LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
@Project Dharma

Slightly unrelated : The massive organ donation campaign advertising which happened in 2017 is also indicative of the organ shortage in the market. The amusing thing is that they expect us to give away our organs for free, because 'it's a good thing to do', but once you donate your organs to the hospital, does the hospital give it to the recipient for free? pff..

I'd be happy to give away my organs, provided the hospital which gets it promises to match my generosity and waives off the operation fees for the recipient, you know, because 'it's a good thing to do'.

A similar kind of scam is operated in hospitals during childbirths. 80% of childbirths in India are happening through C-section, which is quite unnatural. The Women and Child Health ministry has sent a notice to hospitals who have an unnaturally high rate of C-section and no natural births. They claim that there was a complication and start a C-section because it pays more, even though a natural birth was very much possible. So they are already tearing up Indian bodies left and right and meddling with our organs. Might as well do that for the illegals too. Whenever an illegal comes to the hospital for delivery, just tie up her tubes.

Indians have started realizing the scams and doctors are being beaten up all over India. It has become the national sport of India.


Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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@Project Dharma

Slightly unrelated : The massive organ donation campaign advertising which happened in 2017 is also indicative of the organ shortage in the market. The amusing thing is that they expect us to give away our organs for free, because 'it's a good thing to do', but once you donate your organs to the hospital, does the hospital give it to the recipient for free? pff..

I'd be happy to give away my organs, provided the hospital which gets it promises to match my generosity and waives off the operation fees for the recipient, you know, because 'it's a good thing to do'.

A similar kind of scam is operated in hospitals during childbirths. 80% of childbirths in India are happening through C-section, which is quite unnatural. The Women and Child Health ministry has sent a notice to hospitals who have an unnaturally high rate of C-section and no natural births. They claim that there was a complication and start a C-section because it pays more, even though a natural birth was very much possible. So they are already tearing up Indian bodies left and right and meddling with our organs. Might as well do that for the illegals too. Whenever an illegal comes to the hospital for delivery, just tie up her tubes.

Indians have started realizing the scams and doctors are being beaten up all over India. It has become the national sport of India.

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Sir, personally the thought of organ transplantation icks me out particularly as a religious person. When my time is up, it is up. But maybe I would change my mind if a loved one was in that situation.

I am in favor of forced sterilization of illegals but also of legal citizens who have more kids than they can afford. In my opinion, the government should guarantee education and some form of food subsidy for upto one kid. Allow people after a certain income threshold have more than one kid but make them pay for raising the poorer kids. Parents that only have one kid don't need to pay. Or something along those lines.

For profit healthcare is the same everywhere. As somebody who has a close association with the medical profession through family, I have seen first hand how some doctors (mostly Indian unfortunately) prey on the old and the destitute and milk the government funded health programs here in America. It is probably slightly better here because of speedy justice that is meted out if caught.

P.S. my cousin has done an MBBS in India. Now in order to have a serious chance of making it in his profession he needs further education. The problem is that his parents have already spent close to 30 Lakh on his degree. Now he needs to spend 50 lakh more assuming he can't get into a private college (very very competitive, he couldn't get a seat in private even with 94% in 12th). The only kids who can afford such expensive degrees are those who will join their parent's family hospital. So it is a money minting enterprise.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
we first need to turn that population pro - India. Otherwise we are just going to get another insurgency
Allah maaf kare, but this is not true at all.

Compare the hypothetical future scenario with the current situation, not with the ideal situation. Will it be better than current situation? definitely!

What would you rather deal with, a population that is hostile to you and an inimical army that has suzerainty over them? or a population that is hostile to you with no hostile army? Right now, they are firing machine guns, mortars and artillery weapons, training and sending BAT teams from POK. When we capture that, all of that will stop. The locals might throw stones but that is much better than having our soldiers killed in the current cross border firing scenario. Ownership is 9/10th of the law.

When we seize control of that land, we will install our own mobile towers, internet connectivity and other things, so intel gathering will be easier. We can patrol the entire POK so there will be no training camps sending terrorists into Jammu. Capturing POK doesn't mean we have to allow free movement of POK people into J&K. We can contain them in that quarantine zone like we have contained Indians from buying land in J&K.

