LOC, LAC & IB skirmishs

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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Why Doklam standoff is not good for Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of BRICS Summit, CPC Congress

Doklam standoff looks like a 'salami slicing' project gone wrong for Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of BRICS Summit in China and 19th Congress of the CPC.

Most of the border trespasses or infringements by troops occur due to overenthusiastic local commanders, who just go overboard. The senior poeple or the decision makers in the government come into the picture a little later and take a stand with certain objectives in mind. But, Doklam seems to be a different case .

As reports from the ground suggest, Doklam standoff began after Chinese troops pulled down a couple of watchtowers and followed it up by destroying two bunkers built by the Indian Army for logistic support for patrolling in the region. Chinese troops were in the region to construct a highway.

The Doklam move by the People's Liberation Army of China has come in accordance with the broad Chinese policy towards border relations with India. Chinese policy has had three contours:

  • To strengthen its infrastructure by building roads, bridges and other permanent structures in the region where China is in stronger position
  • To further 'salami slicing' in areas where both Indian and Chinese troops jostle for dominance and patrol at different times
  • To needle India from time to time to test water where Chinese are in weaker position
Doklam has elements of both second and third contours of border policy. On ground, Indian forces occupy the edge of the hills and hence are in stronger position but this region is patrolled by the troops of both the sides. Indian troops have been patrolling the site of standoff for decades while Chinese do come and go occasionally.

Now that the Doklam standoff is in its third month, Chinese objectives seem to have fallen in disarray. The Doklam standoff is most likely to damage the standing of Chinese President Xi Jinping both domestically and internationally. China cannot pull back its troops without losing its face and staying there is posing problems to Beijing and Xi Jinping.


The ninth BRICS Summit is slated for September 3-5 and will be held at Xiamen in China. This year's theme of the BRICS Summit is "Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future" but Doklam standoff has put a question mark on "Partnership".

Responding to a question last, the Ministry of External Affairs said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's participation was not yet certain. MEA spokesperson Ravish Kumar said, "At this stage I can't confirm about PM Modi going to China. I will let you know if there are any further developments in this regard."

If PM Modi does not take part in the BRICS Summit in the wake of Doklam standoff, it will be a second major snub to Xi Jinping after his One Belt On Road initiative. Modi staying from BRICS would also mean a 'flop' Summit that Xi Jinping can hardly afford at a time when it is pushing hard to emerge as the strongest economic superpower in the world especially when US President Donald Trump is being viewed as 'unpredictable' in his policies.

Since its first summit in 2009, BRICS has been the alternative economic voice of the world in contrast to the one dominated by the US and European Union.

China and India have worked together at several other platforms including the World Economic Forum, the World Trade Organisation as BRICS partners to prevent the western bloc from having its say on key issues including agriculture and climate change. It will not augur well for Xi Jinping if Xiamen BRICS Summit fails after a rather successful Goa edition last year in India.


The Communist Party of China will be holding its 19th Congress later this year. It is expected to be held in two months after the BRICS Summit. Dates are not yet final but Xi Jinping will surely try to consolidate his position in the Congress, which will see a new make-up of the top leadership.

The polit buro and polit buro standing committee will get a new look. On account of age, only Xi Jinping and Chinese Premier Le Kiqiang will enter the new polit buro of the CPC. Speculations are rife that Xi Jinping has plans to fill the posts in the polit buro standing committee with his own proteges. But, with Doklam not going China's way, Xi Jinping may find some opposition in the Congress.


China has not got much support from the international community over Doklam. Ever since, the standoff over Doklam began, China insisted that India should withdraw before any talks could be held. After two months, none of the countries has come in its support. Not even Pakistan has said it openly.

On the other hand, the US, the UK and Japan have backed India's stand one way or the other. While the US and the UK said that India and China should resolve the standoff bilaterally through dialogue, Japan went further to accuse China of being provocative saying that "no one should try to change the status quo" what the PLA tried to do by attempting to build a highway in the disputed region.

China's 'salami slicing' policy may see India deepening its strategic ties with the US and Japan further. Chinese expansionist policy is being challenged in the east by the US-Vietnam-Japan alliance. India may work more closely with the already existing alliance making it more difficult for Xi Jinping in explaining Doklam standoff to his own partymen.

