INSAS Rifle, LMG & Carbine

Chris Jude

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Nov 3, 2015
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Fellow countrymen, we should understand that our scientists are doing a worthwhile job, but it can't be compared to a Kalashnikov who was genius in gun designing, maybe someday later down the years !


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Aug 12, 2015
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New Excalibur rifle will be better than Soviet Aks or not?
Even INSAS is a better weapon then AK in its own sense. Let me describe how. If you do have a situation where you want to put a couple of rounds dead in the target at a range of 500m, then you would definitely want INSAS in your hand then an AK. But if you are bound in a dirt pit and want a gun to fire and keep the enemy heads down then there is none better then AK.
Point is, you simply can't compare two different weapon system on all the parameters. One does do a job better then other while the other exceeds the first one in another parameter. Where accuracy and range is concerned, INSAS is a better choice over AK, whereas in the department of robustness and reliability to fire, none comes anywhere near AK.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009

Indra 2015: A Russian soldier checks out the INSAS LMG.


Indra 2015: A Russian soldier checks out the INSAS LMG.


Indra 2015: A Russian soldier checks out the INSAS AR.


Indra 2015: A Russian soldier checks out the INSAS AR.


Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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Stop foul mouthing INSAS rifle.

This rifle after a period of gestation has reached its maturity. It works under all climate conditions. Dump the old reports which the fanboys keep quoting. This rifle works fine as good as M-16. The latter also jams under some conditions. Other columnist who foul mouth INSAS are paid by arms merchants to write all the odd things about it.

Imagine these very writers writing bad things about miserable F35 plane which is ten years late and 1200% cost overrun. If anybody foul mouths F35, he or she will loose their jobs quietly.

About the INSAS rifle, it was ninties era mistake of the top army brass to opt for 5.56 rifle and in semi automatic format. Army is trying to correct its mistake by blaming sometime the manufacture, sometime the design and most of the time it's semi automatic status. Two of the three above are army mistakes which they are trying to correct without admitting it. The manufacture defects are purely not upgrading the manufacture early enough at factory level, rather using FAL production machinery and metallurgy to produce it in bulk. It should have been corrected in nineties but was corrected in early part of this century.

Now the problems have been corrected, but foul mouthing continues.

The Excaliber rifle by the same factories is an excellent rifle but still 5.56 category. It is fully automatic and it passed all tests which the imported prototypes failed. But the Army will not accept it wholeheartedly, but somewhat in a Luke warm manner. Excaliber does not correct Army's 5.56 mistake, done under US propaganda of versatility of 5.56 round to badly injure and not kill and put a huge pressure on the soldiers' mates to carry him back for medical treatment. In fact, the current crop of terrorists taught Indian army a lesson or two that automatic format is definitely better and 7.62 format still better over 5.56. It kills with gusto. That is what the soldier wants when facing a terrorist.

So the army demanded a multi caliber rifle, which will fire three different type of rounds. No other army in the world has multicaliber rifle as a standard infantry man's weapon. But Indian Army is going for it. Three manufacturer's prototypes did not succeed in tests recently, so Indian army is back to the drawing board.

Now the pressure is on to grudgingly introduce Excaliber rifle and develop further an Indian version of multi caliber rifle. It is likely that both will succeed. Indian army in five years have Indian version Excaliber - an upgraded INSAS and an Indian version of multi caliber rifle.

What a costly mistake the military brass of nineties made. It is an $8 billion mistake. It is being corrected now. But it puzzles everybody that army chose to foul mouth INSAS first and then admit their judgemental mistake.


Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Was suppose to have dinner outside but instead went to a local exhibition nearby, Out of no where i spotted a black rifle, It had Unusual looks than what i am used to, On closing, i noted it was OFB`s stall, I didn't expected OFB presence there, It was small not much was there but crowd was heavy ..

I approached the person in-charge and introduce myself, He immediately noted my curiosity abt Excalibur, He handed me the Rifle and was soon occupied with curious & irritating ( In a good way ) Young chaps ..

I had little time, Low battery in my cell phone to take just few snaps of the rifle & I am happy to share with others here .. :)

The Following post will contain both Images and comments ..


