North East - Developments & Debate


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Gangtok to have a 'Fashion Street'

GANGTOK, July 4 (PTI) - A half a kilometre stretch will be developed into a state-of-the-art 'Fashion Street' in Sikkim on the NH-31A here at a cost of nearly Rs 17 crore.
The Urban Development and Housing Department (UDHD) will transform the stretch between Sisha-Golai, Pani House and the tri-junction towards Nam-Nang into a combination of branded showrooms, extravagant restaurants, beauty parlours, saloons and high-end shops, Additional Chief Engineer, UDHD, C Zangpo told PTI.

"We plan to develop the area as a congregation point for all to meet, shop, relax and enjoy," he said.

The department has started consultancy for developing the stretch of NH-31A as a trendy shopping destination for visitors to Gangtok, which would also decongest the MG Mall, he said.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Nagaland church against review of prohibition
A Correspondent
– The Nagaland church has come out strongly against possible review of the Liquor Prohibition Act by the State Government, saying that it will not tolerate any move to either to do away with the Act or relax the use of liquor.
A statement issued by the Liquor Prohibition Committee of the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) reminded that Nagaland Liquor Total Prohibition Act (NLTP) had been passed in 1989 after "praying and struggling for more than 30 years".

However, stating that the prohibition had not been fully successful because of a number of loopholes, the NBCC said it had thoroughly examined the Act and had put suggestions for the amendment to the Act to prevent its misuse. It pointed out that, accordingly, Nagaland Government had constituted an Amendment Committee three years back while stating that it is still "anxiously waiting for the amendment".

The NBCC also observed with seriousness that during important occasions or festivals such as the government-sponsored Hornbill Festival and the Road Show, abundant flow of liquor is intentionally allowed which, it said, directly makes a mockery of the Act and undermines the so called tag of Nagaland as a 'Christian State'.

The use of government VIP vehicles for transportation of liquor has become very rampant, it alleged.

While making known its awareness of a consultative meeting called by the government with various NGOs and civil societies, excluding the NBCC, the church body maintained that it would not be wise on its part to make any statement on the intention of the government. It, however, sought to make it clear that "NBCC will not tolerate any move to either to do away with the Act or relax the use of liquor legally".

Stating that prohibition is grounded on the solid teaching of the Word of God and, therefore, "our stand can never be compromised", the NBCC made it absolutely clear that in the event of any move to revoke the Act, "Christians in Nagaland are prepared to stand for prohibition through any democratic means based on moral and spiritual authority".

Further maintaining that the Act had come following much prayer and sacrifices of thousands of Christians, the church also pointed out that the Naga society has been victimised due to liquor consumption. It felt that the Nagaland Government should not shy away from its responsibility of saving the people from the evils of alcoholism while making known its expectation that the rulers of the State must do all possible to enforce the 'Total Ban' on the flow of liquor so that morality and spirituality go hand in hand.

Moreover, the NBCC said it would also like to "knock at the conscience" of the State Government towards many other important issues confronting the State; issues such as the ongoing process of reconciliation and peace process with the Government of India, the rampant corruption at every level of governance, issues of unemployment, youth problems and many others ailing the Naga society. Despite giving attention to all these, it questioned whether it is justified and relevant for the Nagaland Government to contemplate on the issue of alcohol at this juncture.

The church body strongly urged the State Government to honour its own legislation which was a result of a commitment to NBCC "borne out of the struggle and prayer of thousands of people".


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
/\/\/\ This attitude of NBCC(which actually is nonsense) will drive up the number of drug addicts in the State, as has always been.


Regular Member
Jun 18, 2010
/\/\/\ This attitude of NBCC(which actually is nonsense) will drive up the number of drug addicts in the State, as has always been.
totally agree, prohibition doesn't work, besides drug abuse it would result in black market for alcohol (likely to be spurious and more potent). The proceeds from such activities will fund organised crime. wouldn't be surprised if some insurgents use this as an avenue to generate funds and further their interests..


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
totally agree, prohibition doesn't work, besides drug abuse it would result in black market for alcohol (likely to be spurious and more potent). The proceeds from such activities will fund organised crime. wouldn't be surprised if some insurgents use this as an avenue to generate funds and further their interests..
You are 100% right. Most of my friends from other states in NE (or most of the friends I had, if they are alive) are on drugs. Banning alcohol has aggravated the situation. And yes, the proceeds go to organised crime.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
One more thing is, drugs addicts use used syringes most of the times, which is also a major reason for the rise of HIV cases in NE India(read it somewhere, cannot provide the source now).


