Maybe not the right thread to ask but since we are discussing china here ...
Do other people find "Art of War" by Sun Tzu highly overrated ? The halo around it part of "Chinese the great Martial Race" narrative building?
Below are two versions of Art of War ,one from China and the other for US
Art of war – China ( Sun Tzu )
Always choose only the weakest and softest of them all to pick a fight.
Before attack make doubly sure that you have actually picked up the weakest of them all to fight with.
Still don’t attack him in haste.
Drain him out both physically and mentally.
Instigate his neighbors, friends,family members (wife ,kids J) to rise against him for howsoever trivial reasons there may be.
Tell your friend (common enemy) to go past him with a sharp blade in fingers and make a tiny little slash on his body (without him even feel the cut).
Repeat the process a thousand times.
Pollute his water air and food and let the bugger fall ill.
Then approach him (with a knife borrowed from a friend or a common enemy)in his sick bed stealthily in dark of the night ,when he is fast asleep.
Irritate and shock him with sounds ,screams,howls,pin pricks etc.
If he tries to open his eyes or raise his hand just then pull out the knife and make mincemeat of him.
His mere opening up of eyes or somewhat raised hand will be passed on as an act of aggression or first attack in the eyes of the world.
Art of war – USA
Be the strongest, always and every time! Period.