Jallikattu Ban: Elites vs Local Tradition


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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AK is least bothers what happens in TN because there is no election in the state till 2019 and 2021 so he will not put his nose and ass here until some opportunity arise .. at the height of 2014 general elections they did start some campaign my cousin said why should i support modi and why not AK because he is against corruption i said FO .. but the kind of candidates they put are all the well settled writers and corporate type people who never seen poverty or any struggles in life in the current day and who cant strike chord with the people .

well somewhere i am feeling this 2017 elections in 5 states is going to be bad for BJP not because they did something wrong to people but the sentiments are against them

Punjab : Strong anti incubancy on the akali s will make sure bjp also dragged down (looks like AAP or congress wil win or who know may be a coalition govt like delhi they will do if they fall short of majority

UP : i think mayawati has took the lead well ahead but sure majority looks doubtfull .. Now this mahaghatbandhan will make any damage to her has to been seen . Bjp may do better than 2012 but no where close to 2014 success in General elections

Goa: looks like it will fall in the hands of anarchist army same like Delhi ..

uttarakhand : Looks like the congress will retain it thanks to their new offer of permission of muslims to take break for prayers in government jobs :mad2:

Manipur : no idea who will win BJP is not a strong force i believe their ..

But i badly want BJP to loose these elections . so that they go extreme right and start UCC and artcile 370 actions rather simply keep trying to act secular and ignore hindu s ...
Yup, I feel the same way.
Except for Manipur, usually seven sisters align themselves to the party in power at the centre.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Sir no one is changing the goal post or trying to milk the government

its just that we know peta is not any small group which we can ignore and relax so the move was to get a ban on PETA India not PETA TN but sadly and worringly no media and politician is talking about it

Well the demands were not just remove ban on jallikattu it was to Amend PCA act and remove bull from the performing animals list and also Act on Animal welfare board of india

We cant take peta easily with the kind of power they have in the judiciary they will just simply get a ban in matter of minutes

The national media only covered us after the 3rd day before that two days there are lots of issues faced by students and others

Farmers were trashed with lathi charge by police in the madurai so it s not the MSM came and saved us and raised the issue to cent govt and got things done ..

everyone wants to score brownie points BJP says we helped the tamils get ordinance passed

DMK says it has done it . Same ADMK says its the new party president who saved the tamil s .

and the Fringe wants to include few more of their agitation into this movement

the minute someone diverts the movement towards anti india or separate tamil nation it will get dumped by the major supporters .

Remember what happened to the OROP junkies who kept their protests on despite government wielding to most of their demands? People stopped giving d@mn about them.

General public knows when "enough is enough". Government has taken the first step in right direction. There cannot be a solution outside the legal and constitutional framework.

Distasteful images and incidences are already in circulation about the way these protests were carried out and how certain fringe elements were allowed to be a part of the protests.

If the protesters stretch it too far, they will soon start looking like "Extortionists". This may become counter-productive for the whole cause.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Bro allanganallur farmers saved OPS to get lost and come back with a permanent law .. So the crooky ADMK ministers and politicians are conducting bullock cart races and their own jallikattu in coimbatore and dindigul

as usual they say its done and dusted story now and leave marina ..

So the situation has gone out of hand.now no Jallikattu till there is a permenant solution. PETA is in a knot now. Let's see what's their next move is.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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I think the BJP should have realised when jootley lost the elections in 2014 whether to stay with the akali s or not ...

lol Akalis are the biggest gundas, thieves and looters Punjab has ever seen. If BJP has an ounce of self respect, they should break the alliance otherwise they are just another political party out to loot the masses. Hope the Akalis burn in hell, shame on them for using the word Akali for their party, these scumbags are the furthest from an Akali you can get.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Someone really needs to show some spine to the SC its s not the Ruler of the land its job is to implement the rule of the land .. They defy the central government when they wanted to implement a new system of selecting judges they defy government in each and every move they feel they can poke ..

Well i can name few SC judges or Lawyers who are so corrupt .. in my previous job i sold them a product for which they paid through cash the same cash PM has tried to eradicate from INDIA .. Now see where is the opposition to black money coming from when the highest authority in the country has such corrupt bastards sitting and making the law ..we are only going to get less justice for any right things ...

Not directly, but can recommend so, if orders are violated. Suo motto contempt proceedings can be taken up against CM and others responsible for violation of SC order, next can order arrests for criminal contempt. Then directs executive to carry out order by next in line in state administration. Now, worst case scenario, if everyone defies SC orders, they pass an order stating constitutional mechanisms have broken down, and also declares the state govt has lost its right to hold pleasure of the Governor under constitution, subsequently SC recommends declaration of emergency citing failure of constitutional machinery in state under Article 356, citing CM assumed office under the oath administered by Governor and they (CM and his council of minsters) failed to uphold constitution of India. What happens next is anybody's guess.

