North East - Developments & Debate


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Mar 31, 2010
AIDS claims 171 lives in Mizoram in 20 years

AIZAWL, June 27
– Of the 437 full-blown AIDS cases in Mizoram, 171 people, including 72 women, had died in the State in the last 20 years, official sources said.
Of the 171 deaths, three deaths were reported during April and May this year, State AIDS Control Society (MSACS) officials said.

HIV infection was first detected in the State in 1990.

Describing the increasing detection of HIV positive cases as "alarming", the officials said that 126 and 101 fresh HIV positive infections were detected in April and May respectively.

"The situation is more alarming due to the fact that the main factor for the spread of the disease is through sexual contact", the officials said.

Of the total HIV positives, 1,559 males and 1,349 females were infected through sexual contact, they said.

Meanwhile, 1138 men and 230 women became HIV positive through blood transfusion as they were intravenous drug users, sharing syringes and needles while taking drugs, the officials said.

The number of people turning HIV positive due to transmission from infected mother to babies during pregnancy was 171, they said.

MSACS officials said that people belonging to 25-34 age group were the most vulnerable as of the total 4,608 infected people, 1868 people belonged to this age group.

Even younger people are not immune from HIV with 183 people below 14 years of age being infected, the officials said. – PTI


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
19 militants lay down arms in Manipur
Sobhapati Samom
IMPHAL, June 28
– In one of the biggest surrender ceremony in recent times,19 hardcore members of three militants groups laid down arms and surrendered to Manipur DGP Yumnam Joy Kumar and Major General CA Krishnan, Inspector General of Assam Rifles (South) on Saturday.
The surrendered militants – 15 United Liberation Army, three Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup and a self-styled Sergeant Major of the United National Liberation Front also handed over a large quantity of stores and communication equipment including an AK Rifle with ammunition, two Sten-gun carbines, two 303 rifles, four pistols, a revolver, hand grenades and three wireless radio sets.

The surrender ceremony was held at Assam Rifles headquarters at Mantripukhuri near here on Saturday.

Speaking on the occasion, Manipur Police chief assured that the government will ensure for their future life under existing surrender policy while IG Assam Rifles CA Krishnan said that such a large scale surrender of the militants is unprecedented in insurgency history of the State.

Earlier, 13 Zou People's Army cadres and six militants belonging to the People's Liberation Army and the Kangleipak Communist Party- Military Council (KCP-MC) had surrendered to the Assam Rifles and Red Shield division separately on June 4 and June 9 last.

Meanwhile, Assam Rifles troops apprehended one over ground worker of People's Liberation Army of Heirok Part II while jawans of Maratha Light Infantry arrested one People's United Liberation Front cadre of Khelokhong Makha Uchiwa on Sunday. Troops of Assam Rifles also apprehended two cadres of Kangleipak Communist Party (MC) in Imphal East district.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
2 Garo militants killed in encounter
TURA, June 28
– Security forces in Garo Hills with assistance from the army achieved its first major breakthrough against the newly created Garo militant outift called Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA) by gunning down two of its senior leaders who were returning to a camp deep inside the jungles of Kharkutta in East Garo Hills district bordering Assam late Saturday night.
Official sources said Commandos of the Meghalaya police's Special Operations Team (SOT) in collaboration with Mendipather Police of East Garo Hills and army troops stationed in Paikan area of Assam came across a group of GNLA militants deep inside the jungles of Kharkutta area. The inaccessible area is a zone for militants to cross to and fro Assam.

Based on intelligence reports that a group of GNLA militants would be returning through the said route after releasing a coal merchant of Shallang area in West Khasi Hills, the security forces were preparing to lay a trap when seven well armed GNLA militants suddenly appeared from the thick undergrowth in pitch dark in Amerim hill shortly after 12:30 in the night.

A heavy exchange of fire took place between the two sides. In the ensuing encounter two militants, including the leader of the group, were shot dead while the rest escaped.

Police recovered from the possession of the two dead militants one M 20 pistol, a .673 calibre Chinese pistol, two hand grenades, photos, several mobile phones and photos of the abducted coal merchant from Shallang.

The deceased have been identified as senior GNLA member Patrick Marak who is also known as Jong and Janggam in the GNLA. He hailed from Mangsang area of East Garo Hills which is adjoining West Khasi Hills. Patrick was also in a recent photo of the GNLA sitting next to Commander-in-Chief Sohan D Shira and loading a pistol. That photo also included arrested GNLA general secretary Novembirth Ch Marak which police later seized.

The other militant who died in the encounter has been identified as Sengbat Sangma of Upper Watregre village under Raksamgre region of Dadenggre sub-division in West Garo Hills.

