Kashmir conflict-India should act now?


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2013
Re: Ways to settle kashmir issue...

I think we have to play the same game with the pakistan. We through our intellegence agencies, can use local public figures for educating people that kashmir is safe with India. We can use our intellegence agencies to help baluch's and sindhi's for fighting against pakistan govt. On the other hand, we can isolate pakistan in international politics by gathering human right intell.

No need of war.

Waffen SS

New Member
Apr 28, 2013
Re: Ways to settle kashmir issue...

Actually if there was no Pakistan, there would be no Kashmir issue. If you accept Pakistan as a legitimate state you get the Kashmir problem created by Pakistan. And then, instead of recognizing the source of the problem - you go back and self flagellate and blame someone in India and agree 100% with the Pakistani statement that Kashmir is the problem. I think that is seriously dumb. By accepting Pakistan as a legitimate state and Pakistan's assertion that Kashmir is the problem you are simply making the mistake that Nehru and others made. Why blame someone else as being sickular when you yourself agree with all the sickular assumptions?

I believe Indians need to have a rethink. Kashmir is not the problem. It is Pakistan. Even if a mythical nationalist government takes over PoK we are still left with Pakistan. And as for the question "I just wonder why India did not capture POK in 1971" I am reminded of a statement that my guru used to make "If my aunt had a di*k she would have been my uncle". No point beating one's breast and tearing one's hair out lamenting that something did not happen in 1971 and something that cannot be changed, like my aunt. We need to get past whipping ourselves and recognize where the problem is.

Kashmir is not the problem. The problem is Pakistan. Pakis have successfully brainwashed too many dumb Indians to believe that Pakis are not the problem - but the problem is inside India with stupid governments and people. If I was Paki I would be laughing my ass off at the way 1.2 billion Indians can be made to look away from the real problem. Pakis say "Kashmir is the problem" and "Indians say yesyes yes - Kashmir is the problem". Nope. No way. Pakistan is the problem that needs solving.
Then what is your solution to Pakistan problem?

My solution is Akhand Bharat.

1 more Religious conversion(returning all Pakistani and Bangladeshi to Hinduism or Buddhism, if they become Buddhist or Hindu, no need for Pakistan and Bangladesh) and Akhand Bharat will solve problem of Indian subcontinent, no other option can.

India will be again re-united.

As long as Pakistan exists it will continue to bark against India.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2013
Re: Ways to settle kashmir issue...

Only if all pakistanis leave that land. And thats not gonna happen. I do not want those freaks to reside in a new India.
Well said bro. But instead of war, we can use various other options i mentioned above. what do you think..


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2013
Re: Ways to settle kashmir issue...

Then what is your solution to Pakistan problem?

My solution is Akhand Bharat.


As long as Pakistan exists it will continue to bark against India.
:thumb: Well said.


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
'We can have dialogue on Kashmir under ambit of insaniyat': Rajnath singh

"We want to find a permanent solution to Kashmir issue. We are ready for any kind of dialogue within Constitutional framework... If necessary, we are even willing to hold dialogue within the framework of 'insaniyat'," Home Minister Rajnath Singh informed Rajya Sabha.
Folks, What does this "insaniyat" mean?? What is rajnath saying here? Was that vaidik guy saying "azadi" recently on all channels a trail balloon for actual govt actions?? Is the current bjp govt led by modi also continuing the previous govt's policy of selling the country?


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2014
The problem is not only Kashmir, but Punjab and Sindh (now in Pakistan) and Bengal (now in Bangladesh) are traditional Hindu lands. There is nothing special about Kashmir.

A democratic country has to go by wishes of people. The Government of India should use a country wide referendum to know the views of people.


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Jan 20, 2013
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Army soldiers caught this alleged militant in Kashmir who was trying to escape using woman's Burka

P.S:- We need a sticky thread for insurgency in J&K(Just like Naxals/Maoists Watch)
Well sir its afghan pic not from Kashmir..
Some things can point it out.
1: Dress and Arm band on soldier is afghan army.
2: Burqa is blue which is common in afghanistan not kashmir.
3: Type of house (Kashmir has Wooden houses)


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Jun 17, 2009
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Dec 18, 2013
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Pakistan raising Kashmir at UN is 'clear interference' in internal affairs, says India
Oct 16, 2015 08:07 IST

United Nations: India has strongly dismissed Pakistan's raising of the Jammu and Kashmir issue at multiple fora in the UN, asserting that the references are "totally out of context" and constitute a "clear interference" in its internal affairs.

India also asserted that Kashmir is, has always been and will remain an integral part of India.

In one of the Right of Replies exercised by India to respond to comments by Pakistan's envoy to the UN, first secretary in the Indian Mission to the UN Abhishek Singh suggested that Pakistan should refrain from using the Right of Reply and instead "use the right of introspection" to think about the direction in which the country is moving.

Pakistan's Ambassador to the UN Maleeha Lodhi first raised the issue of Kashmir during a UN General Assembly plenary session on the Report of the Secretary General on the Work of the Organisation.

She said that consultations with Kashmiris, who are an integral part of the Kashmir dispute, are essential to evolving such a peaceful solution to the dispute.

"Calling for the termination of these consultations, as a precondition for dialogue, is unacceptable as well as counterproductive," she said in a reference to India.

Exercising the Right of Reply, Singh asserted that Kashmir is, has always been and will remain an integral part of India.

"It is all the more ironical that these comments come from a country which is persisting with its illegal occupation of part of the Indian State of Jammu and Kashmir," Singh said.