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Ensure denial of political rights to foreigners: Sinha
R Dutta Choudhury
– The illegal migrants staying in Assam should be identified and made stateless citizens as it may not be possible to send all of them back to their own country, said former Assam Governor, Lt Gen (Retd) SK Sinha.
Talking to The Assam Tribune, Lt Gen Sinha said that the Government would need the political will to deal with the problem of infiltration of foreigners to Assam and other parts of the country. He admitted that it might be difficult to send back all the illegal migrants, but if they are identified and made stateless citizens, they would be denied the right to vote and in that way, the political rights of the indigenous people would be protected. He admitted that the silent invasion is a major threat, but at the same time, he asserted that the North East region is an integral part of India and would remain so.

Lt Gen Sinha, who sent a detailed report to the President of India in 1998 on the threat posed by infiltration of foreigners with his suggestions to deal with the problem, admitted that very little was done to implement his suggestions to deal with the problem. He pointed out that the Supreme Court struck down the controversial Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunals) Act and in its judgment, the Court quoted extensively from his report. However, the Congress again brought back the IM(DT) Act through the back door by amending the Foreigners' Act, which is very unfortunate, he said.

The former Governor said that the policy of appeasement of the Congress complicated the situation regarding the problem of infiltration of foreigners. "In fact, the record of the Congress Governments over the years in dealing with the security of the country had been very poor and only in 1971, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi proved herself to be a great war leader," he pointed out. He disclosed that, the view of the Congress regarding the North East was always clouded and even a person like former Assam Governor BK Nehru had criticized the policies of the Government in his autobiography. Nehru wrote that the old Congress valued national interest first but in new Congress party interests always came first, he pointed out.

Commenting on the overall security scenario in the North East, Lt Gen Sinha said that the improvement of the relation with Bangladesh is a silver lining. After the change of regime in Bangladesh, the Government of that country handed over leaders of the militant groups, who had been using the territory of that country as safe haven for years, which is a very positive sign. We can not expect everything to change over night, but it is a good beginning, he added.

The former Governor said that the United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) totally lost its popular base. He said that at the time, when he was the Governor of Assam, "we could manage to alienate the ULFA from the masses, which, coupled with counter-insurgency operations and operations in Bhutan, almost finished the outfit in 2003. But the ULFA managed to regroup because of the wrong policies of the Government as the policy of appeasement gave a new lease of life to the outfit, he said. However, he said that the ULFA has not been able to regain its mass support base.

Lt Gen Sinha expressed the view that the wrong policies of the Government very often created trouble in the region and pointed out that recently Manipur was cut off for 60 days because of road blockade. "I fail to understand as to how the Centre allowed a state to remain cut off for so many days," he said. In this regard, he said that when he was the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, the tunnels were blocked due to heavy snowfall for a month and the Government arranged for transportation of supply of essentials with Indian Air Force planes.

On the recent allegation by Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi that he shielded Prafulla Kumar Mahanta from being prosecuted in the LoC scam, Lt Gen Sinha said that he had already written about the incident in detail in his book. He said that the Gauhati High Court also gave a categorical verdict on the issue. "Immediately after becoming the Chief Minister , Gogoi came to me and said that I should have taken the view of the Council of Ministers on the issue. How can I take the view of the Council of Ministers on an issue involving the Chief Minister. Gogoi is raising the issue again after so many years because the election is approaching and he may be trying to gain political mileage out of the issue," he added.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Kohima to be made solar city
A Correspondent
KOHIMA, July 4
– Plans are afoot to turn the Nagaland capital Kohima into a solar city. Selected by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy for the solar city programme, the step is expected to reduce the power load of the capital town by 10 per cent within a period of five years.
This was stated by MLA & Advisor, New & Renewable Energy, Deo Nukhu in his address at the Renewable Energy Meet held at Zonal Council Hall yesterday. He also informed that a solid urban waste power plant is also being considered.

Stating that solar energy is "God's gift without any charge", the MLA underscored the need to tap the non-conventional energy while also stating that it is the safest and also the healthier way.

