LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Do not confuse media with those in the polity (at least not all of them).

For the Japanese, their entire "self defence" posture is geared towards China, with some bit set aside for Russia and NoKo. Plus, the US presence in there helps, immensely.

Japanese understand the Chinese psyche very well, perhaps like no other, they have had trade and cultural exchanges for two millennia; they have fought and even ruled over parts of China.

It's also far easier for Japanese to keep track of Chinese language media where bulk of these reports are published. Despite the divergence in the languages and the varied use of Chinese characters, there are enough commonalities and Japanese scholars are well versed in classical and contemporary Chinese.
Japan is a country that many Chinese loath and are fascinated by in equal measures


Regular Member
Feb 7, 2017
The Communist Youth League is the party's massive youth organization. The group has been led by former President Hu and incumbent Premier Li. Hu Chunhua also belongs to the faction.
This fraction is already under pretty much Xis control...The main problem for him is Jiang Zemin one..in & committee Politburo ..Xi able to replace all pro Jiang member except 3..who are last standing..probably in this congress Xi going to get rid of those 3 too....one pro Xi member mean 5-2 .no chance for Jiang to influence it policy..
I wonder what is 93 year old Jiang Zemins interest in power ? may be it's against Xi..
The Chen guy , probably Xi going to built him like Putin build Medneved ..It's really interesting to see that CCP collapsing from inside..once Xi get absolute power..he will become Putin 2 for sure...I am sure he not going to let worthless CCP to influence his decision any longer then...


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
We would have reacted by now if china had scrambled any jets inside tibet. It cannot be hidden. Plus air power is a highly escalatory step to begin with. Shooting if any is going to start a local skirmish
by air i mean by fighter jets as well as missiles..........why i am saying this is , thats where they have the numbers.....
by ground force , it will be next to imposible for them to beat our positions in the area..


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
by air i mean by fighter jets as well as missiles..........why i am saying this is , thats where they have the numbers.....
by ground force , it will be next to imposible for them to beat our positions in the area..
And when will Kalki come? before the air strike or after the air strike?


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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In last two weeks, not many cross border infiltration encounters..

Is it because of paki sniping or number of infiltrations are down?


Senior Member
Jul 4, 2013
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Interesting comment see on en.people.cn on Sun Zhengcai

What a fall! Just last year, he was praised by no less than The Core. Now, he disappears - just five days of publicly vowing absolute loyalty to The Core and extolling his “superlative political wisdom".
This is an obvious move by The Core to consolidate power and to ensure no challenge. The Core probably feels threatened as after the serious loss of face at Doklam, the knives will be out for him in October during the Party Congress. He's essentially sending a message across that he'll be ruthless if he is challenged. Before the Party Congress, The Core wants to make sure he gets as many seats as possible at the Politburo level.
Of course, it is also likely that The Core is getting greedy and wants to prepare grounds for continuing in power after two terms.


Strategic Issues
Senior Member
Oct 28, 2016
old news may 2013.....could be relevent in present case...

India-China border face-off ends, armies withdraw
Edited by Sindhu Manjesh | Updated: May 06, 2013 09:21 IST

Ladakh: China and India have simultaneously withdrawn their troops from the face-off point at Daulat Beg Oldie near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh. Sources said the agreement was reached after intense negotiations via diplomatic channels and the modalities were worked out at a flag meeting between Indian and Chinese commanders today.

The National Security Advisor briefed the Prime Minister about the withdrawal, which sources said, was completed at 7:30 pm on Sunday .

"Am glad behind the scenes tough negotiations worked with China rather than public bluster," RPN Singh, Minister of State in the Home Ministry, tweeted this morning.

This ends the deadlock that began when Chinese troops set up camp 19 km inside Indian territory in the Depsang Valley near the LAC, the de facto border. Soon after, India set up its own post just 500 metres away.

Both sides have now withdrawn their troops to positions held prior to April 15, the "status quo" that India had pushed for and China had not agreed to in three previous flag meetings.



Pankaj Khanna
Regular Member
Jul 24, 2017
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Couple of questions:

1. Is it just the psychological warfare which China is upto? Or can it seriously lead to some fireworks?
2. What’s the level of troop deployment from both sides in the area? Any mobilization yet?


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Couple of questions:

1. Is it just the psychological warfare which China is upto? Or can it seriously lead to some fireworks?
2. What’s the level of troop deployment from both sides in the area? Any mobilization yet?
they are building consensus that India is the aggressor and only after ground work is done they will charge
both sides are fully prepared
Feb 16, 2009
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Couple of questions:

1. Is it just the psychological warfare which China is upto? Or can it seriously lead to some fireworks?
2. What’s the level of troop deployment from both sides in the area? Any mobilization yet?
Anything China does will have to involve their airforce, have you heard of any warplane sorties??
Have they brought any pile of junk they call warplanes to use??


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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Neither side has the guts to do this. If you were china would you rely on pak?? a four
time loser.
What ever Pak would do this would have no loss on Chinese side and nothing would be traced to china. :)

See, neither India is confronting Chinese Directly nor Chinese confronting India directly

What ever is happening is not on either's territory

It is some territory what both sides claim but administered by some third country.

Dokhlam in Bhutan
PoK in Pak.

Neither India has access to these in case of POK nor China has access to these in case of Dokhlam.

The loss would be strategic not territorial

Flame Thrower

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2016
Kind of offtopic but interesting. Sheer dumb luck or lack of courage lol

Bull charges towards the red flag...

It is rather that Bull is made to charge! period!
Would like to hold the flag or charge!? You can't be both. Now before you talk about bull hitting the flag holder. It's probability of occuring is less than one in million.

I'd not make strategy one 1 in million chances to succeed.

Yes, Pak intruded into Kargil and other sectors.

Bombing that base would result in what!?...A possible full fledged war between nuclear states thus forcing UN and whole world to intervene, maybe India forced to say sorry for its stupid (!?) Act. Thus leaving the Kargil question in answered. In short, huge Victory to Pak(even both idiots are killed or injured doesn't make much).

Are you so narrow minded to look down the path or do you think everyone else is a fool!!!

Remember, we were in economic struggle. Importing ammo at thrice cost. Negotiating for PGMs to hit Pak army in Kargil. Most of all the aim was to retake Kargil without asking for more sanctions and get back what was lost due to intelligence failure.

We achieved our objectives perfectly.

Attacking them would cause havoc, nuclear option will be put open by Pak...India will be under pressure

Ajai Shukla indirectly calls it as sheer dumb luck, but it was well thought out decision. If we read the article, it states that the Pilot was instructed not to hit the base(which he was about to). Not sure whether this is regarding hitting both idiots.(but I believe sortie was intended to target both otherwise this op details would have surfaced long ago. Not only that, IAF never tried to target Pak base till 24 the June. Why sudden decision after nearly 50 days of war started!?)

I also remember another incident when. PAF F 16 was targeted by MiG 29 which was unable to break BVR lock. Missile wasn't fired to prevent the escalation.

Who all remember the worst days of sanctions.

I still remember those worst days

When you're in school, every child is called out into ground just to fly paper planes. I remember this very well. Couple of days ago, I was punished for doing same in the class.
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