LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Akshay Fenix

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Jun 17, 2017
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Will Doval hold the line, disregarding the ‘Beijing Syndrome’?


So, what’s the problem? As always it is the Mandarin-speaking veterans of MEA who have pulled long stints in China and suffer from the ‘Beijing syndrome’ — the diplomatic counterpart of the ‘Stockholm syndrome’, wherein Indian diplomats begin so empathizing with the Chinese and their point of view, that they end up pushing the Beijing line to the govt of India, through the China Desk at the MEA and the ‘China Study Circle’ (CSC), which should long ago have been disbanded but is persisted with by the powers that be. These China-lovers are pushing for a compromise that will hurt the Indian national interest, and that’s the problem. This band of China lovers have reached top positions (NSA, Foreign Secretary), monopolized India’s China policy, and made a mess of it over the last 50 years, because their instincts are to adjust, accommodate, compromise, and surrender. It was CSC, for instance, that advocated participation in Xi Jinping’s OBOR project until they were firmly over-ruled by Modi. Hope the PM does not at this stage succumb to CSC advice.


Thumbs up from bharat karnad. Have not posted the entire article.


Sep 7, 2015
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Miffed at a US publication's support for India, Chinese media says 'US is instigating military clash between China, India'

NEW DELHI: Miffed at a US article supporting India, China's state-backed media has accused Washington of trying to instigate a military clash between India and China.

Two days ago, 'Washington Examiner' carried a column titled "Trump must support India against China" in the Doklam border standoff. The reason? "India-US relations offer special value in our shared ability to deter and counter growing Chinese aggression," said the column in the American publication.

That did not make the Chinese Communist Party-run Global Times happy.

"The US seems to be everywhere when conflicts come up and it seldom takes an impartial posture to help address the problems," said a Global Times piece in its 'Observer' section on Wednesday.

Global Times cited the Examiner piece, claimed it "unsurprisingly hyped the China threat and extolled the US-Indian relationship" and then extrapolated that this "partiality" represented Washington's stance as well.

"...partiality is likely to lead to war," the Chinese publication said.

Global Times then said this purported US position supporting India mirrors the stance Washington took in the South China Sea issue.

"There are certain forces in the West that are instigating a military clash between China and India, from which they can seek strategic benefits at no cost to themselves. Washington applied this scheme in the South China Sea disputes," said the Chinese publication.

Even as it accused Washington of being partial to New Delhi, it also claimed that Washington is "paying little attention" to it.

"So far, the
Donald Trump administration has paid little attention to US-Indian ties, and their divergences over issues like trade and immigration remain," said the Global Times piece.

It added that "it's necessary to note" that the 1962
India-China war had behind it "the invisible hands" of the US and the erstwhile Soviet Union.

Nothing will stop China from "safeguarding its territory" though, said the article in Global Times.

"Washington won't get any benefits from the escalation of the Sino-Indian confrontation. China won't give up safeguarding its territory because of US interference."


Lol! These Chinks seem pretty pissed off as the US is supporting India on the stand-off against an aggressive China that has no respect for international norms and diplomacy. They are a country of rabble rousers with a misplaced ambition of becoming a super power.

A few days ago the Chinese ordered the Vietnamese to stop drilling in the SCS. Soon after, they flew a sortie between a couple of Japanese islands. Two Chinese fighters intercepted a USAF reconnaisance plane over the East China Sea near Japan two days ago. Yesterday the Taiwanese have shown a middle finger to the Chinese and asked them not to interfere in their internal affairs. Sri Lanka has snubbed them yesterday by redrafting the Hambantota Port and told the Chinks in no uncertain terms that they will not be allowed to use the port for military purposes.

Seems the Chinese PR has gone into self destruct mode of late. Aggression and childish irresponsible behavior is no way to win friends and influence people which is the hallmark of an emerging power. China has a long way to go in this regard.
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Regular Member
Jan 13, 2017
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Bye bye ‘peaceful rise’: Dealing with China on Doklam is Modi government’s toughest foreign policy test yet
[ Peeps, do read the article, those who don't have the time the lady says that what china does, it does because it can, it has got nothing to do with legal or historical claims based on authentic maps, in fact they hate maps. Chinese are whining because they didn't imagine we will stand up for Bhutan, now that we have done so we can't back down, if china looks for a face saver, fine we should accommodate, but if they try to practice unabashed theft that they are so fond of, we have to stop them right here and now, come hell or high water]

July 26, 2017, 2:00 AM IST Indrani Bagchi in Globespotting | Edit Page, India, World | TOI
China had a reasonably successful week – Beijing ordered Vietnam to stop drilling for oil in the South China Sea, or bad things would happen. The country that delivered a crushing blow to the Chinese in 1979 reportedly stood down. If only these obstinate Indians would learn a lesson.

