INS Vikrant Aircraft Carrier (IAC)


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
Calling it bullshit doesn't change the reality. It just shows you are unaware of the sheer gap in military technology that exists among china and west .
What gap? They built the fucking islands and USN just watched and FONOPS stunt is changing that reality. You don't seem to realize tech difference in military is not same as tech difference in civilian....engines is the only area where they lag. It requires 1000's of hours of experience and failures and is time consuming. Another example to add to myth, Russia is shitting on western tech in Ukraine with old Soviet equipment. Javelin my ass, overblown and needless and expensive shit....its scamsters tech now.


Senior Member
Aug 16, 2014
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uys reach a decision fast. Indian Navy is waiting for DFI pepes to reach final conclusion and based on that they will place future orders:

1. 2nd INS Vikrant class or New 65K ton class catobar carrier?

2. SH or Rafale-M?

Indian Navy future is in your hand now.


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2016
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What gap? They built the fucking islands and USN just watched and FONOPS stunt is changing that reality. You don't seem to realize tech difference in military is not same as tech difference in civilian....engines is the only area where they lag. It requires 1000's of hours of experience and failures and is time consuming.
Sigh no point in debating where you stand. If you believe so good luck to you. I don't have time to teach you . Some things you learn with time and bitter experiences.

Lmao I'm Posting too much lately I should go back to real life where china is still operating 1st gen nuke reactor in its so called ssbn and SSN 🤣🤣


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Since we don't have the kind of CAPEX budget to compete with US and China while our strategic realities are right now closer to France, Japan and UK than US & China, putting high hopes is going to depress members very hard.

We will see in next 15 years that India's relative national power will remain same as today that is similar to second tier swinger than a first tier behemoth. These ambitions will "start" materialisation somewhere in mid 30s. Added our procedures we aren't going to add 24 submarines, 15 nuclear subs or an extra carrier at least for next 15-20 years. We are a second tier force and will remain till next 25-30 years in all aspects of aerial, ground, naval warfares and related technologies even if Indian economy closes near 20 trillions before that time period.

Those who believe otherwise are going to be grossly blackpilled soon.;) China is going to be a US/USSR like force, US is declining and we will be left at no. 2 being sanctioned and screwed royally.
Not true it's the China that's collapsing..

Corruption is rampant..
Created Weak structures (tofu-dreg) using local bank's money..

Failed endeavour of 50B$ towards processor manufacturing. Turned out to be plants to manufacture DRAM/Storage modules.

Destroyed the Biggest River Yangtze's eco system, Biggest drought in the 70 years.

3 Gorges dam is empty for now . No water for waterways , Also Causing electricity shortage and shut down of business and manufacturing in Central provinces.



Senior Member
Jan 10, 2016
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I am not expecting CAPEX to "flow like water". I am expecting it to grow in concert with India's GDP. Which has been the case till now. Take the previous decade, for example between 2011-12 and 2021-22, Defence CAPEX has grown at an average rate of 7%. Similar to the rate at which India's GDP has grown.

Note, I am talking about CAPEX, not pensions, revenue, etc. Even if you take them, between 2019-20 and 2020-21, pensions budget dropped by 1% while CAPEX grew by 10%.
Check revised figures (not initial allocations) especially of last few years (even pre-covid). Things aren't rosy for CAPEX.

Navy is downsizing IAC-2 from 65,000 tons because instead of ordering an IAC-1 this decade and then IAC-2 next decade, they are ordering the IAC-2 itself in this decade.
That was always the plan, going directly to IAC-2 after Vikrant is ready.

Nuclear IAC-2 is not being considered because of technological issues outlined by BARC, not because of lack of funds.
What issues? CLWR-B1 is proven & operational and if nuclear carrier was warranted a multiple-reactor setup was very much feasible. They're going ahead with CLWR-B2 supposed to equip S-5 SSBNs which in all likelihood will be built at the same time as IAC-2 (the dock for it is well into construction). I'm not seeing the issue if at all a nuclear carrier was required.

Not to mention, operation of EMALS with conventional propulsion is always going to be sketchy/half-a$$ed as the Chinese are about to find out.

The IAC-2 as it seems to be shaping up has "victim of circumstance" written all over it.

SSN is not an NCA asset. I don't understand why anybody would expect PMO to pay for it. Strategic Gamut is just Navy trying to pull a fast one. We have bastion strategy w.r.t. our SSBNs. Why would our precious few SSNs pull security for an SSBN in peacetime? SSN are a naval intelligence platform vital in peacetime. Maybe in wartime, they'd be deployed to pull security for the SSBN. But that doesn't mean they should be put under PMO. Or tomorrow, you'll have Army and Air Force demanding funds from PMO for all SAM systems deployed for security of ground and air based NCA assets.
Will SSN be under Strategic Forces Command? No. It will be a fleet asset. So no point asking PMO to fund it.
Yea well tell that to Navy because they were fighting tooth & nail to convince PMO to fund it. And there's a reason why they were so adamant (forgot the public spats between CDS & Navy leadership?) - they knew that if PMO won't be funding it, the SSN will take a huge chunk of funds out of Navy's plans for the LTCPP.