Worst case theoretical scenario i could gather. But possible if executive declares all out against judiciary.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Government has taken the first step in right direction. There cannot be a solution outside the legal and constitutional framework..
Fully agree. There cannot be a solution outside of constitutional validity, unless tamils want to secede from the Union and make there own laws.
Govt has done what it could. SC will issue stay order and things will be back to square one.
Tamilians, instead of viewing SC as an enemy and PETA as anti-tamil, should go back to court with a strong defense team and fight this case in court.
For fuck's sake, have confidence in legal system. Dont be eternal secessionists. Democracy is only as powerful as citizens want it to be.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Why are people again and again saying we wanted to get out of indian ... no one is forcing any anti india views looks like some kind of paranoid is spreading saying the tamil people want a separate country .. Please don t make such comments and really make us look like terrorist ... It s you guys who are slowly and steadily creating a mountain out of mole and giving strong feeling to the others that tamil s are anti india ..

yes we are seeing the power of democracy in US where in all cities there is protest against Donald trump why dont they accept the democratic victory of him and stop doing all these protest s .. Everyone has their own view ...

If you feel so confident about this countries judiciary system well that s your personal view .. the people in chennai who are protesting are not having that much confidence like you .. Because they are feeling let down first by their own politicians and then by the judiciary . No one is saying its SC the real vilian its also the state government and also may be little blame on the current central govt and maximum on the bastard UPA II Jairam Ramesh and MMS Who amended the PCA Act to include the bulls in that list .

Not sure who so much hate s being diverted towards us .. Is it because we allowed the muslims and christians in our protest along with hindu s and merged with all caste s .. Is it something really terrible that inclusion is ripping the country ..

The PM says big words like sabkha sath sabkha vikas .. who what is that mean ?

And ya i am not a born tamilian neither a christian . I Just brought up in the state and lived there for 20 years .. its been 15 years since i moved out of Chennai ..

Atleast we protested so far in far better way than the Gujjar protest of rajasthan when removing the rail tracks and threatening to derail trains and the Latest Jat protest which has given handsome freedom to Few young bulls to rape someones mother sister or wife dragging them from cars into fields ..(Hope it is Still a rumour or story created by the opposition to defame Mr.Kattar)

Fully agree. There cannot be a solution outside of constitutional validity, unless tamils want to secede from the Union and make there own laws.
Govt has done what it could. SC will issue stay order and things will be back to square one.
Tamilians, instead of viewing SC as an enemy and PETA as anti-tamil, should go back to court with a strong defense team and fight this case in court.
For fuck's sake, have confidence in legal system. Dont be eternal secessionists. Democracy is only as powerful as citizens want it to be.


Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Fully agree. There cannot be a solution outside of constitutional validity, unless tamils want to secede from the Union and make there own laws.
Govt has done what it could. SC will issue stay order and things will be back to square one.
Tamilians, instead of viewing SC as an enemy and PETA as anti-tamil, should go back to court with a strong defense team and fight this case in court.
For fuck's sake, have confidence in legal system. Dont be eternal secessionists. Democracy is only as powerful as citizens want it to be.
In no democracy the judiciary self appoints itself and has primacy over the legislature and executive.In no democracy the judiciary can say that "we are not asnwerable to anyone".In a democracy every govt. institution is answerable to the people.

Time has come to tell the SC that they must maintain their constitutional limits.


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2010
Why are people again and again saying we wanted to get out of indian ... no one is forcing any anti india views looks like some kind of paranoid is spreading saying the tamil people want a separate country .. Please don t make such comments and really make us look like terrorist ... It s you guys who are slowly and steadily creating a mountain out of mole and giving strong feeling to the others that tamil s are anti india ..

yes we are seeing the power of democracy in US where in all cities there is protest against Donald trump why dont they accept the democratic victory of him and stop doing all these protest s .. Everyone has their own view ...

If you feel so confident about this countries judiciary system well that s your personal view .. the people in chennai who are protesting are not having that much confidence like you .. Because they are feeling let down first by their own politicians and then by the judiciary . No one is saying its SC the real vilian its also the state government and also may be little blame on the current central govt and maximum on the bastard UPA II Jairam Ramesh and MMS Who amended the PCA Act to include the bulls in that list .

Not sure who so much hate s being diverted towards us .. Is it because we allowed the muslims and christians in our protest along with hindu s and merged with all caste s .. Is it something really terrible that inclusion is ripping the country ..

The PM says big words like sabkha sath sabkha vikas .. who what is that mean ?