The India-China standoff in the Doklam area, which is Bhutanese territory that China wants, is almost 40 days old. During this time, the official Chinese rhetoric has been a lot like that nursery rhyme. China has “huff’d and puff’d” to blow this house down – reminded us of the humiliation of 1962, described the PLA as a mountain and warned that “time was running out for India to blink”.

On this side of the Himalayas, the Indian government has held its nerve and the media has, by and large, held its tongue. Prime Minister Narendra Modi smiled and chatted with President Xi Jinping in Hamburg, did not forget either Xi’s or Premier Li’s birthdays, and now NSA Ajit Doval is travelling to Beijing to talk with Chinese counterpart Yang Jieche later this week for a diplomatic solution. Despite this, Indian troops are prepping for a longish sit-in on that desolate plateau.

The Sumdorong Chu/ Wangdung standoff, starting from 1986, was fully resolved only in 1995. Doklam has a long way to go before it attains that kind of notoriety.

Levity aside, this is the toughest foreign policy test for the Modi government yet. India has to demonstrate steel on the ground, but play with a soft touch in New Delhi; protect Bhutan but ensure Thimphu emerges with its dignity and sovereignty intact. It has to keep the door open for negotiations and discussions while showing that it is prepared to do everything to ensure its security, negotiate hard but try to keep things from spilling over into the military domain.

Beijing miscalculated about India’s response to its sly road project, then proceeded to paint itself in a corner with its statements. The inherent dangers, the possibility of a wrong step sending this Jenga pile crashing down is there for all to see. We know. We’ve been there.

Disregard all silly commentary that says India is the reason China behaves like a spoilt brat. Let’s also leave aside dissection of the 1890 convention and whether the second sentence in Article 1 is at cross-purposes with the first. China encroaches on sea and land because it believes it can. It’s been doing so successfully in the South China Sea. Why not here?

It isn’t just in 2017 that Chinese have been encroaching on Bhutanese territory. In 1966, India protested to China on behalf of Bhutan about Chinese troops, using graziers as a front, setting up heaps of loose stones “with a view presumably to establishing a claim south of the traditional frontier”. Many villages in western Tibet were administered by Bhutan, China robbed them of these when it overran Tibet.

China has a long and distinguished history of walking into others’ lands, claiming territory by changing the ground positions, and then citing ancient historical claims. China’s approach to maps and cartography in general is different from everyone else’s because they are all about Beijing’s ambitions. Therefore Chinese diplomacy is about pressure and coercion, threats and intimidation.

The first detailed discussions on the boundary question between Indian and Chinese officials in 1960 are instructive. The Chinese side refused to exchange maps until the sixth meeting because they didn’t consider it important. In the discussions, the Indians found to their dismay that the Chinese refused to adhere to any geographical principles for their boundary claims. Even though in a letter to Nehru on December 17, 1959, Zhou Enlai said, “Chinese maps published in 1956 correctly show the boundary between the two countries,” the first authenticated map provided during the 1960 discussions differed from the 1956 map.

Nothing demonstrates Chinese inconsistency more than an incident in 1959 – India needed to para-drop a doctor at the Longju checkpost to attend to a sick officer. They informed the Chinese government with exact coordinates in case the aircraft flew inadvertently over the traditional boundary. China said India did not need to tell them of movement within Indian territory. Five weeks later, China accused India of violating Chinese territory at that very place!

So, no amount of poring over grid references and ancient maps will help. The standoff at Doklam is more than Batang La or Mt Gipmochi. This is power play
. If there is a negotiation, the trijunction will be where they agree it is. At this point, Doval should limit himself to China’s violation of a 2012 agreement on trijunctions. That would be progress.

The optics for Beijing is cringeworthy – Big China stealing land from tiny Himalayan paradise, by extension OBOR as an exercise in coercion and land grab, not connectivity – not for nothing is Indonesia renaming its sea. PLA can escalate, but a military conflict is unwinnable and everyone knows it. They can open another front against India on the LAC. Bye bye, “peaceful rise”. It’s a tough call when party congress, North Korea and Trump are clamouring for attention.

