LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Mar 9, 2017
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Tibetans should pick up weapons to fight Chinese PLA,
They are fighting, please do not doubt that.
I won't quote the various ridiculous statements about the SFF, just to clarify, SFF and all it's various battallions are top notch Tier-1 SF units, they are not only SOF capable as one puts it. Neither are they expendable. Any war in TAR requires this force with plenty of Tibetans. Pound for pound there isn't a more brutal/merciless force in the IA, part of the reason why they have their own structure, very little governance and are RAW's favorite go to force for clandestine ops. Rest assured they are that cyanide poison smeared on the proverbial tip of the spear especially as far as China is concerned. Their few women easily rate as the best female SF warriors in the world even if they work only in Signals and as medics. They have plenty of training to fight relentlessly, I would rate their women better than any Zarrar company Pig.
Tibetans have and will fight against our shared enemy and to preserve our shared values.(You can read the story of the Phantoms from the link in my post above)


New Member
Oct 1, 2016
i'll again say that porkistan is doing dirty propaganda unless some insider hints that actually something has gone wrong in afghanistan.

i still remember how porkies recently spread fake news of 158 soldiers getting killed, earlier they also ran a fake news that indian col has raped an afghan woman.. All propaganda..


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Their are few ways which come into my mind to neutralize pakistan.

1.Increase economic and tech gap between both us and make it impossible for pak to keep up with our defense budget.
It's happening, the tech and economic gap is already insurmountable and growing, but one must take into account
a. Napaki fauj and RAPE do not care about this lack of economic/tech development. They all hold dual passports and have rainy day funds stashed away. As a rentier state they'll simply take more loans and default and then raise the gun to their heads in exchange for baksheesh.
b. US, China and Saudi Barbaria will continue to provide military and economic assistance to "maintain strategic balance"

2. fuel political uprising and unrests.
It's happening from occupied Gilgit to occupied Taftan. Not a day passes without a protest or an incident in Shitistan.

3. use espionage to keep pak unstable.
It's happening from occupied Gilgit to occupied Taftan. Of course there are many other players involved

4. Buy corrupt mediahouses,military guys and politicians.
They are already sold out to the highest bidder. Napaki benefactors have more money that we do. This will have only limited utility. Napakis have always taken the money and stabbed their benefactors in the back. They'll cheerfully stick a knife in our backs while taking the money.

Their elite and fauji make plenty of money by grey market trade with India, via Dubi. They could make much more if trade with India were fully legalised. But they'll never do that. Because, the raison d'être of their existence is hatred of India.

And i would love to see 10000-15000 indian soldiers in afghanistan with 2 air combat squadrons.
Logistics will be a nightmare, cannot be done without Iran fully on board. They'll be hesitant and rightly so. Air corridor will not be enough to keep such a large deployment adequately supplied. Moreover, Afghans will not take kindly to a huge Indian military presence in that country. We'll eventually get bogged down in their internal socio-ethnic squabbles and it will be worse than IPKF disaster.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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We'll eventually get bogged down in their internal socio-ethnic squabbles and it will be worse than IPKF disaster.
Not if we're on an isolated military base away from Afghan civilization guarded by multiple layers of security and we're not fighting anybody except maybe the Pakis when the time arises. :)


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Not if we're on an isolated military base away from Afghan civilization guarded by multiple layers of security and we're not fighting anybody except maybe the Pakis when the time arises. :)

Presence would be dynamic, mission based, numbers will not be increased to make its mobility cumbersome.

Iranians do not give a damn about Afghanistan.

Logistics will be locally procured, weapons can be poured in using air corridor. The presence with small footprint and tactical weapon and workload will not even gesticulate locals.

The message and intent shown operating in foreign lands that will increase enemy's cost and change in doctrines is worth the effort and endure setbacks if there will be any.


