LOC, LAC & International Border skirmishs

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Feb 17, 2017
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but why subramaniam swamy & some other bjp members are supporting gorkhaland issue ?
If we support Gorkha land, we make the Gorkha people pro Indians. What good is Mamta Bano doing for India except for sheltering Bangladeshi refugees and igniting the fire of radical Islam. By a separate state of Gorkha land or a union territory, we ensure that in the event of conflict with China, these Gorkha people fight alongside indian forces to defeat Chinese aggression. We can deal with radical Islam and Mamta Bano later.


New Member
Feb 27, 2010
Idiot Nehru gave it on platter. US wanted India to be in security council but nehru insisted to make China a UN member State as western nations didn't even made China a normal member.
you need to learn some history. "The Security Council consists of fifteen members. The great powers that were the victors of World War II—the Soviet Union (now represented by Russia), the United Kingdom, France, Republic of China (now represented by the People's Republic of China), and the United States—serve as the body's five permanent members. These permanent members can veto any substantive Security Council resolution, including those on the admission of new member states or candidates for Secretary-General."
When China became the permanent member of United Nations Security Council in 1945, there was no country named India in the world, just colony of British. India gave China a chance?! give me a break!

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Don't get your panties in a twist bud. He is talking about 1950 when both the Russians and the Americans proposed replacing the Chinks with India. Nehru was a pussy who didn't want to offend the Chinks so he said no.

you need to learn some history. "The Security Council consists of fifteen members. The great powers that were the victors of World War II—the Soviet Union (now represented by Russia), the United Kingdom, France, Republic of China (now represented by the People's Republic of China), and the United States—serve as the body's five permanent members. These permanent members can veto any substantive Security Council resolution, including those on the admission of new member states or candidates for Secretary-General."
When China became the permanent member of United Nations Security Council in 1945, there was no country named India in the world, just colony of British. India gave China a chance?! give me a break!


New Member
May 30, 2017
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Whatever the fu*k that means:scared2:
The communist pigpublic of China was accepted into UN in 1971
Till then it was the Taiwanese govt. Accepted that syphilitic nehru supported acceptance of Communist chinis into UNSC. What a fucking moron:frusty:


Strategic Issues
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Oct 28, 2016
Indian Army aggression along LoC leaves Pakistan guessing; cannot even reveal number of dead soldiers

Indian Army’s aggressive stance at the LoC, as part of a renewed approach towards counter-insurgency operations in Kashmir, appears to have rattled the Pakistani army. After the famous Uri terror attack in 2016, and India’s surgical strikes, the frequency, intensity and volume of ceasefire violations have reached pre-2003 levels. Meanwhile, according to a report in Pakistani newspaper Dawn, ministers in the neighbouring country are not able to reveal the number of troops who got killed recently. The report quoted Pakistan’s Minister of State for Water and Power Abid Sher Ali as saying, “We do not want our enemy to know how many soldiers laid down their lives.” :pound:This comes after India has been carrying out punitive fire assaults against Pakistani posts which are known to provide cover fire to militants who try to sneak into Jammu and Kashmir.

The massive exchange of firing along the LoC in recent months has been characterised by India’s departure from the past, as the Army itself has officially said it is proactively targeting Pakistani posts at the border. Meanwhile, before the recent acts, Indian Army usually asserted that its firing was only in response to Pakistani violations of the ceasefire. Interestingly, the Indian Army had released a video of a Pakistani post being targeted, to which the Pakistanis had responded with a few videos of their own, but denied by India. While this game will probably continue for the foreseeable future, it won’t be a far cry to say that the Pakistan government is rattled by the actions taken by India.

Both India and Pakistan have exchanged heavy fire in recent weeks. Ceasefire violations along the LoC usually go up during the summer because the snow melts and mountain passes open, making it easier for militants to enter. Additionally, Pakistani troops give cover fire to infiltrators. Meanwhile, the reason Pak ministers do not want to share the information regarding the death of its soldier are being cited as ‘security measure’, but it has also been stressed that such data cannot be withheld from the Senate.

after chinese mention to enter j&k , this was bound to happen.......


Strategic Issues
New Member
Oct 28, 2016
Whatever the fu*k that means:scared2:
The communist pigpublic of China was accepted into UN in 1971
Till then it was the Taiwanese govt. Accepted that syphilitic nehru supported acceptance of Communist chinis into UNSC. What a fucking moron:frusty:
even ayub khan had better sight then nehru....1960 , ayub khan proposed to sign a security treaty with india to fight collectively in case of a chinese agresssion.....


New Member
Feb 7, 2017
When China became the permanent member of United Nations Security Council in 1945, there was no country named India in the world, just colony of British. India gave China a chance?! give me a break!
In 1945 that Republic of China which now only shrink to Taiwan ....UNSC seat is given to CHINA not any private land of CCP...
The moment ROC escape to Taiwan in 1949 , US,UK knows that the loss of credibility of ROC is matter of time..the seat must be redistributed..but to who ????
Thats where Nehru made the mess..we sacrifice far mre soldier during both WW1 and WW2 ...we just need to convince capitalist power who are majority in UNSC about our role and accomplishment ....but socialist Robot sacrifice it against commi bhai-bhai mujra....the NAM of Nehru can't even condemn USSR invasion of Hungery ..it's funny how they claim it Neutral allience ...
Where Mao greatly use USSR-CCP rift to come close to USA and grab the seat...CCP is member of UNSC from 1971 ..not from 1945


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Sep 7, 2015
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If a brigadier rank officer of the porkies is killed in indian retalliation then indeed it is a great victory for us. Till now we were targeting forward posts of the PA which were providing cover fire to the infiltrating terrorist. but seems the IA is now targeting battalion and brigade headquarters which is a change in strategy. this is my guess since the brigadier is most likely to reside in the brigade headquarters.
Right! Remember what happened some years ago when we blasted the Battalion HQ of 19 Baloch? Many Paki officers and OR were blown to shreds!! I think we're doing just that. This brigadier most likely may have been killed whilst visiting forward posts.