It is believed that the group of seven militants were returning after escorting the coal merchant back to Shallang for his release. The militants had reportedly obtained Rs 10 lakh from the family of the merchant for his safe release.

During the encounter, one of the militants was spotted carrying a large camouflage bag believed to contain the ransom money.


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Mar 31, 2010
Nagaland minister detained at Kathmandu airport

KOHIMA, June 30 (PTI)
- Nagaland Home Minister Imkong Inchen was detained at the Kathmandu airport today for carrying Indian currency notes in the denomination of Rs 1000 and Rs 500, which is banned in Nepal.
Official sources here said the minister was not aware of the ban.

The sources said that after receiving the information, the government immediately informed Union Home Minister P Chidambaram about the detention.

Abu Metha, Press Secretary to the State Chief Minister, told PTI that Indians frequently face the problem in Nepal as most of them are not aware of the ban.

While it was not known how much amount the minister was carrying, unconfirmed reports said he had Rs 9 lakh with him.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
FDI inflow into State begins
Surajit khaund
– Foreign investors have started investing in the State. Though the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflow is still at a nascent stage in the State considering its available resources, leading firms from Cyprus, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Germany and Mauritius have scaled up investments.
According to available statistics in 2008, the State had received FDI worth Rs 131.66 crore, Rs 32.50 crore in 2009 and during the current year till February the total FDI was recorded at Rs 10.53 crore. Last year foreign investment was poor obviously due to global slowdown in the face of financial crisis.

Significantly, a majority of the FDI over the years came from Cyprus, Netherlands and UAE. The State has received Rs 78.44 crore so far from Cyprus while Netherlands and UAE firms' investments in the State stand at Rs 52.48 crore Rs 10.20 crore respectively. Another important aspect is that health and cement are the key areas in the State in which Dutch and Cyprus firms are now targeting for investment.

Market experts closely observing the situation have asked the State Government to bring in more transparency in the system in order to woo more foreign investments. "This is a good beginning and the State Government should keep the momentum going", they added.

Meanwhile, Federation of Industry and Commerce of North Eastern Region (FINER) has advocated setting up of a separate directorate to handle FDI. RS Joshi, chairman of FINER while talking to this correspondent said that FDI inflow in the State is still poor and therefore the State Government should play a proactive role in this regard. Joshi who is also a member of a task force constituted by the Prime Minister, revealed that he would take up the matter with the Prime Minister soon. "We need to promote our region at the international level properly for bringing in more FDI," he added.

He also added that real estate is another potential area in the State which can attract more foreign investments.

India was ranked third in global foreign direct investments in 2009 and will continue to remain among the top five attractive destinations for international investors during 2010-11.

To attract more foreign investments, the Government has liberalised the existing FDI policies and offers sops to foreign investors who are willing to set up units in the country.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Call for one-time Central grant to NEDFi
R Dutta Choudhury
– Since its inception, the North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited (NEDFi) has been playing a key role in entrepreneurship development in the region, but under the present circumstances, the Central Government can play a major role in the growth of the organization by increasing its corpus fund with a one-time grant, said the Chairman and Managing Director of the NEDFi, KN Hazarika.
Talking to The Assam Tribune today, Hazarika said that with the investment scenario in the region improving considerably and because of the incentives offered in the North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy of 2007, there is an urgent need for increasing the corpus capital of the NEDFi and in this regard the Centre can play a major role by providing a one-time grant. He revealed that the NEDFi has already approached the Department for Development of the North Eastern Region (DoNER) and the Planning Commission in this regard.

A study carried out by the Indian Institute of Bank Management has shown that the demand for micro credit in the region is around Rs 2600 crore. In the period from April, 2007 to March, 2009, expression of interest and industrial entrepreneurs' memoranda indicated proposed investment in the region to the tune of Rs 16,798 crore. Even if 20 per cent of the requirement of proposed investment is to be tapped, the NEDFi's fund requirement in the next five years would be around Rs 2,000 crore and the Centre can help the organization grow to the desired extent by providing a one-time grant of at least Rs 2,000 crore, said Hazarika.

The NEDFi CMD said that the second option for the organization to increase its corpus is to float shares for the public. But for doing that, the organization would have to receive clearance from the Government and the Reserve Bank of India. He said that the capacity of the NEDFi to handle such investments would also have to be increased considerably and a separate department with persons having experience in handling public investments would have to be created. The NPA level would also have to be reduced further.

Giving an account of the performance of the NEDFi, Hazarika revealed that the performance of the organization improved considerably in the last five years and the NPA level has been brought down from around 16 per cent to 3.73 percent. He said that in the last financial year, the NEDFi sanctioned loans amounting to around Rs 300 crore and the net profit after payment of taxes was around Rs 33.25 crore. The NEDFi also managed to pay a dividend of Rs 3 crore to the shareholders, he added.

