LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Feb 16, 2009
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What ever Pak would do this would have no loss on Chinese side and nothing would be traced to china. :)

See, neither India is confronting Chinese Directly nor Chinese confronting India directly

What ever is happening is not on either's territory

It is some territory what both sides claim but administered by some third country.

Dokhlam in Bhutan
PoK in Pak.

Neither India has access to these in case of POK nor China has access to these in case of Dokhlam.

The loss would be strategic not territorial
I beg to differ POK is Indian territory. I don't see any success for China no matter what they do.
This is great opportunity to completely destroy CPEC and OBOR both in one shot.


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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I beg to differ POK is Indian territory. I don't see any success for China no matter what they do.
This is great opportunity to completely destroy CPEC and OBOR both in one shot.
It is which India claims but it is not in Indias control it is Pak's control
Dokhlam is what China claims but it is not in China's control it is in Bhutan's control.

Both areas are not in any one's control.

The loss would be strategic who ever loses. The confrontation is b/w Ind-China but both Bhutan and Pak are getting involved. As India and China are claiming territories control by these countries :p

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Bombing that base would result in what!?...A possible full fledged war between nuclear states thus forcing UN and whole world to intervene, maybe India forced to say sorry for its stupid (!?) Act. Thus leaving the Kargil question in answered. In short, huge Victory to Pak(even both idiots are killed or injured doesn't make much).
Meh, the nuclear bluff of Pakistan is nothing but a red herring that is used to scare Indian citizens away from supporting an escalation. During Kargil, time was ripe for an escalation, the whole world was with us. We lost a valuable opportunity that we might not get again in the future. Whatever problems that the Indian economy suffered from we were doing better than Pakis. Even without considering the bombing of their bases, we lost a lot of military lives because the government didn't let the Army use approaches that would have involved intrusions into Paki territory.


New Member
Nov 1, 2016
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I beg to differ POK is Indian territory. I don't see any success for China no matter what they do.
This is great opportunity to completely destroy CPEC and OBOR both in one shot.
How? If there is a two front war, do you think we will be able to get back POK, given the terrain and conventional balance?


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
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Oct 13, 2015
Quoting Dhurva jaishankar, his father is S jaishankar senior diplomat, foreign secretary and ex Ambassador of China.

"Evidently, while the Indian side is trying to create wiggle room for de-escalation, the nature of the Chinese response is not proving particularly helpful. De-escalation without one or another side losing face thus becomes harder," said Brookings India Fellow Dhruva Jaishankar.



New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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How? If there is a two front war, do you think we will be able to get back POK, given the terrain and conventional balance?
I did not say we can get POK back. I said we can destroy CPEC and OBOR . We did get POK back
in three wars only to give it back. If it is a two front war I expect other countries to also be involved on our side.


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Sep 15, 2016
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Just noticed this, earlier I had skimmed through your wall of text. :) Please Google what effect sanctions had on Indian economy and how the Indian economy progressed after the sanctions were introduced. :laugh:
I remember those days vaguely, limited choices in the name of military progress. Just like a para unit compared to regulars. What do you suppose we lost? And how do you see it? This even after observing the army and country colors of some.


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Sep 24, 2016
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No action by lizard till now.
So bloody Indians are squatting on so called chinese territory and shit scared Chinese cowards are preparing dinner for doval in Beijing.:biggrin2::biggrin2:

At least pakistani are ready to die for their misguided cause. Chinese want to win all wars on paper. See on paper the numbers and surrender . But bloody illiterate indians aren't looking at paper they are holding the damn real ground.

Now what would a scared lizard will do , cut off its tail :hehe:

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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I remember those days vaguely, limited choices in the name of military progress. Just like a para unit compared to regulars. What do you suppose we lost? And how do you see it? This even after observing the army and country colors of some.
As you know most of our equipment is Russian in origin. It did have an effect on the economy for a little while but not a substantial effect. Our good friends, the porks were the ones that were forced to take up the begging bowl and were saved by the American war on terror.

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Dec 25, 2016
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Why are the chinese writing so many shit articles one after another every single day ..Remember the more then write the more its headache for their Premier only which is going to put him in direct pressure to act against india sooner or later ..Well the PLA don't need the approval of chinese population to go for war with india or take any military action ..what they are doing exactly is trying to show as the aggressor and paint a picture as if that if we are not taught a lesson now tomorrow we may even attempt to take Tibet away from their control ..Look how things changed after the OBOR summit in Beijing two countries ignored it and both two are in the stand off today ..India and Bhutan which i am sure avoided the summit on our request..So Xi has taken it very personal the insult by two of his neighbours and might have decided to teach a lesson to the tiny one first and was caught surprised by the reaction from India in supporting the tiny bhutan ..What ever we have done so far looks perfect as of now ..But from now here where it goes will tell us the clear picture ..Lets not forget this part of the year July to september is like terrible time to enter most of the LAC because of the heavy rains ...Let the winter come we may sure see some movements happening in the LAC for sure ..

1962 and 1967 all happened in the month of september and october and that is when this time also if the chinese wants to escalate will do it not before that ...Lets fast track our procurement of ammunitions ASAP and gear up if they are ready to attack us lets hope our political leadership and the Generals give the best reply ..

