Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Dec 10, 2016
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Himanshu Deswal and Kanishka Sharma are two quite known Indian names in the field of teaching CQC, specifically, the system of Pekiti Tirsia Kali. Himanshu Deswal, not so much, Kanishka Sharma is the first Indian to get this system to the country from the Phillipines.

They arent hired for teaching shooting and fieldcraft to SF, they are hired for teaching unarmed combat and combat with other weapons like a knife or stick, and also how to use the primary weapon as an impact weapon in close quarters when shooting isnt possible.

They are the subject matter experts in this particular field. The SF people arent idiots to contract them for teaching them a system if they feel that its not effective.
Kanishka Sharma is personally responsible for setting up the CQC system syllabus at SFTS Nahan, and holds regular sessions there, and presently, there are troops from within the SF who have trained and become instructors in the same at the school.
I know this because I am currently in my sixth year of training under him in PTK at his school in Noida.

And this is nothing unique to India, the same US SOF that you spoke about have contracted Paul Vunak in the past to teach Seal Team Six their CQC system, which is called RAT (Rapid Assault Tactics). Its a combination of easy to learn and really effective techniques in close combat.
Now Paul Vunak doesnt have any combat experience, but he's a world renowned martial artist and the direct descendant of Bruce Lee to Dan Inosanto to him in the system of Jeet Kune Do, which is the system for which Bruce Lee became famous in the world.

And as for PTK, or Kali, its trained by SOF units all around the world for its effectiveness in close quarters combat with weapons and against multiple opponents. These units include ST6, GSG9, GROM etc.
PTK is ok but many times i have seen them teaching firing position and techniques which i dont think they are the right people to teach.

Specialised and advanced firing techniques requires experts and not Martial arts people.

Btw thanks for the lecture on Kanishka.. i have him in my friends list.


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Jan 11, 2014
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PTK is ok but many times i have seen them teaching firing position and techniques which i dont think they are the right people to teach.

Specialised and advanced firing techniques requires experts and not Martial arts people.
Like I said, they are hired for CQC and that involves hand to hand, weapons, and using guns as melee weapons.

About firing techniques and positions, I dont know, personally I have never encountered this. Retention techniques against a possible gun grab and such are part of PTK, not shooting though.

Shooting techniques would require someone like Instructor Zero.

Btw thanks for the lecture on Kanishka.. i have him in my friends list
Yeah right, then I'm sure you must be knowing about the credentials of this "desi instructor".


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Dec 10, 2016
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Like I said, they are hired for CQC and that involves hand to hand, weapons, and using guns as melee weapons.

About firing techniques and positions, I dont know, personally I have never encountered this. Retention techniques against a possible gun grab and such are part of PTK, not shooting though.

Shooting techniques would require someone like Instructor Zero.

Yeah right, then I'm sure you must be knowing about the credentials of this "desi instructor".
Ya i i know the credentials thatswhy i say we need to hire weapons expert for teaching shooting techniques.

These instructors are great martial arts people..thatsit.

Martial arts only happens in real world you open the brains by Tavor or Beretta.

BTw does the anti modi bhashan continue in the classes too or is it just limited to FB?


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Jan 11, 2014
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Ya i i know the credentials thatswhy i say we need to hire weapons expert for teaching shooting techniques.

These instructors are great martial arts people..thatsit.

Martial arts only happens in real world you open the brains by Tavor or Beretta.

BTw does the anti modi bhashan continue in the classes too or is it just limited to FB?
Sure enough, primary weapon is primary for a reason. These techniques are taught to SF in my opinion, for the scenario where one cannot use it in extreme close quarters or if a tango grabs the weapon.

Classes are all business, only lecture there is on destroying limbs and changing mindset from prey to predator.

