Israel - Gaza Conflict 2021 (Aftermath of Violence at Al-Aqsa Mosque)

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Dharma Dispatcher
Senior Member
Nov 10, 2020
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Multiple roofknocks across gaza right now !!

🇮🇱Idf has begun to warn over 4000 residents of Gaza City's premier Al Remal neighborhood to get the fuck out all their towers ahead of a large strike wave and it is the first ever mass effort to clear a district during this escalation.


धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः
Senior Member
Oct 14, 2020
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Multiple roofknocks across gaza right now !!

🇮🇱⚡IDF has begun to warn over 4000 residents of Gaza City's premier Al Remal neighborhood to get the fuck out all their towers ahead of a large strike wave and it is the first ever mass effort to clear a district during this escalation.
Israeli Forces should start using loitering munition, then the real fun will begin.


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2019
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The videos only have F16 and F15 with JDAMs and 1000 pounder guided bombs
Funniest thing
The Israelis have the golden chance of using the F35s in large scale, can be used as an advertisement by the Umrikis, which would in turn benefit Israelis themselves
Saving F-35s for the Six Day War 2: Electric Boogaloo that'll inevitably start in a few days


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2020
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When all this is over i can clearly see headlines in Jaljeera TRT RND Tv Print wire
"When whole world was with Pltan Indians were enjoying Isarel genocide.
Know the hate that drives IndianRW to cheer for Israel during a pandemic.
Indian Hindus need to rethink their Ghandhian values

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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:hmm: Read the article

Yitzhak Rabin was the Israeli Chief of Operations of the underground Palmach (commando ‘strike force’) in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, later as the Chief of the General Staff in 1964 he oversaw the stunning Israeli victory in the 1967 Six-Day War.

Yet, it was Rabin who drove the Oslo Accords, recognised the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and granted it partial control over Gaza Strip and West Bank. The right-wing parties like Likud (led by current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) within Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas had bitterly opposed Rabin’s rapprochement. The battle-hardened warrior turned politician had said, “We can continue to fight. We can continue to kill – and continue to be killed. But we can also try to put a stop to this never-ending cycle of blood. We can also give peace a chance”.

Both Israel and India are home to some of the world’s longest-running insurgencies, except that India has the rare success of ending some seemingly intractable insurgencies, most notably in Mizoram, Assam and Punjab. Despite the global fascination and awe of the patented Israeli ‘muscularity’ of its body politic and sovereign instinct, the Israeli track record in resolving the Palestinian insurgency is an unmitigated failure, despite its irony commitment towards blunt force and expansionism (barring the few years surrounding the Oslo Accords.

Bibi is a dirt bag , he will set fire to Israel and Gaza just so he can remain in power.
no,the china way is the way forward,you completely wipeout the other side and permenantly prevent a comeback.if some israelis die for this long term victory,that is just the price.


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2021
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UK is fast becoming Jehad Kingdom, especially London and surrounding cities. Brits need to keep mulla population in check otherwise they too will have to face same level of terrorism that Israel is facing today.
but i want to see britian collapse due to the shi8 show they created everywhere in the world.

who do you think that started the palestine israel conflict?
who do you think that started india, pakistan, east pakistan conflict?
who do you think, that wiped out entire native argentine population in falklands and settled their anglo population.

there is difference between imperialism and colonialism.

the former means ruling other kingdoms and nations, while colonialism means exterminating the existing population and replacing them with your own population.
the amount of resistance put by hindus is immesurable.

if we physically didn't fight back, today we would be like USA. 1.7 % native american population.

thats what british plan was, but failed.

i want to see these pieces of trash broken into several states. and suffer, like they have caused sufferage across the planet. karma hits them hard. very hard.

Rassil Krishnan

Senior Member
Apr 16, 2019
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in kashmir, which is an integral part of our country, we have not grabbed land, built walls or created hindu settlements by grabbing lands. anyone who wants hindus out of kashmir using violent means becomes a terrorist to be put down ruthlessly.

in palestine, natives are constantly losing land , resources and freedoms due to jewish settlements that go against earlier oslo agreements. there will be resentment among the natives... some of that resentment gets hijacked by violent elements like hamas. i cant imagine living in spaces that gets continuously squeezed into an ever shrinking home state. where do these ppl go who once inhabited the entire land mass and got butt fucked by english-tanis?
i dont give a damn about the mind virus that is islam and its various hosts.i unironically support china with all the knowlegde of what they are doing in xinjiang.i am supporting israel not out of love for israael but for love for bharat and hatred against its potential enemies.every muzzie should be seen with suspicion until they have proven otherwise that they are inert .either that or their book must be neutered from a legal and governmental level from the start.

these 'natives' were the original invaders in ancient times and they would invade us too if they had a chance.BIG F U to any supporters of them over here.

I support the gimping of islam worldwide.
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