Over the years, the NEDFi also conducted more than 60 studies, which benefited the region in different ways. For example, the NEDFi study on limestone deposits in Assam and Meghalaya led to a boost in cement industries, said Hazarika.

The NEDFi CMD further said that the NE is poised for major growth in the next few years with the improvement in law-and-order situation and the incentives given under the NEIIPP, which generated lots of interest among investors in the sectors like cement, power, steel, roads, tea, health care, higher and technical education, tourism, etc., while rapid urbanization resulted in large scale investments in real estate. The future is bright for the NEDFi if judicious policies are adopted in lending and the Centre comes forward to increase the corpus capital, Hazarika added.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
GHADC employees unpaid for 5 months
A Correspondent
TURA, June 29
– Several hundred employees working in the Garo Hills Autonomous District Council (GHADC) here, have not received their salaries for close to five months. The last payment to employees was in January, this year.
The employees' association of the Council, peeved with the handling of the financial situation in the Council, has threatened to go on an agitational path if their dues are not cleared upto date by July 1.

The employees have time and again pressed upon the then Executive Committee led by PK Sangma of the NCP to clear their monthly dues but to no avail. Following the collapse of the NCP-led executive committee and the subsequent imposition of Administrator's rule by the Deputy Commissioner, the employees association is once again calling for the release of their monthly dues.

The employees have chalked out a general strike on July 6 and 7 unless they are paid their monthly dues.

If the strike goes ahead, it would hamper the smooth functioning of the village courts and several other departments. A majority of the people receive their water supply from the Council pipes. The issuing of trading licences for non-tribal traders is through the Council which also prepares land documents, such as pattas, for the citizens of Garo Hills.

Many see the repeated empty coffers of the Council as a sign of financial mismanagement by the elected representatives. Successive executive committees representing the two major political parties in the State – the Congress and NCP, have failed to turn the financial situation around.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Boroland to ensure security for all: NDFB(P)
– "Boroland, as demanded by the National Democratic Front of Boroland (NDFB), will ensure security and rights of all linguistic ethnic groups living within this land and no one should have doubts regarding this," said Govinda Basumatary alias B Swmkhwr, general secretary of National Democratic Front of Boroland (Progressive) while addressing a group of media persons of Bodoland Journalists' Association here at the designated camp of the outfit at Chandana village under Udalguri PS today.
Narrating the logic behind a separate homeland for the Boros within the framework of the Constitution of India, the NDFB(P) general secretary observed that the demand was not a fresh one, rather it was raised since 1967 by the then PTCA which was revived from time to time by the All Bodo Students' Union (ABSU) also. The Boroland is a historical and political right of the indigenous Boros of this region and the Government of India must award it on due time, he observed. He also narrated how the outfit was divided into two halves after the fateful October 30 serial bomb blasts in the State and to get rid of all confusions regarding its identity, the pro talk faction of the outfit was recently rechristened as National Front of Boroland (Progressive) which was declared formally on Sunday.

Interacting with the mediapersons on the occasion, the general secretary of the NDFB(P) also said that the organisation has already held several rounds of talks with the Union government on the issue of the demand of a separate State and the outcome of these talks have been positive till date.

Replying to the queries of the mediapersons on the occasion, the NDFB (P) leader clarified its stand on the difference between the ABSU and the BPF on demand of separate Boroland as these two organizations too have revived the demand and said that "if the BPF has really demanded it, we should welcome it, but we don't know what is in its mind and we welcome the revival of demand of separate State by the ABSU which will indeed work as pressure groups for the same." When asked about anti talk faction chairman Ranjan Daimari's stand on separate Boroland, the general secretary of the outfit said that Ranjan Daimari would not so easily concede to the demand of sovereignty and even if he comes, the NDFB(P) would accord welcome to him.

Earlier, B Bodosa, assistant publicity secretary of the outfit explained the purpose of the meet and introduced the leaders to the mediapersons. In his written address, B. Sunthangra alias Dhiren Boro, president of the outfit narrated the history of the struggle for a separate Boroland since 1986 and low after 19 years of protracted war the NDFB(P) came to truce with the government of India with a view to having resolution of the Indo-Boro problem through a political dialogue as a result of which the outfit consequently signed a ceasefire agreement on May 25 in 2005. He also clarified behind dropping the demand of sovereignty "after studying the mindset as well as the sentiment of the Boro people" and since then the NDFB(P) "has changed the strategy and adopted the ideology of creating a separate state- Boroland under Article 2 and 3 of the Indian Constitution.