While Doklam standoff continued, India, the US and Japan held annual Malabar Naval Exercise. Australia has been keen on joining the naval exercise for some time. India had in the past cited some technical issue. But, Following Doklam, India may walk a few extra miles to let Australia join the Malabar exercise. China is the biggest trading partner of Australia. If Australia joins the Malabar exercise, which China sees as directed against it, Xi Jinping may actually see an ally drifting a bit.

One of the objectives of Doklam standoff appears to be winning away Bhutan from India. But, after India stood its ground firm, this Chinese objective does not seem to be fulfilled this time around. This will come as another failure of Xi Jinping. Bhutan continues to be the only Chinese neighbour having no diplomatic relation with it.

Doklam standoff is turning out to be second successive loss of face for Xi Jinping with regard to his India policy after New Delhi snubbed China over One Belt One Road initiative. This follows a very pompous visit by Xi Jinping to India in 2014 and a successful Goa BRICS Summit last year.


It is being widely speculated that Xi Jinping may push for a tradition-breaking third term as the President of China. No Chinese President after Mao Zedong has enjoyed such a long term in office. But, Xi Jinping has been dropping hints about his ambitious plan.

In 2016, Xi Jinping got his position elevated to the "core leader". This year, Xi Jinping became the first Chinese leader after Mao to be publicly addressed by the PLA forces as the "Chairman". But, with Doklam mishandling, Xi Jinping may find it difficult to explain his stand in the Congress. Xi Jinping is said to be keen to get the approval of the Congress for another term in 2022. The CPC Congress is held every five years.

Despite high-octane cries for war and rhetoric of 1962, a full-fledged war over Doklam is not worth for China. And, Xi Jinping cannot expect India to back off over short war. Chinese army cannot have its say at Doklam because Indian troops are better positioned strategically.

To make India reconsider its stand over Doklam, China will have to escalate it over other sectors of boundary or use air force. Both will send wrong signals to the world and bring two nuclear powers in direct conflict. This may also work against Chinese emphasis on economic geo-strategy. Doklam standoff has left Xi Jinping in, what could be called, a constipated situation.:rofl:



Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Why Doklam standoff is not good for Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of BRICS Summit, CPC Congress

Doklam standoff looks like a 'salami slicing' project gone wrong for Chinese President Xi Jinping ahead of BRICS Summit in China and 19th Congress of the CPC.

Most of the border trespasses or infringements by troops occur due to overenthusiastic local commanders, who just go overboard. The senior poeple or the decision makers in the government come into the picture a little later and take a stand with certain objectives in mind. But, Doklam seems to be a different case .

As reports from the ground suggest, Doklam standoff began after Chinese troops pulled down a couple of watchtowers and followed it up by destroying two bunkers built by the Indian Army for logistic support for patrolling in the region. Chinese troops were in the region to construct a highway.

The Doklam move by the People's Liberation Army of China has come in accordance with the broad Chinese policy towards border relations with India. Chinese policy has had three contours:

  • To strengthen its infrastructure by building roads, bridges and other permanent structures in the region where China is in stronger position
  • To further 'salami slicing' in areas where both Indian and Chinese troops jostle for dominance and patrol at different times
  • To needle India from time to time to test water where Chinese are in weaker position
Doklam has elements of both second and third contours of border policy. On ground, Indian forces occupy the edge of the hills and hence are in stronger position but this region is patrolled by the troops of both the sides. Indian troops have been patrolling the site of standoff for decades while Chinese do come and go occasionally.

Now that the Doklam standoff is in its third month, Chinese objectives seem to have fallen in disarray. The Doklam standoff is most likely to damage the standing of Chinese President Xi Jinping both domestically and internationally. China cannot pull back its troops without losing its face and staying there is posing problems to Beijing and Xi Jinping.


The ninth BRICS Summit is slated for September 3-5 and will be held at Xiamen in China. This year's theme of the BRICS Summit is "Stronger Partnership for a Brighter Future" but Doklam standoff has put a question mark on "Partnership".

