Jallikattu Ban: Elites vs Local Tradition


Senior Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Traditional sports like jilliketu should be bought to the forefront and we should have a national games for traditional games

Helms deep

Regular Member
Oct 21, 2016
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One thing Indian government least bother is to preserve the rich heritage in India...
They just brain wash people saying Pakistan, Muslim, note ban etc....
Make jallikattu and other festival happen with government control, keep strict rules...
Encourage it, advertise it in such that it attract foreign visitors and make famous... With that u got to keep the culture intact, income could be used for well being of cattels and farmers..... EVery one wat is Ur take on this...


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Is this true that people carrying Tricolor were beaten up by certain sections of protesters (read Muslims)?

Such incidents require stringent action.


Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
"Elite" SC clowns forgot India continues to live in its villages - most of us just come out to earn money.
Stinking rotten egg on its collective face and its heartening to note. They will be more careful with their farts in future.This incident will ensure elitist rulings are protested with full force.

Its coming around to what i wanted - allow jallikattu to happen but with provisions made in law to ensure stray cases of cruelty (rubbing chilli powder to the eyes, poking with sharp rods, pouring alcohol down its throat) are strictly abolished. Kudos to youth power. Must applaud the fact that many young tamil girls stayed out safely at marina during protests. Delhi mundas and bangalore dudes, take note and learn how to behave with girls.

Congress has come out stinking like public toilet (jayanthi natarajan doing max to ensure her old party does not survive this). And the nut case swamy better not call himself a tamilian. Both cutlets and tamils are out hunting for him. I heard they did a cremation for him at the marina?
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Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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"Elite" SC clowns forgot India continues to live in its villages - most of us just come out to earn money.
Stinking rotten egg on its collective face and its heartening to note. They will be more careful with their farts in future.This incident will ensure elitist rulings are protested with full force.

Its coming around to what i wanted - allow jallikattu to happen but with provisions made in law to ensure stray cases of cruelty (rubbing chilli powder to the eyes, poking with sharp rods, pouring alcohol down its throat) are stictly abolished. Kudos to youth power. Must applaud the fact that many young tamil girls stayed out safely at marina during protests. Delhi mundas and bangalore dudes, take note and learn how to behave with girls.

Congress has come out stinking like public toilet (jayanthi natarajan doing max to ensure her old party does not survive this). And the nut case swamy better not call himself a tamilian. Both cutlets and tamils are out hunting for him. I heard they did a cremation for him at the marina?
Swamy is correct on several aspects of the protest:
A. Prabhakaran's banners came up, so did Osama's
B. Muslims and Christians joined the protest in large numbers, they were clearly visible (skull-caps and beards, cross around neck)
C. People carrying Tricolor to protest got beaten up

Most importantly, why did the people on street allowed such abrasion to take place?

Why did we not witness any spontaneous protest when Jalikattu was originally banned? Something smells fishy, worth an investigation.

Church, NGOs behind Occupy Marina agitation
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Senior Member
Sep 23, 2016
Something smells fishy, worth an investigation.
Couple of things -
1. Its heartening to note tamil muslims joined the protest. In fact iam happy he put his tamil identity even above his cap, metamorphically. But ofcourse, if the intent behind being at the marina was shady, they need to be shown their place.

2. Among the marina crowd were the good men and women from IB, mixing freely, noting and remembering everything. If cutlets, NGOs and evangelicals were behind the marina spectacle, Modi is already aware of it by now. Rest assured.

3. i believe swamy called tamils porukkis? Bad word gets you bad karma.

I would like to believe the power of SM was behind the marina protests.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Couple of things -
1. Its heartening to note tamil muslims joined the protest. In fact iam happy he put his tamil identity even above his cap, metamorphically. But ofcourse, if the intent behind being at the marina was shady, they need to be shown their place.

2. Among the marina crowd were the good men and women from IB, mixing freely, noting and remembering everything. If cutlets, NGOs and evangelicals were behind the marina spectacle, Modi is already aware of it by now. Rest assured.

3. i believe swamy called tamils porukkis? Bad word gets you bad karma.

I would like to believe the power of SM was behind the marina protests.

He called the jihadis, church cult and tricolor beaters as porukkis.


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2014
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Couple of things -
1. Its heartening to note tamil muslims joined the protest. In fact iam happy he put his tamil identity even above his cap, metamorphically. But ofcourse, if the intent behind being at the marina was shady, they need to be shown their place.

2. Among the marina crowd were the good men and women from IB, mixing freely, noting and remembering everything. If cutlets, NGOs and evangelicals were behind the marina spectacle, Modi is already aware of it by now. Rest assured.

3. i believe swamy called tamils porukkis? Bad word gets you bad karma.

