LOC, LAC & IB skirmishs

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Sep 7, 2015
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Another flashpoint in the making but with Nepal this time

China is taking full advantage of this standoff to side with Nepal against India on this sensitive issue as a counter to India's stand on Doklam.

The 1816 Sigauli treaty between the British raj and Nepal provided that the Kali river (see map) would mark the western border between India and Nepal. Kalapani is on the east bank of the Kali. The pilgrim-cum-trade route from India to Tibet in this region runs for the most part on the west bank of the Kali, but at Kalapani crosses briefly to the east bank. India says some old British surveys and maps show this section as part of India. But Nepal points to other maps and documents to support its claims.

The Nepalese say that after the war between India and China in 1962, Nepal allowed Indian troops to occupy certain posts in Nepal as a defensive measure. India has withdrawn from all of these except the one at Kalapani. It apparently wants to hold on to that post in case the two countries come to blows again.

India too now has a nationalist government, led by the Bharatiya Janata Party, which could dig in its heels. The previous Indian government had suggested that the two sides should discuss the matter in a joint working-group. Technically, it should be possible for India to shift its post from Kalapani to the west bank of the Kali. But what is technically feasible may not be so politically.

So then, China has started desperately fishing in troubled waters by egging Nepal to ask India to withdraw its troops from Kalapani. The moot question is whether China will aggressively side with Nepal and use military force to try and oust Indian troops from the small Kalapani outpost and Tri Junction area on the Sino-India-Nepal border. (Yep! There's another tri junction here too!!)

It seems that these Chinese morons will continue with their shenanigans well into the future. They've already got Pak in their pocket and now trying to get Nepal too, deep into their sphere of influence.

Political acumen and diplomacy is the need of the hour. But seeing that the Nepalese are largely anti India and pro China, it's not going to be easy.

With inputs from The Economist

Why so serious?

New Member
Jul 1, 2017
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Chinese daily turns outright hostile, says countdown to India-China war has begun
By IANS | Aug 09, 2017, 04.43 PM IST
  • India and China has begun and New Delhi should come to senses and withdraw troops from Doklam before it's too late, a Chinese daily said on Wednesday.

    An editorial in the state-run China Dailytold India that the "clock is ticking away". The piece was latest addition to the hostile commentaries in the Chinese media.

    The newspaper said "India will only have itself to blame" if it didn't withdraw troops from Doklam where its troops are locked in a stand-off with the Chinese Armysince mid-June.

    "The countdown to a clash between the two forces has begun, and the clock is ticking away the time to what seems to be an inevitable conclusion," it said.

    "As the standoff ... enters its seventh week, the window for a peaceful solution is closing."

    China has warned India of serious consequences if Indian troops were not pulled back from Doklam, which Beijing calls Donglang and claims is its territory.

    India has proposed to China to simultaneously pull back from Doklam, which India and Bhutan say belongs to Thimpu. Beijing has refused.

    The newspaper said India had ignored China's stern warnings.

    "Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear will have got the message. Yet New Delhi refuses to come to its senses and pull its troops back to its own side of the border."


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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It is good for India.

The 1000000 years old pending disputes must resolve. India needs to introspect that. If India wants stability around it, India has to take Bold Steps and resolve all these small disputed areas.

India past 70 years did not take interest in these. Just like they solved all the disputes with B'desh , they should solve it with Nepal.

Make all these 500 years old BS crap treaties Null and Void!!

Another flashpoint in the making but with Nepal this time

China is taking full advantage of this standoff to side with Nepal against India on this sensitive issue as a counter to India's stand on Doklam.

The 1816 Sigauli treaty between the British raj and Nepal provided that the Kali river (see map) would mark the western border between India and Nepal. Kalapani is on the east bank of the Kali. The pilgrim-cum-trade route from India to Tibet in this region runs for the most part on the west bank of the Kali, but at Kalapani crosses briefly to the east bank. India says some old British surveys and maps show this section as part of India. But Nepal points to other maps and documents to support its claims.

The Nepalese say that after the war between India and China in 1962, Nepal allowed Indian troops to occupy certain posts in Nepal as a defensive measure. India has withdrawn from all of these except the one at Kalapani. It apparently wants to hold on to that post in case the two countries come to blows again.

