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Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
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Copied from Wikipedia.
Going by my interpretation:
The provisions:[47]
  • Affirm that cooperative activities under these Accords should be exclusively for peaceful purposes and in accordance with relevant international law. - Not problematic or diverting with what India states unless there is a treaty banning further ASAT tests
  • Confirm a commitment to transparency and to share scientific information, consistent with Article XI of the Outer Space Treaty. - Already in practice
  • Call for a commitment to use reasonable efforts to utilize current interoperability standards for space-based infrastructure, and to establish standards when they do not exist or are inadequate. - Long term process. Might require India to modify launch vehicle spares as per American standards for interchangeability of parts. Positive if India becomes a production house for global space rockets, negative if it becomes a dumpyard of rocket spares.
  • Call for a commitment to take all reasonable efforts to render necessary assistance to personnel in outer space who are in distress and according to their obligations under the Rescue and Return Agreement. - Obviously not a problem
  • Specify responsibility for the registration of objects in space, as required by the Registration Convention - Already in practice by entire world
  • Call for a commitment to publicly share information on their activities and to the open sharing of scientific data. While doing so, signatories agree to coordinate with each other to provide appropriate protection for any proprietary and/or export-controlled information, and this provision does not extend to private sector operations unless conducted on behalf of a signatory. - Not a problem
  • Include an agreement to preserve outer space heritage, which they consider to comprise historically significant human or robotic landing sites, artifacts, spacecraft, and other evidence of activity, and to contribute to multinational efforts to develop practices and rules to do so. - Obviously not a problem
  • Include an agreement that extraction and utilization of space resources should be conducted in a manner that complies with the Outer Space Treaty and in support of safe and sustainable activities. The signatories affirm that this does not inherently constitute national appropriation, which is prohibited by the Outer Space Treaty. They also express an intent to contribute to multilateral efforts to further develop international practices and rules on this subject. - Could be a huge long term problem
  • Reaffirm the signatories commitment to the Outer Space Treaty's provisions relating to due regard and harmful interference with other nations activities, and to provide information regarding the location and nature of space-based activities. Signatories express an intention to contribute to multilateral efforts to further develop international practices, criteria, and rules to assure this. To implement this, the Accords provide for the announcement of "safety zones", where other operations or an anomalous event could reasonably cause harmful interference. The size and scope of these safe zones should be based on the nature and environment of the operations involved and determined in a reasonable manner leveraging commonly accepted scientific and engineering principles. Within their safety zones, the signatories commit to respect the principle of free access to all areas of celestial bodies by others and all other provisions of the Outer Space Treaty. - Already in practice
  • Include a commitment to mitigate space debris and to limit the generation of new, harmful space debris in the normal operations, break-up in operational or post-mission phases, and accidents. - Not a problem


New Member
Jun 19, 2023
ISS & Artemis are not cheap, they will suck our resources, We cannot afford both Artemis as well as indigenous space station, there also other thing that we should be independent, we should not be others sidekick, especially for muricans
We are going to launch NISAR Satellite, has it affected ISROs capacity in a negative way.

The Government is not so dumb that we throw Gaganyan under the bus & completely put our weight behind Artemis.

What is the real purpose of Gaganyan program, if it's just to get to space somehow. Indian astronaut Rakesh Sharma has already been to space on a Soviet Rocket, then why not just sent them again on a Russian Rocket & call it a day.

Gaganyan is there to build indigenous space faring capacity. Artemis doesn't fullfill the purpose.

Indian is also a part of the Large Hedron collider program in Cern. But we still have our own particle accelerator program here in India.

I don't think we will be punching above our waist if we join Artemis. We will be investing as per our capacity. But the data & know how that we can get through the collaboration would make our own work a hell of a lot easier.

It could even Fastrack our own space station program.


New Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Subsequent detailed agreements include production of standardised launch system and spacecraft parts as well a liberal regime for space launches.

And Indian private space launchers can't compete with those in west.
hmm .. they might end up reduced to contract COTS manufacturer. Hope thats not the case. and this may mean sharing standards for productionising. Which maybe uphill task for ISRO and pvt sector initially but they shall excel in it with time.