I would like to believe the power of SM was behind the marina protests.
Muslims also joined the Independence Movement, we know the rest. This is an alliance of convenience.

They joined the protest because they intend to use it to build a case against the Uniform Civil Code.

Shady figures use such seemingly well-intentioned "spontaneous protests" to launch their political career. Take Kejriwal for example.

Question is why now? Why did not "spontaneous" protest take place last year? What changed this year?

If rumors are to be believed, Marina Protest was anything but "Spontaneous". The protest was started by a group of students from a Christian College nearby, others followed like sheep.

Good news is that the government wasn't too lazy to act, and the issue has died down, for now.


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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@Krusty , How to do taqiya 101...Look at the RTs...hahaha:pound:. The sad thing is people are falling for it.


In case you dont get it, in 1st tweet the guy speaks how muslims are joining the protests for jallikattu out of goodwill.
In second pic he equates jallikattu to honor killings/sati kind of stuff, as center passes ordinance to President for conduct of jallikattu.



Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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He has spoken, now rest assured people will get their jallikattu back.
Good news, but I have said this before and ill say it again. Modi would have earned the eternal gratitude of Tamils and ensure a foothold in TN if only he has said this and voiced his opinion a bit earlier. If you let this fester, Abrahamics will hijack the protest. Which in part, they already did. There was no reason for the skull caps to get photos of Osama out. completely uncalled for. I have been saying this from the start of this thread. Skull caps will do anything and everything to peddle their agenda.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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@Krusty , How to do taqiya 101...Look at the RTs...hahaha:pound:. The sad thing is people are falling for it.


Skullcaps and Crosses have highjacked the protests. Chapter 1 page 1 of Taquiyya. If native locals are a protesting, join them to forward your agenda. There are Muslim dominated areas which were over the top with this bullshit. This is clearly nothing to do with Jallikattu. But they are taking the protests to their advantage. I have said " I am telling you if you give it time, they will highjack it. SC/Center should act fast." over and over again. our CM is an idiot and has zero leadership qualities. BJP let this chance slip past them. Now even if Jallikattu takes place tomorrow, its still a victory for Abrahamics. Either ways, Hindus lose. Someone said Modi is waiting to make sure he has a card to play against AIADMK for negotiating a resolution. I told him it wont happen. now look. My blood is literally boiling at skullcaps now. Mark my words, if Karnataka starts their protest for Kambala, Muslims will do the exact same there too.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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Swamy is correct on several aspects of the protest:
A. Prabhakaran's banners came up, so did Osama's
B. Muslims and Christians joined the protest in large numbers, they were clearly visible (skull-caps and beards, cross around neck)
C. People carrying Tricolor to protest got beaten up
Good news is that the government wasn't too lazy to act, and the issue has died down, for now.
Seconded. Mark my words, Karnataka is next in line for the same thing is they start for Kambala. Both centre and SC wasted precious time. They should have acted sooner, considering National interests. what else can we expect from Abrahamics? they thrive in exploiting and taking advantage. What does Jallikattu have to do with Muslims and Christians? Now they have successfully 'shared' the claim for Jallikattu. Maybe that's exactly what SC wants.
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Senior Member
Nov 1, 2013
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@alphacentury I checked out the loneranger twitter handle. Absolute and unadulterated anti-india venom. I hope NIA is keeping an eye on such people.
Hahaha, few months back ,she said Hillary will become potus and will send Modi hiding for his crimes. Owl baba and killary will rule the world. total nutcase, amusing tho.

Coming to the point, I am not worried about anti Ind sentiments in these protests or in general in Tamil Nadu. They are very fringe irresp of what you see on SM. Just like khalistanis. But, I am worried about islamists hijacking this movement.


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2016
Good news, but I have said this before and ill say it again. Modi would have earned the eternal gratitude of Tamils and ensure a foothold in TN if only he has said this and voiced his opinion a bit earlier. If you let this fester, Abrahamics will hijack the protest. Which in part, they already did. There was no reason for the skull caps to get photos of Osama out. completely uncalled for. I have been saying this from the start of this thread. Skull caps will do anything and everything to peddle their agenda.
Animal rights activists up in arms as Prakash Javadekar tries to bring back Jallikattu

If Prakash Javadekar who has been promoted to Cabinet rank on Tuesday is moved out of the ministry of Environment and Forests, this may well be seen as a farewell gift to Jallikattu lovers. A note prepared by his ministry that paves the way for the return of Jallikattu, the bull taming sport practised in southern Tamil Nadu around Pongal in January, was vetted by the Law Ministry on 21 June, for it to be presented before the Cabinet.