The NDFB (P) also observed that "some mediapersons were seen practicing 'biased and yellow journalism' which was harmful to our land" and hoped that the press within Boroland shall think twice before writing anything that it may not harm the people and defend the right and the cause of the downtrodden and marginalized people of the region.

In his three page long address, the president of the outfit also observed that "there will be no peace in the region unless the issues raised by the Boro people through the NDFB are resolved." He also appealed to all the people "to work united to bring the dream of Boroland into reality which is the only way to bring permanent peace in the region."

Govinda Basumatary alias B Swmkhwr, general secretary of National Democratic Front of Boroland (Progressive) said that unless 100 constituencies out of 126 were not reserved for the indigenous tribes of Assam, the whole State would soon be dominated by the illegal Bangladeshi migrants.

This was said by the NDFB(P) general secretary while an interaction with the mediapersons here at the designated camp of the outfit here at Chandana village under Udalguri PS. Basumatary added that this was very necessary for the existence of the indigenous tribes in their homeland which is already partially captured by the illegal migrants. He also cited examples from Meghalaya, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh where the outsiders cannot enjoy the rights like buying land and contesting elections which could safeguard the rights of the indigenous people of these states and added that Assam should follow the same otherwise people of Assam would be converted into minority one day in near future.
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New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Chidambaram rules out leaders' release
Spl correspondent
NEW DELHI, June 30
– The possibility of release of the outlawed ULFA leaders appeared slim with Union Home Minister P Chidambaram asserting that the detained leaders could talk with the government from the prison.
"People in jail can also talk if they want to," said the Union Home Minister in reply to a question about his recent meeting with the delegation of Sanmilita Jatiya Abhibartan (SJA) led by Dr Hiren Gohain.

Clarifying further, Chidambaram maintained that the ULFA leaders were in judicial custody and executive cannot release anybody who is in judicial custody.

"We have authorised the Chief Minister of Assam to decide on when, and whether and in what manner the talks can be held," he reiterated an as after thought.

The Union Home Minister's response on Wednesday was same as the reply he gave to a SJA delegation last week. Virtually ruling out the possibility of releasing the ULFA leaders, the Union Home Minister had done some plain speaking citing serious legal charges pending against them.

He made it clear that talks, if held at all, would be according to government's terms and not the other way around. He had reportedly opined that it was an old ploy of the militant outfit to engage in talks, whenever it faced the heat. He mentioned that it was with great difficulty that India had managed to lay its hands on the ULFA leaders, all of whom were hiding in Bangladesh.

Ironically, in their memorandum to the Union Home Minister, Dr Gohain had lauded his initiative for reviving the peace process. He said it is the opportune moment to attempt a permanent and decisive solution to the problem of insurgency in Assam. "And the initiative you have already shown has earned our gratitude," SJA said.

Meanwhile, tripartite Suspension of Operations (SoO) agreement with the Achik National Volunteers' Council (ANVC), Meghalaya has been extended by three months from July 1.

Ceasefire between ANVC and Government of India are on since July 23, 2004 and is currently valid till June 30.

Discussions on the demands of ANVC are continuing with PC Halder, Government of India's representative for peace talks.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NC Hills scam: Opp seeks thorough probe by CBI
Staff reporter
– The opposition parties of Assam have decided to launch a joint movement to demand a thorough probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) into the financial scam in North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council. The parties also strongly opposed the decision of the Central Government to increase the prices of petroleum products. These decisions were taken in a meeting of the opposition parties convened by the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) this afternoon.
Talking to The Assam Tribune after the meeting, AGP general secretary Hitendra Nath Goswami said that the opposition parties would launch a Dispur chalo programme on July 14 demanding a probe by the CBI into all the financial irregularities in NC Hills Autonomous Council. The opposition parties observed that initially, Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi was reluctant to order a probe by the CBI into the financial scam in the Autonomous Council. Only after demands by the opposition and pressure from the Union Home Minister, the State Government ordered a probe. However, instead of entrusting the CBI with the responsibility of probing into all the irregularities, the investigating agency was given only a limited mandate and only five cases were handed over.

The opposition parties alleged that the Chief Minister was trying his best to shield those involved in the financial irregularities and a scam of such a volume would not have been possible without the patronage of the State Government. The opposition parties demanded that all the financial dealings of the Council should be probed into since 2001. The meeting also alleged that in an attempt to divert the attention of the people of the state from the scam, the Congress was trying to resort to "blackmailing tactics".

The opposition parties also decided to take effective steps to draw the attention of the entire nation to the financial scam in NC Hills by raising the issue during the ensuing Monsoon Session of the Parliament. For that purpose, the AGP and the other opposition parties of Assam would get in touch with the leaders of all the opposition parties in Delhi to brief them properly about the issue and the volume of the scam, said Goswami.

