce its decision to come for talks.

Sources said that the stand of the Government of India on the issue of talks with any militant group is very clear. To start the process of talks, the militant groups must abjure violence and all talks must be held within the framework of the Constitution of India. The ULFA leaders have not so far announced their willingness to come for talks within the framework of the Constitution of India and the Centre would start the process only after receiving a formal communication from the top leaders of the outfit, sources added.

Sources further clarified that as the top leaders of the ULFA including the chairman of the outfit, Arabinda Rajkhowa are under judicial custody, the Government cannot release them. However, they can obtain bail from the court if the State Government does not oppose their bail plea and so far no such decision has been taken, sources added.

The Government is also not aware of the whereabouts of the ULFA commander-in-chief Paresh Baruah and though there were reports that he might have moved to Pakistan recently, the reports are yet to be confirmed.

Meanwhile, the intelligence inputs in recent days indicated a division among some of the leaders of the ULFA as the security agencies received intercepts where the hardliners, who are known to be close to Paresh Baruah, directed the cadres not to keep in close contacts with the leaders who are in favour of talks with the Government.

Security sources said that fearing that a number of ULFA cadres might come out if the process of talks starts, the hardliners and close associates of the ULFA commander-in-chief started keeping close watch on the cadres. The ULFA has around a hundred cadres in Myanmar and strict instructions have been given to them not to come into Assam without specific instructions. Despite the crackdown in Bangladesh, at least 60 to 70 cadres of the outfit are still in that country, but they are not in a comfortable position as before as they are forced to live in constant fear of being apprehended by the security forces.

Sources also admitted that there have been growing efforts by the ULFA to launch extortion drives. "But there were instances in the past when some middle level leaders of the ULFA launched such drives to collect money before coming out of the out-fit and such a possibility cannot be ruled out," sources added.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
India, Myanmar pact likely
Spl correspondent
– India is likely to sign Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty (MLAT) with Myanmar next month.
According to sources the agreement is designed to end the free run enjoyed by some of the militant outfits of the North-East in Myanmar.

The Ministry of Home Affairs has finalised the text of the agreement and after being endorsed by Myanmar, it could be signed as early as next month, sources said.

The proposed treaty has enabling provisions that will help both countries expediting criminal investigations, judicial proceedings, gathering evidences and assisting each other during investigations, sources said.

It would also pave the way for examining witnesses in each other's countries, including in jails, he added.

India has proposed reimburse the expenditure incurred by the neighbouring country looking for militant leaders.

A clause in the proposed Treaty has a provision for 'cost compensation that would allow Myanmar to seek expenses incurred on 'special investigations' carried out by it on India's request.

Sources said cost compensation is part of normal mutual legal assistance treaty but India has put emphasis on the provision to ensure that Myanmar undertakes special investigations into cases concerning insurgency-related activities in India, the official explained.

The agreement with Myanmar comes close on the heels of a similar agreement signed with Bangladesh. India and Bangladesh signed the mutual legal assistance treaty on criminal matters, agreement on transfer of sentenced persons and agreement on combating international terrorism, organised crime and illegal drug trafficking.

It was after signing of this agreement during Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina's visit, that Dhaka facilitated the arrest of several of the top ULFA and NDFB leaders, who were operating out of the country.

Sources said India has now accorded top priority to signing of the Treaty with Myanmar, where militant outfits of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland have set up camps. India and Myanmar shares 1,650 km border considered very porous.


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
Huge cache of arms seized from DHD in Assam

A huge cache of arms, including 28 AK-47 rifles, belonging to insurgent outfit DHD(J) was unearthed in central Assam's North Cachar Hills district, police said today.

A joint team of police and Army recovered 48 assorted weapons buried in a jungle at Thana Lambra in Haflong police station area late last night following interrogation of arrested Dima Halam Daogah (Jewel Garlosa) faction leader Niranjan Hojai.

The recoveries included 28 AK-47 assault rifles, eight SLRs, five M-16 rifles, two M-21 rifles, three pistols, one OG rifle and a grenade launcher, police said.

During interrogation by National Investigation Agency (NIA) which recently arrested him from Indo-Nepal border, Hojai gave the lead to the buried arms in the jungle.

Jewel and 12 others were produced in a local court here yesterday in connection to the multi-crore N C Hills Scam and were remanded to 14 days police custody.

