Main Battle Tanks and Armour Technology

If Tanks have to evolve, which path they should follow?

  • Light Vehicles-Best for mobility

    Votes: 25 7.3%
  • Heavy Armour-Can take heavy punishment.

    Votes: 57 16.7%
  • Modular Design-Allowing dynamic adaptions.

    Votes: 198 58.1%
  • Universal Platform-Best for logistics.

    Votes: 61 17.9%

  • Total voters


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Who cares and How is that a big deal and worth sacrificing on your aim and targeting accuracy? I think we can stick with the Riffled bore.
1. Couse British are obvious looking any possible way to replace rifted 120mm guns by 120mm smoothbore, India will be the only country in the world whit rifted tank guns. It's mean that India will developed it's tank ammo by itself. Till now indian tank ammo just suck.

2. Smoothbore 120mm just outpeformed rifted 105-110-120mm guns since circa 1976 when new rheinmetal 120mm L-44 was compare whit "old" 105mm and two british rifted tank guns: 110 and 120mm. Soory but there is no single advantage of rifted guns.

Rifle bores require less calibration and yes they are more accurate as a barrel.. not talking of Ammunition or Fire control.
Not in case tank guns. Modern FCS need "calibration" even between five shots and leo-2A5 M1A2, Leclerc barrels and FCS allowed for this. And atlking about amuniction and FCS is clou of the problem here.
ps. again - tested 120mm L-44 was more powerfull and acurate then 110 and 120mm rifted. Mirracle? :)

there are certain rounds best suited for Rifled bores like HESH and APFSDS which are required for India specific combats.
HESH is ussles against any tank whit spaced armour. Now it can deal only against IFV or bunkers. But in fact modern progamable 120mm ammo: DM-11, Kalanit, etc is far far better. In fact HESH is for the poor.
And I can't see any indian 120mm modern ammo. Soory - if it will exist we can talk about it, now avaible ammo is just funny.

And in fact Pakistani T-80UD are armoured ove the indian imagination. It's really well protected tank. Al-Chalid seems to by less protected then T-80UD (as whole "system") but if Pakistani engeeners just copy "special armour" from T-80UD then protection Al-Chalid is more then enought against avaible now 125 and rifted 120mm tank ammo in India.

Waffen SS

New Member
Apr 28, 2013
Well can any one tell me why Russians cancelled their project of T 95 Tank?:why::why:

This tanks looks a great powerful with 152 mm Smooth bore gun as main armament and 30 mm autocannon? Why? Is Brain Drain has to do some thing with this?

It can easily defeat M1 Abram and Challenger 2, and Leopard 2 from easily.

Also I believe B 10 is less powerful than M 40.

I think Tanks should have only HESH rounds for their main armament while task to deal with enemy tank should be given only to ATGMs.

So use main cannon to attack enemy pill box, and infantry and ATGMs to deal with enemy armour.

Can Tanks deploy flares and chaffs like plane and ships do to evade AAMs and anti-ship missiles, for Tanks in case of ATGMs?
@Damian you said me I am kid, now I ask how old are you yourself?:troll::troll:
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New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Well can any one tell me why Russians cancelled their project of T 95 Tank?:why::why:
Not T-95 but Ob.195 it's propper name.
Ob.195 was almoust ended in it's mechnical part, but Russians (thanks to colapse Soviet Union) have some serious problem:
- lack of the BMS
- not ended and finished FCS
- some problems whit situation awarness (as part FCS)
aditional there where problem whit new engine.
Those problems where possible to overcome since circa 2000 but lack of the money in Russia couse stopped almoust finished problem - Ob.195 whit 152mm gun was just to expensive (+ still problems whit BMS and FCS).
Now Armata tank is taking most think from Ob.195. In fact Armata will be refreshe and ended Ob.195.
So it's rather propper to say that Ob.195 was not canceled and tur in to Armata tank.

This tanks looks a great powerful with 152 mm Smooth bore gun as main armament and 30 mm autocannon? Why? Is Brain Drain has to do some thing with this?
Brain Drain? In what contex??
152mm on este end 140mm on west was assume fire power level for never-come IV tank generation. No averybody are staing in existing in service now caliber -125 and 120mm

It can easily defeat M1 Abram and Challenger 2, and Leopard 2 from easily.
You don't know that. In fact newest gun 125 and 120mm whit newest ammo had fire power close to never used 152 and 140mm. And you can't know if "defeat easily" or not.

Also I believe B 10 is less powerful than M 40.

I think Tanks should have only HESH rounds for their main armament while task to deal with enemy tank should be given only to ATGMs.
Bad idea. HESH is obsolate - now is avaible programable amunition (Kalanit, DM-11, etc) which is mucht better solution. And programable amunition can defeat infanty after the terrain cover, helos, etc. Using ATGM is wasting time ad money -it can be used as some addon (GLATGM's) but as main weapons it have some bige disadvantages:
- it's using HEAT warhed whit limited cal. (125/120) - it's noe big deal to stopped sucht warhed -modern KE is mucht more danger for tank
- it's slow
- it's valunable on soft-kill and hard-kill APS.