India too now has a nationalist government, led by the Bharatiya Janata Party, which could dig in its heels. The previous Indian government had suggested that the two sides should discuss the matter in a joint working-group. Technically, it should be possible for India to shift its post from Kalapani to the west bank of the Kali. But what is technically feasible may not be so politically.

So then, China has started desperately fishing in troubled waters by egging Nepal to ask India to withdraw its troops from Kalapani. The moot question is whether China will aggressively side with Nepal and use military force to try and oust Indian troops from the small Kalapani outpost and Tri Junction area on the Sino-India-Nepal border. (Yep! There's another tri junction here too!!)

It seems that these Chinese morons will continue with their shenanigans well into the future. They've already got Pak in their pocket and now trying to get Nepal too, deep into their sphere of influence.

Political acumen and diplomacy is the need of the hour. But seeing that the Nepalese are largely anti India and pro China, it's not going to be easy.

With inputs from The Economist


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Chinese daily turns outright hostile, says countdown to India-China war has begun
By IANS | Aug 09, 2017, 04.43 PM IST
  • India and China has begun and New Delhi should come to senses and withdraw troops from Doklam before it's too late, a Chinese daily said on Wednesday.

    An editorial in the state-run China Dailytold India that the "clock is ticking away". The piece was latest addition to the hostile commentaries in the Chinese media.

    The newspaper said "India will only have itself to blame" if it didn't withdraw troops from Doklam where its troops are locked in a stand-off with the Chinese Armysince mid-June.

    "The countdown to a clash between the two forces has begun, and the clock is ticking away the time to what seems to be an inevitable conclusion," it said.

    "As the standoff ... enters its seventh week, the window for a peaceful solution is closing."

    China has warned India of serious consequences if Indian troops were not pulled back from Doklam, which Beijing calls Donglang and claims is its territory.

    India has proposed to China to simultaneously pull back from Doklam, which India and Bhutan say belongs to Thimpu. Beijing has refused.

    The newspaper said India had ignored China's stern warnings.

    "Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear will have got the message. Yet New Delhi refuses to come to its senses and pull its troops back to its own side of the border."
Very much desperation from the part of chinese dicktatorshit to trigger the Indian media into a war frenzy..
The worse part is for china..war or not Indian sentiments through such news will be against china and that will hurt chinese economy very bad.
Its a WIN WIN for India on all grounds


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
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The US Army uses the Improved Outer Tactical Vest which is produced under contract by a couple of different companies and it is level IIIA.
Not Level IIIA, but Level III+!!Level IIIA is rating used for soft armor panels, which are proofed against pistol bullets of up to .44 magnum caliber.
This wouldn't be enough to stop the 7.62mm NATO rounds used by Paki snipers which would require at least a level III.
The plates currently in use in the Indian Army are of Level III variety, rest assured.Unfortunately, there ain't enough of those to equip every soldier with, which can be clearly seen in the news channel videos every once in a while.And there is nothing you can do if you get shot in the head.

I've no idea which Paki weapon uses .30 rounds.
No, they are not using 30-govt-6 but .338 Lapua series of specialized match grade rounds.Sadly, our army has fallen behind in this regard.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
India's fault they haven't done till now.
Prachanda needs to be shown his place
True. We should've installed a permanent puppet gov in Nepal long ago, but still its not to late for RAW to prepare ground in Nepal for "democracy".

We can't afford to ignore Nepal-China bromance anymore. We might be laughing on Nepal right now, but if Nepal gives a military base to PLA it would create huge issue for us. Right now we have a geological barrier against China but once PLA crosses Himalayas it would be a nightmare scenario for IA.


Ghanta Senior Member?
New Member
Jan 1, 2015
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True. We should've installed a permanent puppet gov in Nepal long ago, but still its not to late for RAW to prepare ground in Nepal for "democracy".