Yes, China will instigate Pakistan to ramp up its terror game. It will show itself more aggressively in the Indian Ocean. It will thwart India in international fora. It will squeeze us in new and improved ways. But none of this is new. What is new is India has physically blocked China to protect a third country. For better or for worse.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
What I have read so far about Iran especially from Iranians themselves is that they hate Afghans and would never like them entering their borders. They don't care what goes in Afghanistan but what spills out. For good money they won't mind tanks being transported; logistics, medicines and maggi noodles won't even get a dog's sniff.

If may also add the notion 'Iranian Sensitivities' is invented by Congress-I who do not want to do anything to cater Pakistani sensitivities. Its like speaking for Iran when they haven't said anything explicitly. If Americans would have played better they were happy to even let NATO pass through.
Iranians as you rightly said do not wish for the Afghan troubles to spill over and thus, need a buffer in Western Afghanistan. Cong/UPA didn't really care about Iranian sensitivities when the GoI voted against Iran again and again at UN and other fora.

The things is what Iranians will do. It is well documented that they did not allow us to transport explosives for the construction of Salma dam- a peaceful process as any. So to say that they will allow us to transport Tanks through their territory is bit of a stretch. Heck no country would. We are highly paranoid and rightly so when it comes to good transiting to Nepal via our territory, so much so that Nepali imports are customs cleared at OUR ports before being let through.

Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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So to say that they will allow us to transport Tanks through their territory is bit of a stretch. Heck no country would.
Pakistan did precisely that, they literally took American money in exchange for letting them transport equipment through their country! Everything and everybody has a price. And in desperate countries like Iran, the price will be lower and more readily available!


Senior Member
May 28, 2011
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Just a heads up, the OIC as a whole does not pass any resolution, all its resolution on Kashmir are passed by a contact group with only four members since 1999 other than Pakis: Turkey, Azerbaijan, Saudis, Niger.


Sep 7, 2015
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Guys! Here are some prophesies (though I don't believe much in them!) of the coming Armageddon in Sept 2017!!

A Calendar For 2017 Cataclysms. War With China Inevitable?

Updated 24/7/2017 – this prophecy just grows in importance by the day….

German Prophet Theodor Beykirch published a book in 1849 called ”Prophetenstimmen mit Erklärungen”. In his prophecy book there are many shocking prophecies about the End Of Times and basically the prophecies have nailed our modern culture to an almost perfect extent. These prophets really knew everything about modern marxist culture including feminism, materialism, atheism, high technology, death of the Church, the appearance of Falun Gong in China, the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999 etc etc. They also predicted both world wars perfectly.

We have in earlier articles nailed 2017 as the year of the new Messianic era beginning. It coincides with the star alignment and all kinds of prophecies and even the year of the ”Hell Fire Rooster” in China.

We have also nailed the date of the cataclysmic event to September 22-23 of 2017. But we have not really seen what will happen before that. Now we have a possible clue to those events. We know from Zhu Ge Liang´s prophecy that the evil will ”attack the world from four directions” just before the cataclysm. One day ”the evil and invisible global power” will come out as one voice and attack the whole world according to Zhu Ge Liang. Let´s see what Beykirch found in a prophecy from an unknown prophet written in 1622:

”The month of June will bring the beginning of the problems but it will not be yet the real war.” ……

”In the month of July, the general mobilization will start.” …..

”In August, all the involved people will start to feel the effects.” ….

”In September, there will be the largest massacre that humankind has ever experienced” …..

Today we see military mobilization in the following regions:

  • China-India: Conflict Escalates Very Fast At Tibet Plateau. Prediction: War Possible in A Few Weeks Time. US needs to support India and all of these nations have nuclear bombs.
  • North Korea: US has mobilized their aircraft carriers and Russia has mobilized. China has put 150 000 soldiers at the border. Prediction: Anything is possible when TPTB decide to pull the trigger.
  • Ukraine: Always a hot zone around Crimea as the US wants Russia to back off.
  • Syria: At the moment better US-Russia relationships. Israel and Turkey push for more war.
  • South-China Sea: Reportedly there is a big conflict going on in the south China sea. The Chinese are more and more aggressive and have built an artificial island as a military base. Prediction: This one can explode any day and it involves the super powers of China and the US. (President Trump has now given the go-ahead to the US Navy Carrier Strike Group to patrol the South China Sea).
To conclude this prophecy from 1622 indeed seems to be in line with our daily development at this moment with all the super powers facing off in several contested areas right now. Nobody understands why suddenly all the big countries want war. Prepare for a very intense autumn.


