INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier


Homo Communis Indus
New Member
Dec 25, 2012
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Atleast our navy do not believe in ghosts!

Anyway, nice kidding with you, Adios!

At least we're not using the specific subs that did the choking. At least our Russian hulls aren't haunted by over two dozen ghosts.


New Member
May 25, 2009
I just hope it doesn't end up like a Russian sub. (You know, the kind that chokes its sailors to death en masse)
Accidents happen everywhere. Bigger accidents have happened in China too.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
why the Mig 29 can carry a single Drop tank instead of 2 of them in their wings like other fighters
That's an interesting question that may have different answers depending on model. Obviously, it can carry more if needed. I once saw a photo of one being ferried to Canada for an airshow, and I think it was carrying five. At to why they are usually seen with only one, earlier models had fewer hardpoints to play with; and while the Mig-29K has more, it also has significantly improved internal-fuel capacity.


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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That's an interesting question that may have different answers depending on model. Obviously, it can carry more if needed. I once saw a photo of one being ferried to Canada for an airshow, and I think it was carrying five. At to why they are usually seen with only one, earlier models had fewer hardpoints to play with; and while the Mig-29K has more, it also has significantly improved internal-fuel capacity.
Pls Share the Picture if you have ..!! and Get this image from Aviation forum ..carry 3 pylons


Anshu Attri

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Nov 19, 2009
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Navy relieved as Gorshkov flies through sea trials

Navy relieved as Gorshkov flies through sea trials |

Aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya (also Gorshkov), the Indian Navy's last vessel to be delivered by a foreign shipyard, passed with flying colours when it was operated at full throttle during exhaustive sea trials in the Barents Sea in Russia on Saturday.

The trial feedback helped overcome anxiety in New Delhi about the performance of the ship, which faltered during high-speed runs last year when its boilers failed, leaving the engines unable to produce adequate power to propel the 45,000-ton vessel.

It was a major setback as the delivery of the ship, India's second aircraft carrier, was pushed by a year.

After extensive repairs, the ship was back in the sea earlier this month for final delivery trials.

Navy personnel are onboard the vessel, keeping a hawk eye on the performance of the carrier which is going to be the flagship of its fleet in the coming decades.

Sources said the carrier touched a top speed of around 32 knots in wind and tide condition and the trials will continue to test capability of the retrofitted ship that will cost India around $2.3 billion.

The high-speed trials will continue for some more days to ensure that performance is stable. It will be followed by trial landings by the Mig-29K fighters.

The deck landings and take-offs were performed by the Russian pilots last year as well.

The navy hopes that its floating airbase will be ready for commissioning by the end of this year and its formal induction will take place in the early months of 2014.

INS Vikramaditya is now the only naval warship in a foreign shipyard.

All the remaining 41 warships are being constructed in domestic shipyards, in a major boost to the local shipbuilding industry.


New Member
Mar 4, 2012
SAM test from vikram

INS Vikramaditya Testing Its ZiF-121 Launcher - Addendum

A few posts earlier included images of the INS Vikramaditya, one of which showed it firing what then was assumed to be a defensive weapon system. A search in that direction turned up nothing. As it turns out, they are actually anti-ship missile decoys being launched from the PK-2 countermeasure system. Loaded from below the deck, the system launches them through the ZiF-121 barrel, mounted on the deck.

A fixture that also existed on the Vikramaditya's original configuration as an Aircraft-Carrier Cruiser, Admiral Gorshkov, it is said to be capable of launching corresponding decoys, that could deceive either air-borne Anti-Ship Missiles or underwater torpedoes, which it drops into the water from the slide-like arrangement, seen circled in the picture

Seen in the picture is the rocket-propelled Anti-Ship Missile decoy. One can verify it by observing the picture below, that shows the decoys in storage, whose cross-section matches that of the launched projectile, especially its nose.

The PK-2 is believed to be capable of launching a variety of decoys ranging from the passive chaff & flare dispensers, to active Radio Frequency [RF] decoys that lure missiles away from the actual physical target by simulating electromagnetic emissions as would be radiated by a comparable or bigger physical target.

Indian efforts towards developing indigenous countermeasure dispensers have resulted in the Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. developing an anti-torpedo system. The State-owned Ordnance Factory Board [OFB] too has come up with a chaff dispenser, offering protection against Anti-Ship missiles. None, however, claim to be capable of launching active decoys, and are of a more focussed nature, in terms of the nature of protection they each offer, compared to the versatility of decoys that the PK-2 can launch.

The picture, below, shows a clear view of the PK-2's ZiF-21 launcher, mounted on the Vikramaditya, this one being on the fore, starboard side.


Long walk
New Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Indian Aircraft Carrier Passes Engine Tests in Russian Sea Trials

A Russian-built aircraft carrier due to be delivered to the Indian Navy following a much-delayed refit has successfully passed engine tests during the first stage of final sea trials in the White Sea, shipbuilder Sevmash said Tuesday.

The current trials focused on the ship's propulsion system and its ability to perform as required.

The carrier, named Vikramaditya, "showed excellent performance while being tested at various speeds," a Sevmash spokesman said. "On Sunday, the ship attained a maximum speed of 29.2 knots."

The Vikramaditya, which is already years past its original 2008 delivery date, was supposed to have been handed over to India on December 4, 2012, but initial sea trials in September revealed that the ship's boilers were not fully functional.

The source of the problem, which reduced the ship's maximum speed, was due to use of low-grade Chinese-made firebricks in the boiler insulation instead of asbestos, Russian shipbuilders said.

The boiler problems were fixed by Russian shipbuilders in February, Sevmash reported previously.

The Vikramaditya will now sail to the Barents Sea, where the ship will undertake working-up procedures including aircraft deck operations. Several MiG-29K fighters and two helicopters will be used in the flight trials.

A report on the results of the final trials must be given to the Indians on October 15, the Sevmash official said.

The Vikramaditya was originally built as the Soviet Project 1143.4 class aircraft carrier Admiral Gorshkov. In its original incarnation, the Gorshkov also had a history of boiler problems and suffered a boiler explosion in 1994.

Indian Aircraft Carrier Passes Engine Tests in Russian Sea Trials | Defense | RIA Novosti


New Member
Nov 19, 2012
The GOI controlled media called it 32knots. I know that for a ship of this size and non-nuke propulsion, 32 kts is too high a speed.