Rejecting Lodhi's remarks on Kashmir in its entirety, Singh said the references by Pakistan are "totally out of context and constitute a clear interference in the internal affairs of India."

Singh also expressed "deep regret" that Pakistan has violated the ceasefire on a number of occasions in the past several weeks leading to loss of civilian lives on the Indian side.

The Indian armed forces and para-military forces have responded to these "provocations", he said.

Following Lodhi's speech, India's envoy to the UN Asoke Mukerji said in his remarks that "it is most unfortunate" that the Pakistani envoy has chosen to refer to issues that are "extraneous to the debate that we are having today".

"We have diplomatic relations with Pakistan and such issues should be addressed in the framework of these relations, instead of being aired elsewhere," he said.

Alluding to the four-point peace initiative announced by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in his address to the UN General Assembly, Lodhi said the proposal "should have evoked a positive response from India. But this has not been forthcoming. Nevertheless, Pakistan stands ready to engage in a dialogue on all outstanding issues."



New Member
Feb 4, 2016
Isn't it trie that kashmir was never part of pakistan?
Just because it has majority muslim population doed not mean that it has right to seceed, after all what claim does pakistan have on it? There are parts of europe that have majorities of muslims, should there be a plebiscit there also?


New Member
Feb 4, 2016
according to India-Pakistan sub-system program,these regions whose popualtion mostly are Muslims belongs to Pakistan.Kashmir's people are mostly muslims.Why you want to occupy it? Nehru said:"Kashmir is indian hat",so you will fighting for this "hat"?
muslims expell none muslims from their lands so there is no chance of there being none muslim majorities in muslim lands, so muslims who want to join pakistan can move there.


New Member
Feb 4, 2016
I want to Know if masterofsea is truly concerned about the muslims in India or he is just interested in adding fuel to the fire in the kashmir issue, my question is very simple and not meant to offend IG ;are you concerned about ALL muslims in India or only Kashmiri muslims?
muslims wont do that they push muslims into none muslim lands, but wont accept them back because they can then work to turn those countries into muslims land also, that is why the expelled all indians from pakistan but wont accept any muslims back.


Regular Member
Oct 16, 2014
Isn't it trie that kashmir was never part of pakistan?
Just because it has majority muslim population doed not mean that it has right to seceed, after all what claim does pakistan have on it? There are parts of europe that have majorities of muslims, should there be a plebiscit there also?
I would still say that Pakistan doesn't even have claim on the land it calls Pakistan either. It has no right to speak about Kashmiris either because when we are speaking of Kashmiris, it include all the people of Kashmir irrespective of their faith but Pakistan isn't made up of people of Pakistan but just Muslims, it can not even claim to be a proper muslim representative when half of Muslims stay here and do not try to leave India. It is run under one interpretation of Sharia, one interpretation doesn't define all muslims.


Ghanta Senior Member?
Senior Member
Jan 1, 2015
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we don't have guts to fight against Pakis ... trust me this is the fact. Not because of Pakistan but because of China involved there.


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Sep 15, 2009
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Narendra Modi govt is all set to withdraw amenities provided by the Central and State governments to separatists.
September 2, 2016
In what can be seen as a blow to the separatists of Kashmir, the present Shri. Narendra Modi government is all set to withdraw amenities provided by the Central and State governments to separatists. For a long time now taxpayers’ money has been spent on providing facilities including security cover to separatists such as Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirwaiz Farooq and Yasin Malik. It would be worthwhile to mention here that these people not only indulge in anti-India propaganda on foreign shores but are also responsible for inciting mob violence in Kashmir Valley.


Every year the government spends close to Rs. 100 crores on separatists. Of these, 90 percent comes from the centre while the rest is borne by the state government. The facilities offered to these terror apologists include air tickets, hotel stay facilities and taxi services. This includes travel both within and outside the country. In return these people have been indulging in anti-India propaganda at various forums. Besides this, security cover is given to them by the state government. Presently, around 950 policemen are employed in guarding the separatists.

Change in policy

All this is set to be a thing of the past now. The centre has decided to withdraw these facilities in addition revoking the passport of these anti-nationals. It has also requested the state government, under whose purview security decisions fall, remove security guards provided to them.

This move by the government is expected to clip their wings and bring them in line. Already, the National Investigating Agency (NIA) has been probing the flow of funds from foreign bank accounts into the valley. These funds are believed to be used for anti-national activities. NIA recently recorded the statement of Naeem Geelani, son of Hurriyat leader Geelani, in this regard.

The policy envisioned by the central government, whenever it is brought into fruition, would be both a departure from previously held government policy and a step in the right direction in making these terror apologists toe the line of the centre.



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Oct 10, 2015
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The swedish guy, you will realize how unethical is this demand of kashmir aazadi in few years. Just keep accepting those migrants.


Senior Member
Sep 7, 2010
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Our government doesn't support any plebiscite in Kashmir. It is not possible to recover parts of Kashmir from Pakistan and China without risking a war. There is no solution right now apart from accepting status quo or risking a war to get back those lands into Indian fold.
The alternative to direct war is creating unrest in POK, G and B and Balochistan. I think the politicians in Pakistan will bring the civil conflict onto themselves due to the fact that verbal warning are being given to PTI and PTA by the Nawaz Sharif party members. I will locate the video related to the verbal warning. One of the politician has stated that if they organize the march against the Nawaz government than they will "IINT SAY IINT BAJA DEYGAY".
Let us see what happens after September 6,2016 march.

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