The meeting also strongly criticized the Government of India for increasing the prices of petroleum products and decided to extend support to the "Bharat Bandh" call on July 5 opposing the Centre's decision.

The opposition parties would chalk out the next course of agitation soon and Goswami said that the AGP would continue to mount pressure on the Government to order probe into all the irregularities in the Council.

Goswami said that the meeting today strongly opposed the move to decontrol diesel prices and called upon the Government to reconsider the decision. The meeting observed that the sharp increase of the prices of all the essential commodities, medicines and the hike in power tariff already made life miserable for the common people and the increase of the prices of petroleum products would result in further increase of the prices of all the commodities and add to the burden on the masses. The Government of India has virtually mortgaged the economy of the country to America at the diktats of the World Bank, the meeting observed.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the AGP, BJP, AUDF, NCP, BPPF and Samajwadi Party. Goswami said that the AGP is in touch with the CPI and CPM and hoped that the parties would also take part in the agitation programme.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Centre extends truce with Garo Hills outfit
Raju Das
– The Union Government today extended the ceasefire agreement with the proscribed Achik National Volunteers' Council (ANVC) by another three months.
The tripartite ceasefire agreement between the militant outfit, the Centre and Meghalaya Government expired today. However, the Centre decided to extend it by another three months, Chief Secretary WMS Pariat said here.

"The Centre has extended the ceasefire agreement by another three months," Pariat said. He, however, added that the ANVC's demand to extend the ceasefire agreement indefinitely rests with the Centre.

There was confusion amongst the ANVC after the Centre did not extend the ceasefire agreement till yesterday. The ANVC said it has shifted 175 of its cadres to an undisclosed location from its designated camps as the Centre remained non-committal to extend the ceasefire agreement 24 hours prior to its expiry.

Cadres from the ANVC met State Home Minister HDR Lyngdoh and inquired about the fate of the ceasefire agreement, yesterday. They further demanded that the agreement should be extended indefinitely.

Lyngdoh told the ANVC that the State Government was in favour of extending the agreement, but a final decision must be taken by the Central Government. Similarly, any decision to extend the agreement indefinitely must also be taken up by New Delhi.

The ANVC today expressed satisfaction at the Centre's decision and said they would now decide on the cadres who have left their designated camps and are hiding in an undisclosed location.

Pariat said that with the extension of the ceasefire agreement the political dialogue with the outfit and the Central and State Governments would continue.

The ANVC has been demanding a separate Garoland Territorial Council on the lines of Bodoland Territorial Council in Assam. "The political dialogue would go ahead as it has always been done for an amicable settlement," the Chief Secretary added.

The political talks are being headed by the Central Government's interlocutor, PC Haldar.

Earlier yesterday, the State unit of the Nationalist Congress Party had expressed concern that the Centre and the State Government had failed to extend the ceasefire agreement.

"The situation in Garo Hills is alarming with reports of ANVC cadres shifting to an undisclosed place away from its designated camps," NCP spokesperson said.

"NCP feels that the Meghalaya Government is not taking this issue seriously. It is very obvious that this situation has the potential of worsening the already poor law and order situation in the Garo Hills," Sangma stated.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
NC Hills Council CEM Haflongbar voted out
Haflong June 30
– Samajit Haflongbar, the chief executive member, North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council was voted out by hand raising of fifteen members at the special session held today at the session Hall of North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council.
In the today's session as many as 26 members were present including Haflongbar out of which 11 members Samarjit Hafongbar, Ranu Langthasa, N. Hengna, S.T. Hrangkhol, Igaing Daime, Zuala Joute, Dhanphainan Thaosen, Madhu Jaishi Bokul Bodo, Kur Rongpi and Mahendra Nunisa walked out along with Haflongbar, Depolal Hojai refused the secret voting as desired by the CEM, Haflongbar.

Interestingly no media was allowed in the session hall during the session. In this way the people of Dima Hasao are expected to get the fourth CEM within a span of two and half years. Haflongbar had assumed office as the CEM NCHAC following a High Court interim order on January 4, and there was no executive committee till date. After coming out of the session hall, Haflongbar disclosed that he was not given sufficient time and the session was not justified. He however said he will appeal to the High Court since he assumed the office of the CEM as per High Court order. Debojit Thaosen, said, ' the Chairman's decision is unquestionable'

The date for the selection or election of the New CEM is yet to be decided.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
ULFA attacks tea garden; torch vehicles

After lying low for the last two years since one of its factions declared unilateral ceasefire, United Liberation Front of Asom militants attacked a tea planter and a garden employee and torched vehicles in upper Assam along Arunachal Pradesh.

