LCA TEJAS MK1 & MK1A: News and Discussion


Tihar Jail
Mar 10, 2020
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If I can run faster than a cripple on crutches, why can't you accept I can run faster than Usain Bolt?

Jokes (and trolls) aside, what other posters point out about how it fits in as a system, alongside Rafale and Su-30, makes me excited.
It fits the bill perfectly: low rcs and visual signature, great machine interface and operatibilty, aesa radar and top notch weapons suite.
MK1 & Mk1a definitely going to do mig21's role. First line interceptor. MK2 gonna do that job much more effectively.


New Member
Dec 23, 2016
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Wat the FCK happening here did we choose to follow peedeef way , for FCK sake stop being dicks use ur Brian, tejas is a LCA j10 is MCA also Chinese radar's also not that bad they are either direct copy of European radars ( Indira ) what ever low RCS tejas have the lower end aesa can detect it , also stop undermining ur enemy's capability


New Member
Nov 1, 2016
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Arguing that
1. Tejas in its current configuration is a better fighter 1:1 than j-10 (which I myself would disagree with btw)
2. Radar tech, engine serviceability etc is much better
3. The rcs + radar + weapon fit make a complete iaf strike package (ie in conjunction with rafale or sukhoi) superior to a typical Chinese package

Is NOT equivalent to arguing tejas is 20 times better than j-10 one on one.

Let us leave such mental gymnastics, ie:
falsely try to ascribe strawman jingoistic statements (nobody claims Arjun or Tejas are world best over here or better than f-22 / Leopard)....
and then use their ridiculousness to mock Indians..
To the racist Brits of Sturgeon House or Arrse.
Didn't want to make a strawman argument. But the immediate response of a lot of members to the pathetic procurement and production record of Tejas, has been to harp on about how Tejas is so superior to J 10.

There's no denying that Tejas in the hands of Indian pilots will be superior to J 10 in the hands of Chinese pilots. But we can't ignore the absolute travesty of this entire production saga. Silver lining now is that we have approved the procurement of 83 Tejas. We should have been at this stage 12 years ago.

(Btw, what is sturgeon house?)


New Member
Dec 15, 2019
Didn't want to make a strawman argument. But the immediate response of a lot of members to the pathetic procurement and production record of Tejas, has been to harp on about how Tejas is so superior to J 10.

There's no denying that Tejas in the hands of Indian pilots will be superior to J 10 in the hands of Chinese pilots. But we can't ignore the absolute travesty of this entire production saga. Silver lining now is that we have approved the procurement of 83 Tejas. We should have been at this stage 12 years ago.
Yes we are running 10 years behind ironically equal to UPAs rule.


New Member
Dec 15, 2019
Wat the FCK happening here did we choose to follow peedeef way , for FCK sake stop being dicks use ur Brian, tejas is a LCA j10 is MCA also Chinese radar's also not that bad they are either direct copy of European radars ( Indira ) what ever low RCS tejas have the lower end aesa can detect it , also stop undermining ur enemy's capability
Well China copied lot of Israeli radars including AESA so we shouldn't undermine them.

Tactical Frog

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Jan 31, 2016
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It's just assembled screw drive only name sake Indian fighter jet for all the ho hala! ---- India should have bought 30 odd rafale instead of this.
You are in there to make new friends, eh :shock:

The 30 odd Rafale will come when the time is good , no doubt. And maybe more. It is not Tejas plans that can delay this move, it is the surreal MMRCA 2.0 contest !


New Member
Jan 7, 2016
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Yes, that's why it's enough that we have produced 18 Tejas against 350 J 10's. Each Tejas can defeat 20 J 10's. Be happy DFIers. I should have followed the mods in getting the fuck out of this forum.
Why? ...............................................................


Tihar Jail
Mar 10, 2020
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Wat the FCK happening here did we choose to follow peedeef way , for FCK sake stop being dicks use ur Brian, tejas is a LCA j10 is MCA also Chinese radar's also not that bad they are either direct copy of European radars ( Indira ) what ever low RCS tejas have the lower end aesa can detect it , also stop undermining ur enemy's capability
This is the problem of most of the indian members over here. They thinks that Tejas is a super duper fighter, god sake its a cheap to operate light interceptor with decent avionics. No it cannot outshine a medium category fighter with ease.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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The Uttam is an advanced active phased array radar (APAR) system being developed by Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE) for the HAL Tejas and other combat aircraft of Indian Air Force. Development of Uttam started in 2008 and it was first unveiled at Aero India 2009. Uttam is slated to be a successor to hybrid passive electronically scanned array radar EL/M-2032 currently equipping LCA Tejas. Radar is currently being integrated with an LCA.