He particularly emphasised on solar heating systems noting that States like Nagaland would have 80 per cent of the population living in the cold regions.

Pointing out that burning of firewood or use of conventional energy like geysers for heating purposes consume maximum natural resources and power, Nukhu stressed the need to use solar water heating systems for domestic purposes and commercial activities as well as in educational institutions. The use of solar system is a healthy practice for a healthy living, he said.

Dwelling on the activities of the department, he said a State Level Energy Park is being constructed at the Agri-Expo site in Dimapur, which, he pointed out, is in good progress. The park exhibits various systems which can disseminate the use of renewable energy devices as well as conservation of energy, he informed.

He further stated that this programme is being undertaken under Special Area Demonstration Programme and that Solar Power back-up would be provided in the Raj Bhavan, Civil Secretariat, Assembly Complex and DC's Office.

The MLA also informed that the department has identified some hydro electric projects in the State and will be executing Tsutsung Yongki hydo electric project with the installed capacity of one MW in Mokokchung district.

Other programmes being implemented by the Department include National Manure Management and Biogas Development (NMMBP), Solar Photo-voltaic Programme, Biomass Gasifier Project, Remote Village Electrification Programme, Wind Energy, and Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM).

The workshop was organised by Toiwa Renewable Energy Inc, Nagaland in collaboration with the Department of New and Renewable Energy.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Govt action against DHD(J) leaders flayed
– The ASDC Dima Hasao District Committee and the Dimasa Students' Union took strong exception to the Government action of arrest of Niranjan Hojai, the commander-in-chief of Dima Halam Daogah (Jewel) on July 2 by the NIA at Kathmandu, Nepal given the fact that there was still a peace process on between the Government and DHD(J), stated a press release issued by the ASDC and DSU.
It is mentioned in the release that the ASDC Dima Hasao district Committee and DSU blamed the government that while the arms surrender of DHD(J) was ceremonially held in presence of the Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on October 2, 2009 at Lt. NL Daulagupu Sports Complex, Haflong, the Government was bent on the DHD(J) leaders. Instead of releasing the chief of the DHD(J) arresting Jewel Garlosa and other DHD(J) leaders from judicial custody and granting general amnesty to the DHD(J) leaders to enable the DHD(J) leaders to hold peace talks with the government, the government has arrested Niranjan Hojai and has not yet lifted the ban on the DHD(J). The government would be responsible for any eventuality in case the DHD(J) breaks the peace agreement on the ground that the government was reluctant to release Niranjan Hojai and Jewel Gorlosa from the judicial custody.

The ASDC and the DSU therefore sought the release of all the jailed leaders of DHD(J) and the lift of the ban on DHD(J) with immediate effect from the government to enable the DHD(J) to take a decision regarding holding peace talks with the government for a permanent and amicable solution of the problems in the greater interest of restoring peace in the district, the release added.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
/\/\/\ That rat Niranjan Hojai fled to Nepal after he came to know that he was in NIA's book for the 1000 crore scam unearthed in N.C.Hills. Plus he personally is responsible for numerous killings and extortions in N.C.Hills. I do not understand the point of arresting him and bringing him back to India. The right place place for him is a 6 foot deep pit somewhere near the Indo-Nepal border.

Btw, there is an indefinite strike in N.C.Hills called by DHD(J) for the arrest of Niranjan Hojai which started from Sunday the 4th-July-2010 disrupting normal life in N.C.Hills. Also, the GoI has extended cease-fire agreement with DHD Nunisa faction for 6 more months, which means no operations against the outfit, but as always extortions by the outfit continue.
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New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Old news, posting anyway.
Rs 1,000 Crore Scam in NC Hills, Assam

Guwahati, Feb 18 : Daring the Assam state Government to take action against the seven ministers named in the National Investigation Agency (NIA) report on the militant-politician-bureaucrat nexus in NC Hills district, the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) today urged Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to direct the NIA to file a supplementary charge sheet against the accused politicians.

"The NIA report made sensational revelations, linking seven ministers in the unprecedented Rs 1,000-crore scam by the militant-politician-bureaucrat nexus. But the ministers, i.e. Himanta Biswa Sarma, Rockybul Hussain, Khorsing Ingty, Akon Bora, Chandan Brahma, Gautam Roy and Ajanta Neog besides MP Dip Gogoi, brother of Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, Haflong MLA GC Langthasa, and the then Assam Governor Lt Gen (retd) Ajai Singh were let off following pressure by the Congress-led UPA Government, undermining seriously in the process the credibility of the top investigating agency, and more importantly, the unity and integrity of the country," AGP president Chandra Mohan Patowary said at a press conference.