Official sources on Friday said a group of about 12 ULFA insurgents belonging to the 28th battalion armed with AK-47 rifles and pistols stormed the office of Luit Tea Company at Bijulibon, under Pengeri police station of Tinsukia district on Thursday.

The rebels fired five rounds in the air, threatened and assaulted garden manager Sadhan Kumar Tamuli and an employee Bhaskarjyoti Changmai Phukan, they said.

The militants then set ablaze a car, two transport trucks and a motorcycle before fleeing. Luit Tea Company had received an extortion note from the ULFA about four months ago, a company official said on condition of anonymity.

The ULFA's strike force 28th battalion was on a resurgence since last month, demanding early settlement of the vexed peace talks. Officials suspect that Thursday's attack was a show of strength and reaction to Union Home Minister P Chidambaram's statement before the media in Delhi on June 30 that the government would have to wait for the court's decision on the release of the jailed ULFA leaders.

The banned outfit has been targeting the tea sector for extortion since last month, including on June 17 when they attacked Bajrangpur tea estate.

On June 28, the extremists kidnapped garden manager Karanbir Sarma from his residence at Nampong in Lohit district of Arunachal Pradesh. The sources said that intelligence reports said a heavily armed group of ULFA led by Arindam Saharia alias Bijoy Kalita was carrying out extortion activities along the inter-state boundary.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
13 ATTF insurgents surrender before Assam Rifles

- Thirteen insurgents of outlawed All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) surrendered before the Assam Rifles here today after fleeing from their base camp in neighbouring Bangladesh, police said.
The 13-member group led by self-styled captain Jagadish Debbarma deposited a cache of arms with the DIG of Assam Rifles Brig ST Upasani in presence of DGP Tripura Selim Ali.

They handed over 11 AK-47 rifles, 2 SLR, 2 rifles, live cartridges and 24 kgs of explosives, they said.

The insurgents said they took the decision following heavy crackdown by security forces in Bangladesh, non payment of their salaries and crisis of food in the camps, according to police.

It was the biggest surrender of any insurgent group this year along with arms and ammunition, police claimed.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Centre extends truce with NDFB, DHD
Spl correspondent
– Centre today extended the ceasefire agreements with the pro-talk group of NDFB and DHD (Nunisa) factions for six months. The Suspension of Operation Agreement between the Centre and the two outfits expired on June 30.
An official spokesman of the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) said that it has been decided and mutually agreed to extend the Suspension of Operation (SoO) Agreement with NDFB (pro-talk faction) for a further period of six months up to December 31. Tripartite talks on the demands of NDFB (pro-talk faction) are continuing.

It has also been decided and mutually agreed to extend the Suspension of Operation (SoO) Agreement with Dima Halam Daogah (Nunisa) (DHD-N) faction for a further period of six months till December 31. Tripartite talks on the demands of DHD-N are continuing.

The Union Government had appointed former Intelligence Bureau chief P C Haldar as its interlocutor.

Meanwhile, the UPA Government at the Centre came under attack of the Opposition BJP for its failure to tackle the internal security situation in the country. BJP demanded a tough approach against all kinds of terrorism.

Party spokesman Prakash Javadekar said the UPA Government seemed clueless and confused on the strategy to fight terrorism. Today, the security forces are under tremendous pressure from both sides.

Let us clearly understand that Naxalites are waging a war against the nation. There are no emotions and extraneous considerations on the issues. It is a calculated game plan to spread its wings by making ferocious attacks on the security forces and the common people. The message is loud and clear that anybody opposing Naxalites will be liquidated.

Government must show political will to combat this challenge to the sovereignty of the country. Government should not try to pass on the responsibility of fighting this menace on the State Governments.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Gogoi directly involved in NC Hills scam: AGP
Staff reporter
– Opposition Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) today launched a broadside against the State Government alleging that Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi is "directly involved" in the multi-crore NC Hills District Autonomous Council (NCHDAC) scam. The party also reiterated its demand for a thorough CBI enquiry into the scam covering all the departments of the Autonomous Council.
It also alleged that both the Central and the State Governments are politicking on the issue of ULFA insurgency. The Prime Minister and Union Home Minister and the Chief Minister differ in their views on the issue. From their statements, it has become clear that their only concern is how to derive maximum political mileage out of this issue, alleged the opposition party.

Addressing a press conference here, AGP general secretary and chief spokesman Atul Bora said that the latest activities of the Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi are enough to make one doubt his (Gogoi's) 'direct involvement in the scam or his patronizing those involved in it.