The ethnic underground group DHD-J had unleashed violence in the hill district and are demanding a separate "Dimaraji" state.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Assam scam will be raised in Parliament: BJP

- The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Saturday said the multi-million financial scam involving swindling of government funds by a clique of politicians-bureaucrats-militants-contractors in Assam will be raised in Parliament.
"We would like this very serious matter relating to corruption to be heard in Parliament. Our MPs would like to debate the issue during the upcoming monsoon session," BJP leader and former Jharkhand chief minister Arjun Munda told reporters here.

The politician-militant-bureaucrat-contractor nexus involving government funds siphoned off in the North Cachar Hills district was unravelled by the National Investigating Agency (NIA) last year.

The case was later handed over to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is now probing the scam.

"The matter is indeed very grave as it involves militants in nexus with politicians siphoning off government funds. So, we decided that the issue be raised in parliament for everybody to know what is happening in Assam," said Munda, who was in Guwahati for party-related meetings.

Last month, CBI seized Rs 13.05 crore cash stacked in sacks and boxes from the house of a relative of a scam-accused official in Guwahati.

The house is owned by Amjad Hussain, brother-in-law of RH Khan, one of the main accused in the multi-million-rupee financial scam in North Cachar Hills district.

Khan, a deputy director in the State Social Welfare department and one of the 14 people accused by the CBI of conniving with militants in swindling development funds, is in jail.

The NIA was entrusted by the central government in June 2009 to investigate a criminal case after the Assam Police arrested two Dima Halam Daogah (DHD-J) rebels in April with Rs 1 crore cash and weapons.

The rebels, Phojendra Hojai and Babul Kemprai, told police the cash was handed over to them by Mohit Hojai, chief executive member of the North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council (NCHAC).

The NIA, in its final chargesheet, said elected members of the NCHAC helped the outlawed Jewel Garlosa faction of the DHD-J to siphon government funds.

NIA, the new federal agency to combat terror, later handed over the case to the central government for a CBI probe as government officials were involved in criminal misconduct.

"We need a thorough and fair probe into the whole incident," Munda said.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Paresh condems blast, terms it inhuman
Staff Reporter
– The United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) has condemned yesterday's bomb blast on the rail track at Gossaigaon Balubil and also termed it as an "inhuman" act. It has also made an appeal to those who triggered the blast yesterday against targeting the indigenous peoples of the State.
In the statement, signed by its commander-in-chief (C-in-C) Paresh Barua and mailed to the media houses, the outfit also mourned the death of minor boy Durlav Chethia in the incident. It has also prayed for the speedy recovery of those injured in the incident.

"Such incidents can never bring about liberty for the people of the country, rather, such incidents are attacks on the indigenous peoples," Barua said.

Reminding the August 15, 2004 Dhemaji blast incident, Barua said that ULFA has drawn lessons from the developments that took place in the past. Also, there is the need to learn from the October 30, 2008 incidents of serial blast. These incidents created mutual disbelief and suspicion among the peoples of Assam, he said.

"Such incidents, provoked by the enemies, resulted in heavy losses for the indigenous peoples of Assam. Such incidents can never bring any success to people's struggle, except helping some particular persons in promoting their covert interests.

"The enemies always carry forward their counter-revolutionary activities taking advantage of such incidents. "

To save the country and people from the conspiracies of the enemies, the ULFA C-in-C has made an appeal to those who triggered yesterday's blast not to target the indigenous peoples of Assam.

He said that instead of smearing their hands with the blood of their own people, these forces should intensify their campaign against the common enemies. "This will only help attaining liberty from the occupationists, said the ULFA C-in-C," he said.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ULFA intensifies extortion drive in upper Assam
– At a time when efforts are being made to facilitate peace talks between the government and the banned ULFA, the outfit has intensified its extortion activities in upper Assam, specially in Tinsukia and Dibrugarh districts. The outfit has served extortion notices on the tea planters and traders demanding amount between Rs 1 lakh and Rs 25 lakh.
Two recent incidents in Tinsukia district laid the truth bare. On June 17, suspected ULFA militants created terror in Bajraugpur tea estate situated at Misimikata of Talap under Doomdooma police station. On that day, two militants came to the tea garden office, and burnt down documents opened fire with Ak-47 at the residence of the TE manager. The manager Indra Kumar Baruah had a narrow escape in the incident. Later, it was learnt that ULFA had demanded Rs 10 lakh from the garden and the garden authority did not pay the money.

Similarly, in another incident, suspected ULFA militants burnt down two trucks and the motorbike of the manager of Luit tea estate on July 1 at Phillobari Bijuliban area under Pengeree police station. The manager of the garden Sandhan Kr Tamuly, assistant manger Bhaskar Charingia Phukan and two labourers of the garden were beaten up by the militants. The outfit had asked the owner of the tea estate DC Roy to pay up Rs 10 lakh which they letter never paid, leading to the incident.