China is checked, more checking is coming to stop their transgressions on other frontiers, Pakistanis are getting fucked at LOC and openly as we speak. Lets add another dimension and make them go haywire.

The way @mayfair has rightly explained the Pakistanis modus operandi there we are left with limited options. If I may add; there is a punjabi word "Tarlaa" begging holding legs and making howling sounds. Pakistanis are very good at it. If nothing worked they will get their way out doing "Tarlaa".

Therefore we have work for a long enduring strategy and start thinking out of the box.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Not if we're on an isolated military base away from Afghan civilization guarded by multiple layers of security and we're not fighting anybody except maybe the Pakis when the time arises. :)
There's no such thing as an isolated airbase-
1. You'll need water and electricity supplies, most likely from a dam nearby. That limits the areas where you can have such a base. Much of Afghanistan is dry desert, ground water availability will most likely be extremely limited.

2. You'll need fuel, food, groceries etc. all of which cannot be flown over.

3. To keep such a large detachment going, you'll need Housing, Hospitals, Schools, Recreation etc. Not only for the soldiers but also for the support staff- SigInt, engineers, sappers, maintenance crew, translators etc.

4. You'll need local Afghan staff for housekeeping and other duties such as local liaison and translation. If you fly in people from India, they'll need additional housing, feeding etc.

All of these will add to the security headache.

Assuming that we manage to find such a place, it surely cannot host 15,000 combat troops and at least half that number in support and logistics, not to mention all the equipment. Mind you, we are talking of an Army AND Airforce deployments. Managing one is hard enough, both would be a logistical nightmare. Now extend this to two or three bases and just imagine what it will be like.

Heck, just look at the challenges we faced when constructing the Salma dam in Herat or the Delaram-Zaranj highway.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
String of pearls broken?

India’s concerns addressed? Sri Lanka says no military use of Chinese-built port

Sri Lankans unlike slave Pakistanis have seen through the con of Chinese.

Their economy is in shambles and China who may seen inviting will end up making them debt pet. SL can not change its neighbours and it is in there larger interest to be friendly with India. On Pakistani forums there are many cockroaches who are actually Pakistans and Chinese doing vicious propaganda on behalf of Sri Lanka. Today they have got yet another egg on their faces.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Iranians do not give a damn about Afghanistan.
Actually they do. They are very sensitive to developments in Western Afghanistan, especially in and around Herat, because It impacts the
a. Security and;
b. Water resources

of their bordering regions.

Not to mention, they need local Shias, Hazras to be well established and safe in that area to provide them a buffer against Sunni expansionism.

Iran was a big player during the Northern Alliance era.

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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There's no such thing as an isolated airbase-
1. You'll need water and electricity supplies, most likely from a dam nearby. That limits the areas where you can have such a base. Much of Afghanistan is dry desert, ground water availability will most likely be extremely limited.

2. You'll need fuel, food, groceries etc. all of which cannot be flown over.

3. To keep such a large detachment going, you'll need Housing, Hospitals, Schools, Recreation etc. Not only for the soldiers but also for the support staff- SigInt, engineers, sappers, maintenance crew, translators etc.

4. You'll need local Afghan staff for housekeeping and other duties such as local liaison and translation. If you fly in people from India, they'll need additional housing, feeding etc.

All of these will add to the security headache.

Assuming that we manage to find such a place, it surely cannot host 15,000 combat troops and at least half that number in support and logistics, not to mention all the equipment. Mind you, we are talking of an Army AND Airforce deployments. Managing one is hard enough, both would be a logistical nightmare. Now extend this to two or three bases and just imagine what it will be like.

Heck, just look at the challenges we faced when constructing the Salma dam in Herat or the Delaram-Zaranj highway.
Nobody said it would be easy, being a world power isn't easy. Where there is a will there is a way my friend. For electricity, hydro is not the only option. Solar + coal powered can be done as well :) And Iran is no friend of Pakistan, I'm sure they can be brought to the table.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Not if we're on an isolated military base away from Afghan civilization guarded by multiple layers of security and we're not fighting anybody except maybe the Pakis when the time arises. :)
We don't need any military base in Afghanistan. Peace in Afghanistan is hostage to tribal warlords no one can help it in short term.