If passed by the Cabinet, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) (amendment) Bill 2016, could be introduced in Parliament during the monsoon session. A clear indication that Narendra Modi's government with support from the entire political class and film industry of Tamil Nadu, is taking the animal rights activist lobby by its horns.

Representational image of Jallikattu. AFP

The key section that is being amended is Section 22 of the PCA Act 1960 which deals with restrictions on exhibition and training of performing animals. At the moment, the section specifies that "as a performing animal, any animal which the central government may, by notification in the official gazette, specify as an animal shall not be exhibited or trained as a performing animal.”

According to the note, a copy of which has been seen by Firstpost, the ministry wants to insert a new sub section (iii) after sub section (ii) of Section 22 of the PCA Act. It says: “Any animal notified in the official gazette, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub section (II) of section 22 of the Act shall continue to be exhibited or trained as a performing animal, at events, in a manner prescribed the religion of any community, or practiced traditionally under the customs or as a part of the culture, in any part of the country. These events may, inter-alia, include Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu, and bullock cart races in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, Haryana, Kerala, Gujarat, etc,”

The note signed by Dr R S Shrinet, Assistant Legal Advisor in the Ministry of Law and Justice, points out that "Parliament has the power to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960'' and adds there appears to be "no legal or constitutional objection to the proposal, hence we may concur in the proposal.''

In July 2011, the ministry had specified that animals like bears, monkeys, tigers, panthers, lions and bulls "shall not be exhibited or trained as performing animals.'' It was after this that the Supreme Court banned the sport, after activists pointed out that bulls were subjected to unimaginable cruelty during Jallikattu.

Subsequently, the court reiterated its opposition to Jallikattu twice, once in May 2014 and then again in January 2016. The second order was after Javedekar with an eye on the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections, just days before Pongal, brought in an order allowing Jallikattu and bullock cart races. The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) approached the Supreme Court which struck down the order. Ever since the board and the ministry have been at loggerheads, with the latter even asking the board members, who are incidentally appointed by the ministry, to step down. The board members refused to fall in line and the ministry's plan to reportedly appoint pliant members did not succeed.

Extending an olive branch to the animal rights activists, the note also says : "Amend the relevant provisions of PCA Act 1960 to enhance the fine for infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals to make it more deterrent.''

But that is not likely to satisfy the animal activists and the government can be prepared for a legal confrontation. "Of course, we will move the court against the amendment as and when it is passed by Parliament,'' says N G Jayasimha, member of AWBI.

Enhanced fine can hardly be deterrent, argue animal lovers. Chinny Krishna, vice-chairman of the AWBI says, "Jallikattu has seen cruelty of the worst kind. Of animals being poked with knives, chilly powder being thrown in their anus, bulls being forced to drink liquor and all kind of irritants including castor oil put in their eyes so that they cant see properly. There have been instances we have recorded where the animal's tail is broken and stabbed with a knife and it is confronted with drunken louts who just jump on the bull and try to bring it down.''

Jallikattu lovers disagree, arguing why would they harm their own bulls, who is like a "family member''. "The activists mistake vermilion for chilly powder. Make the rules stringent but allow us to conduct Jallikattu,'' pleads P Rajasekhar, president of the Tamil Nadu Jallikattu Federation.

During the election campaign in Tamil Nadu, all political parties had promised that they would bring back Jallikattu. In Chief Minister Jayalalithaa's long list of demands to the Prime Minister after returning to power, Jallikattu figured prominently.

Locals in Alanganallur, the ground zero of Jallikattu in Madurai region, defiantly ask how a 69-year-old institution (Supreme Court) can rule over a 450-year-old traditional sport. Illogical as it may sound, it finds ready takers in this patch of India. Which is why several smaller outfits let loose their bulls, both this Pongal and last year, in an informal defiance of the court order. The district police, on the horns of a dilemma on how to control the animals on the rampage as per the court order, are caught between a bull and a hard place.

As Vijay, a 20-year-old bull tamer in Alanganallur says in half-Tamil, half-English, "Jallikattu is banned, Long Live Jallikattu.''


It was Prakash Javadekar that was doing most of the work to bring Jallikattu back.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Animal rights activists up in arms as Prakash Javadekar tries to bring back Jallikattu

If Prakash Javadekar who has been promoted to Cabinet rank on Tuesday is moved out of the ministry of Environment and Forests, this may well be seen as a farewell gift to Jallikattu lovers. A note prepared by his ministry that paves the way for the return of Jallikattu, the bull taming sport practised in southern Tamil Nadu around Pongal in January, was vetted by the Law Ministry on 21 June, for it to be presented before the Cabinet.