According to information, several businessmen of Tinsukia district have left the State after receiving extortion notice from ULFA. On the other hand, taking advantage of the situation, some youths involved in anti-social activities have also started demanding money from the businessmen in the name of ULFA.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Revolt rages against Muivah

Major differences among different factions of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland, NSCN(K) and NNC have come out into the open over the issue of NSCN (IM) general secretary Th. Muivah's extensive tour in Nagaland and his 'style of functioning.'

Muivah is now visiting districts of Nagaland and both the state police and the Central paramilitary forces are manning his security affairs, besides his trusted cadres.

The National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang) leadership has strongly reacted to Muivah's tour and described it as a ploy to 'confuse the Naga mass' to fulfill his 'personal agenda".

The NSCN(K) underground council minister Meren Nokpu told recently, "The National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Issack-Muivah) general secretary Th. Muivah wanted to go to his birth place Somdal in Ukhrul district of Manipur. When he was denied permission by the Manipur government, he and his cadres disturbed the peaceful situation in the Mao gate, the border between Nagaland and Manipur, As a result, many of our Naga brothers and sisters in Manipur faced hardship. Now he is touring Nagaland as a face-saving exercise to confuseNaga mass in Nagaland. This political gimmick is not going to work."

Another underground council minister Azheto Chochy told, ''On November 23, 2009, all the three underground factions of Nagaland signed an agreement for reconciliation, peace and unification of all the groups under one platform. Main reasons behind signing of the agreement was to stop fratricidal war among our own members, To negotiate with the Centre from a unified platform to work out a permanent solution to the six-decades-old Naga political problem and not to confuse the businessmen and other sympathisers in the name of tax collection campaign. Now different groups are collecting taxes from same people and it is equivalent to extortion."

Azheto Chochy continued, "When we are seriously working for the reunification and reconciliation of all three factions under one platform, Muivah is busy talking to the Centre. We are worried and we feel that he has a hidden agenda. We also signed ceasefire with the Centre in 2001. Muivah should finalise the reunification move and choose a group of leaders from all factions and negotiate with the Centre for a lasting solution to our political problem."

The other faction Naga National Council (NNC) also vehemently opposed his current tour in different districts of Nagaland and asked Muivah to ''concentrate in reunification move.'' They also advised him to ''negotiate with the Centre for a Greater Nagaland and take everybody into confidence."

However, Muivah and his men are currently in peace mission in Nagaland. He along with his followers already visited Dimapur, Kohima, Phek, Johneboto, Mokokchung and Tuensang.

According to Luikang, a hardcore supporter of Muivah, "Our leader is drawing huge crowds in each and every place and receiving tumultuous reception from masses. He is a charismatic leader of Naga people. We are sure that he will be able to iron out a solution this time."

Muivah belongs to Ukhrul district of Manipur. Manipur has four Naga-inhabited districts namely, Ukhrul, Tamenglong, Chandel and Senapati.

The Manipur government has strongly opposed to the idea of redrawing the boundary of the state. Union Home Secretary G K Pillai has already made a statement that Centre would not make any negotiation on the boundary of Manipur or any other neighbouring states of Nagaland. Keeping this in mind, Muivah is apparently trying to mobilize his support base within Nagaland before working out an acceptable formula with the Centre to resolve the long-awaited Naga political problem.

Meanwhile, NSCN(K) general secretary Khitobi and his men are awaiting an invitation from the Centre for peace talks.

The Centre has already made it clear that each and every underground factions will be taken into confidence before reaching a final solution to the ongoing peace talks.

Now it remains to be seen how Muivah handles the bickerings among different underground factions and also resolves the long-awaited political problem through the ongoing peace talks with the Centre.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
KMSS to move SC to reopen Himanta cases
Staff reporter
– Voluntary organisation Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) today announced that it would move the Supreme Court of India seeking its intervention in re-opening the TADA cases against Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma.
Addressing a crowded press conference here, KMSS secretary Akhil Gogoi today said that his organisation was now in possession of the original case diaries of the above cases, which went missing from the Panbazar (Case No. 15/1991) and Chandmari (Case No. 77/1991) police stations. The Gauhati High Court had acquitted Sarma as the reconstructed case diaries failed to substantiate the charges against him.

