Modernisation of Indian Army Infantry


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Lots of people on the internet refuse to understand the difference between conventional warfare and counter insurgency, which are two entirely different skill sets. The latter has more to do with policing, governance and economics than the quality of weapons or training. This does not reflect the absolute carnage the US can bring in a conventional fight against another military. The last time the US went against another proper military, in 1991, they set the standard of what a conventional victory looks like.

btw, the Japanese Type 10 can also hold its own, though its has weaker armour. But against 120mm APFSD, there really isn't any armour that can survive, so it's kind of even.
And here they were largely causing damage because of their intel and satellites.


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Can Indian infantry soldiers still partake in such amphibious operations and come out successful?


New Member
Oct 8, 2019
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It takes a lot of incompetence to come up with something this shitty
The problem is not that we're planning to field something like this in near future; out of 200 countries more than half would be fielding something similar.

The problem is for us these are futuristic and cutting edge and what not despite having seen these


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Da fuq 🤨

Accuracy International Arctic Warfare!!!!
That's new

It's either a very small batch I never knew of that we procured or most probably they literally borrowed it from some other Army during joint exercise saying bhai bas do minute ke liye de de na, Reels banake de dunga
Small batch that was prolly procured by some unit.
Army has plenty of Gucci shit just very very few in number


New Member
Oct 8, 2019
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Are you sure you identified correctly?
Ha Jee, I'm quite confident
You're close, but still not there

It's not Arctic Warfare but a chassis system from Arctic Warfare line-up.
It's called ATAICS; Accuracy Tactical Accuracy International Chassis System to be precise. Basically they sell the chassis instead of a complete gun and you can mount an action-barrel-trigger of your own choice. It's pretty common among target shooters to "assemble" their rifle like gamers do with PCs.

Most commonly Remington 700 based actions are used but in this case it's bit different. If you look at the bolt handle in the pic of Indian Army you'll see a round knob with a rather thin's a tell tale sign of Accuracy International's original action; not some aftermarket one


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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What the fuck?

They are buying it for real? For just 25 of that useless junk?

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Soldiers still running around with fibre glass helmets, iron sights, no plate carriers, rotting rifles but hey jet packs

IA HQ is severely infiltrated in my humble opinion and little they have done in the last 20 years will change my view of this. They are Pak Fauj just constrained by (some) civilian oversight otherwise they’d all be multi
Millionaire land barons too

recent Hilux procurements is another prime example

The commies will slice through the Indian military like a hot knife through butter should the day ever come. Hubris and jai ho is all fine during peacetime when the soldiers are fighting militias and Pak fauj ceasefire violations but the emperor has no clothes and this will Be exposed


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
Soldiers still running around with fibre glass helmets, iron sights, no plate carriers, rotting rifles but hey jet packs

IA HQ is severely infiltrated in my humble opinion and little they have done in the last 20 years will change my view of this. They are Pak Fauj just constrained by (some) civilian oversight otherwise they’d all be multi
Millionaire land barons too

recent Hilux procurements is another prime example

The commies will slice through the Indian military like a hot knife through butter should the day ever come. Hubris and jai ho is all fine during peacetime when the soldiers are fighting militias and Pak fauj ceasefire violations but the emperor has no clothes and this will Be exposed
People don’t know, fighting ISIS, Lashkar,Hizbul, jAish, Al qaeda. These are all rag tag militants. US army has phased its regular infantry out of COIN ops. Now only special forces operate by taking out HVTs, and training rebels/opposing militias in assymetrical warfare. Granted, they ain’t all that good at this training stuff. But still it’s a step in the right direction.

RR was a genuis idea to keep the army out of coin mindset, it sucks that if hasn’t been used to it’s full abilities yet


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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People don’t know, fighting ISIS, Lashkar,Hizbul, jAish, Al qaeda. These are all rag tag militants. US army has phased its regular infantry out of COIN ops. Now only special forces operate by taking out HVTs, and training rebels/opposing militias in assymetrical warfare. Granted, they ain’t all that good at this training stuff. But still it’s a step in the right direction.

RR was a genuis idea to keep the army out of coin mindset, it sucks that if hasn’t been used to it’s full abilities yet
After ~2014 the US made a big switch back to conventional centric focus and peer conflicts. Their conventional forces have been 100% focused on this for at least a decade especially after the pivot to the Indo-Pacific. The Ukraine conflict probably made them even more peer centric.

despite every wake up call going the IA still seems to want to stick their head in the sand and play militia, if PLA hadn’t literally bloodied them they’d probably still be pursuing a policy of territorial denial (under developing frontiers).

Doklam should’ve been a wake up call but esteemed generals slept and Galwan happened.

Across the board india is still sleeping. IAF are perhaps the worst contenders, what they think they’ll be flying against 500 J20 in 10-15 years from now I don’t know