Can Tanks deploy flares and chaffs like plane and ships do to evade AAMs and anti-ship missiles, for Tanks in case of ATGMs?
Yes, almoust eacht single tank can use more or less advanatage smoke granade lunchers. Those "smoke" is not typical "smoke" as from fire but it's generated by granade to cover tank in sevral diffrent bands of the visibility: IR, thermal, day light, sometimes radar, etc
In some tanks those smoke granade lunchers are conected whit sophisticated system to decoy and tracking enemy ATGM - so called "soft-kill" APS, here you have sevral exmaples of sucht systems:

GALIX (firstly on video close anti-infanty granades, then smoke ones)

KAPS (since 0:46 you have soft-kill part of system)

And Sthora:

Leopard-2 maunal (and only manual) smoke granades (lack of the APS):
since 0:20

good video (M1) as you can see in thermal cameras tank ic coverd by smoke granades too:

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New Member
Aug 20, 2011
@Damian you said me I am kid, now I ask how old are you yourself?
23 and this is not a mystery.

Rest was explained by Militarysta.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
Polish ATGM Spike during pratice shooting to moving target:
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New Member
Mar 24, 2013
IMO the arjun mk1/2/infinite should be discarded, scrapped. a JV for FMBT should take its place. it doesnt have to be with russia, most big name countries are developing their 4th gen mbt or would with indian help. heck you could call it arjun for prides sake :rofl:


New Member
Jul 2, 2013
British 120 mm. rifled gun use separated ammunition and has a loader ,why don't Soviet tanks that use the same type of round adopt the loader like Brits ?
Some say it's Soviet want to make their tank small ,some say manual loading of 125 mm. rounds is too sluggish .Which is correct ?


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
British 120 mm. rifled gun use separated ammunition and has a loader ,why don't Soviet tanks that use the same type of round adopt the loader like Brits ?
Some say it's Soviet want to make their tank small ,some say manual loading of 125 mm. rounds is too sluggish .Which is correct ?
Both are correct.


New Member
Nov 7, 2013
Besides this, it is not "Shotra" but "Shtora", and your T-90S have "Shtora" system, just without IR dazzlers
Indian T-90S does not have any elements of "Shtora". Algerian T-90SA has other elements of Shtora but lacks the IR dazzlers like you said.

Azerbaijani T-90S is the only export variant with full kit, including a newer version of those "IR dazzlers", TShU-1-7M (it can be distinguished from older version by the absence of those "boxes" on each side of the turret, which is present on T-90A).
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New Member
Nov 19, 2010
Country flag
Indian T-90S does not have any elements of "Shtora". Algerian T-90SA has other elements of Shtora but lacks the IR dazzlers like you said.

Azerbaijani T-90S is the only export variant with full kit, including a newer version of those "IR dazzlers", TShU-1-7M (it can be distinguished from older version by the absence of those "boxes" on each side of the turret, which is present on T-90A).
Yes true.

Indian T-90S

Algerian T-90SA

Azeri T-90S


New Member
Aug 20, 2011

Interesting video from Strv103 ballistic tests.
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New Member
Aug 20, 2011
It seems that US Army is more and more interested in replacing AGT-1500 with MB883 diesel engine.

Chromeless Video Player

More informations in links below.

Abrams Dieselization Project: A Modest Proposal | Defense Media Network

Abrams Dieselization Project: Doing the Math | Defense Media Network

So it is very interesting, we still have some time to the next year, when building of the first prototypes of M1 with ECP upgrades should begin, so I believe that there is big chance that new engine, transmision and tracks will find their way in to ECP modernization program for M1. Especially that these upgrades significantly reduce operational costs, bringing in a long term a lot of money savings for US military.


New Member
Aug 20, 2011
@Damian can you tell the difference between T 54 and T 55?
Both look similiar however there are some significant differences. The T-54 uses an earlier version of the D-10 100mm rifled gun, which does not have a bore evacuator near the muzzle of the barrel.

Of course there were 3 main variants of T-54.

Initial T-54-1.

Mid production variant T-54-2.

And final T-54 which was the most numeruous variant of T-54 with it's subvariants.

And later we have the T-55 which was a further modification done in UKBTM design bureau in Nizhny Tagil (the original T-54 was designed in KB-60M/KMDB design bureau in Kharkiv). This variant have a newer variant of the D-10 gun wich a clearly visible bore evacuator near the gun muzzle.


Of course there were many subvariants, and there were more differences, but without a specific literature, it is difficult to track all differences. I had in the past book about T-54/55, in russian, but due to HDD failure I lost my whole archieve, I need time to rebuild it.
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New Member
Aug 20, 2011

BM "Oplot" tanks for Thailand during tests.
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