Difference between AESA and PESA radar:

Conventional passive phased array radars have a single high power RF source (usually Travelling Wave Tube) at ‘back-end’ and RF signals are fed into slotted array antenna via a waveguide or coaxial tube. Introduction of the phase difference between each transceiver element allows the radiation pattern to be steered electronically. In the reception cycle, a PESA antenna cannot transmit. PESA radar has a light antenna which can be mounted on a mechanical steering mechanism thereby giving it a wide frontal coverage area or FOV. Active phased array antennas have transmitter-receiver modules or transceiver module (TRM) built right into the antenna. A single array may feature hundreds or thousands of TRMs depending upon antenna size and operational requirement. Each TRM can either operate independently or under a hierarchy. Each TRM can generate and radiate its own signal of different phase and frequency as required, thus the transmitted signal is wideband in nature. Unlike PESA radar, signals can be transmitted and received simultaneously in an AESA radar. Active phased array antennas are usually heavier than slotted planner array antenna so it is difficult to mount them on a steering mechanism, which limits their field of view (FOV). Electronic steering is faster compared to mechanical steering but at high steering angle (90-120 degree) it may also increase side lobe power which is undesirable. FOV limitation can be mitigated by using a swash-plate repositioner.

Various aspects of Uttam AESA radar:

UTTAM has capabilities like, Identification friend or foe (IFF), electronic and communication support measures, C-band line-of-sight and Ku-band SATCOM datalinks, etc., similar to those on the AWACS and Conformal Airborne Early Warning & Control Systems (CAEW) systems. The important modes of operation of the UTTAM radar system are the surface surveillance and the air surveillance. The sensor has the abilities to search, track-while-scan, priority tracking, high performance tracking, etc. In priority tracking, the targets will be placed in full track mode even if these cross the primary surveillance area. In high performance tracking, additional measurements are made to improve the tracking accuracy. Utilizing active aperture technology, the radar provides a fast-beam agile system that can operate in several modes concurrently. Uttam features an active phased array (APAR) which gives it superior scanning performance over legacy passive phased array radar. Unlike most contemporary radars, Uttam features Quad TRM i.e. a single plank consists of 4 TRMs. It allows the array to be more densely packed. Each TRM is equipped with low noise power amplifier, built-in test facility, digital phase-gain, and side lobe control elements. The inert model displayed at Aero India 2015 had ~184 QTRMs i.e. 736 TRMs. The array temperature is controlled by a liquid coolant circulation system. The QTRM configuration makes Uttam maintenance friendly. The radar can be scaled up or down depending on antenna size requirement.

Uttam’s QTRM configuration

The radar is capable of tracking 100 targets simultaneously and engage 6 of them by SARH/ARH missiles in high priority tracking mode. For comparison, Elta EL/M-2052 is capable of tracking 64 targets in TWS mode. In 2015 Uttam was stated to be capable of tracking a target having RCS of 2m2 at a distance of 92 kilometers. According to the new reports, the range has been increased to 150 kilometers for the target of the same RCS. In GMTT mode 2 targets can be tracked.

Uttam has over 16 different types of operational modes and the radar can operate in multiple modes simultaneously by changing modes pulse-to-pulse which gives the pilot exceptional situational awareness and mission flexibility. DRDO published a brochure of the Uttam AESAR Fire control System which features the first image of UTTAM Aesa Radar undergoing installation process on LCA Tejas LSP-2 which has been deputed to carry out flight trials and integration of India’s indigenous Uttam AESA radar.LRDE already has built Three Developmental Prototypes of UTTAM Aesa Radar which were intensively used and tested from Rooftop and Helicopters in different modes to evaluate the performance of the Radar in the past. LRDE now has developed Three more Radars which will be used for Integration and flight testing program which is likely to commence soon and will take 2-3 years to complete.Defense Analysts predict it might take even 5-6 years from the date of commencement of flight trials to clear all modes and all weapons integration into the new indigenous FCR before it can be cleared for production. HAL already has selected ELTA’s EL/M-2052 AESA Radar for the upcoming upgraded LCA-Tejas MK-1A Variant since it was more or less confirmed that indigenous fire control radar was unlikely to be ready in time for MK-1A. LRDE is hopeful that if all trials are completed in the decided time frame it might still be selected to be used on last batches of MK-1A if desired bythe customer. UTTAM Aesa Radar is most likely will be refined and re-tuned to be used on Indigenous developed Medium Combat Fighter (MCW) which was previously known as Tejas MK-2. LRDE reportedly also has been tasked to develop a more powerful variant for India’s 5th GenerationAMCA Fighter jet in near future.