@A chauhan, @agentperry, @Ankit Purohit, @Apollyon, @arnabmit, @bengalraider, @Bheeshma, @bose,
@cloud_9, @Defenceindia2010, @DEXTER07, @Dovah, @Ganesh2691, @Hari Sud, @Illusive, @indian_sukhoi, @jackprince, @Keshav Murali, @kshkumsin, @kurup, @latsar, @lcatejas, @Lions Of Punjab, @maomao, @mikhail, @Neeraj Mathur, @nishantgupta, @Patriot, @RAM, @sasi, @Sumonmitra20, @The Messiah, @Tronic, @TrueSpirit, @Waffen SS, @Welcome, @WMD @Ray sir, @ALBY, @arnab maity, @arnabmit, @Dovah, @JBH22, @navkapu, @sesha_maruthi27, @shafiq alam, @W.G.Ewald, @ersakthivel, @arnabmit , @Keshav Murali, @AVERAGE INDIAN, @Patriot, @SilentKiller , @cobra commando , @pmaitra , @WMD , @Neil, @civfanatic , @ladder, @asianobserve, @bengalraider, @captonjohn , @Decklander Sir .. , @shuvo@y2k10, @sayareakd Sir.. , @DivineHeretic, @trackwhack, @sob, @pmaitra , @LETHALFORCE, @Yusuf, @Bangalorean, @Twinblade, @Anshu Attri @ALBY, @arnab maity, @arnabmit, @bose, @Defenceindia2010, @Dovah, @JBH22, @Keshav Murali, @mehrotraprince, @navkapu, @rvjpheonix, @sesha_maruthi27, @shafiq alam, @sayareakd Sir, @Ray Sir, @Decklander Sir, @AVERAGE INDIAN, @ninja85, @Patriot, @SajeevJino, @TrueSpirit1, @Waffen SS, @Twinblade, @bhramos, @Kyubi, @Abhi9, @Patriot

And all others..


1. Political discussions is not encouraged in technical thread..
2. Read the first post and the thread before going forward..
3. Keep this thread till INSAS related, No comparison or what so ever ..

Thank you..

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

At first look & touch, The rifle is compact & Light weighted compare to INSAS 1B1 which is in service, The size of the rifle is more or less same as a M4 carbine, This is probably because the barrel is not a 18 inch as its on 1B1 but this Excaluber has a 16inch barrel !, Unlike what i saw previously in defexpos, Excalibur has 18inch barrels, This means Excalibur has variants & the one in my hand was a 16inch barrel one for CQB ops

The rifle Excalibur as seen in the picture is smaller than an AK47/AKM and little longer than TAR-21 of 18inch, It was lighter around 2 kgs and with full loaded 22rnds Magazine its weight is around 2.5kgs, Unlike 1B1 is 3.5kgs full loaded, It was pleasure to hold this Rifle ..

Here the Rifle is in folded butt configuration, To be frank the size in this configuration was lesser than 9mm silenced carbine used in Army , This is perfect and impressive in CQB ops, where fighting is in tight corners ..

Now lets see some details in selector switch, S for semi auto, R for safety and A for automatic, This is not same with 1B1 as 1B1 options have no automatic but Burst, The switch itself is not same as 1B1`s, The Rifle is design for spray and pray like AK which is again for CQB ops, Also the Grip is also not like AK or 1B1`s, Though the Rifle retain similar 1B1`s rail, Trigger and almost all other major important parts for operating the rifle hence no new training for using this rifle..

What makes Excalibur looks different from his brother 1B1 is the over all fore-grip design which extend over gas pipe so does till Cocking handle, The material used is not a cheap plastic as many would call, But was rugged and good hard fiber furniture, Same material is used in Rifle butt, It is important to note the material used on Excalibur is not the same used over Improved 1B1, Excalibur is indeed a improved INSAS over Improved 1B1 INSAS, Unfortunately its not under service ..

Conclusion : What i learned is that Excalibur has different version itself, Mainly with different barrels and it is design for both Long and Close combat operations, It is light and short compare to 1B1 in service, I was impressed with the fiber quality that Rifle offers compare to 1B1 also the Rifle operation is same as 1B1 hence it does not require new training to handle, Overall its a good design rifle and deserve operational service within Army..

It is also unfortunate that i cannot used this nice Rifle over firing range to know full extend of its capability and preform-ace ..

Cheers ! :)


Keeping location Private .. :)

Kolkata Industrial Fair?

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010

Excalibur with P-rail and 20rnd Mag is already Inducted into Army, The pic posted here for knowledge for those members who are asking abt it, For more information just read the thread all answers are posted in it ..
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cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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The Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr. Harsh Vardhan visiting the Technology and Industry Expo, at the India International Science Festival (IISF), in New Delhi on December 04, 2015.


New Member
Jan 10, 2016
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at least they have something to see through :)
You could have simply given each of them a pair of spectacles if that was the case.

Just kidding...I would also have personally preferred an EOTech holo as standard issue. But as you said something is better than nothing. It does kinda tickle me because the Bundeswehr would use similar reddots as a secondary optic for close range;

That said, I'm not sure if the IA would really equip it's entire infantry with the same reddot scope. We will
certainly have holos and ACOG-type scopes as well.


New Member
Nov 13, 2015
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I saw marcos and NSG equipped with mp5 bsf with beretta mx4 smg and indian army sf with mp9 why not using drdo msmc which was in development few years ago?