Responding to a question last, the Ministry of External Affairs said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's participation was not yet certain. MEA spokesperson Ravish Kumar said, "At this stage I can't confirm about PM Modi going to China. I will let you know if there are any further developments in this regard."

If PM Modi does not take part in the BRICS Summit in the wake of Doklam standoff, it will be a second major snub to Xi Jinping after his One Belt On Road initiative. Modi staying from BRICS would also mean a 'flop' Summit that Xi Jinping can hardly afford at a time when it is pushing hard to emerge as the strongest economic superpower in the world especially when US President Donald Trump is being viewed as 'unpredictable' in his policies.

Since its first summit in 2009, BRICS has been the alternative economic voice of the world in contrast to the one dominated by the US and European Union.

China and India have worked together at several other platforms including the World Economic Forum, the World Trade Organisation as BRICS partners to prevent the western bloc from having its say on key issues including agriculture and climate change. It will not augur well for Xi Jinping if Xiamen BRICS Summit fails after a rather successful Goa edition last year in India.


The Communist Party of China will be holding its 19th Congress later this year. It is expected to be held in two months after the BRICS Summit. Dates are not yet final but Xi Jinping will surely try to consolidate his position in the Congress, which will see a new make-up of the top leadership.

The polit buro and polit buro standing committee will get a new look. On account of age, only Xi Jinping and Chinese Premier Le Kiqiang will enter the new polit buro of the CPC. Speculations are rife that Xi Jinping has plans to fill the posts in the polit buro standing committee with his own proteges. But, with Doklam not going China's way, Xi Jinping may find some opposition in the Congress.


China has not got much support from the international community over Doklam. Ever since, the standoff over Doklam began, China insisted that India should withdraw before any talks could be held. After two months, none of the countries has come in its support. Not even Pakistan has said it openly.

On the other hand, the US, the UK and Japan have backed India's stand one way or the other. While the US and the UK said that India and China should resolve the standoff bilaterally through dialogue, Japan went further to accuse China of being provocative saying that "no one should try to change the status quo" what the PLA tried to do by attempting to build a highway in the disputed region.

China's 'salami slicing' policy may see India deepening its strategic ties with the US and Japan further. Chinese expansionist policy is being challenged in the east by the US-Vietnam-Japan alliance. India may work more closely with the already existing alliance making it more difficult for Xi Jinping in explaining Doklam standoff to his own partymen.

While Doklam standoff continued, India, the US and Japan held annual Malabar Naval Exercise. Australia has been keen on joining the naval exercise for some time. India had in the past cited some technical issue. But, Following Doklam, India may walk a few extra miles to let Australia join the Malabar exercise. China is the biggest trading partner of Australia. If Australia joins the Malabar exercise, which China sees as directed against it, Xi Jinping may actually see an ally drifting a bit.

One of the objectives of Doklam standoff appears to be winning away Bhutan from India. But, after India stood its ground firm, this Chinese objective does not seem to be fulfilled this time around. This will come as another failure of Xi Jinping. Bhutan continues to be the only Chinese neighbour having no diplomatic relation with it.

Doklam standoff is turning out to be second successive loss of face for Xi Jinping with regard to his India policy after New Delhi snubbed China over One Belt One Road initiative. This follows a very pompous visit by Xi Jinping to India in 2014 and a successful Goa BRICS Summit last year.


It is being widely speculated that Xi Jinping may push for a tradition-breaking third term as the President of China. No Chinese President after Mao Zedong has enjoyed such a long term in office. But, Xi Jinping has been dropping hints about his ambitious plan.

In 2016, Xi Jinping got his position elevated to the "core leader". This year, Xi Jinping became the first Chinese leader after Mao to be publicly addressed by the PLA forces as the "Chairman". But, with Doklam mishandling, Xi Jinping may find it difficult to explain his stand in the Congress. Xi Jinping is said to be keen to get the approval of the Congress for another term in 2022. The CPC Congress is held every five years.

