Israel-Palestine Conflict

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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
@SajeevJino: My point is this-: truth or not, the region is called west bank and gaza strip which forms the palestine state(ok, not yet formally recognized as independent country by majority of world). The israeli terms are not recognisable outside israel. Also the palestine arabs (who even now form a majority in "west bank"and "gaza") do not refer the area as such. Also if and when a independent palestine state comes up, these regions will again not be named as per israeli terms. Hence i mentioned that when israel formally takes over these areas, they may name it whatever they feel like.

@parijataka: If palestinians want it to be east/west palestine, so be it. As of now it's known as west bank and gaza. It certainly is not what i or you feel/want it to be
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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@SajeevJino: My point is this-: truth or not, the region is called west bank and gaza strip which forms the palestine state(ok, not yet formally recognized as independent country by majority of world). The israeli terms are not recognisable outside israel. Also the palestine arabs (who even now form a majority in "west bank"and "gaza") do not refer the area as such. Also if and when a independent palestine state comes up, these regions will again not be named as per israeli terms. Hence i mentioned that when israel formally takes over these areas, they may name it whatever they feel like.

Israeli's Never Gives Judea and Samaria to Palestine..Like how we couldn't Give Kashmir to Pakistan..and How Srilanka didn't give Yaalpanam and other Places to Tamil Eelem
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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
@SajeevJino: This is what i told.
Also if and when a independent palestine state comes up, these regions will again not be named as per israeli terms. Hence i mentioned that when israel formally takes over these areas, they may name it whatever they feel like.
I don't know whether israel will give up lands or not, only time can answer it. But i feel it will be difficult for israel to hold on if it's western backers cease to be the powers (both militarliy and economically) they are. JMT.
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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@SajeevJino: This is what i told.

I don't know whether israel will give up lands or not, only time can answer it. But i feel it will be difficult for israel to hold on if it's western backers cease to be the powers (both militarliy and economically) they are. JMT.

I don't think that Israel is standing with the help of west and America ....The History is too long that's shows their ability to stand their own legs not with others Supports ..
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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
@SajeevJino: Israel gets aid from US every year. Even when they sold phalcon to us, they needed permission from US for go ahead. They may have the setup as far as scientific/RnD organisations are concerned. But how will they fund these RnD. Does the israeli economy have it within it that it can continuously fund military programs apart from normal economic activities so as to maintain the big lead they have over their neighbors. If western backing is not needed at all, why are they waiting to attack iran?? And wrt to history, also look how long the crusader kingdoms survived after european backing reduced or ceased.
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Senior Member
Nov 30, 2011
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just as the state of Jammu & Kashmir belongs to India the entire palestinian territories also belongs to if Israelis are illegally occupying the palestinian lands according to any Indian then i must also say that we have also done the same thing in J& at the end of the day Israel belongs to the Israelis and J&K is an integral part of the Indian Union.period:india::israel:!


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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@SajeevJino: Israel gets aid from US every year. Even when they sold phalcon to us, they needed permission from US for go ahead. They may have the setup as far as scientific/RnD organisations are concerned. But how will they fund these RnD. Does the israeli economy have it within it that it can continuously fund military programs apart from normal economic activities so as to maintain the big lead they have over their neighbors. If western backing is not needed at all, why are they waiting to attack iran?? And wrt to history, also look how long the crusader kingdoms survived after european backing reduced or ceased.

They get Nearly $500 millions form the US fro their RnD ..go for Phalcon AWACS which is one of the best currently Flying and China asks Israel to Buy Phalcon But Israel and US neglected...and most of the Israels RnD used in US technologies Many of them is worked under by the US needs ..and Israel is the Nice Place to control entire jihad countries ...and One more Click the Link Pls

if you needs to go deeper on their Relations You may fall on Conspiracies
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average american

Senior Member
Aug 28, 2012
They get Nearly $500 millions form the US fro their RnD ..go for Phalcon AWACS which is one of the best currently Flying and China asks Israel to Buy Phalcon But Israel and US neglected...and most of the Israels RnD used in US technologies Many of them is worked under by the US needs ..and Israel is the Nice Place to control entire jihad countries ...and One more Click the Link Pls

if you needs to go deeper on their Relations You may fall on Conspiracies
Just more anti semetic Conspiracies theories, the USA supports Israel because its the right thing to do an is in the US interests. Israel is the only civialized country in the middle east..


