Jallikattu Ban: Elites vs Local Tradition


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Tamil Nadu Governor signs ordinance for jallikattu

CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Governor C Vidyasagar Rao on Saturday promulgated an ordinance for the conduct of jallikattu.

The Union government on Friday cleared the state's draft ordinance to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, enabling the conduct of jallikattu.

"The Governor's nod was obtained today for the ordinance to amend Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, which has the approval of President Pranab Mukherjee," Tamil Nadu chief minister O Panneerselvam said.

The chief minister recalled his meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday. He the state government issued an ordinance after obtaining the necessary prior instructions of the President as envisaged under Article 213 of the Constitution.

"The ordinance was promulgated by the Tamil Nadu government and jallikattu is to be conducted with the customary fervour all over the state with all necessary safeguards," the chief minister said.

The chief minister will leave for Madurai on Saturday night and flag off jallikattu at Alanganallur at 10am on Sunday. In other districts, local ministers will inaugurate the event.

Panneerselvam said the state government would introduce a bill replacing ordinance on Monday, the first day of the assembly session.

Shortly after the ordinance was promulgated, Panneerselvam shot off a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanking him on behalf of the government and people, for all his support and assistance in enabling jallikattu to be held in the state during Pongal season, upholding the culture and tradition of the state.




Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Seeing that most local parties, fringe elements, Islamic bodies, Christian bodies were involved along with the common people, I'm not at all surprised. My worst fear did become a reality.

I told you so .. I told you so ..I told you so ..I told you so ..
Thalaiva are you saying this protest was funded by anti nationals and there is nothing spontaneous youth movement or people s movement ???? enna kodumai saravana idu ...


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Thalaiva are you saying this protest was funded by anti nationals and there is nothing spontaneous youth movement or people s movement ???? enna kodumai saravana idu ...
Bossu, read my earlier posts in this thread. I have been repeatedly saying that even though this started as a peoples movement (even My brother got an invite for the first day from his friends to join in Marina beach), if you let the issue fester, Christian and Muslim bodies will try to take advantage of it and peddle their agenda in the name of giving support. Its what they have done time and again. That's why the Centre/Modi should have acted act faster. I have said this over and over again in this thread. Modi/Centre should have acted sooner. athu than sonnen ba.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
officially, Jallikattu will be flagged off at Alanganallur tomorrow at 10AM.
Nope its not happening. Madurai folks dont want a jallikattu without permanent solution in place.
What everyone seems to overlook is the fact that whatever state or central govt does, it will be subject to scrutiny and approval by the courts. SC will have the final say in case PETA objects to govt ordinance and seeks a stay in SC.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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SC will have the final say in case PETA objects to govt ordinance and seeks a stay in SC.
Ho Boy .... I did not expect this, but I'm all for it. SC needs to be shown its place.

SC will have the final say in case PETA objects to govt ordinance and seeks a stay in SC.
SC's decision isn't worth the paper its written on. This is a democracy. and its FOR the people. If one foreign organization can shutdown hundreds of years of local tradition with impunity, something is wrong with our 'democracy'. People are the ultimate authority. Not SC. SC is treading on waters beyond its jurisdiction and its only a matter of time that people lose their patience. I think SC should first set the record straight with the Kaveri water issue where its decision meant squat. only then its verdicts will qualify to be taken seriously. But hey, its foreign NGOs, they are the kings now. SC will go to any lengths to please their actual masters.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
People are the ultimate authority..
Nope, not quite so. Democracy works on a system of checks and balances. No one is given the "ultimate authority". Democracy = Executive+legislature+judiciary, each keeping the other on a tight leash.

For the tamils camping on marina, its going to be a long battle. What happened will be viewed as a personal insult by the court clowns. Now 'their lordships' will extract sweet revenge by playing favourites.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Nope, not quite so. Democracy works on a system of checks and balances. No one is given the ultimate authority, as you put it. Democracy = Executive+legislature+judiciary, each keeping the other on a tight leash.
You are wrong sir. People hold the power. Every institution regardless of checks and balances are ultimately answerable to the people. That is the very foundation of democracy.

For the tamils camping on marina, its going to be a long battle. What happened will be viewed as a personal insult by the court clowns. Now 'their lordships' will extract sweet revenge by playing favourites.
Doesn't really matter does it. The majority have woken up. I personally feel this insult isn't enough. They should be booted out. The judge who said "SC is not answerable to anyone" still is roaming free. This will be a long drawn battle, but the people are ready for it. Time will tell who is the ultimate power. SC couldn't do anything in Karnataka when they violated its decision, do you think TN will just let this slide by? No way. lets see how events unfold. this time, people will prevail.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Nope its not happening. Madurai folks dont want a jallikattu without permanent solution in place.
What everyone seems to overlook is the fact that whatever state or central govt does, it will be subject to scrutiny and approval by the courts. SC will have the final say in case PETA objects to govt ordinance and seeks a stay in SC.
Maybe this is the reason the new ordinance is not made public yet, so that the other side does not get a stay order tomorrow.