If you keep waiting for Muslims to be pro-India, then we will be waiting forever. There's never going to be a time when they will start chanting Bharat Mata Ki jai. We have had Hyderabad since a long time and those jihadis are still anti-India to the core. They support Pakistan in cricket matches, they put up Pakistani flags in their neighborhoods, block Hindu festivals etc, but still our internal intel agencies can keep tabs on them and arrest them as and when necessary. That is still better than allowing them to have an independent country in Hyderabad until they become fully pro-India. Then they would have started firing artillery rounds from Hyderabad into mainland India.

Our aim should be to deny strategic land to Muslims and contain them. The hearts and minds can be won later, grab their balls first.
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Project Dharma

Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Allah maaf kare, but this is not true at all.

Compare the hypothetical situation where we capture POK, with the current situation, not with the ideal situation. Will it be better than current situation? definitely!

What would you rather deal with, a population that is hostile to you and an inimical army that has suzerainty over them? or a population that is hostile to you with no hostile army? Right now, they are firing machine guns, mortars and artillery weapons, training and sending BAT teams from POK. When we capture that, all of that will stop. The locals might throw stones but that is much better than having our soldiers killed in the current cross border firing scenario. Ownership is 9/10th of the law.

When we seize control of that land, we will install our own mobile towers, internet connectivity and other things, so intel gathering will be easier. We can patrol the entire POK so there will be no training camps sending terrorists into Jammu. Capturing POK doesn't mean we have to allow free movement of POK people into J&K. We can contain them in that quarantine like we have contained Indians from buying land in J&K.

If you keep waiting for Muslims to be pro-India, then we will be waiting forever. There's never going to be a time when they will start chanting Gayatri Mantra. We have had Hyderabad since a long time and those jihadis are still anti-India to the core. They support Pakistan in cricket matches, they put up Pakistani flags in their neighborhoods, block Hindu festivals etc, but still our internal intel agencies can keep tabs on them and arrest them as and when necessary. That is still better than allowing them to have an independent country in Hyderabad until they become fully pro-India. Then they would have started firing artillery rounds from Hyderabad into mainland India.

Our aim should be to deny strategic land to Muslims. The hearts and minds can be won later, grab their balls first.

Not only strategic land, it is our land. The population be damned why should we give up our territory. Also, I think the Kashmiri jihad serves the useful purpose of keeping our troops combat ready and battle hardened. Better than shooting bullets at stationary targets. :laugh:


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
Not only strategic land, it is our land. The population be damned why should we give up our territory. Also, I think the Kashmiri jihad serves the useful purpose of keeping our troops combat ready and battle hardened. Better than shooting bullets at stationary targets. :laugh:

I meant it in a broader sense. We must deny strategic land to Muslim armies all over the globe. For example, Baluchistan, which is technically not our land but it is sitting on large deposits of oil and gas, and it is not in our interest for any Muslim army, neither Pakistan, nor Iran to have access to it.

Kashmir, Baluchistan, Suez Canal, Malacca Strait, these 4 are strategic places currently under Muslim control which give them more leverage than necessary. The latter two are Naval choke points through which 90% of global shipping passes. In the even of a war, they can blackmail the whole world using these choke points.

The US is very clear in their strategy, one cannot defeat an ideology by counter-ideology, they only defeated Nazism and Communism by physically denying them land access.

PS : This happened yesterday, was this before or after the Lahore blast? some NDS vs ISI thingy going on : @airtel

29 dead in Kabul car bomb attack claimed by Taliban


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
Quoting Dhurva jaishankar, his father is S jaishankar senior diplomat, foreign secretary and ex Ambassador of China.

"Evidently, while the Indian side is trying to create wiggle room for de-escalation, the nature of the Chinese response is not proving particularly helpful. De-escalation without one or another side losing face thus becomes harder," said Brookings India Fellow Dhruva Jaishankar.

thats sumed up the whole story till now......

ye thi khabrey abb tak.....


