Indian Special Forces


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Nov 11, 2023
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Well other countries do not face the same issues we do, if they did they would do the same. U can't win against a isurgency by playing fair, u have to get dirty and IA being a professional force can only do so much before it's name is tarnished which is not a good look even frm the common people of the this country who hold them in high regard. Just like how the rest of the world accusers Turkish forces of being Rapists and Barberians. At the end of the day we need someone to kill without accountability and be not attached to the official forces.
Huh ? What insurgencies did any PMC finish ? Did a PMC end the LTTE or did Wagner bring down Ichkeria ? Always an army of a state and the Kashmiri problem will also be solved by the nation state.

Yeah, I agree that no one can win an insurgency by playing fair but anyone who has covered the Indian army since the 1980's will tell you that nowhere are we even close the fair and held in high regards. The west tolerates us because we are their most important asset right now. The image of he Indian army isn't tarnished among the western masses because frankly, they don't give two shits about us and are not bothered in the least.

And I'd much rather be called a rapist and barbarian than a boot-licking "FuLl sApPot to U sAaR" pajeet.


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Jun 3, 2022
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Do you know without a shroud of doubt that they were the ones who killed our personnel? If yes, then what's the point of killing them when we have ways to gain information from them ? if not, you just killed 3 civilians in cold blood.

PAFF reignited the fire among Kashmiri Muslim youth with he recent videos. The video of this attack (if they release it) will also grant them a sense of bravado and mental superiority that the Indian army isn't as invincible as it thinks it is and you ca humiliate them like both Lashkar and Jaish have been doing in the last 2 years.

Now add the fact that we just killed 3 civilians in cold blood, one belonging to the family of a BSF personnel and CONGRATULATIONS, you just lost the goodwill and the chance of developing the "Human intelligence" that people in this forum can't stop saying the army has lost in the previous years.

I thought people here would be a bit smarter.
Did you see me make any remarks on that topic? I didn't comment on that matter at all instead just waiting for army to conduct investigation so I'm not jumping to conclusions


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Jun 21, 2018
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the first PMC will be SIS those dudes are everywhere
SIS is owned by R.K. Sinha, a former Member of Parliament. Quite likely but companies like G4S or Securitas were never designed as full fledged PMC.

They are mostly cash van, building security outfits.

Bad idea. If big company like TATA , Adani owned PMC's its easy fr other countries to sanction them and it will effect the country, and im positive most of these companies have some sort of morals which would not allow them. But if i had enough money and Gov support I would start one though :devil:
Two words : Plausible Deniability

If your company gets sanctioned, simply rename your outfit like Blackwater did (Xe) and continue.

25% of Agniveer soldiers will be absorbed as permanent to form the core of NCOs. Another 25% will go into various government jobs (CAPF, Police, CRPF, ITBP, SSB, railways, etc).

Another 25% will retire in the rural areas with the 15 lakh rupees lump sum and form coaching academies and run farms, dairies, etc.

The remaining 25% are the dangerous lot with military skills, experience and no jobs. They are prime recruits for criminal gangs especially in Punjab and Haryana as well as political cadre for violence.

You also need an officer cadre who they will respond to and know how to work with. Short Service Commission officers at the rank of Captain, Major and Lt. Colonels who don't want to do MBA and enter the private work force, have no pension and are action hounds can takeover this responsibility.

The companies forming these PMCs can then arm these units using their manufactured firearms.

Adani - PLR Systems - Tavor and Galil family

Kalyani Group - Kalyani Strategic Systems Limited - Arsenal and Thales - AR-M5F41, F90, PKM, JVPC

ONGC/ Bharat Petroleum - Advanced Weapons and Equipment India Limited - JVPC, INSAS, TAR, etc

This is just an example but I think you get the idea.

Jedi Operator

New Member
Sep 28, 2022
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Daylight patrol to contact in sh!t gear

IA is rotten from top to bottom

it’s not a mystery why these guys have such terrible casualty ratio
Maj Sapru said that earlier all SF guys used to have contact here or there, so everyone was keen on the drills. These days, majority of SF guys dont have that same level of exposure, this mught exite some guys to think they have to hurry in and not miss the contact. In hurrying, they make mistakes. A Day light patrol like that is a prime example of this, these guys are out in the open fastning pace of their operations. There is a level of introspection to be made


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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I thought people here would be a bit smarter.
No they are not.This is not Linkedin.

Most people here are young adults with a very narrow minded false sense of superiority complex who go to the extent of celebration innocent kills of a particular religion.

They are too young to even sit in any interview and with the though process they demonstrate i doubt they will even get to clear it for the same organisation.

Anyway,thanks for explaining it again and well.


New Member
May 10, 2023
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I don't think there will be an official statement from the army about recent incidents.
They will most likely try to squash this whole thing which is quite understandable.
So I believe this is the closest we are going to get to the reality of this situation.

Lets hope that PAFF is wiped out for good this time and we don't get fucked.

Lets wipe those paki bitches out in one go .

Jedi Operator

New Member
Sep 28, 2022
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Great. The number one thing the army would want if it’s launching an operation is for it to be leaked to the world on twitter.

Indian twitter accounts have the brain size of a peanut.
You know how this country works right ? People like live updates and never want to study the past properly


Sikkimese Saber
New Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Great. The number one thing the army would want if it’s launching an operation is for it to be leaked to the world on twitter.

Indian twitter accounts have the brain size of a peanut.
Well, in that case, CBI will have to go on a nation-wide hunt for people running OSINT accounts online. That completely blacks out any information for us in the future. There are always several options to make things happen; the question is whether the government is willing to take hard steps to send a message.


New Member
Mar 22, 2022
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Great. The number one thing the army would want if it’s launching an operation is for it to be leaked to the world on twitter.

Indian twitter accounts have the brain size of a peanut.
PAFF has a lot of information on the IA, as compared to whatever they will get out of brosint accounts like WLVN - they've been running operations against the IA after all

Accounts like WLVN exist solely for filling the space for armchairs like us nothing more.

PAFF getting information about the IA from WLVN is like me telling a Paki his country won in war against mine(it just doesn't make sense)