Referring to a news item that had appeared on The Week's February 7, 2010 issue, Patowary said it was apparent that the NIA report was brushed under the carpet by the UPA Government to save the Congress regime in the State even though it meant compromising with national interest.

"An impartial agency constituted precisely to deal with terror threats looming over the nation exposes a State Government's link with a militant outfit that has been creating mayhem killing and looting hundreds of innocent people but the Government pressurizes the Centre into protecting the ministers named specifically in the report. The Tarun Gogoi Government is directly patronizing militant outfits, with seven of its ministers involved in the embezzlement of development funds worth Rs 1,000 crore in cahoots with militants," Patowary said, adding that the State Government had no moral right to be in power.

Money From Scam Used to Buy Arms and Ammunition for Dimasa Militants

Terming the developments as jeopardizing the future of democracy, Patowary wondered what the people could expect from a Government that was little more than a puppet in the hands of militants, with the ministers themselves providing astronomical funds to militants for procuring arms.
"The Centre's role is even more disturbing, as it has not just turned a blind eye to the murky developments but gone to the extent of protecting the State Government by brushing aside the NIA's impartial findings," he said.

Asserting that the AGP's claims on the State Government's militant nexus stood vindicated, Patowary said that the only redeeming stance the Centre could take now was to direct the NIA to issue a supplementary charge sheet indicting the seven ministers. "We expect the Prime Minister to take such a step as the matter has implications beyond the State of Assam and involves the nation's sovereignty and integrity," Patowary said.

CPI shocked: Meanwhile, the Communist Party of India, Assam State Council has expressed shock at the reported revelations in the NIA report linking seven ministers of the State cabinet in the Rs 1,000-crore scam in NC Hills district in cahoots with militants, and demanded immediate expulsion of the ministers, besides initiating stringent legal action on them as well as the other accused former Governor Lt General (retd) Ajai Singh, an MP, an MLA, and a few bureaucrats and businessmen.

In a statement, the CPI said the happenings were a threat to the democratic system of governance and unless dealt with a firm hand, would totally disintegrate the nation.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NC Hills Students' Body Hails CBI Probe into NC Hills Scam

Haflong, Jun 27 : While welcoming the ongoing CBI inquiry into the multi-crore scam in NC Hills, the NC Hills Indigenous Students' Forum has demanded that the inquiry be done since 2001, and that all the politicians, bureaucrats, contractors, suppliers and individuals involved in the scam be arrested immediately, stated a press release issued by the body.

The release stated that Forum was formed to enable the indigenous people of the NC Hills district to live in an atmosphere of political and economic freedom and corruption free society.

The Forum was deeply concerned about the ongoing CBI inquiry into the multi-crore scam in the NC Hills District.

The Dimasa Mothers' Association was crying for the release of Jewel Gorlosa and other accused persons who were in custody of the police. The NCHISF argued where was the DMA when Army, CRPF and State police personnel and innocent government servants and members of the public were gunned down in cold blood.

Why didn't they raise their voice when hundreds were killed? Instead, why are they raising their voice for their unconditional release?

The release continued that everyone should be aware of the root cause of the 1000 crore rupee scam. This gigantic amount was siphoned off with understanding between political leaders, government servants and underground elements. Many top bureaucrats were bound to be involved. Because of this, renaming of NC Hills was done in a hurry. The money for the development of the people was being used for killing and ultimately renaming NC Hills into a tribe specific district Therefore, NCHISF is praying that the CBI should dig deeper so that those involved in selling-off the rights of the indigenous peoples be booked irrespective of their government and political position.

The employees of the district have been unfortunately made the victims of the scam indirectly by not paying them their salaries by siphoning their budgets to the militants and a few other people. It was earnestly prayed to the authority concerned to kindly arrange the salaries for the State and the Council Employees soon and release their up-to-date salaries.

The change of the NC Hills district's name after the dialect of one particular community was the outcome of this multi-crore rupee scam.