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
earlier plans are to have our own space station in phase 2 of Gaganyaan project, Artemis will end this.
Where is the money for it? Besides having exposure to the Artemis program means learning all the nuts and bolts of building a space station without reinventing the wheel. And we can withdraw from the Artemis Accords at any time.

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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we get ghanta out of this, we will hitch share ride on Orion or Crew Dragon, Mudi jee will parade those astronauts claiming that we landed on moon , it will be all good for optics, but in reality it will only kill our indigenous Human Spaceflight programme, we won't have our own spacestation, we won't have indigenous crewed moon mission. Everything will end. It is one of the worst decisions taken by Maulana.
Fuck it's not a mou
We have officially become member of arthemis accords
It's a death kneel over our human space missions
Now expect gaganyaan type missions only in future
I don't know how pm could sign this
This will officially divert our both manpower and punny funds to this mission and on top of that becoming dependent on usa
I got to know about it in evening but was waiting for further info and gaining some pieces on it
It will hamler both govt and private space projects
How govt come on line with usa even after knowing regarding cryogenic fiasco

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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We are going to launch NISAR Satellite, has it affected ISROs capacity in a negative way.

The Government is not so dumb that we throw Gaganyan under the bus & completely put our weight behind Artemis.

What is the real purpose of Gaganyan program, if it's just to get to space somehow. Indian astronaut Rakesh Sharma has already been to space on a Soviet Rocket, then why not just sent them again on a Russian Rocket & call it a day.

Gaganyan is there to build indigenous space faring capacity. Artemis doesn't fullfill the purpose.

Indian is also a part of the Large Hedron collider program in Cern. But we still have our own particle accelerator program here in India.

I don't think we will be punching above our waist if we join Artemis. We will be investing as per our capacity. But the data & know how that we can get through the collaboration would make our own work a hell of a lot easier.

It could even Fastrack our own space station program.
But the point is gaganyaan won't be hampered coz that's capability very near to achieve and such missions will keep happening for various reasons but the issue is further development of indigenous capability in space stations or our own moon project in future
I may sound noob here but the point is usa is well known for sabotaging other nations capability
If this turns into what few guys feel then our space capabilities will be limited


New Member
Apr 14, 2020
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Fuck it's not a mou
We have officially become member of arthemis accords
It's a death kneel over our human space missions
Now expect gaganyaan type missions only in future
I don't know how pm could sign this
This will officially divert our both manpower and punny funds to this mission and on top of that becoming dependent on usa
I got to know about it in evening but was waiting for further info and gaining some pieces on it
It will hamler both govt and private space projects
How govt come on line with usa even after knowing regarding cryogenic fiasco
Don't spread misinformation
Idk why Indians have such attitude when it comes to collaboration with US
We must collaborate and leverage,gain everything from them,then dump them simple
I know collaborating them comes with costs but I doubt every deal has it
Even if it's true then GOI just does lip service

Rassil Krishnan

New Member
Apr 16, 2019
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Don't spread misinformation
Idk why Indians have such attitude when it comes to collaboration with US
We must collaborate and leverage,gain everything from them,then dump them simple
I know collaborating them comes with costs but I doubt every deal has it
Even if it's true then GOI just does lip service
probably because these people probably don't have trust in the backbone of the indian state to do it's thing and follow it's path to the degree it or other nationalists believe it has or believe that it's spine is only growing and needs support instead of thrusting itself in potential harmful/useful pacts.

also the use from this can only be harnessed if the state/institution-isro is proactive and even then they must be careful to make reduce it's effect on indian ambitions and goals to only the surface level if at all. the indian state should have a clear space policy that commits it's resources for it's needs and for india's interests.

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
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Can you enlist the space capabilities that will hampered with Artemis accords?
At this stage u can only speculate
Gaganyan is definitely not our final human space mission
We may have our own ambition and in future develope capabilities for a space station or our moon mission
If we provide our manpower and funds to this we may not achieve our ambitions
It's general statement based on manpower and funds

jai jaganath

New Member
Jul 3, 2022
Country flag
Don't spread misinformation
Idk why Indians have such attitude when it comes to collaboration with US
We must collaborate and leverage,gain everything from them,then dump them simple
I know collaborating them comes with costs but I doubt every deal has it
Even if it's true then GOI just does lip service
I read in a newslet that India has become part of arthemis even wiki has been updated
If it's mou then nice


New Member
Jun 19, 2023
Subsequent detailed agreements include production of standardised launch system and spacecraft parts as well a liberal regime for space launches.