Hardware has already been realized for this radar which has a range of 100 km against small fighter sized targets and rooftop testing has been completed. Though the Uttam AESA currently weighs 120 kg which is some 40 kg more than the current MMR, there will be no problem in integrating it with the LCA Mk-II which can easily carry a radar of this weight. It is a 3D radar for fighters, a MMR follow on, the Active Phased Array Radar (APAR) project aims to field a fully fledged operational AESA fire control radar for the expected Mark-2 version of the Tejas. This will be the second airborne AESA program after the AEW&C project and intends to transfer the success DRDO has achieved in the Ground based radar segment to airborne systems. The overall airborne program aims to prevent this technology gap from developing, with a broad based program to bring DRDO up to par with international developers in airborne systems: both fire control and surveillance. The earlier versions of radars has mechanically moving parts, whose output was painfully slow when compared to the new generation electronic technology. LCA also has a sophisticated fly by wire system and glass cockpit.

AESA in the LCAs will obviously have a lower range, but it will be well integrated within the IAF network, and give a quantum technology jump to IAF’s combat capabilities. Notably, the 36 Rafales being acquired by IAF in the Government-to-Government deal will also have the AESA radar, developed by Thales.


Preliminary studies have been carried out at Center for Airborne Studies (CABS) for a possible optimal design of a futuristic antenna with the desirable 360°-vision for roles identified under various war situations. The unique aerodynamically-shaped delta radome will blend with the aerodynamics of the platform-aircraft to provide the required radar performance together with better operational economy by virtue of its better aerodynamics, reduced weight, and better or similar electro-magnetics. This radar may be dorsal or conformal fuselage mounted doubts still remain as not much is known about its specifications or configuration.

The foregoing summarises the efforts made by DRDO towards development of the AESA radar for its current and future AEW&C applications as well as for realising essential allied technologies. The necessary core competence to evolve futuristic applications in AESA radar has thus been adequately established.


New Member
Dec 23, 2016
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sp 22 is also ready.......................
View attachment 44536
Not fully almost ready ,it will kiss the sky between 25-28th, also 23 and 24 in final legs of fitting out expecting first FOC squ in may mid
Like squ 45 it also start with 4 fighter's, ioc2 sp LCA tejas get in to operational duty once the squ 18 foc tejas formed along with new software upgrades the squ 45 retake the role left behind by mig23 in western sector ,


New Member
Jan 13, 2010
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J10 can't beat Tejas. Chinese aesa is at least a generation behind then Western aesa and mk1a with 2052 will be miles ahead. Uttam will be even better.
Same goes for weaponry. Western weapon and Astra ( which is benchmarked against Western weapons) are again generation ahead of Chinese crap.

And that is exactly why Chinese have to operate a huge fleet because half of them won't be available to fight thanks to maintainace nightmare that is al-31. We have great trouble to keep su30 available even when two al31 make it much more reliable then single engine jet. Chinese fly j10 with solo al31. Barely half will be available in a war. And even those a lot will crash. Now compound that with reliability of Chinese aeas and Chinese bvr . Failure rate is even higher.

Chinese copy of Russian engines are even shittier with much less life and much less actual thust and even higher failure rate .

That's why only useful tactic Chinese have is to overwhelm with numbers. Because individually there plane is a dud.
When did chinese last fight an airforce battle? or a Dogfight.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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When did chinese last fight an airforce battle? or a Dogfight.
They aren't going to fight anytime soon either. Entire Chinese strategy is build numbers in peacetime and avoid war buy showing numbers. And it works.

But the truth keeps leaking through when j15, j10 keeps crashing and piddly poor Pakistan goes begging to italy for a decent radar for jf17!! That right there tells you how effective Chinese radar is!

The only thing Chinese are good at is building numbers and numbers are a threat in itself. Good thing is that Tibet is unforgiving for Chinese Jets and China is surrounded by enemies from Japan to USA to Vietnam to India.


New Member
Dec 23, 2016
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Tejas Air Air refuelling....

People should subscribe to the “Defence decode” channel, if you haven’t. The chap amit focuses on technical side of things...

One is Jaguar refueling other one is publicly available one of lca, highly edited also sound replaced

Saichand K

New Member
Sep 9, 2015
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I have few silly doubts though.

1) If a LCA with it's drop tanks is undergoing air-air refueling, can the drop tanks be filled too ?

2) As compared to Tejas-IOC, Tejas-FOC has improved g-limits? Also, what is the expected g-limits of Tejas Mk-1A? Will improvements in zoom climb in FOC version add to g-limits ?