Therefore, it was earnestly prayed to the authority concerned to bifurcate the NC Hills district into two autonomous districts under the provision of 3(c) 3 of Articles 244(2) & 275(1) of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India.

Unless their prayer was given a due consideration by the authority concerned, the Forum shall be compelled to call a 100-hour or even an indefinite NC Hills bandh in the near future, the press release added.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NC Hills Scam: Punish All the Culprits

By JP Rajkhowa

One of the most sensational news of recent times in Assam happens to be the unearthing and seizure of Rs 13.45 crore by the CBI from the residence of one Amjad Hussain, a suspended junior engineer of DRDA and brother-in-law of one of the prime accused in the multi-crore-rupee NC Hills scam, RH Khan, who is a suspended Deputy Director of State Social Welfare Department and was posted in the NC Hills Autonomous Council at the time of his arrest by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).

"So huge was the amount seized that the CBI sleuths, divided into 20 teams, had to bring note-counting machines from banks to count the money" (The Sentinel, June 17, 2010).

The report further states that Hussain had fled from police custody at Dhubri police station after his arrest in two criminal cases about two years back and was since notified as an absconder.

While the CBI deserve kudos from one and all not only for recovering an unbelievable amount of cash and for arresting the 'absconding' public servant, the Assam Police equally deserves public condemnation — firstly, for allowing the arrested accused to escape from its custody, and secondly, for failing to rearrest him in two years, which the CBI could do so easily.

It is high time for the top brass in the Assam Police to do some real soul-searching and ensure effective steps to free itself from the clutches of extraneous evil forces and do real policing job for the public.

Following huge public uproar demanding thorough investigation into the NC Hills scam by the CBI and front-page media reports and editorials demanding CBI investigation into the scam detected by the NIA, the Assam Chief Minister initially tried to pass the buck to the opposition-backed autonomous council authorities headed by the disgraced Mohit Hojai, but later stated that the scam could be to the extent of Rs 35 to 40 crore only and that no minister of his government was involved in the scam.

Later, at the instance of Union Home Minister P Chidambaram, Gogoi referred the scam case to the CBI. Now with the recovery of such huge amount of money from just one official, who is related to RH Khan of the Social Welfare Department, it is clear that many other corrupt officials and politicians of other departments could also be responsible for misappropriating huge amounts of public funds and for also passing on the usual share to militant outfits for anti-national activities.

People expect that the CBI would make all-out efforts to bring all the swindlers to justice and recover all their ill-gotten wealth, no matter what political pressure could be brought on it as had happened in the past.

It is learnt from media reports that the State government had requested the CBI to conduct inquiry into the affairs of only four departments. It is also reported that the CBI has been asked by the State government to inquire into the financial irregularities and corruption committed during the period 2007-09 only, when the autonomous council was headed by the ASDC, with Mohit Hojai as CEM.

During that period, the State government had released a total fund of Rs 60 crore to the council of which Rs 30 crore was necessary only for payment of salaries to the employees.

According to analysts, it is most unlikely that out of the rest of the amount to be spent by all the departments, RH Khan had diverted Rs 14 crore or so for himself, which he kept concealed at the residence of his brother-in-law Amjad Hussain.

It is strongly suspected that the swindling of huge amounts of public funds has been going on over the years, during the terms of previous Congress-led councils too, in collusion with key politicians and officials, and that substantial amounts were also regularly contributed to militant outfits.

In order to ascertain the entire swindled amount and to trace the illegal recipients and bring them to justice, the CBI should move the State government to extend the terms of reference for its inquiry appropriately. In this context, the CBI would do well to look into the report of Prakash Mahanta, published in Asomiya Pratidin (June 17, 2010) for additional clues.

While the CBI has achieved initial success in its investigation into the scam, we should not be euphoric at that. We should await further results of the investigation and arrest of all the culprits involved, whosoever they may be.

The CBI's actual success could be judged from their ability to produce clinching and incontrovertible evidence, both oral as well as documentary, thereby establishing the guilt of the accused persons, leading to conviction by the court of law.

Going by the experience of the nation in high-profile and much-hyped scam cases such as the Hawala case, JMM bribery case and the Bofors gun deal, to name only a few, the public cannot be sure of successful prosecution in the NC Hills scam case(s) too, unless there are reasons to believe that this time the CBI would do its best to bring all the culprits to justice, without bowing to any kind of political pressure or temptation.