Despite high-octane cries for war and rhetoric of 1962, a full-fledged war over Doklam is not worth for China. And, Xi Jinping cannot expect India to back off over short war. Chinese army cannot have its say at Doklam because Indian troops are better positioned strategically.

To make India reconsider its stand over Doklam, China will have to escalate it over other sectors of boundary or use air force. Both will send wrong signals to the world and bring two nuclear powers in direct conflict. This may also work against Chinese emphasis on economic geo-strategy. Doklam standoff has left Xi Jinping in, what could be called, a constipated situation.:rofl:

I think modi will go.......

If he doesn't go, we can safely assume that we are fully in American sphere of influence...

BRICS was supposed to a middle finger to Americans and European dominance.


Sep 7, 2015
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Doklam standoff: How Chinese media failed terribly in mocking India, became laughing stock globally

Doklam standoff: Chinese media's propaganda war against India on Doklam issue has failed to find any takers in the international community comprising of democratic nations.

It concludes: "Its time for China to understand its propaganda machinery can hardly convince the global community with fake claims. Unless, of course, the Communist country gets a dose of democracy for itself."

Are the commies listening?


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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I think modi will go.......

If he doesn't go, we can safely assume that we are fully in American sphere of influence...

BRICS was supposed to a middle finger to Americans and European dominance.
Looks like a high level official will be sent to BRICS.!!!

Its not about the American Influence, its about taking a political stance. India has a way of diplomatic dancing and sure it does awesome in it.
BRICS is a counter and it will remain so intact.
India has its priorities and its not BRICS that matters here, its the host, china that matters in here who is an inconsistent and unreliable nation diplomatically to deal with on any international deals.

"American influence" will what media will play out cuz a few factions(left and a few congies) in India would love to celebrate that angle, so will the WESTERN media play out in full then.
its all about driving home the point clear up Xi's soft orifice.
china has a lot of plans on BRICS and through BRICS to establish a clear stand at economic front, such a dilemma is setting its agenda back to many levels with a time frame china cant afford at this moment.
So India will take a tough stance, American or not, its in India's OWN interest.and it should be so.

BRICS will remain intact as a paralel, and at the same time, nations in BRICS will try to discipline china for its bad behaviour towards other nations in BRICS.
Thats how it should work and so will.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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It concludes: "Its time for China to understand its propaganda machinery can hardly convince the global community with fake claims. Unless, of course, the Communist country gets a dose of democracy for itself."

Are the commies listening?
seems like the commies inside the wall is very very much afraid about English speaking Han kids and other inbred chinese elsewhere in the world, especially the chinese living outside chinese sphere of influence.
Gobar times is on nitro to convince them that china is "good" and the entire world is "evil".


Regular Member
Jul 10, 2017
Whenever our nigga Yusuf goes for a lecture, after the lecture is over...

Yusuf : any one has any questions?

Old fag from the crowd : Why are we wasting so much money on buying weapons for killing people when our own people are poor and hungry...bla bla..

Yusuf : Kaun bola, kaun bola..

Found this...

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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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China's neighbours: Friends, foes and frenemies

  • China has sharp differences with almost all its neighbours.
  • But resistance to Beijing's aggressive claims is increasingly weakening.
  • Mongolia, Vietnam and India are among a handful critical of China's strong-arm tactics.

NEW DELHI: China has sharp differences with almost all its neighbours. But their resistance to Beijing's aggressive claims is increasingly weakening as its investments grow in the region. Mongolia, Vietnam and India are among a handful critical of its strong-arm tactics, along with Japan and Taiwan. A recent Asean meeting where the bloc was expected to push for a non-aggression pact with China saw a tepid response to the proposal. As Japan backs India on the Doklam standoff, here's a look at how China is gaming the region with mega deals and Beijing's relations with its neighbours.

KYRGYZSTAN | NEUTRAL | Common border: 858km

Next to China's restive Xinjiang province. China initially claimed most parts of the country

Kyrgyzstan has both a US and a Russian military base

Beijing-Bishkek relationship status remains 'complicated'The Kyrgyz are one of 56 ethnic groups recognised in China.Beijing is wary of Kyrgyz migrants coming in, and the arms smuggling into Xinjiang

DEAL: Under Almazbek Atambaev, China has overtaken Russia as largest trade partner.