He also alleged that the Tarun Gogoi-led Government in the State was trying to blackmail the AGP by re-opening the CBI cases in connection with the Rs 400-crore Veterinary LoC scam, which were closed 21 years back.

The embarrassment of the ruling party with the Opposition's demand for a thorough enquiry into the NC Hills scam is apparent. In the face of the issue, the Chief Minister and his Ministerial colleagues busy themselves in different tactics to divert the people's attention to other things, he asserted.

The ruling party also got Samarjit Haflongbar removed from the post of the Chief Executive Member (CEM) when he assured the CBI to hand over the relevant papers of the period falling between 2001 and 2009, in connection with the NCHDAC scam.

To remove Haflongbar from the post, the ruling party got the meeting the NCHDAC convened with only one day's notice, which is unprecedented. The role of the Governor in this respect is also not beyond doubt, alleged the AGP spokesman.

The Chief Minister also owes the people of the State a clarification as to whether he is inefficient or corrupt. As, he being the Finance Minister of the State, huge sums of money belonging to the State's exchequer were misappropriated either without his knowledge or with his consent, Bora said.

He also dared the Chief Minister to make his stand clear as to whom he is siding with on the issue of the mega-dam projects proposed in the NE region after the report of the expert committee calling for steps to shelve all such projects.

The State Government has failed also to rein in the skyrocketing prices of the essential commodities and it is taking recourse to hollow excuses to justify rise in the prices of these items. With such activities, this Government is proving itself as an anti-people one, said the AGP chief spokesman.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Centre urged to reconsider Tawang airport plan
– Arunachal Lok Sabha MP Takam Sanjoy has appealed to the Centre to reconsider the proposal for construction of a Greenfield Airport at Tawang taking into consideration its strategic location and country's security. His plea follows the 'news' that the Union Ministry concerned had put on hold the proposal.
In a letter to Praful Patel, the Union Minister of Civil Aviation, Sanjoy said, "After making extensive aerial and ground surveys for the construction of Greenfield Airport at Tawang, feasibility reports were submitted to your Ministry for early sanction, which is still awaited". Resenting the inordinate delay on sanctioning of the project, the MP from West Parliamentary Constituency under which Tawang falls, urged Patel to pursue the matter at the earliest.

"I have come to know that construction of the Greenfield Airport at Tawang had been deferred in 2008 by the Ministry of Civil Aviation. There are alleged reports of the Defence Ministry trying to skip the proposal in the pretext of the area falling within the periphery of 70 km of Indo-China border," wrote the MP, while citing that Agartala Airport is hardly 1 km off Bangladesh border.

"This stand of the Government of India in the long run will deprive the people of Arunachal Pradesh in addition to stopping the flow of a large number of tourists, both domestic and foreign to Tawang," added Sanjoy, while pleading for more and more infrastructure development along the border to strengthen the strategic area.

The MP, however, said that the government has been trying its best to provide infrastructure development including establishment of Greenfield Airport in Arunachal capital, Itanagar. The Itanagar Greenfield Airport project has been finalised at an estimated cost of Rs 950 crore which is now awaiting Public Investment Board approval. "It will boost the infrastructure and subsequently economy of the State," he said.

Meanwhile, in response to a letter from the Arunachal MP, Union Minister for Petroleum & Natural Gas, Murli Deora has said that there is no overall shortage of LPG in the country, including Arunachal Pradesh.

Deora said the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOC) has made a supply of 11,853 metric tonne of domestic LPG to Arunachal Pradesh during the year 2009-10, which shows a growth of 7.6 per cent in comparison to the last year. Whenever the demand goes up, additional loads are released to the distributors for meeting the demand of the consumers, he stated.

The Union Minister informed that IOC has identified Kimin in Papum Pare district for setting up of an LPG distributorship under Rajiv Gandhi Gramin LPG Vitrak Yojana for which advertisement will be issued shortly. He said commissioning of LPG distributorship at Koloriang in Kurung Kumey district and at Naharlagun is in progress.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
718 dams coming up in Arunachal

NEW DELHI, July 3 – The expert panel in Assam has studied only one hydro power project but in neighbouring Arunachal Pradesh at least 718 dams are coming up, as the State Government has signed a record number of 124 Memoranda of Agreement (MoA) totalling production of 40,000 MW of hydro power.
If Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and former Lok Sabha MP, Tapir Gaon is to be believed almost all contracts have been awarded without undertaking any scientific study. BJP has now asked the State Government to review the MoA signed with private companies.

For the cause of development the State Government should not exceed the limitations, said Gaon, claiming that upcoming power projects have become a matter of serious concern for the North-east.

The former BJP MP's assertion comes at a time, when a controversy is raging in Assam over the expert panel's report on Subansiri Lower Hydro Power Project being executed by National Hydro Power Corporation.