I remember that in 2004, at the instance of the Assam Government, the CBI had taken up for investigation the then widely published multi-crore crude oil pilferage case, in which a nexus of oil thieves, ONGC/OIL officials, police officials, transporters and politicians was suspected to be involved in regular swindling of the public wealth.

Though six years have already elapsed, we have not yet seen any media report indicating the completion of the investigation and successful prosecution of all the accused persons, resulting in their conviction.

Likewise, we are not aware of the fate of the then infamous multi-crore Janata Cloth scam which was taken up by the CBI for investigation about two decades ago. The people have a right to know about the fate of these cases taken up by the CBI.

Whether the NC Hills scam involved swindling of Rs 1,000 crore or any other amount by public servants and others, only a thorough, painstaking, fearless and impartial investigation by the CBI would be able to find it out. In spite of the overall low conviction rate in the CBI-probed cases so far, in our opinion the CBI is the only capable and trustworthy national investigation agency, though it has had its own pitfalls occasionally due to some of its officers being caught on the wrong foot.

The Director of CBI is usually chosen from the best of police officers available in the country by an independent selection board, and as such, it is believed that he would live up to the expectations of the people, and in the instant scam case, would personally supervise, monitor and guide the investigators so that the case could be brought to its logical conclusion in a reasonable time-frame and all the guilty persons brought to justice.

This is also a great opportunity for the Assam Chief Minister to re-establish his lost image of being a clean public leader, which he can do by extending full cooperation to the CBI team of investigators, including for interrogation of his ministerial colleagues and also raiding of their premises and linked establishments, should any of them come under cloud in the course of the investigation.

**The writer is a former Chief Secretary, Assam


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2009
Assam ultra leader's arrest in Nepal a mystery

Kathmandu: Mystery shrouds the reported arrest of an Indian militant leader in Nepal with the Nepali authorities denying any knowledge of it.

Nepal's home ministry Monday denied having any information about the arrest of Niranjan Hojai, leader of Assam's banned Dima Halim Daoga group.

Hojai, who belongs to the Jewel faction of the underground outfit, also known as the Black Widow group, is said to have been held in Nepal Friday midnight or early Saturday.

However, security forces at Nepal's Tribhuvan International Airport as well as the Kathmandu metropolitan police said they had no information about such an arrest.

"We have no knowledge of such an arrest," Nepal home ministry spokesman Jai Mukunda Khanal told IANS.

According to the Indian media, Hojai fled with millions of rupees from the North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council to buy arms for his organisation.

He was reportedly caught after he fled to Nepal, where he is said to own a hotel and is married to a Nepali woman.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Hojai remanded to NIA custody
Staff reporter
– Sleuths from the NIA have started interrogation of DHD (J) Commander-in-Chief Niranjan Hojai, one of the main accused in the scam that diverted substantial government funds to militant activities in the NC Hills. Under tight security, he is being interrogated at the Special Branch Headquarters based at Kahilipara, sources said.
Earlier today, he was produced before the Special NIA Court, which remanded the DHD (J) C-in-C to seven-day NIA custody. It may be mentioned that Hojai was arrested in Nepal on Friday last. He is one of the 14 accused in the first ever NIA investigation.

It is expected that during interrogation Hojai will reveal a number of valuable clues concerning the politician-militant nexus and also in connection with the illegal siphoning of funds of the North Cachar Hills District Autonomous Council.

Hojai had formally laid down arms on October 2 last year, along with 400 DHD (J) cadres. Later, he escaped from the designated camp under mysterious circumstances and was on the run.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
'Unity before solution an irresponsible approach'
A Correspondent
– NSCN-IM general secretary Th Muivah has asked the people of Tuensang whether there can be no solution without unity.
He posed the question in reference to the stand taken by the Tuensang people and the rival NSCN-K group that there should be unity first before seeking a solution, the outfit said in a release.

Stating that this is a "very irresponsible way of facing the Naga issue", Muivah reportedly indicated that such an approach should be left aside while asserting that reconciliation must come first on the basis of Naga history and without considering the interests of Shillong Accord or Khaplang or Isak-Muivah. Only then will there be a solution, he said.

Making a sincere appeal to the people, he said now is the best time to solve our problems by understanding each other, and not allowing Government of India to take advantage of our differences.