Aniruddha Mulay

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Oct 16, 2019
View attachment 44738 View attachment 44739 View attachment 44740

Forget Russians, there are Afghans SOFs in Kabul where a Sikh Shrine was attacked. Everyone else on this planet except for Para SF seems to get good equipment!
It is that Para SF does not have full freedom in what equipment they want, otherwise they would look on par with the West in terms of equipment.
Interestingly this same discussion was going on on Twitter which involved Vivek Krishnan,CEO of SSS Defence, Vinayak Sen,CEO of Armasen Tactical.


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Oct 27, 2019
View attachment 44738 View attachment 44739 View attachment 44740

Forget Russians, there are Afghans SOFs in Kabul where a Sikh Shrine was attacked. Everyone else on this planet except for Para SF seems to get good equipment!
Millions of American Tax Payer Money is Spend on Beefing up these Units to fight the PorkiShitani funded Talibani Terrorists.

The Afghan SF and Afghan Commandos are the only part of Afghan Army that is the most Loyal and Most useful against the Taliban. Rest of the Army can be compared to a militia. Without the Afghan SF and But Most Importantly Afghan Commandos and also NDS the Afghan Government would have collapsed long ago.

These are the guys who are fighting on the frontlines and keeping the Afghan Army from breaking part. Massive Respect to these Guys. Ones the US withdraws there will be massive cuts to there equipment and training I hope India takes over from the US and help them out. We need the Afghan Government in Kabul not Porki Dog funded Taliban.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
It is that Para SF does not have full freedom in what equipment they want, otherwise they would look on par with the West in terms of equipment.
Interestingly this same discussion was going on on Twitter which involved Vivek Krishnan,CEO of SSS Defence, Vinayak Sen,CEO of Armasen Tactical.
I agree with that point. The Para SF is restricted by the Army ‘s Rules and Regulation and also Government Red Tape. Countries around us are Replacing Uniforms and Equipment while we are still stuck looking like we are from the 1980s/90s. Majority of stuff that we need to equip our forces can be made at home in India. India needs more domestic players in the industry and New Defense Startups that can work on Body Armor, Uniforms, helmets and sights etc.

Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019
I agree with that point. The Para SF is restricted by the Army ‘s Rules and Regulation and also Government Red Tape. Countries around us are Replacing Uniforms and Equipment while we are still stuck looking like we are from the 1980s/90s. Majority of stuff that we need to equip our forces can be made at home in India. India needs more domestic players in the industry and New Defense Startups that can work on Body Armor, Uniforms, helmets and sights etc.
There are already pvt players within our country which make stuff on par with the west and can produce them at a fraction of the cost.
Tonbo for Sights,Night vision equipment.
MKU for High Cut Ballastic Helmets,Armoured vests.
Armasen Tactical for plate carriers.
SSS Defence for AR,Carbine,DMR,Sniper Rifles.
Now the only remaining piece to go along with the HCBH is an integrated communications headset which I think would be developed soon.

Aniruddha Mulay

New Member
Oct 16, 2019
Millions of American Tax Payer Money is Spend on Beefing up these Units to fight the PorkiShitani funded Talibani Terrorists.

The Afghan SF and Afghan Commandos are the only part of Afghan Army that is the most Loyal and Most useful against the Taliban. Rest of the Army can be compared to a militia. Without the Afghan SF and But Most Importantly Afghan Commandos and also NDS the Afghan Government would have collapsed long ago.