In Arunachal Pradesh at least 70 per cent of these projects have been bagged by private companies, while 30 per cent have gone to public sector undertakings. "Arunachal Pradesh Government must re-look the rampant MoA signed with the private developers," he demanded.

Predicting that such huge number of dams proposed up stream in the river Brahmaputra and its tributaries might spell doom, Gaon said some 718 dams are coming up. In the river Kameng at least 12 dams are proposed to be constructed. Huge land areas including villages face submersion, he said.

As it is, the State Government has not taken the local populace into confidence, which he said is also violation of the local tribal tradition.

He claimed that the contracts were being awarded without any scientific study by the State Government and developers taking advantage have inserted favourable clauses that free them from any liability.

According to Clause 11.1 of the agreement, all of which have identical terms and conditions including one which says that neither party shall be responsible in any manner for losses arising out of situations like earthquake, flood, fire explosion, cyclone, external invasion and landslide among others, which are beyond the reasonable control of the affected party.

Gaon claimed that some of the projects awarded are close to the seismic danger zones. Arunachal Pradesh might become a huge lake if anything like the 1950 earthquake strikes and it will have a devastating impact downstream in Assam and Bangladesh.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
DHD(J) C-in-C Niranjan Hojai held in Nepal

GUWAHATI, July 3 – The National Investigation Agency (NIA), after months of search, finally managed to arrest Niranjan Hojai, commander in chief of the DHD (J), commonly known as the Black Widow group as he was wanted in connection with the case relating to diversion of the funds of the North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council for procurement of weapons by the militant group.
Highly placed official sources told The Assam Tribune that Hojai was arrested from a place near Nepal capital Kathmandu yesterday and was brought to New Delhi today. NIA and other security agencies are now questioning him. He will be brought to Guwahati within a day or two for production before the court. NIA will seek further custody of the arrested militant leader for detailed questioning regarding militant-politician nexus in NC Hills.

Sources pointed out that Hojai was one of the main accused in the case relating to militant-politician nexus in NC Hills, which was the first case of NIA and several prominent political leaders as well as the chairman of the DHD(J), Jewel Garlosa were arrested in connection with the case. However, Hojai managed to remain elusive and NIA was on the lookout for him.

Only recently, NIA came to know that Hojai was hiding in Nepal and accordingly Nepal police was alerted. The Nepal police managed to corner him about 10 days back, but he managed to escape. However, the security agencies kept track of his movements and managed to arrest him yesterday, sources added.

Sources pointed out that Hojai laid down arms in front of Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi along with other members of the outfit last year when the militant outfit declared cease-fire to come for talks. But in clear violation of the ground rules of the cease-fire agreement, he escaped as soon as he came to know that he was one of the accused in the case, which was investigated by NIA. Sources said that the state police also failed in its responsibility of keeping close watch on the movements of Hojai as it is the responsibility of the police to keep watch on the activities of the members of the militant groups under cease-fire agreement.

It may be mentioned here that the NIA case opened the Pandora's box as it unearthed the siphoning off of huge amounts of funds of the NC Hills Autonomous Council, which led to a hue and cry in the state and finally the Government was forced to entrust the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to investigate into five cases of financial irregularities in the Autonomous Council. NIA, in its chargesheet, also suggested that the financial irregularities should be investigated by an agency like the CBI as it was not the mandate of the agency to investigate into such scams.

Meanwhile, the DJD(J) has given a call for a day-long Dima Hasao bandh tomorrow in protest against the arrest of Hojai.


New Member
Mar 31, 2010
Govt to seek more power over autonomous councils
Staff reporter
– Assam Government will soon move the Union Government seeking amendment in certain provisions of the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution that would enable the State Government to exercise its power in the affairs of the autonomous councils of the State to a certain extent.
Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi said this today during a press conference, adding "I had earlier told the Prime Minister about the issue and now I am going to formally move the Union Government,"

"The State Government has no control over the activities of the NC Hills district but when the gross irregularities were unearthed, it was the State Government which faced criticism from all corners," Gogoi rued.

"Since 1995, the State Government's power was diminished and at times I feel as if the autonomous councils are not part of the State," he added.

On the issue of peace talks, the Chief Minister echoed the Union Home Minister's viewpoint and said that granting bail to the jailed ULFA leaders is a legal aspect and it can only be decided by court of law.

"Of course, we are for talks and trying to facilitate the talks by providing necessary help within the provisions of law," Gogoi maintained.

"We want more ULFA leaders to join the peace process. Already many have shown interest and even written to me, but I prefer waiting for some more days and it would be nice if Paresh Barua too joins the league," he added.

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