Having said that SC is behaving in favour of govt ever since new CJI took over. There are enough instances in last two weeks.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
You are wrong sir. People hold the power.... SC couldn't do anything in Karnataka when they violated its decision, ....
People can at best vote a different party overflowing with crooks to power, but cannot change the constitution. And the SC has the power to declare any law (including legislature-bypassed ordinances having 6 month validity) null and void if it violates the constitution. So ultimately your balls are in the hands of the SC clown and he can hurt you at will. So shhhhhhh....

KA govt clarified there is no water to release and invited anyone interested to come have a look at their dams and verify depleted water levels? Whatever was available was not sufficient for drinking water purpose for the people of KA. I guess SC was convinced by KA's stance. But that is cauvery issue, not for this thread.
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Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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People can max vote a different party overflowing with crooks to power, but cannot change the constitution. And the SC has the power to declare any law (including legislature-bypassed ordinances having 6 month validity) null and void if it violates the constitution. So ultimately your balls are in the hands of the SC and it can hurt you at will. So shhh....
we will find out whos balls are in whos hands :biggrin2:. So far it seems SC's balls are in PETA's hands.... shameful. FYI, unofficially jallikattu has already been organized in various villages. SC can whine all it wants. what can it do? as I said, peoples patience is finite. Antagonizing them isn't really productive. Any attempt by SC to do that will end up as fodder for vested interest.

KA govt clarified there is no water to release and invited anyone interested to come have a look at their dams and verify depleted water levels? Whatever was available was not sufficient for drinking water purpose itself for the people of KA. I guess SC was convinced by KA's stance. But that is cauvery issue, not for this thread.
What you said is nothing more than speculation. where is the proof? The issue was just forgotten after a few weeks and people just stopped talking about it. are you saying SC's decision was wrong? I have not seen any evidence to what you say. People rioted and eventually forgot ... that was how it ended.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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What everyone seems to overlook is the fact that whatever state or central govt does, it will be subject to scrutiny and approval by the courts.
Right.. because India is a country where every government institution follows rules strictly. SC is making a joke of itself and in the process, playing a very dangerous game.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
.. jallikattu has already been organized in various villages. SC can whine all it wants. what can it do?..
Yes it can be organized now since ordinance has been passed. But if PETA gets a stay, then it cannot happen since then it will be contempt of court. And for contempt, court can send OPS to jail, and have President's rule imposed in TN. Simply put, there is no limit to what the Court can order as punishment for not complying with its orders.
People rioted and eventually forgot ... that was how it ended.
What stopped tamils from occupying marina then? Why tamils forgot to protest? Actually why are tamils not protesting against KA even now?
But as i said, cauvery issue is for a different thread.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Watch the PETA subterfuge in action. Countless... is now redefined to be 23. Paid bitches covering their faces shot in a deserted area. There is only one reason to cover your face, you know you are on the losing side. and that you are wrong.

PETA grasping at straws ..
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Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Yes it can be organized now since ordinance has been passed. But if PETA gets a stay, then it cannot happen since then it will be contempt of court. And for contempt, court can send OPS to jail, and have President's rule imposed in TN. Simply put, there is no limit to what the Court can order as punishment for not complying with its orders.
wrong, simply put, Jallikattu has already been organized and has been conducted. its just not "official". What did SC do? Just because I impose the speed limit on autobahn (I do, its 60mph), doesn't mean I have any authority on German transportation department. SC is losing respect and quite soon, it will find out the reason why. As I said, People are the only authority, not courts. unless you want it to be a dictatorship.

What stopped tamils from occupying marina then? Why tamils forgot to protest? Actually why are tamils not protesting against KA even now?
But as i said, cauvery issue is for a different thread.
By protests, I meant Kannadigas protest NOT to release Kaveri water as mandated by SC. SC just kept shut. who were holding its balls then? keep up bro. get upto speed on the issue, id suggest. but yes, for a different thread,


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
.. Jallikattu has already been organized and has been conducted...
Oh ok you mean those random bull runs where organizers got their ass whipped by cops for disobeying the law?

By protests, I meant Kannadigas protest NOT to release Kaveri water as mandated by SC. SC just kept shut...,
Well kannadigas aren't giving you guys SC mandated water isn't it? Then what is stopping you guys from demanding KA obey SC order? Remind SC that KA is in contempt eh? ;-)


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Oh ok you mean those random bull runs where organizers got their ass whipped by cops for disobeying the law?
Actually yes, you should study history more. you will understand what the power of small and seemingly meaningless actions are. :) Multiple villages and towns have already held Jallikattu (traditionally, its held on pongal, so they did).. its not just "official" as per SC. so if you take solace in that fact, please go on.

Well kannadigas aren't giving you guys SC mandated water isn't it? Then what is stopping you guys from demanding KA obey SC order? Remind SC that KA is in contempt eh? ;-)
Kaveri water isn't as important as tradition and heritage. Every person has a toleration threshold. Tradition and history is beyond Kaveri water. If you are looking to win with semantics, please proceed further.