The powers that be (CDS/PMO) made it clear that priority will be SSN, even if it means having to ditch 3rd carrier.

The current state of IAC-2 in its defanged, downsized form is a result of hasty adjustments made in the wake of being told off by PMO. Even then, IAC-2 is still Navy's own "khwaish" - it still doesn't have support from the Executive and whether it gets funded this decade or not is still dependent on how much it ends up costing. The original plan for IAC-2 was already deemed unaffordable so now its a question of how much "tod madod" Navy can do with it to make it fit into the renewed budget plans (taking SSN into account).

Agree with your point, but F-414 is not "upscaled" version of F-404, rather its an "upgraded" version with same dimensions and stages, but newer materials.
Yea but the core is largely similar which is the point. The size of the HP/LP stages (and as consequence, airflow) is dependent on how much performance you want.

OK. But did Mirage 2000D get an engine upgrade using M88 materials or core?
No, but there wasn't any need to begin with, not to mention M88 didn't bring much of a tech leap. Rafale on the other hand always planned for a more powerful engine down the line (scenma had planned M88 ECO high thrust variant) but that hasn't happened due to cost-benefit reasons.

But with a new core & engine on the anvil which can step in to fill the gap left by ECO, it starts to make sense.

Primary use of India's carrier forces would be Naval Strike. Ground strike along Pakistani coastline can be supported by AMCA flying from AFS Bhuj. We aren't planning to strike Chinese coastline. And for naval strike, you need beast mode on your fighter anyhow. So TEDBF seems like a healthy compromise to me. Only potential downside I see is PLAN fielding J-35 from carrier. Only answer to such a situation is to rely on stealthy carrier-launched wingmen flying ahead of TEDBF to locate J-35 in advance. Not a perfect solution though. We'd be at a disadvantage there.
We can't afford to not think beyond Pak & China by 2040 as the No.3 world economy. Lot of playgrounds will be opening up in the Middle East & IOR.

Regardless, a LO/VLO aircraft with option of beast mode will always be more survivable than a non-LO. As we move into the future, its quite plausible that missile launch platforms will shift from manned fighters to loyal wingmen, the only job of the fighter will be to keep the pilot in a survivable platform while staying close enough to control the action.

A LO fighter is the way to do that.

I think our disagreement on this stems from the issue that you consider TEDBF to arrive much delayed, not in 2031.
That, and the fact I don't think the program will be feasible given the very small requirement.

While I expect TEDBF to make good on its current schedule
Then it'd be the only Indian program in history to do so :tongue2:

whereas I expect any attempt at an N-AMCA to lead to no indigenous carrier fighter till at least 2040.
...which is by when I believe any actual need for a new fighter for IN will really be felt (as IAC-2 air wing).


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
Sigh no point in debating where you stand. If you believe so good luck to you. I don't have time to teach you . Some things you learn with time and bitter experiences.

Lmao I'm Posting too much lately I should go back to real life where china is still operating 1st gen nuke reactor in its so called ssbn and SSN 🤣🤣
Your comments do not make us any stronger, apparently there are a lot that thrive by pointing at others but fact is western tech is not a guaranteed winner anymore and neither do they have the numbers or the leadership. Anyone that goes about tech detailing to the finest degree as an edge has another thing coming. Wars are not about tech gaps only....only a dunce will say that about PLN, fortunately IN is seriously concerned about them and they should be.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
uys reach a decision fast. Indian Navy is waiting for DFI pepes to reach final conclusion and based on that they will place future orders:

1. 2nd INS Vikrant class or New 65K ton class catobar carrier?

2. SH or Rafale-M?

Indian Navy future is in your hand now.
Ya, odds are we will end up with neither on time. Pessimists have better odds here, shorts win.


Senior Member
Jan 10, 2016
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Its closer to France, Japan and UK right now. Even by 2030 alone, we'll be spending twice as much as these countries. We won't reach US and China in defence spending within next two decades.
Spending figures alone don't tell the story.

Our land forces & need to defend two large borders of several thousand kms each eat up too much of the funds.

Currently, UK & France spend less than us - but both already have the things like full size SSBNs carrying out year-round deterrence patrols which we only hope to acquire by 2040 with 3/4 x S-5.

Some of the big-ticket programs UK/France pursue (like 2 x 65k ton carriers while we struggle to fund a single one, or like France's 75k ton Nuclear PANG) are beyond our league.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
Anyone that thinks 12-15 destroyers are enough considering PLN numbers has another thing coming, when Chinese get enough carriers they are going to park one in IOR along with escorts to bring pressure on us. We need more destroyers and preferably a carrier to park on the other side of the malacca straits to relieve that pressure. Subs are not projection instruments and do not carry the same image or weight.


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2011
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Its closer to France, Japan and UK right now. Even by 2030 alone, we'll be spending twice as much as these countries. We won't reach US and China in defence spending within next two decades. That much is true. But we won't remain France and UK tier till 2040. By then our naval fleet will be the third largest, overtaking JMSDF and Russian Navy. We will be catching up in technologies, but not in scale of deployment, when compared to USA and PRC. We will not have more than 1000 fighters till after 2040, when PRC and USA will be hitting 3000. We will not have multiple supercarriers and our submarine fleet will be half to a third the size of US and PRC submarine fleets by 2040. Our Army won't be fully modernized by 2040.