And Indian private space launchers can't compete with those in west.
Quoting from you post "interoperability standards for space-based infrastructure".

I think your misinterpreting this statement. No way USA will ever try to establish a "standard launch system" to be used by a partner countries. It's like handing over blue prints of a liquid fuel ballistic missile to a nation.

Most probably the Standard space-based infrastructure would mean, similar designs for docking ports or sensors in the satellite/crew module. To help in interoperability among the signatory Space Agencies (even then the accord is not binding on us)

The Artemis Accord seems to be more like an aggrement for establishing standard operating procedures among signatory counties for better interoperability, Data sharing, communication & facilities for helping each other. ( Like a space based LEMOA & COMCASA pact )

Doesn't directly translate to India going to Moon with them as some people seem to be anticipating.

skunk works

New Member
Jul 25, 2022
Country flag
Fuck it's not a mou
We have officially become member of arthemis accords
It's a death kneel over our human space missions
Now expect gaganyaan type missions only in future
I don't know how pm could sign this
This will officially divert our both manpower and punny funds to this mission and on top of that becoming dependent on usa
I got to know about it in evening but was waiting for further info and gaining some pieces on it
It will hamler both govt and private space projects
How govt come on line with usa even after knowing regarding cryogenic fiasco
Tinfoil hat: Gaganyaan is not on track and we have hit a technological hurdle. This 'way out' has been offered to modi as a diplomatic carrot so he can fulfill his promise of sending Indian astronaut to space.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
New Member
Apr 29, 2015
Country flag
At this stage u can only speculate
Gaganyan is definitely not our final human space mission
We may have our own ambition and in future develope capabilities for a space station or our moon mission
If we provide our manpower and funds to this we may not achieve our ambitions
It's general statement based on manpower and funds
There is no fear mongering required for speculation. Gaganyaan is definitely not our last game spaceflight step but next step isn't going to be anytime soon either.

When we don't have experience in docking, have no manned spaceflight hours, are short of budget, have a huge chunk of space missions backlog, obviously collaboration is a huge learning curve to replicate in our own future programs. Closure of French & Japanese programs was a different case since national trajectories of those countries was declining too.

Moving alone ensures that we are still in research mode of space station tech in 2035 also.
I read in a newslet that India has become part of arthemis even wiki has been updated
If it's mou then nice
Artemis accords anyway don't make any visible difference. The real course remains about actual Indo-Western collaboration of human spaceflight since no agreement exists for that.

More involvement with more countries will only make cargo and commerical launches more often for India since capabilities already exist. It will only pull up budget and increase ISRO's activities and staff requirement.
Quoting from you post "interoperability standards for space-based infrastructure".

I think your misinterpreting this statement. No way USA will ever try to establish a "standard launch system" to be used by a partner countries. It's like handing over blue prints of a liquid fuel ballistic missile to a nation.

Most probably the Standard space-based infrastructure would mean, similar designs for docking ports or sensors in the satellite/crew module. To help in interoperability among the signatory Space Agencies (even then the accord is not binding on us).
No, when you ask an industry to make a bolt by a specific process & in specific design standard, you are not giving any technology to them. You are just ensuring that you can use same type of parts in theirs and yours rocket parts.

Building a complete aircraft or launch system is a longer game.
And similar design for docking ports is a too obvious thing to mention. It has been ongoing for decades.

The Artemis Accord seems to be more like an aggrement for establishing standard operating procedures among signatory counties for better interoperability, Data sharing, communication & facilities for helping each other. ( Like a space based LEMOA & COMCASA pact )
No, Artemis Accords don't even remotely advocate any kind of LEMOA/COMCASA pact. They don't ask you to replace or indirectly encourage foreign launchers over yours.

They don't consent to use each other's bases or sharing tech. They ask for sharing of scientific findings what NASA, ESA, ISRO and JAXA have already been sharing with each other for long without a problem.

Basically, Artemis Accords barely make any difference. They are just non-binding agreements for good gesture.
Doesn't directly translate to India going to Moon with them as some people seem to be anticipating.
Artemis Accords have no relation with ISS or Moon landing. That only depends upon bilateral relations of India and the US.