These are the guys who are fighting on the frontlines and keeping the Afghan Army from breaking part. Massive Respect to these Guys. Ones the US withdraws there will be massive cuts to there equipment and training I hope India takes over from the US and help them out. We need the Afghan Government in Kabul not Porki Dog funded Taliban.
Even if the Taliban takes over once the US withdraw, these Talibani militia would have to act with some rules and regulations if they want to run the country otherwise the country would run dry of resources as no one would be willing to give them aid or do business with them other than pakistan which are having a hard time running their own country. So the Talibani would be up for sale, I feel the Indian govt should start interaction with the Talibani if they take power in Afghanistan and buy them out for some billion dollars. Then they can be used as a proxy by India fight the Pakistani Army.
Afterall, no islamic ummah would survive if 2 waqt ki roti milna mushkil ho jayega.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
Even if the Taliban takes over once the US withdraw, these Talibani militia would have to act with some rules and regulations if they want to run the country otherwise the country would run dry of resources as no one would be willing to give them aid or do business with them other than pakistan which are having a hard time running their own country. So the Talibani would be up for sale, I feel the Indian govt should start interaction with the Talibani if they take power in Afghanistan and buy them out for some billion dollars. Then they can be used as a proxy by India fight the Pakistani Army.
Afterall, no islamic ummah would survive if 2 waqt ki roti milna mushkil ho jayega.
That would not happen Bro. Taliban will not win don’t listen to western libturds and PorkiShitani Jokers that say Taliban will do that and this and will take over Afghanistan. It won’t happen the Afghan Government still controls more territory than Taliban and Majority of Taliban “territory” are Rural and Mountainous Areas in Helmand Province.

Taliban and Afghan Government both have reached stalemate in this conflict one can’t defeat the other. Taliban is desperate to end this conflict by some how getting a deal that is favorable to them and making the US leave Afghanistan.

Taliban has lost too many fighters in this war they don’t have same offensive power as they had back in the 1990s and early 2000s. They are more technologically and weapons wise Better off but with smaller amount of man power. Majority of Provinces of Afghanistan are battle zone with no victors and both forces are bog down. India shouldn’t connect with Pisslamic Terrorist Group like Taliban. This would look like we are admitting defeat.

The only way Afghan Government would be defeated is through US Betrayal like that happened to South Vietnam and There Army. India should continue to support Afghan Government any way possible. India should be the next Arsenal of Democracy in Asia like you said we can use our democratic Defense industries to support Afghan Government in case the US leaves them with nothing.
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Dec 10, 2016
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View attachment 44817 View attachment 44820 View attachment 44821

Since everyone's been discussing Afghanistan, these chaps in civies are claimed to be our special operators on Afghan soil working closely with Afghans to fuck the jihadis.

(Pic credits: @indiandefence11 )
looks like embassy security to me..ITBP/cisf guys.

last time someone posted such pic of a gorkha guy..turned out to be working for private company.

if u look at the infra looks like an embassy.


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Sep 4, 2019
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looks like embassy security to me..ITBP/cisf guys.

last time someone posted such pic of a gorkha guy..turned out to be working for private company.

if u look at the infra looks like an embassy.
Yes, definitely ITBP.
Though Indian SOFs have a minimal presence in Afghanistan, I doubt you'll be getting pictures (especially in public domain).
ITBP has been instrumental in thwarting suicide attacks on embassies and consulates there.
From what I do understand, CISF doesn't have any presence in Afghanistan. Not sure though...
Who wears those shoes?

To me, it looks like an IFS officer or some bureaucrat, but let's end this here, yeah?
Whoever it is, he's probably furthering India's interests there and doesn't want his face to be put on the net.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
Yes, definitely ITBP.
Though Indian SOFs have a minimal presence in Afghanistan, I doubt you'll be getting pictures (especially in public domain).
ITBP has been instrumental in thwarting suicide attacks on embassies and consulates there.
From what I do understand, CISF doesn't have any presence in Afghanistan. Not sure though...

To me, it looks like an IFS officer or some bureaucrat, but let's end this here, yeah?
Whoever it is, he's probably furthering India's interests there and doesn't want his face to be put on the net.
It’s primarily ITBP no CISF presence in Afghanistan. I don’t understand Why the government picked ITBP over CRPF or CISF for Embassy and Consulate Security? I mean CRPF and CISF have better experience with these kinds of things Than ITBP. Is it because Afghanistan has highly mountainous Terrain? Or because ITBP Camo Matches the terrain of Afghanistan? LoL
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