Also informing of the ongoing dialogue, the NSCN-IM leader said the NSCN, during the talks with the Centre, has given three commitments: no imposition, not to accept Indian constitution and honourable and final solution to be decided in consultation with the Naga people.

He urged the Tuensang people to forget the past mistakes and forgive each other. "This is your time to take correct decision," he further stated while promising that NSCN will not betray God and Nagalim and shall stand for truth.

Muivah is also stated to have brought into focus the period when Tuensang area was a free land but ultimately 'downgraded by Nehru as no man's land'. He asserted that Nehru was wrong to call this land 'No Man's Land' because he did not want this land to be called Naga land but a land that anybody can claim.

Maintaining that this is disrespect to the Nagas and to the six tribes of Tuensang which must be corrected, Muivah stressed that we have to understand our history and our right to be our own master.

According to the release, Muivah was unable to avoid mentioning the 'tragic history of NNC and Shillong Accord and how Phizo proved himself wrong by not condemning the Shillong Accord because it was not the decision of the Naga nation'. As Shillong Accord was the conflicting point in Naga history, Muivah explained in detail on how the nation was saved, it said.

He further expounded on the circumstances of how the Centre started sending feelers to NSCN to begin peace talks during the time of Prime Minister Narasimha Rao which led to the signing of the ceasefire in 1997. He also shared on how the Government of India, after listening to NSCN for five years, at last gave official recognition to the uniqueness of Naga history and situation on July 11, 2002, at Amsterdam.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ISI agent, 4 others arrested
– An ISI agent and three others were detained by a joint team of Intelligence Bureau (IB) and State police from different places of Tripura, police confirmed here on Monday.
The ISI agent Omar Ashraf alias Momin Khan of Pakistan's Bhagalpur district, landed at Sonamura in West Tripura district on June 26 through Srimantapur border. Based on a tip-off, members of the joint team laid traps at different locations on the Sonamura-Agartala road on June 3.

Around 10 pm, police spotted a Tata Indica car (TR-01W0596) moving towards Sonamura town through the Sanghati bridge. The security personnel chased the vehicle and detained it.

Three persons, including the suspected ISI agent, were picked up and taken to Sagar Mahal for interrogation, said a police officer. Later, the detained persons were taken to Agartala from where they were shifted to BSF sector headquarters at Gakulnagar for further interrogation.

According to police, Tajul Islam of Durgapur, who was arrested is the main associate of the ISI agent. Based on the interrogation report, police arrested one more person- Uttam Barman of Jogendranagar under East Agartala Police station. Uttam, driver of the vehicle is also accused of helping the ISI agent.

Senior police officers have started grilling the ISI agent and his associates but are yet find out the agenda of the detained Pakistani spy. However, sleuths hope to get vital inputs on ISI network in Tripura, which shares a 856 km long border with Bangladesh, said a police official.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
BJP for boosting Army, ITBP presence
Kalyan Barooah
– A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) fact-finding team has called for immediate strengthening of Army and Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) along the Chinese border to stop a 'virtual creepy invasion', and demanded constitution of a statutory high-powered autonomous border management group at the national level.
The five-member team led by national vice-president and MP Bhagat Singh Koshyari that has submitted a preliminary report on 'Chinese incursions', has recommended that there is an immediate need of creation of new posts to man gaps at different points along the international border, as also the urgent need to increase Army's strength to match Chinese deployment.

The team members including Rajiv Pratap Rudy, Dr Rajan Sushant, Tapir Gaon and Prof. Nirmal Singh visited the forward areas of all States bordering China. India shares 4056 km of international border with China divided into three sectors – eastern, middle and western.

Set up in the backdrop of growing tensions between the two countries over demarcation of border and reports of Chinese intrusions in Arunachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir, the team has made several recommendations and demanded that a Parliamentary group be set up for detail study and overseeing of border issues.

The team toured Arunachal Pradesh in the fist leg from March 24 to 28, has made some startling observations. It discovered that till date Thagla Ridge, Namka Chu and Sumdrong Chu Valley continue to be under Chinese occupation. In 1962, when the Chinese aggression began at Thagla Ridge, about 60 km away from Zemithang on the north-westerly side.

In Kurung Kamey district, in the central part of Arunachal Pradesh, prior to the 1962 conflict, there were nine Army base camps till the actual border. Today, only two of those camps are under the control of Indian Army, while seven of them have been occupied by the Chinese Army.