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
@SajeevJino: I think you didn't get my point. My point is not whether israel is nice place or not. It will be difficult for israel to survive once it's western backers reduce/stop their backing. Over a period of time, its neighbors will catch up and subjugate it.
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Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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@SajeevJino: I think you didn't get my point. My point is not whether israel is nice place or not. It will be difficult for Israel to survive once it's western backers reduce/stop their backing. Over a period of time, its neighbors will catch up and subjugate it.
I clearly understood your words ...and Disagree the red lines
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Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
@SajeevJino I put forth my pov that israel may find it difficult if its' western backers cease to be the powers they are now and hence cannot or will not back israel. If that's not the case, let it be so. I certainly have no ill-will towards israel. Yes, israel is currently providing technology access which others may not provide. Israel primarily looks for the benefits it can get in the bilateral relationship, so should we.

@mikhail : WRT comparing Israel(palestine)/JnK, both are totally different. They can't be compared at all. How are they similar. JnK officially joined India. Previously as well it was part of British India, prior to that it was under mughal india. Neither culturally nor politically JnK was never outside the orbit of bharat.

WRT whether israel takes over remaining palestine or not. This is not something which bothers me. I don't care what happens over there as along as it doesn't hurt our interests or our citizens over there (west asia has huge indian diaspora)
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pack leader

May 22, 2011
Just more anti semetic Conspiracies theories, the USA supports Israel because its the right thing to do an is in the US interests. Israel is the only civialized country in the middle east..
you help us not from th kaindness off your haert but beacase you need a relaible "guard dog "
to keep the oil flowing cheaply
you get intelignce loyalty and battlfild techniqe in exchange for cash and diplomatic cover
fair deal acordind to any acount win-win
you are not doing us any favors


Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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you help us not from th kaindness off your haert but beacase you need a relaible "guard dog "
to keep the oil flowing cheaply
you get intelignce loyalty and battlfild techniqe in exchange for cash and diplomatic cover
fair deal acordind to any acount win-win
you are not doing us any favors
The biggest reason I think is the powerful Jewish community in the US and the powerful Jewish lobby. IMIC Jews hold the financial markets in the US.

pack leader

May 22, 2011
The biggest reason I think is the powerful Jewish community in the US and the powerful Jewish lobby. IMIC Jews hold the financial markets in the US.
this is a common misanderstanding american jews and israelis are very difrent
with many conflicting intrests
in ww2 jewish refugis were left to die in europe dispaite the eforts of american jews
only after the 67 victory america stoped ignoring israel
we stand on our own always did
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Super Mod
Mar 24, 2009
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this is a common misanderstanding american jews and israelis are very difrent
with many conflicting intrests
in ww2 jewish refugis were left to die in europe dispaite the eforts of american jews
only after the 67 victory america stoped ignoring israel
we stand on our own always did
Would you deny the presence of te strong Jewish lobby in the US?

pack leader

May 22, 2011
Would you deny the presence of te strong Jewish lobby in the US?
i would denay their influnse as seen in populer jurnalism
they matter maybe 10 -15 precente of the time
they are family but not as powerfull as some imagine


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2012
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The biggest reason I think is the powerful Jewish community in the US and the powerful Jewish lobby. IMIC Jews hold the financial markets in the US.
The Jewish lobby does have some influence in the US, but there is a very strong lobby of weapon manufacturers as well who
pushes for more and more conflicts. The reason for the negative image of the Jews is the outburst of conspiracy theories by
all Islamic stone age countries. Many of my friends have got their phd under American Jews and they are a nice bunch.
In fact, most of the Indian professors here have a pathetic attitude when it comes to guiding Indian students.