The KMSS was also in possession of all the documents related to the murder of noted Congress leader Manabendra Sarma, the seizure lists, the confessions made by each and every person who were Himanta Biswa Sarma's accomplices in the above cases, Sarma's own interrogation/confessional statements, investigating officers' reports and some letters with explosive information, among others, Gogoi said.

The disappearance of all these documents led to the acquittal of Himanta Biswa Sarma in all the above cases. Since the documents in their original forms were now available it was expected that the cases could be re-opened, he said.

He also supplied the newspersons some excerpts and parts of the photo copies of the above documents. In one of the excerpts, Sarma confessed his links with ULFA and having helped the militants of the outfit in their extortion bids.

One of the accomplices of Sarma also made a confessional statement that he was hiding in Room No. 2 of the RKB Hostel of Cotton College to avoid arrest and was operating from there. He confessed keeping some ULFA documents, ULFA receipts, one pistol and 25 rounds of ammunition buried behind the kitchen of the Sitanath Brahmachoudhury Hostel of Cotton College. Accordingly, the investigating police officer seized the above materials in presence of the witnesses, said one of the excerpts.

On the strength of these case diaries and documents, the KMSS is going to file a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) petition in the Supreme Court with the plea that the above cases should be directed to be reopened, Gogoi said.

He explained that in order to resist the fascist tendencies that have been gripping the political life of the State with rapid strides and also to free the State's politics and society from corruption, the KMSS has undertaken a mission to expose the powerful coterie of politicians, bureaucrats, contractors and criminals.

This coterie has been extending help to the exploiters working under the garb of neo-liberalisation of the country's economy. Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has been using Himanta Biswa Sarma to facilitate such exploitation and Sarma has been working as the kingpin in this political exercise. This coterie is bent on imposing an undeclared emergency in Assam.

As part of the anti-democratic conspiracy of this coterie, Himanta Biswa Sarma is trying to tear down the struggle of the KMSS. To frustrate all such designs and attempts, the KMSS has undertaken the above bid to initiate a proper judicial procedure against Sarma, Gogoi said.

NC Hills scam: Alleging that the Rs 1000-crore NC Hills Autonomous Council scam was much bigger than what it appeared to be, Akhil Gogoi also demanded steps to bring the financial irregularities in Karbi Anglong District Autonomous Council also within the ambit of the CBI probe.

He claimed that the size of the money involved in the NC Hills scam might be five times more than the presently projected one. He demanded that the CBI enquiry should cover the entire episode since 2001.

Asking for a more comprehensive enquiry into the NC Hills scam, the KMSS secretary demanded that former Assam Governor Ajai Singh and Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi should also be questioned by the CBI, along with other politicians and bureaucrats, in this connection.

He further alleged that the office-bearers of his organisation, which had unearthed many cases of corruption and fund anomalies through the RTI, had taken a great risk by raising the issue of NC Hills Autonomous Council scam and going against the minister.

"We all know that we might be killed or imprisoned on fake grounds for speaking the truth. Through various sources we have come to know that traps are being laid for the KMSS leaders," alleged Gogoi.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Govt helped Hojai flee, says Bijoya
Staff reporter
– Guwahati MP and senior BJP leader Bijoya Chakravorty today alleged that the State Government had a hand in the disappearance of DHD (J) 'c-in-c' Niranjan Hojai from his designated camp who was later arrested in Nepal.
Chakravorty told the media that the revelations came following DHD (J) chairman Jewel Garlosa's recent statement made in a court that Niranjan Hojai had left the camp with 'government protection' and did not flee as was widely reported.

Terming the developments as dangerous for the State's and nation's security, Chakravorty said that it exposed the State Government's nexus with militants.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
72-hr Chakka bandh called in Manipur hills
Sobhapati Samom
IMPHAL, July 11
– The All Naga Students' Association Manipur (ANSAM) and the United Naga Council (UNC) have jointly called for a 72-hour 'Chakka Bandh' in all Naga-inhabited areas from 6 pm of July 12 in protest against what the two Naga bodies called "the undemocratic and suppressive acts of the Manipur Government towards the tribals".
However, emergency and essential services including press are exempted from the purview of the bandh.

The decision to call for the 'Chakka Bandh' was taken at a joint meeting of the two Naga bodies yesterday at Senapati. The ANSAM in a statement said that the tribals in Manipur have consistently demanded the extension of the provisions of the 6th Schedule of the Constitution to the hill areas of the State since 1990.

After agreeing to accede to the demand, the Government of Manipur, however, maliciously stonewalled the process by inserting a rider that the 6th Schedule would be extended after "local adjustments and amendments", it alleged.