We must focus on working with USA , Europe to somehow keep Taliban out of power. And keep supporting our Friends with money + weaponary .

Paki can't continue to support Taliban forever as same jehadis will always keep turning against pakistan .

Longer instability in Afghanistan actually saddles pakistan with refugees and insurgency.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Once again, I ask you to offer solid tangible solutions.

Let's look at the electricity option first- Solar is a good option, relatively isolated and provide enough power, maybe wind as well. But will it be enough to fully run a base? Not sure. Coal will have the same issues with other logistics- how to transport immense amounts of coal to the power plant? Defeats the whole purpose of isolationism doesn't it? And what to do about water? And this is the just the beginning.

Iran may not be a friend of Pakistan, but they have interests in Afghanistan and Indian military presence in Afghanistan doesn't benefit Iranians either. They'll NEVER allow arms and ammunition to be transported through their country. They were extremely reluctant to allow TNT/Dynamite to transit through their area, when we were building the Salma dam. In the end they did not, we had to get them from elsewhere.

We have been trying to bring them on board for years and years and Chabahar is yet to be fully functional and running. Iranians always bring in one obstacle or another.

Having a will is fine, but the will must be pragmatic. I can will that I'll fly to Jupiter to see Sabu and his family, but is it pragmatic?


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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We are getting into a pointless debate.
A base in Afghanistan is not gonna happen. What can a base achieve can be achieved otherwise easily.

If we are going to deploy 10-15000 Indian soldiers it is much better to rather train 20-30000 afgani soldiers in India.

Supply them with weaponary combat helicopters+ satellite imagery . Train them in gurrilaa warfare .

War against Taliban is a war of attrition. Americans were stupid to get into it . We must not be. Just support the afgans who are willing to fight against Taliban.

Project Dharma

New Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Once again, I ask you to offer solid tangible solutions.

Let's look at the electricity option first- Solar is a good option, relatively isolated and provide enough power, maybe wind as well. But will it be enough to fully run a base? Not sure. Coal will have the same issues with other logistics- how to transport immense amounts of coal to the power plant? Defeats the whole purpose of isolationism doesn't it? And what to do about water? And this is the just the beginning.

Iran may not be a friend of Pakistan, but they have interests in Afghanistan and Indian military presence in Afghanistan doesn't benefit Iranians either. They'll NEVER allow arms and ammunition to be transported through their country. They were extremely reluctant to allow TNT/Dynamite to transit through their area, when we were building the Salma dam. In the end they did not, we had to get them from elsewhere.

We have been trying to bring them on board for years and years and Chabahar is yet to be fully functional and running. Iranians always bring in one obstacle or another.

Having a will is fine, but the will must be pragmatic. I can will that I'll fly to Jupiter to see Sabu and his family, but is it pragmatic?
Well, if you assert that Iran will not come to the table no matter what then I can't help but throw up my hands in despair, can I? If India with its massive needs for oil cannot bring a country which is an enemy of Pakistan, has historical links to India as well as a very pro India population and is also relatively isolated in the world, then we should just crawl under a rock and wait for the world to end.

Now presuming Iran is on board, we have a sea based route into Iran and from there a land based one into Afghanistan. Most of the land route could be in Iran which should be relatively secure. If we with our massive military and experience in securing supply routes in Kashmir can't secure that route, then we should just replace the tricolor with a white flag.

Pragmatic is subjective, obviously if I felt it wasn't pragmatic I wouldn't propose the idea. Since you disagree, there is no point to the debate, no offense intended. :)

p.s Iran isn't the only country which controls supply lines into Afghanistan, Russia controls the Northern Distribution Network.
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