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Abbas tells Putin that Palestinians want peace talks

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas told Russian leader Vladimir Putin today he hoped to establish peace talks with Israel later this year while admitting that the chances for progress were slim.

Abbas said during a visit to Moscow he hoped "that later this year, we will see the start of substantive negotiations with Israel".

"Although the chances for this may not be great, we still hope to reach a political settlement on the basis of the principle of a two-state solution," Russian news agencies quotes Abbas as saying.

Israel and the Palestinians have not had direct negotiations since September 2010 -- a period that has seen the construction of new and highly controversial Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Abbas's authority has also slipped in the interim as his Fatah movement fights for influence with the resurgent Gaza-based Hamas.

Moscow and the Palestinians enjoyed close relations in the Soviet era and the USSR in 1988 recognised an independent Palestinian state -- a policy continued by post-Soviet Russia.

Putin told Abbas that Russia was ready "to do everything that we are able" to get peace talks back on track.

He said ties between Russia and the Palestinians "rest on an historic foundation, which will undoubtedly help us build relations both today an in the future".

Abbas separately told ITAR-TASS that he intended to send a delegation to Syria in the coming days to negotiate the status of Palestinian refugees living in the strife-torn country.

He said the Palestinian government "only wanted to protect our people" and took no formal position on two years of fighting between President Bashar al-Assad's forces and the armed opposition.

Abbas said he would "send a Palestinian delegation in the coming days under the slogan of non-intervention in that country's internal affairs".

"We only want to protect our people, the Palestinians, and our camps, against attacks from both sides engaged in the conflict." The UN agency for Palestinian refugees said in February that half of the Palestinians in Syria had been displaced by the conflict. Abbas said about 600,000 Palestinian refugees were currently residing in Syria. Hundreds of thousands more live in neighbouring Lebanon and even greater numbers reside in Jordan.

Abbas began his visit by laying a wreath at the Kremlin's Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. He is expected to meet Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev later Thursday.

INTERNATIONAL - Abbas tells Putin that Palestinians want peace talks


Senior Member
Feb 10, 2013
Obama: Israeli settlement building not constructive to peace
Speaking at a joint news conference with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Obama said he remained committed to the creation of an "independent, viable and contiguous" Palestinian state, but said achieving that goal would not be easy.
Here viable and contiguous are key words. Not sure if any US president has said this before. So does this mean US will break it's eternal ally(or look other way)???? Totally confusing. What do the gurus think of these contradictory statements??


Long walk
Senior Member
Feb 21, 2012
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First time since Pillar of Defense: IAF carries out strikes in Gaza

Following two incidents of mortar fire from Gaza, Palestinian sources report that IAF carries out air strike against Gaza targets. Earlier, IDF tanks returned fire after mortar lands in Golan Heights

For the first time since the conclusion of Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza, Israel has initiated a strike on Gaza.

Palestinian media reported Tuesday night that the Israeli Air Force carried out a strike against two targets in the Gaza Strip, one on the eastern side of the city and the other in the northern Gaza Strip. The Safa Palestinian news agency reported that Israel bombed a factory in the al-Shugaya neighborhood.

Palestinian sources claimed no one was injured in the IAF strikes. Moreover, the source stated that all security targets and military installations in the Gaza Strip were evacuated.

A projectile launched from the Gaza Strip exploded Tuesday evening in the Eshkol Regional Council. No one was hurt and no damage caused.Earlier Tuesday two mortars were fired from Gaza toward Israel, but landed in Palestinian territory without any damage.

It is still unclear whether it was a Qassam rocket or a mortar shell.

First time since Pillar of Defense: IAF carries out strikes in Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews
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