But even then we will have (compared to USA and PRC) at least 1/3rd the military heft in Air and Naval forces and a comparable Army by 2040. We won't be any 2nd tier swinger power. Our heft alone will outweigh what other allies of USA can bring to the table. We won't be 1st tier behemoth either. We'll be somewhere in the middle.
By all accounts, we are FAR ahead of European powers when it comes to sheer military might. Granted, that comes with caveats (no real domestic ability to do it alone)


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2011
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Anyone that thinks 12-15 destroyers are enough considering PLN numbers has another thing coming, when Chinese get enough carriers they are going to park one in IOR along with escorts to bring pressure on us. We need more destroyers and preferably a carrier to park on the other side of the malacca straits to relieve that pressure. Subs are not projection instruments and do not carry the same image or weight.
Eh what? Park aircraft carrier battle groups? Where? Djibouti?

Let them. Just plant one Scorpene and watch them squirm.

You guys dont realise the ISR net that has been created across all domains of the IOR.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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While we can't match chinese numbers we have some solid build up . Anyway our objective is to keep china out of our backyard and not to complete with them globally ( leave that to usa + nato ).

By 2040 if we could get 6 SSN + 18 ssk + 2 carriers + 100 naval jets + 12-15 destroyers and 25-30 frigates + 40 Corvettes that shall be a force capable enough to sink anything in IOR when worked with shore based assets.

I think we can get there with current and projected budget levels easily.
As we have seen that procedures of implemented plans often have ridiculously longer timelines in implementation, I have little hopes for budget, construction and commissioning of these ships in time (and yep these are beyond budget at the moment).

Its closer to France, Japan and UK right now. Even by 2030 alone, we'll be spending twice as much as these countries. We won't reach US and China in defence spending within next two decades. That much is true. But we won't remain France and UK tier till 2040. By then our naval fleet will be the third largest, overtaking JMSDF and Russian Navy. We will be catching up in technologies, but not in scale of deployment, when compared to USA and PRC. We will not have more than 1000 fighters till after 2040, when PRC and USA will be hitting 3000. We will not have multiple supercarriers and our submarine fleet will be half to a third the size of US and PRC submarine fleets by 2040. Our Army won't be fully modernized by 2040.

But even then we will have (compared to USA and PRC) at least 1/3rd the military heft in Air and Naval forces and a comparable Army by 2040. We won't be any 2nd tier swinger power. Our heft alone will outweigh what other allies of USA can bring to the table. We won't be 1st tier behemoth either. We'll be somewhere in the middle.
That's relevantly a second tier force (what France and UK were during Amerito-Soviet cold war). Off course France and UK won't remain second tier powers in upcoming decade and India will be left as one. Having abilities at fraction of a superpower what is exactly a great power and a second tier power. So India will be in a better position with respect to India of today. The gap with US and China will continue in persist even in second half of century probably.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
Eh what? Park aircraft carrier battle groups? Where? Djibouti?

Let them. Just plant one Scorpene and watch them squirm.

You guys dont realise the ISR net that has been created across all domains of the IOR.
Pressure is to divert our resources towards watching them or just to divert and they can afford to because of their huge numbers. There is very little action from India due to our political impotency, either case 12 destroyers against a country that is going to have 60 to 70 with that works hand in hand with pak are too few....taking pressure to chinese seas will require more numbers. We should not just outsource that to USN. Our presence should be in numbers on their eastern seaboard on a routine basis and with decent number of heavy class ships
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Senior Member
Jun 17, 2022
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Pressure is to divert our resources towards watching them or just to divert and they can afford to because of their huge numbers. There is very little action from India due to our political impotency, either case 12 destroyers against a country that is going to have 60 to 70 with that works hand in hand with pak are too few....taking pressure to chinese seas will require more numbers. We should not just outsource that to USN. Our presence should be in numbers on their eastern seaboard on a routine basis and with decent number of heavy class ships
We should extensively arm SEA countries for asymmetrical war against Chyna , that will reduce our load in IOR.


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020
We should extensively arm SEA countries for asymmetrical war against Chyna , that will reduce our load in IOR.
For all that you need a strategic plan with good funding and domestic capability to build ships at a decent pace. No one follows a guy that can't throw his weight around, they will not follow us if we don't show muscle capability to back it up. Soviet navy under admiral gorshokov gained strategic heights, same with Chinese navy now quantitatively already there and before they gain the real experience in employing it and gain qualitative edge, we need to arm with great ambition to retain edge in IOR. At this rate, Indian navy will barely make it with this half hearted confused adhoc approach....but whatever it is what it is.


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2011
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We should extensively arm SEA countries for asymmetrical war against Chyna , that will reduce our load in IOR.
You assume SEA nations have any interest in arming themselves. They are quite happy to play US against China . Laos and Cambodia are actively pro Chinese to boot.

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