Well, it seems this prophesy is coming to pass. Anyone thinking of heading to the hills?


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Pakistan did precisely that, they literally took American money in exchange for letting them transport equipment through their country! Everything and everybody has a price. And in desperate countries like Iran, the price will be lower and more readily available!
...And looted plenty from the transport cargos- weapons, clothes, food, personal belongings etc.

Basically, Napakis had no choice. Armitage told them to co-operate or be bombed back to stone age.

Moreover, it's not a country..it's a f**king acronym... :biggrin2:

But we are not Amreeki/NATO to write off such losses, nor are Iranians, Napakis.

The price must be affordable..


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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Chinese defense ministry spokesman Wu Qian speaks at a news conference in Beijing on Monday. China is warning India not to underestimate its determination to safeguard what it considers sovereign territory amid a standoff over a contested region in the Himalayas. | AP
What China’s Himalayan warmongering reveals
Beijing is waging psychological warfare to compel New Delhi to back down without a shot being fired


NEW DELHI – At a time of rising Sino-Indian tensions over a weeks-long troop standoff at the trijunction where the borders of Tibet, Bhutan and the Indian state of Sikkim meet, China’s warmongering has become so raucous and coarse that, to the casual observer, a Himalayan military conflict may seem imminent. In reality, Beijing is waging — in Chinese strategic tradition — full-throttle psychological warfare to compel India to back down without a shot being fired.

The current crisis, more significantly, has underscored the centrality of propaganda in China’s foreign policy — from the aggressor playing the victim to unremitting efforts to camouflage the intrusion into tiny Bhutan that precipitated the standoff. China’s vitriolic war rhetoric and unrealistic preconditions for holding talks stand out in stark contrast to India’s measured tone and readiness to peacefully resolve the crisis.

The crisis, in fact, has highlighted how China blends psychological warfare (“psywar”), media warfare and the manipulation of legal arguments (“lawfare”) to undermine the opponent’s information-control capabilities and to buttress its strategic game plan. Disinformation and deceit are among the tools China is employing in its psywar to tame India without military combat, in Sun Tzu style.

Its psy-ops have included mounting almost daily threats to teach India a lesson, unless it gives in. Indeed, the authoritarian regime in Beijing has shown itself adept at exploiting the political divisions in the world’s largest democracy, including reaching out to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s opponents and attacking his “Hindu nationalism” in order to help sow dissensions in India on its current China approach.

Given China’s rise as a praetorian state, its foreign ministry is probably the weakest government branch, yet that ministry has taken the lead to intimidate India in unbecoming and undiplomatic language. Beijing is also using its state media to threaten an “all out confrontation” along the entire, more than 4,000 km Sino-Indian border and to warn India that it would suffer a humiliating rout greater than it did in the 1962 war. One Chinese state mouthpiece even called the Indian foreign minister a liar.

In the current crisis, the Chinese state and its media have worked in tandem to feed disinformation as part of the psychological operations (psy-ops). After all, media organizations, backed by an annual $10 billion budget from the state, have become integral to China’s global propaganda offensive. Chinese propaganda is getting smarter and more targeted, with some in the Indian media lapping up the disinformation, yet Beijing’s mendacity is becoming conspicuous.

Consider two examples. In mid-July, the Chinese state broadcaster CCTV telecast a video of live-fire military exercises in Tibet by a mountain brigade deployed against India. It later came to light that this was a routine annual drill conducted in early June before the crisis began. Shortly after the CCTV report, the Chinese military’s official newspaper, PLA Daily, said tens of thousands of tons of military hardware had been moved to Tibet in response to the troop standoff. This report too turned out to be part of China’s psywar, with Indian intelligence still finding no evidence of a Chinese military buildup in Tibet.

In this light, what can China hope to achieve through its psy-ops? India has a lot at stake: If it were to wilt under the Chinese pressure, it would impair its national security and potentially open the path to its long-term strategic subordination to China. In addition, China would be able to mount a stronger military threat against India’s hold on its far northeast.

China’s psywar has failed to obscure even the key facts. The crisis was triggered in mid-June after days of growing local military tensions when People’s Liberation Army troops sought to unilaterally change the territorial status quo by beginning work on a strategic highway through Bhutan’s Doklam Plateau, which is located very close to the Tibet-Bhutan-Sikkim trijunction. (China contends that Doklam is its own territory in the way it claims the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands or the sprawling northeastern Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.) The Chinese encroachment prompted the Indian army to swiftly intervene and halt the road construction, triggering the standoff.