And WTF does this sentence mean uttered whenever some Porki of the Islamic Army gets roasted? "Ina lillah e wa inna ilaihe rajeoon".

Project Dharma

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Oct 4, 2016
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Right! Remember what happened some years ago when we blasted the Battalion HQ of 19 Baloch? Many Paki officers and OR were blown to shreds!! I think we're doing just that. This brigadier most likely may have been killed whilst visiting forward posts.

And WTF does this sentence mean uttered whenever some Porki of the Islamic Army gets roasted? "Ina lillah e wa inna ilaihe rajeoon".
Kind of the Islamic counterpart to the Christian "ashes to ashes.." It means we belong to Allah and we go back to Him after our time is done.


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Jun 1, 2017
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Since often one of the advantages India is said to have is acclimatisation & speed of mobilization given the terrain, Does this mean the longer conflict is delayed we will be more at disadvantage?


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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smaller states are easy to manage .....
Separate Gorkha state may not happen too soon even though bjp supports it, just like bjp has been supporting vidharba, bundelkhand bt never let that happen. It gives an opportunity to bjp to enter w.bengal and create a voter base. Plus gives a lever to operate over mamta bibi. Bengal has bn in total chaos ever since she came into power.

hammer head

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Nov 11, 2016
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Since often one of the advantages India is said to have is acclimatization & speed of mobilization given the terrain, Does this mean the long conflict is delayed we will be more at disadvantage?
I strongly feel that the Chinese will open up multiple fronts, Minus Doklam as they cannot afford to fight their.
If we assimilate all the ongoing activities in terms of
  1. Chinese Envoys meeting secretly with Pappu ( badly kept secret)
  2. The Communist party asking to let Bhutan Fight its own war.
  3. Mumtaz Bano attacking center on Foreign policy etc.
  4. Smearing Tension in Darjeeling for Gorkhaland.
These things are coming straight from SUN TZUs text book, These are War Indicators and these indicators are too strong to simply be passed as general Rhetorics.

The Chinese Western zone military command which will over see War with India is all geared up, It is for the first time that the Chinese will be putting to test their new military zone concept as all the resources of the PLA and PLAAF willl be poured in together along with the logistics.

The Chinese army is yet to stream line their the joint manship if reports are to be believed ( within the IA) .

I don't wish to discuss what preparations are going on our side, but i am sure Gurus here and the Chaiwala network are aware.
Lastly we will not fire the first Bullet but we will ensure if fired upon Hakka Noodles shall be served in plenty.


Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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I strongly feel that the Chinese will open up multiple fronts, Minus Doklam as they cannot afford to fight their.
If we assimilate all the ongoing activities in terms of
  1. Chinese Envoys meeting secretly with Pappu ( badly kept secret)
  2. The Communist party asking to let Bhutan Fight its own war.
  3. Mumtaz Bano attacking center on Foreign policy etc.
  4. Smearing Tension in Darjeeling for Gorkhaland.
These things are coming straight from SUN TZUs text book, These are War Indicators and these indicators are too strong to simply be passed as general Rhetorics.

The Chinese Western zone military command which will over see War with India is all geared up, It is for the first time that the Chinese will be putting to test their new military zone concept as all the resources of the PLA and PLAAF willl be poured in together along with the logistics.

The Chinese army is yet to stream line their the joint manship if reports are to be believed ( within the IA) .

I don't wish to discuss what preparations are going on our side, but i am sure Gurus here and the Chaiwala network are aware.
Lastly we will not fire the first Bullet but we will ensure if fired upon Hakka Noodles shall be served in plenty.
Bhai if IA captures a few noodle makers then please send at least 1 momo to my house.

I will contact the veteran I met in Sikkim.


Mera Bharat mahan
New Member
Mar 19, 2016
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Sir, even they have to worry about tensions with Taiwan, Japan and USA and they can't deploy their entire forces either. A substantial majority of their forces are tied up as well.
We are at advantage at this point,having interacted with veterans and some military experts,they clearly say one thing-china is capable of bullying not fighting.

They have rampant corruption in their army,it's a political institution,their generals and commanders are loyal to CCP but they are not meritorious,their is lack network and info centric warfare.

They have numerical superiority but we have better tactical planning and more motivated leadership and command.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
The biggest problems the Cheenis have at this place is logistics. I don't mean the infra but the supply lines. Have a look at the map and see what I mean.

In the meantime, it'll be interesting to see how the international community responds. Japan and SoKo and Aussies in particular will keep a very close watch. US is committed to their aid in case of an attack.

An Indo-China border skirmish will be perfect for these players to see and analyse Cheeni tactics, mobilisation, strategies, logistics etc and also how India responds to these. All of these will provide very valuable data to be fed into their own strategies and preparations. Secondly, they would be very careful to see how external aid can be funnelled into the theatre as that too would form a important cog in their own plans. A belligerent China will waste no time in turning against them next.

The key thing is that no one is talking except the Cheenis and their mouthpieces..We are certainly keeping our cards close to our chest.
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