Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Would you deny the presence of te strong Jewish lobby in the US?
What are the implications for Israel of Hagel's confirmation? - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Because the controversy over Hagel's nomination became so partisan, his confirmation victory cannot be seen as a defeat for Israel or for the pro-Israel lobby in the United States. The major Jewish and pro-Israel organizations took no public position on Hagel's confirmation – perhaps because they knew they couldn't stop it after Senator Schumer and several of his pro-Israel colleagues came out in support. If their goal was to get the secretary-designate to commit to positions different from the ones he had previously taken, then they succeeded. It remains to be seen whether the new secretary of state will act more consistently with what he had said in his past paid speeches or what he just promised the senators in private and in public.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Gaza Terrorists Fire Rocket at Southern Israel

No injuries or damages as Gaza rocket
lands in open area in the Eshkol
Regional Council.

Gaza-based terrorists fired a rocket at
southern Israel on Wednesday night.
Shortly before 2:00 a.m., the "Red Alert"
siren was sounded at the Eshkol Regional
Council. A rocket from Gaza exploded in
an open space in the region shortly
afterwards, causing no physical injuries or
On Wednesday morning, Gaza terrorists
attacked for a second time in 24 hours,
firing two rockets at the city of Sderot in
southern Israel. The Color Red rocket
alert siren warned of the incoming
Both rockets hit open areas and did not
cause injury.
On Tuesday terrorists in Gaza fired a
mortar shell at Israel. The IDF responded
with the first airstrikes in Gaza since
Operation Pillar of Defense ended in
"We see Hamas as responsible for
anything fired from Gaza at Israel,"
warned Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon.
"We will not allow in any way a return to
the routine of sporadic rocket attacks on
our citizens and forces."

Gaza Terrorists Fire Rocket at Southern Israel - Israel National News


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Both rockets hit open areas and did not cause injury.
:rofl::rofl::rofl:Seriously why do these people even fire and waste their arsenal. These people fire 1000's of rockets annually but ensure that they fall on open space.Real jokers.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Rocket hits Shaar Hanegev on eve of Holocaust Day (8-4-13)

Rocket explodes in open area; no injuries, damage reported. 'We're used to disruptions,' resident says

Palestinians fired a rocket at the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council on Sunday – the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The rocket exploded in an open area. No injuries or damage were reported.

Benny, a resident of Shaar Hanegev, recounted, "During the Holocaust Day ceremony the siren sounded. All those in the club entered the security room and after several blasts were heard from afar, we resumed the ceremony."

He further added, "We're used to these disruptions. Luckily it ended the way it did. Right now we are not going to see exactly where the rocket landed or what damage it caused to our fields."

Rocket hits Shaar Hanegev on eve of Holocaust Day - Israel News, Ynetnews


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Rocket hits Shaar Hanegev on eve of Holocaust Day (8-4-13)

Rocket explodes in open area; no injuries, damage reported. 'We're used to disruptions,' resident says

Palestinians fired a rocket at the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council on Sunday – the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

The rocket exploded in an open area. No injuries or damage were reported.

Benny, a resident of Shaar Hanegev, recounted, "During the Holocaust Day ceremony the siren sounded. All those in the club entered the security room and after several blasts were heard from afar, we resumed the ceremony."

He further added, "We're used to these disruptions. Luckily it ended the way it did. Right now we are not going to see exactly where the rocket landed or what damage it caused to our fields."

Rocket hits Shaar Hanegev on eve of Holocaust Day - Israel News, Ynetnews


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Gaza rocket hits Eshkol Council; no injuries (21-04-2013)

A rocket fired from the Gaza Strip landed near a community in the Eshkol Regional Council on Saturday night. No injuries or damage were reported. A Color red siren sounded in the area shortly before the hit.

On Thursday, two rockets fired from the Gaza Strip exploded in open areas in the Eshkol Regional Council.

No injuries or damage were reported. The hits were at approximately 11 pm, but no alert was sounded.

Earlier in the week, two rockets exploded in residential areas in the southern city of Eilat without causing injury or damage. ( )

Gaza rocket hits Eshkol Council; no injuries - Israel News, Ynetnews


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Terrorists Fire Two Rockets at Eshkol Region(02-05-2013)

Terrorists in Gaza fired two rockets at
southern Israel on Thursday night. The
rockets hit the Eshkol region.
No casualties have been reported, and
the rockets appear not to have caused
damage to property.

Residents said the rocket strikes were not
preceded by a "Color Red" alert. The
Color Red alert normally sounds before
attacks to give residents a few seconds in
which to try to take shelter.
Earlier this week an IDF spokesperson said,
"The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to
harm Israeli citizens and soldiers, and the
IDF does not intend to allow a repeat of the
situation prior to Operation Pillar of

Terrorists Fire Two Rockets at Eshkol Region - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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China proposes four-point peace plan to Abbas

Chinese President Jinping presents plan calling for independent Palestinian state, resumption of peace talks with Israel.

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday issued a four-point proposal for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

The Chinese news agency Xinhau reported that the proposal was made during a meeting between Jinping and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who is currently visiting Beijing.