Flame Thrower

New Member
Apr 16, 2016
Meh, the nuclear bluff of Pakistan is nothing but a red herring that is used to scare Indian citizens away from supporting an escalation. During Kargil, time was ripe for an escalation, the whole world was with us. We lost a valuable opportunity that we might not get again in the future. Whatever problems that the Indian economy suffered from we were doing better than Pakis. Even without considering the bombing of their bases, we lost a lot of military lives because the government didn't let the Army use approaches that would have involved intrusions into Paki territory.
Cause the aim was to keep the world with us.

Things get real nasty when you attack a country's head in full fledged war. Kargil was skimmers, not full fledged war.

Regarding Nuclear war, you know it, I know it, UN knows it...but does that mean UN wouldn't stop the war. Leaving Kargil unsorted. Care to disagree!?

Yes, great amounts of life was lost. But Bhai, we won. We got our Kargil back. Any intrusion into Pak would have resulted in serious consequences.

Before we come back to 1965, there is always Nuclear in the game. No matter how much GOI don't consider it and call of Pak nuclear bluff, UN is not ready to. In short, if we want UN and the whole world to intervene in future Indo Pak war then the only way is to capture all Pak nukes even before UN makes any noise

Flame Thrower

New Member
Apr 16, 2016
Just noticed this, earlier I had skimmed through your wall of text. :) Please Google what effect sanctions had on Indian economy and how the Indian economy progressed after the sanctions were introduced. :laugh:
Look at the economic growth Bhai...

Sanctions of 1998(Phokran 2) are quite famous... I bet you can find the affects.

Terms & conditions: only if you want to find the details

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Look at the economic growth Bhai...

Sanctions of 1998(Phokran 2) are quite famous... I bet you can find the affects.

Terms & conditions: only if you want to find the details
Please read this, I was trying to find it earlier but was unable to.


Therefore, the bottom line for the case of India is this: sanctions had a marginal—but not negligible—effect on the nation’s economy. The indirect effects via private capital flows were far more important than the direct effects of changes in official aid flows.

The story for Pakistan was very different, both in terms of the channels by which the sanctions had impact and the magnitude of the impact. In short, a decade of economic mismanagement had left Pakistan heavily dependent on the IMF. When the US-led coalition withheld IMF support, the resulting collapse of confidence created a balance of payments crisis and a significant

In my personal opinion, the UN is nothing but a failed rich boy club. It doesn't amount to much in today's world. Else a rogue nation like Pakistan would not exist. They will always try to push countries like India into "talking it out", "resolve issues using peaceful means" while a country like America can wage war for an isolated terrorist incident or for WMDs that don't exist.

Effects on economy would have been there if Kargil had escalated and Western sanctions were applied (I personally doubt this would be the case because the whole world saw Porks as aggressors). But we would have survived and perhaps managed to capture PoK as well.

Anyway, it is kind of pointless debating history. Let's talk about the current. All the same what-if scenarios that you mentioned still apply in case the current conflict with Pakistan escalates. Do you think that should hold India back and prevent us from trying to liberate PoK?


New Member
Sep 15, 2016
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As you know most of our equipment is Russian in origin. It did have an effect on the economy for a little while but not a substantial effect. Our good friends, the porks were the ones that were forced to take up the begging bowl and were saved by the American war on terror.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
What's the point of having a hostile neighbor then?


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Why are the chinese writing so many shit articles one after another every single day ..Remember the more then write the more its headache for their Premier only which is going to put him in direct pressure to act against india sooner or later ..Well the PLA don't need the approval of chinese population to go for war with india or take any military action ..what they are doing exactly is trying to show as the aggressor and paint a picture as if that if we are not taught a lesson now tomorrow we may even attempt to take Tibet away from their control
They are barking for following two reasons
A) they are clueless as to what to do?
They were caught surprised. Now they have not much option .
B.) They want to win the war on paper.

This is classical sun tzu chutiyapa they want to subdue the enemy without fighting so they issue threats with number.

Look at the spec sheet see the difference in numbers . China has more of everything . So conclude that china wins and retreat .

This they are repeating through their media that since India can't win on paper it shouldn't fight on ground.

The only problem indians are chanakayan and want to fight the war on ground and not on paper. So the Chinese are again clueless. As sun tzutyapa has failed.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Anyway, it is kind of pointless debating history. Let's talk about the current. All the same what-if scenarios that you mentioned still apply in case the current conflict with Pakistan escalates. Do you think that should hold India back and prevent us from trying to liberate PoK?
Liberating pok has nothing to do with current conflict. See if we are going to merge pok and it's population we first need to turn that population pro - India. Otherwise we are just going to get another insurgency on our head. The influx of jehadi mujjies from pok might also strengthen j&k jehadis.

We have to game plan this all.
Modi has made moves
He has granted relief fund to pok walas .
He is granting citizenship to paki Hindus .
Sushma said no visa needed for pok.

But these things take time + raw will work behind the seen.


New Member
Dec 25, 2015
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Liberating pok has nothing to do with current conflict. See if we are going to merge pok and it's population we first need to turn that population pro - India. Otherwise we are just going to get another insurgency on our head. The influx of jehadi mujjies from pok might also strengthen j&k jehadis.

We have to game plan this all.
Modi has made moves
He has granted relief fund to pok walas .
He is granting citizenship to paki Hindus .
Sushma said no visa needed for pok.

But these things take time + raw will work behind the seen.
After capturing Pok we will expel all of them to pakistaan along with their jehadi brothers including illegal Bangladeshis.

Defeated Pakis would not be able to prevent their migration.
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