The PLA has for years been quietly chipping away at strategic areas in Bhutan’s north and west. It has also waged an aggression by stealth to assert its claim over the Doklam plateau, including by increasingly sending Tibetan herdsmen and armed patrols there and by turning some natural paths into small paved roads. Bhutan has long complained of Chinese encroachments. For example, it told its parliament in 2009 that it had “protested many times to the Chinese regarding the road-construction activities.”

Bhutan, with just 8,000 men in its military, police and militia, has no means to resist Chinese encroachments. Its security partner, India, was earlier loath to go beyond training and advising Bhutanese forces. But with China’s latest land grab also threatening Indian security, New Delhi decided that Bhutan’s fight was India’s fight. In a strategic miscalculation that has fueled its current fury, China anticipated Bhutan’s diplomatic protest over its latest road construction but not India’s rapid military intervention.

New Delhi cannot allow Beijing to gain control of Doklam because it will result in China fortifying its military positions around the trijunction and bringing India’s territorial link with its northeastern states within Chinese artillery range. This link — the Siliguri Corridor — is just 27 km wide at its narrowest point and is aptly known as the “Chicken Neck.” If China built the highway through Doklam, it would be able to transport heavy tanks to the trijunction and, in the event of a war, seek to cut off India from its northeast.

The risk that a frustrated China could escalate its current psy-ops to a military conflict cannot be discounted. Indeed, Beijing is signaling that it will brook no Indian “interference” in Bhutan’s external relations or national security, although Indo-Bhutanese relations are governed by a friendship treaty and defense arrangements. It wants India to leave Bhutan to its fate.

More fundamentally, China’s intrusion into Bhutan and its war rhetoric against India raise important larger issues. One issue is China’s disregard of international law, including the bilateral accords it has signed with Bhutan and India pledging not to alter the status quo unilaterally. As events in the South China Sea and East China Sea also illustrate, Beijing signs agreements and treaties but does not comply with them.

Another issue is China’s abiding faith in propaganda, extending from fake history claims to other countries’ territories to disinformation operations intended to deceive and outmaneuver opponents. The reliance on propaganda blurs the line between fact and fiction to such an extent that, gradually, the Chinese state begins to believe its own propaganda and act upon it. This factor, along with its associated risks, is apparent in the Doklam standoff.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2016
Ye vo hi hai kya Col ?

pata nai bhai , porkies posted his pic & video somewhere. Our forum member tracked his twitter he was offline since 7 hours yesterday and today he is back......another suspicious thing is that the pic porkies were posting was his twitter profile pic which he removed today.

It seems like @Project Dharma had an email chat with him


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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Guys! Here are some prophesies (though I don't believe much in them!) of the coming Armageddon in Sept 2017!!

A Calendar For 2017 Cataclysms. War With China Inevitable?

Updated 24/7/2017 – this prophecy just grows in importance by the day….

German Prophet Theodor Beykirch published a book in 1849 called ”Prophetenstimmen mit Erklärungen”. In his prophecy book there are many shocking prophecies about the End Of Times and basically the prophecies have nailed our modern culture to an almost perfect extent. These prophets really knew everything about modern marxist culture including feminism, materialism, atheism, high technology, death of the Church, the appearance of Falun Gong in China, the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999 etc etc. They also predicted both world wars perfectly.

We have in earlier articles nailed 2017 as the year of the new Messianic era beginning. It coincides with the star alignment and all kinds of prophecies and even the year of the ”Hell Fire Rooster” in China.

We have also nailed the date of the cataclysmic event to September 22-23 of 2017. But we have not really seen what will happen before that. Now we have a possible clue to those events. We know from Zhu Ge Liang´s prophecy that the evil will ”attack the world from four directions” just before the cataclysm. One day ”the evil and invisible global power” will come out as one voice and attack the whole world according to Zhu Ge Liang. Let´s see what Beykirch found in a prophecy from an unknown prophet written in 1622:

”The month of June will bring the beginning of the problems but it will not be yet the real war.” ……

”In the month of July, the general mobilization will start.” …..

”In August, all the involved people will start to feel the effects.” ….

”In September, there will be the largest massacre that humankind has ever experienced” …..

