Liaoning (Varyag) - Chinese Aircraft Carrier


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Oct 20, 2011
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If that's all PLAN can throw at a combined USN ROKN and JMSDF fleet it's in deep trouble..

Having said that nice pics of the flotilla.
That (minus the carrier and its escorts, which are NSF assets) basically constitutes the equivalent strength of the South Seas Fleet alone mate. + ROK engage in any conflict with China? Wishful thinking?

It is literally as if Xi asked his admirals. how many ships can we pull out of dock for a camera op... this many. Do two laps and go back to sleep.
Always ready to throw a bit of mud where China is involved. Whatever gives you solace in your bitterness my friend.

Fleet reviews are not exclusive to China; they are common through-out the world's Navies. Didn't India do one in 2016?
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Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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That (minus the carrier and its escorts, which are NSF assets) basically constitutes the equivalent strength of the South Seas Fleet alone mate. + ROK engage in any conflict with China? Wishful thinking?

Always ready to throw a bit of mud where China is involved. Whatever gives you solace in your bitterness my friend.

Fleet reviews are not exclusive to China; they are common through-out the world's Navies. Didn't India do one in 2016?
Yeah but China is the only one who does them so far off the coast no one can see them but Xi. It is a vanity project for his own self image.


Regular Member
Nov 16, 2017
That (minus the carrier and its escorts, which are NSF assets) basically constitutes the equivalent strength of the South Seas Fleet alone mate. + ROK engage in any conflict with China? Wishful thinking?

Always ready to throw a bit of mud where China is involved. Whatever gives you solace in your bitterness my friend.

Fleet reviews are not exclusive to China; they are common through-out the world's Navies. Didn't India do one in 2016?
ROK = Republic of Korea + Quad. Going by sheer numbers, you are fucked.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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ROK = Republic of Korea + Quad. Going by sheer numbers, you are fucked.
You still aren't explaining why Korea would be in a conflict with China... What quad?

Yeah but China is the only one who does them so far off the coast no one can see them but Xi. It is a vanity project for his own self image.
You're not the most objective commentator on anything to do with China, but whatever you say mate.


Regular Member
Nov 16, 2017
You still aren't explaining why Korea would be in a conflict with China... What quad?
Because China took a pen and circled south China sea and said all this is mine.

ROK has territorial claims there too. With NK enroaching US pivot is likely.

Quad = India Japan USA Australia

Your navy is outnumbered and cornered.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Not from the fleet review, but informative non the less

Cool pic/still from @xinfengcao on twitter:



Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Because China took a pen and circled south China sea and said all this is mine.

ROK has territorial claims there too. With NK enroaching US pivot is likely.

Quad = India Japan USA Australia

Your navy is outnumbered and cornered.
Neither North nor South Korea have any claims on the South China Sea or land marks within it mate. Chinese claims on the SCS date back from the Qing dynasty, which is why Taiwan has the exact same claims.

"Quad" or whatever you want to call it is nowhere near a formal military alliance. That's just a fanboy's dream of an "Asian NATO". The fact that you need to compare the Chinese Navy with 5 other navies combined speaks volumes.

Discuss technical aspect WRT the carrier or a possible CVBG. This off-topic nonsense about a quad will just derail the thread into a fanboy frenzy.


Regular Member
Nov 16, 2017
Neither North nor South Korea have any claims on the South China Sea or land marks within it mate. Chinese claims on the SCS date back from the Qing dynasty, which is why Taiwan has the exact same claims.

"Quad" or whatever you want to call it is nowhere near a formal military alliance. That's just a fanboy's dream of an "Asian NATO". The fact that you need to compare the Chinese Navy with 5 other navies combined speaks volumes.

Discuss technical aspect WRT the carrier or a possible CVBG. This off-topic nonsense about a quad will just derail the thread into a fanboy frenzy.
Japan alone can slap PLAN into submission. Add Korea it's just a massacre for your team. USA is simple overkill.

I did just needs to mop up survivor s fleeing to Indian Ocean.

Korea is already moving on a US pivot and will soon be a spearhead against your fleet.


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2009
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Armand2REP said:
China is the only one who does them so far off the coast no one can see them but Xi.
You're not the most objective commentator on anything to do with China, but whatever you say mate.
Let's see a Russian navy parade...

or French...

or Japan...