It said, "Instead of sincerely pursuing their commitment, after 20 long years the Manipur Government came out with the Manipur (Hill Areas) District Councils (3rd Amendment) Act 2008, which doctored and stripped off of all the provisions that go into self- governance and the rights of the hill people over their land and resources, and removing the primacy of the traditional institutions of the tribals".

The illegal manner in which the amendment was rushed through and the manner in which the ADC elections under the "unwanted 2008 Act" was imposed in the face of strong protests contravene the rights of the tribal people, the statement also alleged.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Mizoram to take action against extortionists

AIZAWL, July 12 – Mizoram Home Minister R Lalzirliana said that the State Government would take stringent action against people indulging in extortion in the name of voluntary organisations and NGOs.
Addressing a meeting of major NGOs and voluntary organisations here on Friday last, Lalzirliana said that "with too many people who refused to work hard and tried to earn a living by extorting money from businessmen including non-tribals, the peaceful atmosphere in the State has been in peril".

Expressing great concern over the increasing extortion in the State, he said, "the rampant extortion by and in the name of NGOs not only threatened peace, but also brought a bad name to our society and religion."

The Home Minister told the NGO leaders that such people might call it 'donation' but it is sheer extortion and is an offence as per the law.

"It is an offence, a crime, so the government cannot be a mute spectator," he said adding that the law would be enforced by the government against the offenders, however powerful they might be.

The meting was attended by Parliamentary Secretary for Home Lalrinmawia Ralte, Home Secretary Lalmalsawma and leaders of the Young Mizo Association (YMA), Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl (MHIP) or Mizo Women Federation, Mizoram Upa Pawl (MUP) of Mizoram Elders association, Mizo Zirlai Pawl (MZP) or Mizo Students Association and the Mizoram Educated Welfare Association (MEWA). – PTI


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NC Hills scam rocks Assembly
Staff reporter
– The Monsoon Session of the Assam Legislative Assembly today started with a stormy note on the issue of financial scam in North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council. Opposition members stormed out of the House protesting Speaker Tanka Bahadur Rai's stand to reserve his ruling on the demand for an Adjournment Motion on the issue, till July 16, the ultimate day of the five-day current session.
The Opposition staged their walkout a few minutes after the House re-assembled at 12 noon. Earlier, the Speaker had to adjourn the House for half an hour at 11-30 am amidst slogan shouting by the Opposition members.

The Opposition members today moved an Adjournment Motion on the financial scam in NC Hills and when the Speaker, Tanka Bahadur Rai kept his ruling on the Motion reserved, all the members of the Opposition and Independent legislator Bhuban Pegu rushed to the well of the House and started shouting slogans demanding a thorough probe into the scam. Unable to bring the House in order, the Speaker adjourned the House for 30 minutes. Even during the discussion on the admissibility of the Motion, the House witnessed heated war of words between the ruling and Opposition members.

Speaking on the admissibility of the Motion, Leader of the Opposition Chandra Mohan Patowary said that the financial scam in NC Hills Autonomous Council is a matter of serious concern and the House should thoroughly discuss the same. It is a matter of grave concern that a portion of development funds went to the coffers of the militants, he added. He pointed out that the chief of the DHD (J) Jewel Garlosa recently commented that the commander-in-chief of the outfit, Niranjan Hojai went abroad with the permission of the Government. He said that the Government should clarify the matter.

Prafulla Kumar Mahanta (AGP) said that the scam exposed the nexus between political leaders, officials, contractors and militants. He pointed out that there was an instance of a Deputy Commissioner of the district, who was also in charge of the Principal Secretary of the Council withdrawing an amount of Rs 18.50 crore and no one knew what happened to the money.

Drupad Borgohain (CPI) said that all sections of people of the State were concerned about the huge financial scam and an amount of Rs 13.45 crore was recovered from the garage of a person, who is a relative of one of the accused in the scam. He pointed out that allegations were levelled against a former Governor of the State and also against Ministers and there is need for a detailed discussion on the issue.

Dr Aditya Langthasa (AUDF) said that the Government was responsible for allowing total lawlessness to continue in the Hill district. A portion of the money earmarked for development went to the coffers of the militants resulting in deaths of number of people, he alleged.