Today we see military mobilization in the following regions:

    • China-India: Conflict Escalates Very Fast At Tibet Plateau. Prediction: War Possible in A Few Weeks Time. US needs to support India and all of these nations have nuclear bombs.
    • North Korea: US has mobilized their aircraft carriers and Russia has mobilized. China has put 150 000 soldiers at the border. Prediction: Anything is possible when TPTB decide to pull the trigger.
    • Ukraine: Always a hot zone around Crimea as the US wants Russia to back off.
    • Syria: At the moment better US-Russia relationships. Israel and Turkey push for more war.
    • South-China Sea: Reportedly there is a big conflict going on in the south China sea. The Chinese are more and more aggressive and have built an artificial island as a military base. Prediction: This one can explode any day and it involves the super powers of China and the US. (President Trump has now given the go-ahead to the US Navy Carrier Strike Group to patrol the South China Sea).
To conclude this prophecy from 1622 indeed seems to be in line with our daily development at this moment with all the super powers facing off in several contested areas right now. Nobody understands why suddenly all the big countries want war. Prepare for a very intense autumn.


Well, it seems this prophesy is coming to pass. Anyone thinking of heading to the hills?

Did you read the other articles there? Hardly believable. One article says that Queen Elizabeth has said that 2017 will be start of world war 3. Same article says 2017 will be start of a golden era.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
Guys! Here are some prophesies (though I don't believe much in them!) of the coming Armageddon in Sept 2017!!

A Calendar For 2017 Cataclysms. War With China Inevitable?

Updated 24/7/2017 – this prophecy just grows in importance by the day….

German Prophet Theodor Beykirch published a book in 1849 called ”Prophetenstimmen mit Erklärungen”. In his prophecy book there are many shocking prophecies about the End Of Times and basically the prophecies have nailed our modern culture to an almost perfect extent. These prophets really knew everything about modern marxist culture including feminism, materialism, atheism, high technology, death of the Church, the appearance of Falun Gong in China, the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999 etc etc. They also predicted both world wars perfectly.

We have in earlier articles nailed 2017 as the year of the new Messianic era beginning. It coincides with the star alignment and all kinds of prophecies and even the year of the ”Hell Fire Rooster” in China.

We have also nailed the date of the cataclysmic event to September 22-23 of 2017. But we have not really seen what will happen before that. Now we have a possible clue to those events. We know from Zhu Ge Liang´s prophecy that the evil will ”attack the world from four directions” just before the cataclysm. One day ”the evil and invisible global power” will come out as one voice and attack the whole world according to Zhu Ge Liang. Let´s see what Beykirch found in a prophecy from an unknown prophet written in 1622:

”The month of June will bring the beginning of the problems but it will not be yet the real war.” ……

”In the month of July, the general mobilization will start.” …..

”In August, all the involved people will start to feel the effects.” ….

”In September, there will be the largest massacre that humankind has ever experienced” …..

Today we see military mobilization in the following regions:

    • China-India: Conflict Escalates Very Fast At Tibet Plateau. Prediction: War Possible in A Few Weeks Time. US needs to support India and all of these nations have nuclear bombs.
    • North Korea: US has mobilized their aircraft carriers and Russia has mobilized. China has put 150 000 soldiers at the border. Prediction: Anything is possible when TPTB decide to pull the trigger.
    • Ukraine: Always a hot zone around Crimea as the US wants Russia to back off.
    • Syria: At the moment better US-Russia relationships. Israel and Turkey push for more war.
    • South-China Sea: Reportedly there is a big conflict going on in the south China sea. The Chinese are more and more aggressive and have built an artificial island as a military base. Prediction: This one can explode any day and it involves the super powers of China and the US. (President Trump has now given the go-ahead to the US Navy Carrier Strike Group to patrol the South China Sea).
To conclude this prophecy from 1622 indeed seems to be in line with our daily development at this moment with all the super powers facing off in several contested areas right now. Nobody understands why suddenly all the big countries want war. Prepare for a very intense autumn.


Well, it seems this prophesy is coming to pass. Anyone thinking of heading to the hills?
i think we should have a dedicated thread for this topic......
lot of members posting related messages...



Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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That's b'coz Sri Lanka is already under a huge debt burden from the chinese. Sri Lankans have to accept certain demands from the chinese. But for whatever reason, its good that they denied permission to berth warships.
I wonder if it would have made sense to India and Japan to refinance that Hembantota loan and take over the port rather than build one at Trincomalee.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009

Watch Saurav Gupta. What a low life sell off.

Sadhanand Dhume on receiving end of RW all the time has made best of the arguments. My Gratitudes to him.
Has anyone profiled this Saurav Gupta/ Has anyone seen his work ? This SOB must be put on watch.
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