It doesn't make much sense to hold a parade if the people who pay for it can't enjoy it.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Japan alone can slap PLAN into submission. Add Korea it's just a massacre for your team. USA is simple overkill.

I did just needs to mop up survivor s fleeing to Indian Ocean.

Korea is already moving on a US pivot and will soon be a spearhead against your fleet.
Based on what? Whatever you say fanboy. That reads like a rock solid conclusion based on "technical analysis" of the Pacific navies... WRT Korea, I think you should read more and post less.


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Oct 20, 2011
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High res pics nicked from @xinfengcao's twitter feed:



Regular Member
Nov 16, 2017
Based on what? Whatever you say fanboy. That reads like a rock solid conclusion based on "technical analysis" of the Pacific navies... WRT Korea, I think you should read more and post less.
Feel the heat boy? Just wait as a resurgent USN, rising IN, JMSDF, ROK, ANZACs gang up and beat the crap out of PLAN.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Did China Just Admit Its Aircraft Carrier Is a Paper Tiger?

It requires “a little bit luck plus a strong body and mind” to land a plane safely on the deck of China’s sole aircraft carrier Liaoning, China Central Television has revealed.

A report on the state broadcaster cited a 17-year veteran pilot surnamed Xu who said that the ski-jump take-off from the carrier, which has a curled-up bow, is “much easier than landing” due to the refurbished Soviet vessel’s short take-off and the tricky system used to stop planes after they land on the deck.

In order to become airborne from the carrier, warplanes such as the J-15 fighters must shed weaponry and fuel to reduce their launch weight.

CCTV said the People’s Liberation Army Navy had made many retrofits to the carrier since the vessel was commissioned in 2012, after eight years of painstaking endeavor to complete the former hulk, which was built in Ukraine before being sold and taken to a port in Dalian.

The main equipment and systems onboard the Liaoning – over 1,200 technological items – were all domestically developed, according to the Chinese defense ministry.

Part of the aviation support system was a locally designed and made jet blast deflector, which can withstand temperatures as high as 1,800C. This device, also known as a blast fence, is needed to redirect the high energy exhaust from jet engines.

The Chinese carrier is conventionally powered with steam turbines and can reach a maximum speed of 28 knots (51.9 km/h). But it lags significantly behind the US’s many nuclear-powered carriers.

The TV report, intended to whip up support for last week’s South China Sea naval parade, indicated that the carrier has little room for further renovation due to structural constraints and “congenital” defects – and that the PLA is anxious to upgrade its fleet of carrier-borne fighters.

Criticism of the J-15 has appeared in several Chinese media outlets including Xinhua and the nation’s main military newspapers this year, saying the aircraft’s shortcomings are obvious as it belongs to the third generation of fighters.

The J-15, a copy of the antiquated Russian Sukhoi Su-33, cannot match the short-takeoff and vertical-landing capabilities of America’s stealthy F-35s. Analysts say the J-15 is almost on par with the US Navy’s Grumman F-14 Tomcat supersonic, twin-engine fighter aircraft that were retired from service more than a decade ago and have been replaced by the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

Still, Senior Captain Cao Weidong, a researcher with the PLA Naval Military Studies Research Institute, said the fact that Liaoning sailed alongside groups of destroyers, frigates, submarines and aircraft in a convoy highlighted the Navy’s capability to coordinate and integrate an armada of vessels and aircraft in sea patrols and amphibious offensives.

Wu Peixin, a Beijing-based defense analyst, told the People’s Daily that 10 years ago overseas observers would not have been able to imagine that China could build and marshal a complete carrier strike group so soon.

“But now, other than the Liaoning, we will soon begin commissioning a domestically built carrier and several of the world’s mightiest destroyers, like the 10,000-ton Type 055 class destroyers, which some foreign naval experts call cruisers.”


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Liaoning and her escorts operating in the west Pacific:

Her escort consists of a Type 052D destroyer, a Type 052C destroyer and 2 type 054A's. Some of which are pictured below



Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Liaoning and her escorts have a photo op in the west

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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Air ops during the same west Pacific exercise:



Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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First J-15 Exercises in the Pacific Ocean




"The J-15s are allowed to take off to perform the anti-ship assault mission! "

On April 20, shortly after 10 am, several J-15s left the Liaoning aircraft carrier's 14 ° rampf to conduct a naval battle simulation with the carrier group. The fleet is expected to "fight" against the OPFOR force represented by two Chinese Type 052C destroyers, the 150 Changchun and the 152 Jinan .