If passed by the Cabinet, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) (amendment) Bill 2016, could be introduced in Parliament during the monsoon session. A clear indication that Narendra Modi's government with support from the entire political class and film industry of Tamil Nadu, is taking the animal rights activist lobby by its horns.

Representational image of Jallikattu. AFP

The key section that is being amended is Section 22 of the PCA Act 1960 which deals with restrictions on exhibition and training of performing animals. At the moment, the section specifies that "as a performing animal, any animal which the central government may, by notification in the official gazette, specify as an animal shall not be exhibited or trained as a performing animal.”

According to the note, a copy of which has been seen by Firstpost, the ministry wants to insert a new sub section (iii) after sub section (ii) of Section 22 of the PCA Act. It says: “Any animal notified in the official gazette, in exercise of the powers conferred under sub section (II) of section 22 of the Act shall continue to be exhibited or trained as a performing animal, at events, in a manner prescribed the religion of any community, or practiced traditionally under the customs or as a part of the culture, in any part of the country. These events may, inter-alia, include Jallikattu in Tamil Nadu, and bullock cart races in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, Haryana, Kerala, Gujarat, etc,”

The note signed by Dr R S Shrinet, Assistant Legal Advisor in the Ministry of Law and Justice, points out that "Parliament has the power to amend the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960'' and adds there appears to be "no legal or constitutional objection to the proposal, hence we may concur in the proposal.''

In July 2011, the ministry had specified that animals like bears, monkeys, tigers, panthers, lions and bulls "shall not be exhibited or trained as performing animals.'' It was after this that the Supreme Court banned the sport, after activists pointed out that bulls were subjected to unimaginable cruelty during Jallikattu.

Subsequently, the court reiterated its opposition to Jallikattu twice, once in May 2014 and then again in January 2016. The second order was after Javedekar with an eye on the Tamil Nadu Assembly elections, just days before Pongal, brought in an order allowing Jallikattu and bullock cart races. The Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) approached the Supreme Court which struck down the order. Ever since the board and the ministry have been at loggerheads, with the latter even asking the board members, who are incidentally appointed by the ministry, to step down. The board members refused to fall in line and the ministry's plan to reportedly appoint pliant members did not succeed.

Extending an olive branch to the animal rights activists, the note also says : "Amend the relevant provisions of PCA Act 1960 to enhance the fine for infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals to make it more deterrent.''

But that is not likely to satisfy the animal activists and the government can be prepared for a legal confrontation. "Of course, we will move the court against the amendment as and when it is passed by Parliament,'' says N G Jayasimha, member of AWBI.

Enhanced fine can hardly be deterrent, argue animal lovers. Chinny Krishna, vice-chairman of the AWBI says, "Jallikattu has seen cruelty of the worst kind. Of animals being poked with knives, chilly powder being thrown in their anus, bulls being forced to drink liquor and all kind of irritants including castor oil put in their eyes so that they cant see properly. There have been instances we have recorded where the animal's tail is broken and stabbed with a knife and it is confronted with drunken louts who just jump on the bull and try to bring it down.''

Jallikattu lovers disagree, arguing why would they harm their own bulls, who is like a "family member''. "The activists mistake vermilion for chilly powder. Make the rules stringent but allow us to conduct Jallikattu,'' pleads P Rajasekhar, president of the Tamil Nadu Jallikattu Federation.

During the election campaign in Tamil Nadu, all political parties had promised that they would bring back Jallikattu. In Chief Minister Jayalalithaa's long list of demands to the Prime Minister after returning to power, Jallikattu figured prominently.

Locals in Alanganallur, the ground zero of Jallikattu in Madurai region, defiantly ask how a 69-year-old institution (Supreme Court) can rule over a 450-year-old traditional sport. Illogical as it may sound, it finds ready takers in this patch of India. Which is why several smaller outfits let loose their bulls, both this Pongal and last year, in an informal defiance of the court order. The district police, on the horns of a dilemma on how to control the animals on the rampage as per the court order, are caught between a bull and a hard place.

As Vijay, a 20-year-old bull tamer in Alanganallur says in half-Tamil, half-English, "Jallikattu is banned, Long Live Jallikattu.''


It was Prakash Javadekar that was doing most of the work to bring Jallikattu back.
Media wise, BJP is loosing the game big. Media is not even giving them an inch.


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2015
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There was big money running around the protests, and unsurprisingly protesters were getting fed 3 meals a day.
Confirmed by some mates who did go to the beach and observe the protests.

I don't like what's going on in the background, Swamy is probably right.
Seeing that most local parties, fringe elements, Islamic bodies, Christian bodies were involved along with the common people, I'm not at all surprised. My worst fear did become a reality.

I told you so .. I told you so ..I told you so ..I told you so ..

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