Most of China's claims satisfied in various border agreements

Moscow's close ally has 3% (30bn barrels) of world's oil reserves and is is gung-ho about OBOR

DEAL: Beijing has invested in a free trade zone at the border, making the Khorgos Gateway at their border the world's largest dry port.

MONGOLIA | CRITIC | 4,677 km
China claims all of Mongolia citing the Yuan dynasty rule (1271-1368)

New president Khaltmaagiin Battulga, a vocal China critic, is eager to reduce dependence on Beijing, which accounts for 90% of its exports, 30% of imports

Ulanbaatar has also sought deeper ties with New Delhi

DEAL: Beijing is set to invest $30bn in the next few years for a route across the Gobi desert to Russia via Mongolia


Xi has said relations between Beijing & Moscow are "at their best time in history", but Beijing's growing influence & investments in Russia's backyard has seen the two in serious competition


China's area increased by 1,000sq km in Pamir mountains when Dushanbe ceded 5% of the land China 'sought', settling a 130-yr-long disputeChina's for now relinquished claims over 28,000sq km

Unclear which part of Pamir moutains was ceded

DEAL: Beijing is biggest investor particularly in energy and infra


Beijing claims Baekdu Mountain and Jiandao.The North's dependent on strongest ally China for even food, but Beijing has of late been wary of Kim Jong-un


Claims on area in East China SeaChina strongly objects to Seoul and US deploying antimissile THAAD system to counter the NorthChina says the radar can probe its territory


Worst rivals on economic competition and territorial disputes, especially over Senkaku Islands


China claims all of taiwan.taipei still has its own currency and military and receives arms from the usrecognised as a country separate from china by 19 nations of 193 un member states

Dispute in Spratly Islands


Dispute in Spratly Islands


Long-time China ally


One of the most vocal critics that filed and won a case against China's claims on its Scarborough Shoal in a UN-backed tribunalYet, Manila played down the verdict, with new president Rodrigo Duterte warming to Beijing this past year


Most outspoken among China's neighbours in the regionHas both land and sea disputes, Paracel & Spratly Islands

With Spain's help, Vietnam is exploring for oil/ natural gas beneath the seabed near Vanguard Bank, under Vietnamese control but which Beijing claims

Beijing also resents Vietnam's deal with ONGC to explore a tract China contests

LAOS | FRIEND | 423km

Beijing cites the Yuan dynasty to stake claim

DEAL: Not just infra, China has been rapidly buying up jumbos in the poor nation, once known as the land of a million elephants

MYANMAR | FRIEND | 2,185km

De facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi has increasingly preferred to do business with China, now Myanmar's largest trade partner and largest source of investment, from ports and roads to energy and power


Despite a 1963 treaty settling border issues, analysts believe China has encroached on Afghan land in the Badakhshan province, that includes the strategic Wakhan Corridor (Pakistan and Karakoram to the south, Tajikistan to the north, Xinjiang to its east)

DEAL: Beijing wants close ties and a counter-terror network but Ashraf Ghani is reluctant

Xi wants to extend China-Pak Economic Corridor to Afghanistan


China meets Pakistan through the disputed Gilgit-Baltistan

Beijing's been worried about the resurgence of border dispute between Pakistan and Afghanistan

NEPAL | NEUTRAL | 1,236km

China and Nepal signed a border agreement in 1963, year after the Sino-Indian war

But the status of Lipu-Lekh Pass in Nepal remains controversial

India is at risk of losing the Nepalese transit trade to China, whose high-speed rail link promises capacity, speed and efficiency

DEAL: China's increasing its trade with Nepal

China claims about 270sqkm in the east and west along the contiguous border

Thimphu, while balancing its relations with India and China, talks of Doklam as a disputed area



The Spratly Islands is a group of over 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays, and islands that 4 nations claimIslands are 800km from China's coast


China militarised the South China Sea along its claims of the ninedash line, added islands now bristling with military hardware, and set up a full base on Fiery Cross islandIn all 3,200 acres of land have been 'made' on seven features


Location of manmade islands are the furthest possible range of Beijing's planes, and radio stations

The new bases ensure China has every area covered in a triangle with range that extends across South China Sea


Building military bases here guarantees China coverage of all of South China Sea in terms of radio and military range



Regular Member
Oct 7, 2016
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Found this...