P.S: SC has a huge kick on its rear coming. mark my words. SC's masters will term it as anti-national. just wait and watch. again, people are the ultimate authority.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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is this all because of these pictures that we have to worried now the movement is hijacked by church funded NGOs and jihadist .....

the first picture is vellore its their location one of the few districts of TN which is muslim dominated so cant say it was genuie help or backed with some vicious game plan

the second picture is clearly someone who is trying to make himself stand out of the crowd tamil muslims hardly dress like that or may be they started copying the arab world ...

Third pic is something which i don t know what to say if the group of protestors allowed these people to pray in the middle of the crowd by compassion or its something the group forced and got it ..

Well the pics does give a perception that these protest are hijacked by the group who don t have any interest for jallikattu ..But as per the old tamil saying what you see is not true what you hear is not true you should always investigate anything deeper before you come to a conclusion ..

Hope our RAW and IB would have gathered some intelligence about these protest in the last 5 days .

They did the same at the heights of kudankulam nuclear power plant protest and finally uday kumar the activist who was spearheading the movement was made calm ...



Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Bro the most of the crowd was supported with help from the donors well all request for foods and water and other arrangements were made in social media and who ever in their own capacity helped maximum well i had arranged for meal for 35 people ..

but yes there are few things looked suspicious unless there is not detailed background verification i cant say anything the crowd is humongous and trust me with there is no leader and no one setting the protocol anyone and everyone walked in and walked out on their wish ..

Like few carrying the posters of prabhakaran and few were shouting at central government and offcourse the sight of jihadist groups also making things more complicated ...

There were few people who tried to tell the protesters not to use abusive words against the cent govt or any particular they got also royally abused for that stand

its slowly and steadily slipping out of the hands is what i can say ..

Not sure what is going to happen tomorrow

There was big money running around the protests, and unsurprisingly protesters were getting fed 3 meals a day.
Confirmed by some mates who did go to the beach and observe the protests.

I don't like what's going on in the background, Swamy is probably right.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
.. its not just "official" as per SC. so if you take solace in that fact, please go on.
Sure, you can do it in secrecy- off the limelight, off TV, without the mega fanfare, without attracting international tourists who boost earnings of natives during pongal, etc. Several illegal things are done in secrecy, you just added jallikattu to that list. Sad actually. Nothing to boast about it.
You see, you cannot hold jallikattu "openly" unless SC agrees with your viewpoint. Try and wrap your head around that.

Kaveri water isn't as important as tradition and heritage..
Oh ok, so now an excellent bull's semen, which jallikattu is supposed to produce and must be fought with all might to be continued, is more precious than farmers committing suicides and crop failures owing to lack of water from KA. Seriously?
Fantastic, continue your laughable arguments. Iam enjoying this.
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Senior Member
Apr 15, 2010
is this all because of these pictures that we have to worried now the movement is hijacked by church funded NGOs and jihadist .....

the first picture is vellore its their location one of the few districts of TN which is muslim dominated so cant say it was genuie help or backed with some vicious game plan

the second picture is clearly someone who is trying to make himself stand out of the crowd tamil muslims hardly dress like that or may be they started copying the arab world ...

Third pic is something which i don t know what to say if the group of protestors allowed these people to pray in the middle of the crowd by compassion or its something the group forced and got it ..

Well the pics does give a perception that these protest are hijacked by the group who don t have any interest for jallikattu ..But as per the old tamil saying what you see is not true what you hear is not true you should always investigate anything deeper before you come to a conclusion ..

Hope our RAW and IB would have gathered some intelligence about these protest in the last 5 days .

They did the same at the heights of kudankulam nuclear power plant protest and finally uday kumar the activist who was spearheading the movement was made calm ...
We have to understand these uprisings in one form or the other for good or bad irrespective of there goals.. placing stumbled blocks for governance is the objective and to bargain strength in favour of foreign organisations policies( in exchange of smooth functionality of democracy) is exactly what UPA compromised our country to allow them thrive in exchange of power.

Now NDA has to show some intelligence, instead of giving them free pass in exchange for 2019 elections. Pls find there backbones and break them.

1. Crowd managers : these are same people from political meet crowd managers to protest induced rowdies. Gather there records now itself.

2. Judiciary sold outs : these are easy to control get there illegal assets data.

3. Media pimps or lobby: propaganda sold in 2ruppees newspaper to special controversial programs on TV channels like ndtv. Editor or news readers are not the ones to be targeted. We need to target investor's who is running agendas. Passing a bill with caps against foreign investment in media will help.

If we control them we can ensure democratic governance is free to function unhindered.

Most incidents in our country happen randomly but highlighting them in selection and starting a protest, gaining a consensus is old game. Latest one is they learned to evolve. They start the game and they will end it. In the mean time leaving people confused. Most important is Internet hindus are discredited because it's enemy is no longer of same static color making it difficult to nail them on social media. They changed there goal post from agenda driven to confuse the crowds.
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