And ya i am not a born tamilian neither a christian . I Just brought up in the state and lived there for 20 years .. its been 15 years since i moved out of Chennai ..

Atleast we protested so far in far better way than the Gujjar protest of rajasthan when removing the rail tracks and threatening to derail trains and the Latest Jat protest which has given handsome freedom to Few young bulls to rape someones mother sister or wife dragging them from cars into fields ..(Hope it is Still a rumour or story created by the opposition to defame Mr.Kattar)

I told you already next agenda these congi en ngo rascals want it look like tamil vs India. We know that they won't succeed. Because we are ready to kick there a $$.

With in constitution from where judiciary interprets laws to public to ban (and adding bulls as performing animal) jallikattu SC is 200% wrong in its judgment. There are other laws which support jallikattu as tradition.

SC no way, it can support one over other except give or propose rules how bulls jallikattu can be performed in safe manner.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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I told you already next agenda these congi en ngo rascals want it look like tamil vs India. We know that they won't succeed. Because we are ready to kick there a $$.

With in constitution from where judiciary interprets laws to public to ban (and adding bulls as performing animal) jallikattu SC is 200% wrong in its judgment. There are other laws which support jallikattu as tradition.

SC has no way, it can support one over other except give or propose rules how bulls jallikattu can be performed in safe manner.
Also how can they allow goats to be sacrificed on eid while banning bulls to race???

On the course to future jallikattu needs reforms. But banning has hit a raw nerve.

Leave it be it will minimize in coming years anyway. Also govt should organize bike race on dirt tracka and tractor race also wrestling:biggrin2: people will slowly drift away from bulls race.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
I..Time has come to tell the SC that they must maintain their constitutional limits.
Huh? Where exactly are you saying SC has over-reached itself? It is doing exactly what it is supposed to do - adjudicate on a matter bought before it by concerned party/parties. It passed a judgement based on laws enacted by legislature and has tried to uphold constitution in letter and spirit. And you find SC faulty? What the fuck, dude!

Its the bloody legislators/idiots we voted to power directly or indirectly, who have made a mess by cutting, chopping and amending legislations at convenience. These rascals are the ones who are accountable and needs to be thrashed by public.
And regarding judicial self-appointment, iam ALL for it. I dont want judiciary to be another CBI - a caged parrot. Heck, if politicians appointed judges, we will have a collegium today dipped deep in saffron.


Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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Huh? Where exactly are you saying SC has over-reached itself? It is doing exactly what it is supposed to do - adjudicate on a matter bought before it by concerned party/parties. It passed a judgement based on laws enacted by legislature and has tried to uphold constitution in letter and spirit. And you find SC faulty? What the fuck, dude!

Its the bloody legislators/idiots we voted to power directly or indirectly, who have made a mess by cutting, chopping and amending legislations at convenience. These rascals are the ones who are accountable and needs to be thrashed by public.
And regarding judicial self-appointment, iam ALL for it. I dont want judiciary to be another CBI - a caged parrot. Heck, if politicians appointed judges, we will have a collegium today dipped deep in saffron.
The SC has no job banning anything.Ban vehicles in delhi,Ban Liquor shops,Ban JalliKattu.Their job is adjuticate on the laws laid down.

Name one country where Judges appoint themselves.ONE.Collegium has made the higher judiciary a den of nepotism and no accoutability.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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They will never get also even if they win most of the Rajya sabha MPs nominated are only retiring in 2019 and some even in 2020 .. i am saying not to bring the law just pursue the matter aggressively in the open .. Lets see March 11 is not too far ... Hope BJP wins UP if not BJP gets some decent numbers so that no party gets majority and BSP and BJP makes a coalition .. its just the J which is different in between these two parties:bounce:

If BJP looses these elections then forget UCC and article 370 removal, they will never get the numbers in rajya sabha.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Their job is adjuticate on the laws laid down.
To repeat myself, that IS what they doing my friend!
Legislators made a law that said bulls cannot be used for entertainment/sport and that doing so amounts to cruelty to animals.
SC found jallikattu violates the above said law (make by legislators, if you didn't get it earlier) and made it illegal. Which means abolish it. Which means, yes, BAN it. Now for the life of me, i dont get why you fellows are saying SC has done something wrong here. SC has just followed course by referring to laws made by legislators and passed an appropriate order!


Name one country where Judges appoint themselves.ONE.Collegium has made the higher judiciary a den of nepotism and no accoutability.
Do we have to always have to follow examples set by others?
To repeat again, iam happy to have a judiciary that is COMPLETELY independent of the scum we vote to power.
To repeat once again - if our country worked the way you wanted, ie politicians appointed judges, we will have a collegium today dipped deep in saffron (filled with RSS-affliates). No good it does to the spirit of our constitution, what?