In Upper Subansiri district, the Asa-Pila-Maya Army camps, which were in the Indian territory, are now under Chinese occupation. In eastern part of the State in Dibang Valley district, the Athu-pupu range is under the Chinese occupation since 2006. In Chaklagam range in the eastern part of Arunachal Pradesh three mountains frequented by Indian hunters have been occupied by China.

It has observed that China has devised zero-conflict strategy using nomads and grazers to invade pasture lands and grazing grounds inching quietly and providing a discreet protection to their nomads successfully unleashing a virtual creepy invasion.

Although some of the observations like Chinese game plan of developing the border areas in break-neck speed were known, the BJP has held that privacy imposed by the Government of India preventing Indians and other tourists to access the frontiers without permit has kept the region deprived of public interaction. This has impeded the awareness of Indian to the ground realities on the Chinese front.

The team also discovered that since Leh-Ladakh region is treated both by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of External Affairs as non-conflict zone, the presence of Army and para-military forces is miniscule and inadequate. The large tracts of unmanned land spread into thousands of square km give enough temptation for intrusion, it remarked.

The team has reported that roads and communication are in a shabby condition. There is an urgent need of making advance landing grounds at Chushul and Furchok workable. The Government of India should speed up construction of airports in Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.

The local people should be involved to guard borders. It can be done recruiting the locals in Territorial Army, it was recommended.

Better way to secure border is to provide socio-economic security to people living there. The Government should take measures to provide employment opportunities, better education and health facilities.

The BJP team said successive governments since 1962 and as recent as 1996 turned a deliberate bind eye to frequent incursions and clandestine occupation of strategic posts and locations.

The issue of Chinese incursions has rocked the Parliament on several occasions in the past, with the Centre blaming the unmarked boundary as the prime cause of dispute. Both China and India have nominated special representatives to resolve the boundary dispute.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
State gets Rs 10 cr for developing 100 villages
Staff reporter
– The Centre has released a sum of Rs 55.54 crore to the States of Assam, Bihar and Rajasthan under the pilot project of the Centrally-sponsored Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY).
The implementation of the pilot scheme was approved in March this year for integrated development of 1,000 villages in the country, each with more than 50 per cent Scheduled Castes (SC) population.

PMAGY, in its pilot phase, is to be taken up for implementation in 225 villages in each of four States - Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and 100 villages of Assam, a PIB release mentioned.

Based on the complete proposals received from Bihar, Rajasthan and Assam, admissible Central assistance to these States has been released. Whereas Bihar and Rajasthan have been allocated a sum of Rs. 22.72 crore each for implementing the scheme in selected 225 villages in each State, Assam has been allocated Rs 10.10 crore for 100 villages.

PMAGY aims to achieve all-round, integrated development of selected villages primarily, through implementation of all relevant Central and State schemes in them, and by meeting needs through provision of 'gap-filling' funds for which central assistance will be provided at the rate of Rs. 10 lakh per village. State Government is also expected to make a suitable, preferably matching, contribution, the statement mentioned.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Dimasa body calls for Govt-DHD(J) talks
Staff reporter
– Jadikhe Naisho Hosom (JNH), the apex Dimasa civil society body of Haflong has appealed to the Government to have a re-look and release the two DHD (J) leaders immediately, hold talks with them and settle the issue.
The organisation further feared that just when the DHD (J) was looking forward to the release of its leader Jewel Gorlosa, the arrest of C-In-C Niranjan Hojai had shown that the Government's intention was totally different.

"Peace in our district was returning slowly but surely, but after the arrest of Niranjan Hojai, we are apprehensive if we have not been sent back to the pre-surrender days," said the press release signed by LK Nunisa, general secretary and D Naidang president of the JNH.

"If the boys go back to the jungle, if peace is disturbed, if development is stopped then JHN will not be responsible. If the DHD (J)'s surrender was unprecedented, the JNH's negotiating acumen was equally unparalleled. If the DHD (J)'s surrender was first of its kind, JNH was the first civil society to have brought an insurgent group overground. But far from appreciating the efforts of the civil society the Government has chosen the wrong path," alleged the body. "The ball is in the court of the Government now how it plays will determine the future of not just our district, but the entire state of Assam," the release pointed out.

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