Seriously, what can be said about these kinds of people? What do you want to do, give up Kashmir, give up North-East, what else? What are you going to feed your poor with then? It's always the NGO/commie rats who have this perspective. They have a death-wish and want to take the whole country down with them. Mental defectives.

Good response by @Yusuf and he seems annoyed at the question because it's a stupid question by a stupid man with head up his own ass.

Other remarks:

1) Indians are really poor at strategic thinking and having an objective view of what the world wants. The world wants your money and your land. How stupid are our people that they can't see that?
2) Sometimes I really wonder if we are doomed as a people when I see these commie/white-flag rats everywhere, with not one brain cell or practical bone in their body but with grand ideas of love and peace. Which universe do they live in? Why are our people so hopelessly delusional and stupid?
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Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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What A Shame ! Chinese soldiers ran away from a UN Mission in Sudan fearing local militia attack
The Chinese peacekeepers were entrusted with the responsibility of a one civilian protection site in Juba.

In the month of July 2015, fierce attacks were mounted by one of the rebel groups in Sudan, leading to ‘tens of thousands’ of civilians seeking safety from successive bouts of fighting, at that site.

However, the Chinese peacekeepers stayed on in their bases rather than protect civilians. Heck, even the Ethiopian troops had done far better, helping evacuate wounded civilians and returning fire when needed.

On the last day of the fighting, about 80 to 100 government soldiers attacked a compound in Juba where they raped and gang-raped at least five international aid workers and physically or sexually assaulted at least a dozen others.

All this happened when there was a UN Base manned by Chinese peacekeepers only a few hundred metres from the compound. However despite dozens of appeals for help from the besieged aid workers and personal visits from at least one who escaped from the compound, the Chinese peacekeepers simply REFUSED to leave the safety of their base

During four days of fighting between the rival forces, artillery rounds and gunfire hit two UN bases, killing two Chinese peacekeepers. And what did the vaunted PLA troopers do? They not only failed to return fire, but in fact, RAN AWAY FROM THEIR POST. To add insult to injury, in their haste to save their skins, they even left behind their weapons and ammo – something a professional soldier would not even dream of doing. EVER.:laugh::laugh:


New Member
Aug 11, 2017
Is it only me who is seeing odd chinese symbols while opening familiar websites...it happened while opening paytm(though its ali baba backed), but the same happened while opening some other trsutes websites too..


Senior Member
May 23, 2011
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Is it only me who is seeing odd chinese symbols while opening familiar websites...it happened while opening paytm(though its ali baba backed), but the same happened while opening some other trsutes websites too..
Can you attach a screencap? Also, are you using any browser extensions?


New Member
Aug 11, 2017
Can you attach a screencap? Also, are you using any browser extensions?
It happened yesterday evening and today morning as well..website was astrospeak.com(daily horoscope check)..if im not wrong this website is part of toi group..i will get one for the group if that happens again


New Member
Aug 11, 2017
Could be some ad play. ToI websites are notorious for injecting ads everywhere.
No actually whenevr it happened it was always behind the main page logo..like in paytm it was behind the main paytm button same as for astrospeak


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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Chinese troops injured by Indian border troops' fierce action: foreign ministry
Source:Xinhua Published: 2017/8/21 21:40:40

Some Chinese troops suffered injuries from Indian troops' fierce action in the western part of the border area, the Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed Monday.

This came after a video showing border troops from the two countries pushing and throwing stones at one another near Pangong Lake.

Last Tuesday, Indian border troops obstructed Chinese border troops, who were carrying out normal patrols on the Chinese side of the actual line of control in the Pangong lake area, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a daily briefing.

Hua noted some Chinese were injured after the Indian side "took fierce actions, collided with the Chinese and physically fought with them."

The Indian troops' actions went against the two countries' consensus to keep peace on the border and endangered the situation in the western part of the China-India border, she said.