The group around the aircraft carrier Liaoning and the dozen J-15s onboard is composed of two frigates and four destroyers latest generation of the Chinese navy. According to the official report of the General Staff of the Japanese Armed Forces , the Chinese ships crossed the first chain of islands via the Bashi Strait, located in southern Taiwan, and entered the Western Pacific in the night of Thursday 19 April, before starting maneuvers in an area about 350 km south of Yonagunijima, on the east coast of Taiwan.

The Chinese aircraft carrier and its six escort ships (Photo: CNR 国防 时空)

It should be noted that this is the first time that the Chinese air group, normally composed of 24 J-15 fighters and a dozen Z-8 and Z-9 helicopters, have carried out air operations in the West Pacific. Until now the Chinese aircraft carrier has always been content to cross the area without conducting any aerial activity.

The exercise conducted by the Liaoning Carrier Group , which aims to assess the "use of naval forces in high seas" according to official statements , has been closely monitored by the Japanese Air and Naval Forces. . The latter sent a destroyer (JS Akizuki ), two frigates (JS Sawagiri and JS Hamagiri ) and P-3C surveillance planes to follow the movements of their Chinese colleagues.

But contrary to all expectations, the island of Taiwan that seems to be directly or indirectly concerned by the recent maneuvers of the Chinese army has remained particularly silent about this event. No statement has been issued by the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense since crossing the Liaoning Group from its ADIZ in the south.

Apart from anti-ship missions, the articles on the media of the People's Army of China also mention other training topics, such as multi-dimensional reconnaissance and surveillance, tactical calculations, deployment of forces anti-aircraft, anti-ship and anti-submarine ... etc., which were conducted in the Pacific rapid exit of the Chinese fleet.

Another report released by the Japanese military indicates that the Chinese air carrier group joined the East China Sea on Friday, April 21 in the day, via the Miyako Strait, but the Japanese aircraft were no longer able to take a picture of it. all of the Chinese buildings as was the case the day before.

One of the J-15 carries a UPAZ-1A pod for buddy-buddy refueling

J-15s carrying real air combat missiles are on standby on the flight deck

The J-15 registered 118 carries a recording and simulation pod ACMI
After the first J-15 berths in the Western Pacific, the Chinese aircraft carrier is expected to return to Bohai Bay, in northern China, by today to conduct another round of maneuvering. to April 26th. It is believed that the 8th class of air carrier pilots could pass their certification at that time and join the Chinese naval air force if they make their first landing on Liaoning .

Our forecast is for 34 to 46 the number of qualified pilots to go on the Chinese aircraft carrier by the end of 2018, which is to say that the training of pilots for the second Chinese Navy aircraft carrier, in arrangement currently at the Dalian Shipyard, has already begun.

In addition, several Chinese media such as iFeng and Sina have discussed the sea trial of the second Chinese aircraft carrier today, with the argument of three maritime zones closed by the Chinese authorities for "military maneuvers". But the first area just south of Dalian and indicated by the notification 辽 航 警 0081 is in fact a zone that has always been inaccessible.

The second, reported by the notification 辽 航 警 0082, would correspond to that dedicated to the certification of new pilots according to our analysis. The third, which is near the Bohai Shipyard in the north of the bay and more than 250 km from Dalian, is expected to be the area where another sea trial of a nuclear submarine is taking place.

Our estimate is still on the first test sea of the second Chinese aircraft carrier before the end of June. The 60,000 ton building was launched in April 2017, that is to say, a year ago.

The three closed areas for "military maneuvers" between 23 and 26 April (Image: East Pendulum)

The route of the current exit of the aircraft carrier Liaoning, the yellow part is to be confirmed (Image: East Pendulum)
To be continued.

Henri K.


Senior Member
Oct 20, 2011
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Excellent pics of flight deck operations on Liaoning during her deployment to the SCS and back:

PS: I like that they keep shotguns available on deck to remove the threat damage from bird collisions.

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