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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The bigget irony is the Congi bastards they made the law they paved the way today they are just watching PM modi getting bashed by everyone ... and silently enjoying that they escaped but congress future is how ever over forever in TN for sure .. Not sure the rest of india if they bring that grandmother look a like Pee Gandhi who may get some brownie points with female voters .

The amended the law which helped Peta file a case in SC and get the Ban

Not even a single voice of the Congi Asses today opening their shit hole

Especially the oxford educated PC bastard who roams in the state saying he is proud tamil but not a word till date


He felt this was movement of anti nationals and lets keep calm then support them .. As if he did everything which was india s interest.

Also how can they allow goats to be sacrificed on eid while banning bulls to race???

On the course to future jallikattu needs reforms. But banning has hit a raw nerve.

Leave it be it will minimize in coming years anyway. Also govt should organize bike race on dirt tracka and tractor race also wrestling:biggrin2: people will slowly drift away from bulls race.


Senior Member
Oct 4, 2016
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To repeat myself, that IS what they doing my friend!
Legislators made a law that said bulls cannot be used for entertainment/sport and that doing so amounts to cruelty to animals.
SC found jallikattu violates the above said law (make by legislators, if you didn't get it earlier) and made it illegal. Which means abolish it. Which means, yes, BAN it. Now for the life of me, i dont get why you fellows are saying SC has done something wrong. SC has just followed course by referring to laws made by legislators!


Do we have to always have to follow examples set by others?
To repeat again, iam happy to have a judiciary that is COMPLETELY independent of the scum we vote to power.
To repeat once again - if our country worked the way you wanted, ie politicians appointed judges, we will have a collegium today dipped deep in saffron (filled with RSS-affliates). No good it does to the spirit of our constitution, what?
1.The center then removed the law saying Bulls cannot be used for sports.That should have been the end of it.The Legislature can add and remove laws.If the SC didnt stay the adding of Bull to the list why stay its removal?No reason. Can you tell me what law allows SC to ban liquor shops or cars in delhi?Any law?The SC has been exceeding their brief for long.

There are certain basics of a democracy.

1.No one can appoint himself,thats dictatorship.

2.Every govt agency has to be accountable.That prevents corruption.

3.All dealings have to be transparent.That defeats nepotism and corruption.

No one these are followed by the collegium system.

There is no mention of any collegium in the constitution.The SC invented that thing.


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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you are right there is nothing wrong from the SC side its the politicians who screwed it .. But the only thing which created this rage was the judge who passed the verdict on this ban was selected by PETA india as their man of the year award the next year after he passed the verdict .. Now i don t know what to say . Does judges have to right to be associated with any organisation ????

Why is asking Ban of PETA is wrong when they current government shut down so many NGOs who they felt are threat to the country ..

PETA is more like a economic Hitman type organization as per my understanding on their stand towards the current issue .. i may be wrong also.

To repeat myself, that IS what they doing my friend!
Legislators made a law that said bulls cannot be used for entertainment/sport and that doing so amounts to cruelty to animals.
SC found jallikattu violates the above said law (make by legislators, if you didn't get it earlier) and made it illegal. Which means abolish it. Which means, yes, BAN it. Now for the life of me, i dont get why you fellows are saying SC has done something wrong here. SC has just followed course by referring to laws made by legislators and passed an appropriate order!


Do we have to always have to follow examples set by others?
To repeat again, iam happy to have a judiciary that is COMPLETELY independent of the scum we vote to power.
To repeat once again - if our country worked the way you wanted, ie politicians appointed judges, we will have a collegium today dipped deep in saffron (filled with RSS-affliates). No good it does to the spirit of our constitution, what?


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Two people killed in Jallikattu in TN done and dusted now human rights groups also will jump and ask for Ban to this . This is what happens when politicians do things in haste by conducting events without any proper preparation ...:facepalm:


Senior Member
Apr 15, 2010
you are right there is nothing wrong from the SC side its the politicians who screwed it .. But the only thing which created this rage was the judge who passed the verdict on this ban was selected by PETA india as their man of the year award the next year after he passed the verdict .. Now i don t know what to say . Does judges have to right to be associated with any organisation ????

Why is asking Ban of PETA is wrong when they current government shut down so many NGOs who they felt are threat to the country ..

PETA is more like a economic Hitman type organization as per my understanding on their stand towards the current issue .. i may be wrong also.
Did you know what he is saying... he say bulls are added in performing list so sc banned it. Then why didn't sc allow jallikattu when same legislation to reverse earlier and edit bulls from performing animal list is rejected(introduced by BJP ). There is something u missed to ask " WTF". It only points one thing did SC judges are sold outs.

SC is wrong in its judgment have no doubt about it.

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