To establish an independent state enjoying full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east Jerusalem as its capital is an inalienable right of the Palestinian people and the key to the settlement of the Palestinian question," the Chinese proposal states.

"At the same time, Israel's right to exist and its legitimate security concerns should be fully respected."

The proposal calls for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians as the only way to peace between the two parties.

"The two sides should follow the trend of the times, pursue peace talks, show mutual understanding and accommodation, and meet each other halfway," the proposal states.

"The immediate priority is to take credible steps to stop settlement activities, end violence against innocent civilians, lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip and properly handle the issue of Palestinian prisoners, in order to create the necessary conditions for the resumption of peace talks.

Comprehensive internal reconciliation on the part of the Palestinians will help restart and advance the Palestinian- Israeli peace talks."

The third point of the proposal is that principles such as "land for peace" should be firmly upheld.

"The parties concerned ought to build on the existing achievements that include the principle of land for peace, the relevant UN resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative to advance the Middle East peace process," it adds.

The fourth point calls on the international community to provide guarantees for progress in the peace process.

The Chinese president was quoted as telling Abbas during their meeting that the Palestinian issue is the core of the Middle East conflict.

"The issue, already lasting more than half a century, has brought deep suffering to the Palestinian people and remains an important reason of extended turbulence in the Middle East," he said.

"So long as the legitimate national rights and interests of the Palestinian people cannot be restored, peace between Palestine and Israel would not be realized."

He emphasized that the Palestinian issue "should not be neglected at any time and must be put in an important and noteworthy position."

The Chinese president told Abbas that "despite turns and twists in peace talks between Palestine and Israel, we believe that the dream of the Palestinian people to establish an independent state can come true, provided [you] hold the general direction of peace and make unremitting efforts."

The Chinese agency quoted Abbas as saying that a "political solution remains the best and only way out."

He said that the Palestinians want to address the issue through peaceful negotiations on the basis of a two-state solution.

Abbas also urged Israel to abide by international agreements and halt settlement construction, so as to pave the way for the resumption of the peace talks.

Abbas and Jinping also signed agreements for economic and technical cooperation between the two sides.

Beijing proposes four-point peace plan to Abbas | JPost | Israel News


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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'Moderate' Palestinian Leader Swears: 'If We Had a Nuke, We'd Have Used It This Very Morning'

Jibril Rajoub, a senior Palestinian Authority official who is frequently characterized as a "moderate" in both the Western and Israeli media, said on Lebanese television that if the Palestinians had a nuclear weapon they would have nuked Israel "this morning."

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) discovered and translated to English the interview Rajoub gave to Lebanon's Al Mayadeen TV on April 30. Rajoub also posted the video clip to his own Facebook page, according to PMW.

When the interviewer referred to peace talks with Israel as "the negotiations game," Rajoub suggested that the Palestinian Authority [PA] engages in negotiations because it does not have the military strength to defeat Israel by force.

"I swear that if we had a nuke, we'd have used it this very morning," he said.

He also said the Palestinian Authority would consider returning to the negotiating table only if Israel agrees to a list of Palestinian preconditions including freezing construction in Jerusalem, in West Bank settlements and freeing Palestinian prisoners, some of whom are serving sentences for terrorist acts.

Rajoub is President of the Palestine Olympic Committee and serves as Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee.

Israel Today explains why Rajoub's nuclear threat strikes such a sensitive chord for Israelis, particularly in light of Iran's nuclear quest:

There is a very good reason for Israel taking the Iran nuclear threat so seriously. There are a lot of people in this region, many of them holding positions of authority, who would like nothing more than to use a nuclear weapon against Israel, the consequences be damned.

This revelation validates one of Israel's chief concerns in the peace process – that in the absence of actually being educated for peace and coexistence, the inhabitants of an independent Palestinian state will, as a first order of business, work toward acquiring the military means to engage in renewed warfare against Israel.

In his Palestine Olympic Committee capacity last summer, Rajoub thanked International Olympic Committee officials for agreeing to not honor during the opening ceremony in London the 11 Israeli athletes slain during the 1972 Munich Olympics by Palestinian terrorists.

In the 1970s and 80s, Rajoub served 17 years in Israeli prison for terrorist activity.

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik of PMW write:

Senior PA officials often state that avoiding violent confrontation or war with Israel is only temporarily, due to the PA's inability to take on such a conflict. They claim that negotiations with Israel are the right course of action for now, because conditions are not right for violence.

[Palestinian Authority President] Mahmoud Abbas himself has also said on several occasions that if the Arab nations would begin a war against Israel, "Palestine" would join them.
According to the Commentator, a pro-Israel website, Rajoub is a signatory to the Geneva Initiative, a project that promotes a two-state solution. The group's tagline is "An Israeli-Palestinian Initiative to End the Conflict."

Its mission statement reads in part, "After a century of violence between Israelis and Palestinians, the Geneva Initiative offers a real and mutually agreed upon possibility for ending the conflict between the two sides and obtaining a mutually acceptable peace that guarantees the vital national interests of both sides."

Rajoub was featured several years ago in a video clip promoting the campaign, where he stated "I am your partner" in Hebrew.