Ranjit Dutta (BJP) said that the scam was one of the biggest in the country and a section of political leaders, officers and militants were involved in it. The trouble started when Dutta was speaking as Independent legislator Jiten Gogoi interrupted and said that he was not "ready to listen to any more lecture on the issue as the people of Assam already heard a lot on the scam through the media". He also asked the Speaker to clarify whether the Adjournment Motion was admitted. His action resulted in a heated war of words between the ruling and Opposition members and Ranjit Dutta said that the Speaker could not act as the guardian of the legislators.

Ananta Deka (CPM) said that corruption is one of the main ills affecting the State. He said that the scam in NC Hills should not be treated as a mere economic offence as it not only affected development but also exposed the nexus between a section of political leaders, officers, contractors and militants.

Parliamentary Affairs Minister Bharat Chandra Narah opposed the motion and said that the Opposition members should have raised the issue through other rules. He said that the Government was not opposed to discussing the issue but not through an Adjournment Motion.

Narah said that the State Government ordered a probe by Justice RK Manisana Singh into the politician-militant nexus in NC Hills and dissolved the Council after receiving the report. He said that when the scam came to light, the Chief Minister ordered a special audit of the accounts of the financial dealings of the Council and at present, two agencies are investigating into the same. The NIA is investigating into the politician-militant nexus, while, the CBI is probing into the financial scam. He also alleged that instead of a serious discussion on the issue, the Opposition was interested merely on gaining political mileage. Narah's allegation sparked off another heated exchange of words between ruling and Opposition members.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
14,586 identified as foreigners in 10 years
– Between January 1, 2001 and June 31, 2010, 14,586 people have been identified as foreigners in the State. Of them, 199 have been deported till May 31, 2010.
This was the information supplied by the Assam Accord Implementation Minister Dr Bhumidhar Barman in written reply to a question from Dr Alaka Sarma (AGP) in the State Assembly on Tuesday.

The Minister also told the House that the figures for the period between June 2010 and July 2010 are being collected. Of those identified as foreigners, 2,643 were identified under the provisions of the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act, while, 12,213 were identified under the Foreigners' Act. Those deported included 144 deported under the Foreigners' Act and 55 under the IMDT Act.

The Minister said that information in respect of deletion of names of persons deported between January 1, 2001 and July 1, 2010 from the Voters' list is being collected. The procedure followed in respect of deletion of names from the voters' list is that if an order is received from the tribunal through the Superintendent of Police not confirming the citizenship status of a person as an Indian or declaring a person as foreigner and if such person's name is found in the electoral roll, electoral registration officers concerned of the legislative assembly constituencies issue notices to such persons and take steps for the deletion of the names from the electoral rolls.

In reply to another question by Gunindra Nath Das (AGP), the Minister said that the Central Government bears the necessary expenditures of the Foreigners' Tribunals. The Central Government granted an allocation of Rs 1.27 crore in 2008-09 for infrastructure development of the Foreigners' Tribunals. It has not sanctioned any allocation in 2009-10. Of the sanctioned amount, over Rs 95.74 lakh has been spent and the approval of the Centre has been sought for spending the rest of the amount.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Tripura cops to bring back ISI associate
– Armed with arrest warrant, a special team of Tripura police would soon leave for Guwahati to take back Bikram Das, another associate of arrested ISI operative Manir Khan on transit remand, who had been nabbed from Lalmatia under Paltan Bazar police station area.
Based on interrogation report, Tripura police informed its Assam counterpart about the presence of Bikram, who had acted as agent of the detained ISI operative when he was in Guwahati recently.

Assam police swung into action and arrested Bikram on Monday. According to sleuths, Bikram had provided shelter to Monir Khan while he was in Guwahati recently. It has been learnt that Bikram had made all necessary arrangements for Monir Khan to meet other ISI agents in Guwahati during his visit there.

The Judicial Magistrate here has already issued an arrest warrant in the name of Bikram to produce him before the court by July 20. It is expected that interrogation of Bikram will reveal the entire ISI chain in Northeastern region.

A team of National Investigative Agency (NIA) is scheduled to arrive here soon to interrogate the arrested ISI operative and his six associates, said a police official.

A team of sleuth from Punjab Police has already landed here to interrogate the ISI agent. The visit is aimed to find out whether there is any link with the detention of ISI agent here and arrest of another ISI operative in Punjab.

Based on specific tip-off from Intelligence Bureau (IB), Tripura police laid a trap near Sonamura town in West Tripura district on July 5 and apprehended the ISI operative and his six local associates. All the arrested persons are in special cell of Special Branch (SB), Intelligence Branch of State police.

Monir, a Pakistani national, has received training in ISI camps at Multan and Bhawalpur in Pakistan and he is a Pakistani national, said the sources.

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