How many gallantry awards(combat) were given to Indian women till now?
If they are in front lines, surely there will be casualties.
If women are fighting on par with men, casualty rates would also be proportional isn’t it?
Women units in COIN with ( CAPF/IPS) ithless than 5 years old afaik operationally. No info on casualties. I can troll through the CAPF websites for names on the weekend.
Do not know about medals but there are enough citations etc that can be googled.
I don't know how to define "on par' when men . Most likely not. But they are on the front lines that much is a fact. They have a number of kills and arrests and have been part of successful operations . That is also a fact
Just as a reminder:
In WWI and WWII african Americans were not fit for combat duty as they being "sub human" were deemed unfit for combat on equal to a white male. History now says otherwise.
The point is that any data that you can try to gleam will have the following limitations to draw any form of regression / conclusion
1. Inherent observer vias
2. Not enough data over not enough variables.
Alot of things will ensure the above never happen - including and not the least. infrastructure that would.make it cost prohibant to let women in the armed forces enmass.
I am against women in the military for one sole reason. The very basis of a successful unit is unit cohesion. Mixed member units will break cohesion and draw down on combat efficiency.
The only solution is women only units. - Manning snf equiping women only units won't work
1. Not enough manpower ( female volunteers)
2. We don't have the budget to raise such a unit - they will be expensive ( though we do have a female only unit in the SFF)
I unfortunately don't usually buy the argument on women not being "strong" enough . If they pass the same physical as man they good enough in my book.