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
Why are the chinese writing so many shit articles one after another every single day ..Remember the more then write the more its headache for their Premier only which is going to put him in direct pressure to act against india sooner or later ..Well the PLA don't need the approval of chinese population to go for war with india or take any military action ..what they are doing exactly is trying to show as the aggressor and paint a picture as if that if we are not taught a lesson now tomorrow we may even attempt to take Tibet away from their control ..Look how things changed after the OBOR summit in Beijing two countries ignored it and both two are in the stand off today ..India and Bhutan which i am sure avoided the summit on our request..So Xi has taken it very personal the insult by two of his neighbours and might have decided to teach a lesson to the tiny one first and was caught surprised by the reaction from India in supporting the tiny bhutan ..What ever we have done so far looks perfect as of now ..But from now here where it goes will tell us the clear picture ..Lets not forget this part of the year July to september is like terrible time to enter most of the LAC because of the heavy rains ...Let the winter come we may sure see some movements happening in the LAC for sure ..

1962 and 1967 all happened in the month of september and october and that is when this time also if the chinese wants to escalate will do it not before that ...Lets fast track our procurement of ammunitions ASAP and gear up if they are ready to attack us lets hope our political leadership and the Generals give the best reply ..
why chinese are are giving daily warning ?
coz thats what they can do !!!


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
There's no greater evidence for lack of inaction on the frontiers than the learned maulanas getting into philosophical exchanges on the LoC/LAC action thread...

Keep them coming gentlemen..


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
All the smart folks will just sit back and watch two foes attack and weaken each other as they swoop in for the kill. Don't expect Trump or anyone else to come to our aid if Napaki hits the fan..Neither will anyone come to Cheen's aid. Napakis may stir up the border but that's it.


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
@Project Dharma Attachment is a very distinctly Indian thing. The Horse was to the Mongols what Cows are to us, but the Mongols used to eat the horses as staple diet. We never do that to our cows, as they are treated like our family members. The Mughals used to kill their own fathers in the line of succession, Hindu kings never did that. Same is the case with organs. It is unlikely to work in India because we don't think in pure profit-loss terms. But we should do that to our enemies.

First there was a blast in kabul and then lahore.
Really good response time by the NDS. Imagine if the Peshawar school attack happened on the same day as 26/11, what an awesome co-incidence it would have been. It's been 10 years and we keep killing Hafize Saeed only in Bollywood movies. We've already killed him thrice, now he must be asking for royalty fees from Bollywood.

The Khayali Pulao is strong in this one. :pound:


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
In an ideal world Gujral would have been executed for treason.
In an ideal world someone like Gujral would never have been allowed within a 100 feet of the office of the Prime minister of one of the biggest democracies in the world.

He was best suited to a ideological think thank sort of position where he could vacillate and pontificate all that he wanted along with his brother and his best friend Babhani Sen Gupta.
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Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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LOL, we were talking about harvesting organs of illegal Bangladeshi's after that Noida incident. Unlimited organs free of cost, and a profitable venture too.

PS: Totally Made in India.
Not made, but definitely manufactured in India.


Senior Member
Feb 12, 2014
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They don't have legal papers anyway, just start taking their organs, and blood. Not kidding.

The private hospitals are already doing that to us; Might as well do that to the illegals. There are many stories where people have reported that hospitals admitted people for minor ailments, induced a coma with injection, extracted ICU fees for a month, then declared them dead and stole their organs during postmortem. It's not like anyone checks after the body is handed to us.

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The kidney racket is slightly less smooth because the person realizes that something is off after he wakes up.

Check the names, all big brands. Apollo, Hiranandani, Fortis. It a 'multi-billion rupee scandal' so it's not a one off thing. It's standard procedure.
Well, good. Lets start giving free "health checkups" to bangladeshis via Apollo, Hiranandani & Fortis.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
Senior Member
Oct 13, 2015
Since the standoff going on at Chinese front our logistics abilities warrants a particular mention.

While an entire Mi 17 unit attached with a division will provide sufficient tonnage for an entire day and airlift 1500 soldiers in 10 sorties.

But using this Giant Mi 26 into operations :-

1. A single Mi 26 can lift as much as entire AN 12 cargo aircraft

2. Two Mi 26 can do the work of entire Mi 17 squadron :)


More pics of this beast from Chinese front will be posted soon

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