Hua stressed China is extremely dissatisfied and had lodged solemn representations.

China has urged India to conform to relevant agreements and restrict its border troops' activities to maintain peace and stability in the border area.

China starts crying like a kid..... :pound::pound::pound:

Whenever a kid falls it doesn't cry until someone reminds him. Till now China pretended nothing happened but after the leaked video they have started crying. :scared2::scared2:


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2017
Country flag
What A Shame ! Chinese soldiers ran away from a UN Mission in Sudan fearing local militia attack
The Chinese peacekeepers were entrusted with the responsibility of a one civilian protection site in Juba.

In the month of July 2015, fierce attacks were mounted by one of the rebel groups in Sudan, leading to ‘tens of thousands’ of civilians seeking safety from successive bouts of fighting, at that site.

However, the Chinese peacekeepers stayed on in their bases rather than protect civilians. Heck, even the Ethiopian troops had done far better, helping evacuate wounded civilians and returning fire when needed.

On the last day of the fighting, about 80 to 100 government soldiers attacked a compound in Juba where they raped and gang-raped at least five international aid workers and physically or sexually assaulted at least a dozen others.

All this happened when there was a UN Base manned by Chinese peacekeepers only a few hundred metres from the compound. However despite dozens of appeals for help from the besieged aid workers and personal visits from at least one who escaped from the compound, the Chinese peacekeepers simply REFUSED to leave the safety of their base

During four days of fighting between the rival forces, artillery rounds and gunfire hit two UN bases, killing two Chinese peacekeepers. And what did the vaunted PLA troopers do? They not only failed to return fire, but in fact, RAN AWAY FROM THEIR POST. To add insult to injury, in their haste to save their skins, they even left behind their weapons and ammo – something a professional soldier would not even dream of doing. EVER.:laugh::laugh:
I shared the stated reports with few Chinese, who are close to CCP, and I am still waiting for response. I think it will take a while before they will response.


Regular Member
Oct 1, 2016
Chinese troops injured by Indian border troops' fierce action: foreign ministry
Source:Xinhua Published: 2017/8/21 21:40:40

Some Chinese troops suffered injuries from Indian troops' fierce action in the western part of the border area, the Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed Monday.

This came after a video showing border troops from the two countries pushing and throwing stones at one another near Pangong Lake.

Last Tuesday, Indian border troops obstructed Chinese border troops, who were carrying out normal patrols on the Chinese side of the actual line of control in the Pangong lake area, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said at a daily briefing.

Hua noted some Chinese were injured after the Indian side "took fierce actions, collided with the Chinese and physically fought with them."

The Indian troops' actions went against the two countries' consensus to keep peace on the border and endangered the situation in the western part of the China-India border, she said.

Hua stressed China is extremely dissatisfied and had lodged solemn representations.

China has urged India to conform to relevant agreements and restrict its border troops' activities to maintain peace and stability in the border area.

China starts crying like a kid..... :pound::pound::pound:

Whenever a kid falls it doesn't cry until someone reminds him. Till now China pretended nothing happened but after the leaked video they have started crying. :scared2::scared2:
jab sar pe 6 dande padtey hein to esa hi hota h,,,...and who knows what happened after video was stopped...maybe some ITBP gurkha lost his control and went full khukhree on chinks :laugh:


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Cheeni are building up India as the "aggressors" all along the LAC. First Doklam, then Pangong Tso. Internationally, Doklam is viewed as what it is- India stepping in to prevent China from bullying Bhutan, a small and peaceful nation.

If Cheeni are building up for a war, they feel it's in their interests to show India Doklam standoff as a part of "India's larger aggressive designs" along the Indo-Tibetan frontier. Soon Napaki slaves will join in and bleat about "India's aggressive posture along the LoC and IB".

I anticipate more such provocations at Barahati, Kalapni, Tawang and Lohit sectors- either simultaneously or in tandem.

We could also see some aggressive moves by PLAN in the Indian ocean or in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, such as sailing very close to the Indian coastline, "joint exercises", "patrols" off Andaman and Nicobar Islands etc..
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