We can't afford to ignore Nepal-China bromance anymore. We might be laughing on Nepal right now, but if Nepal gives a military base to PLA it would create huge issue for us. Right now we have a geological barrier against China but once PLA crosses Himalayas it would be a nightmare scenario for IA.
More so that knucklehead Oli who was the PM earlier and an ass-licker of the Hans.

no, actually thanks to chaturvedi ji



Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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China held an event for members of Indian media. Select mediapersons (belonging to the usual far-left RandiTV/IndiaToday/Pioneer/IndianExpress, etc), were flown first-class to Beijing, put up in fancy 7-star hotels, and in a 2-day session, taught exactly what narrative to play out in India once they return. I wouldn't be surprised if each of the organization has been paid up.

Once back, they will play this narrative:
  • Chinese official said Bhutan admits Dokhlam is Chinese territory, although the press will omit the "Chinese official said" part; Bhutan made no statement of this nature.
  • "Can India afford war? It will undo Modi's economic gains" will be another prominent narrative. It will also drive a "madman" narrative attributed to the BJP leadership, often throwing in "Hindutva" being disconnected from "realities."
  • The media will also rabidly play up India's internal problems, particularly amplifying a "disconnect" between people of linguistic states, and the Hindi belt.
In short, everything you read/watch in the media that weakens India's narrative about Dokhlam, until November, is pure bovine defecation.

If India holds its nerve till November, it will spell trouble for a lot of people working for the Xi Jinping faction of CCP, and the Jiang Zemin faction will take full advantage of that disaster.

The PLA90 event held in Inner-Mongolia shows that Xi feels insecure. The military show-off is targeted at rival factions within the CCP, more than foreign powers.

They got into Dokhlam hoping it will be another low hanging fruit, since every other military region of PLA made successful territorial adventures; except here they were stopped dead on their tracks. Now they're desperate to stop it from becoming a PR disaster for Xi. Zhao Zongqi (western theater commander) will be sacked.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
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Chinese daily turns outright hostile, says countdown to India-China war has begun
By IANS | Aug 09, 2017, 04.43 PM IST
  • India and China has begun and New Delhi should come to senses and withdraw troops from Doklam before it's too late, a Chinese daily said on Wednesday.

    An editorial in the state-run China Dailytold India that the "clock is ticking away". The piece was latest addition to the hostile commentaries in the Chinese media.

    The newspaper said "India will only have itself to blame" if it didn't withdraw troops from Doklam where its troops are locked in a stand-off with the Chinese Armysince mid-June.

    "The countdown to a clash between the two forces has begun, and the clock is ticking away the time to what seems to be an inevitable conclusion," it said.

    "As the standoff ... enters its seventh week, the window for a peaceful solution is closing."

    China has warned India of serious consequences if Indian troops were not pulled back from Doklam, which Beijing calls Donglang and claims is its territory.

    India has proposed to China to simultaneously pull back from Doklam, which India and Bhutan say belongs to Thimpu. Beijing has refused.

    The newspaper said India had ignored China's stern warnings.

    "Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear will have got the message. Yet New Delhi refuses to come to its senses and pull its troops back to its own side of the border."
The Han media keyboard warriors had given India 2 weeks time to withdraw. It's already one and a half weeks but no build-up, no movement, no nothing!

It's all so much gas from the ass!

The Chins must be thrown out from the security council as a permanent member as it is the most irresponsible, immature, impulsive, unpredictable, whimsical, irrational state on planet earth. They don't deserve to be on the high table. They need to be booted out, pronto.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
More so that knucklehead Oli who was the PM earlier and an ass-licker of the Hans. View attachment 18734
What can we expect from a paid Chinese shill. Chinese have used maoist to overtly take over that country. Meanwhile we where busy singing songs about Nepal-India Hindu brother relations.

There has been trend of anti-India propaganda in Nepal for at least a decade. Few years ago commies in Nepal banned Bollywood movies in certain parts. They were harassing cable operator who were showing Indian channels in Nepal. When IA was saving Nepalese people from earthquake destruction commie media in Nepal was busy maligning India.

@Screambowl seriously him? He was just a corrupt crook. We have many such Chaturvedis coming from Nepal and helping maoists in India, did we blame Nepal for it? How easy to point one single person or incident in past while forgetting decades and decades worth of generosity of India towards Nepal.

Its time we start taking Chinese threat seriously and act in OUR interests.

Cutting Edge 2

Space Power
New Member
Apr 17, 2017
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