"There is a consensus in the Arab world to recognize the existence of Israel in return for an end to occupation," he added then.

The Commentator provided translation of more excerpts from Rajoub's Lebanese TV interview: "If you ask me as a Palestinian, I say — our battle is with the Israeli occupation. Our main enemy, not [just] as Palestinians but as Arabs and Muslims, is Israel and the Israeli occupation."

"If [Arab] mobilization would begin for the liberation of Jerusalem; if money [would be spent] and swords drawn in the face of the Zionist enemy, that would be great," Rajoub said according to the Commentator.

Here is the excerpt of the Rajoub interview that PMW translated:

Lebanese TV host: "The American [John Kerry] came to the PA. They are talking about reviving negotiations, about getting back to the table with the Israelis"¦ Will you go back to the negotiations game?"

Jibril Rajoub: "There is no going back to negotiations unless the source of authority is the international resolutions, with a time frame and with the freezing of all unilateral Israeli steps: Jerusalem, the fence, settlements and prisoners."

Host: "You've heard Israel's refusal."

Jibril Rajoub: "That doesn't matter. Listen. We as yet don't have a nuke, but I swear that if we had a nuke, we'd have used it this very morning."
the video clip available in below link

‘Moderate’ Palestinian Leader Swears: ‘If We Had a Nuke, We’d Have Used It This Very Morning’ | Video |


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Palestinian Leader : "If We Had a Nuke, We'd Have Used this morning"

'Moderate' Palestinian Leader Swears: 'If We Had a Nuke, We'd Have Used It This Very Morning'

Jibril Rajoub, a senior Palestinian Authority official who is frequently characterized as a "moderate" in both the Western and Israeli media, said on Lebanese television that if the Palestinians had a nuclear weapon they would have nuked Israel "this morning."

Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) discovered and translated to English the interview Rajoub gave to Lebanon's Al Mayadeen TV on April 30. Rajoub also posted the video clip to his own Facebook page, according to PMW.When the interviewer referred to peace talks with Israel as "the negotiations game," Rajoub suggested that the Palestinian Authority [PA] engages in negotiations because it does not have the military strength to defeat Israel by force."I swear that if we had a nuke, we'd have used it this very morning," he said.

He also said the Palestinian Authority would consider returning to the negotiating table only if Israel agrees to a list of Palestinian preconditions including freezing construction in Jerusalem, in West Bank settlements and freeing Palestinian prisoners, some of whom are serving sentences for terrorist acts.
Rajoub is President of the Palestine Olympic Committee and serves as Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee.


Maulana Rockullah
Senior Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Re: Palestinian Leader : "If We Had a Nuke, We'd Have Used this mornin

If this is "moderate leader" what is a hardliner??? :hmm:


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Will China mediate the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
An official visit to Beijing by Israeli and Palestinian leaders last week has prompted speculation that China may finally be ready to claim its place as a world power by trying to negotiate an end to one of world's most caustic conflicts.
A more active role in Middle East diplomacy would be a dramatic break from China's long-held policy of non-intervention. With controversial business partners like Sudan, Libya and Iran, China has consistently ducked the political and regional strife of others to focus on natural resource extraction and trade.

But some experts like Dan Blumenthal, director of Asian Studies at the American Enterprise Institute, wonder how much China is willing to risk entering this particular political game.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Will China mediate the Israeli-Palestinian peace process?

There is no chance of China is being a Intermediate for Israel Palestine conflict


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Israeli Motorists Shocked When Nazi Flag Seen Flying Near Palestinian Mosque

Israeli settlers on their morning commute got quite the eyeful Monday morning when they saw a swastika-emblazoned red flag flying near a mosque in Beit Omar, a Palestinian village outside of Hebron

Thousands of residents of Jewish settlements near Hebron and Bethlehem in Judea (the southern West Bank) drive to and from work on the road from which the flag was visible.

The Tazpit News Agency, which photographed the flying Nazi flag, reports residents "were astounded" to see the symbol under which millions of Jews were massacred during World War II now being prominently displayed by residents of a Palestinian town.

Uri Arnon, who saw the flag, told Tazpit News Agency: "I felt we were going back 75 years, losing our hold on the land. The Arabs no longer feel the need to hide their murderous tendencies, announcing out loud that they wish to destroy us."

Aryeh Savir of the Tazpit News Agency tells TheBlaze, "The IDF's [Israel Defense Forces] Coordination Office of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) latest response is that they are waiting for members of the Palestinian electricity company to come in and remove it because it is on power lines."

Beit Omar, also known as Beit Ummar, is located in a part of the West Bank known as Area B in which the Palestinian Authority runs the day-to-day civilian affairs, while the IDF is responsible for military and national security related issues.

There has been a history of Nazi sympathies among some Palestinians. Most notoriously, the Palestinian leader Haj Amin al Husseini who served as Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during the 1920s and 1930s, was an outspoken Nazi collaborator and even met with Adolf Hitler. He also recruited Muslims to serve in the SS. This famous photo with Hitler was taken in 1941.

Israeli Motorists Shocked When Nazi Flag Seen Flying Near Palestinian Mosque |
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