Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Sep 4, 2019
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Why does the Air chief marshal have SPG and not Garud protection?
I'd think that to be better, ain't it?
Won't detract from Garud's original role, will allow SPG to further hone it's tradecraft while also providing the respected Marshal top-of-the-line security while Garuds... well, I don't mean to sound ignorant and/or disrespectful but we don't want GARUDs learning on-the-job in something as sensitive as the life of an Air Marshal and not focusing on CSAR, CCT roles. Again, I don't want to come off as disrespectful but if you read this article a while back-

The garuds cut and run, leaving behind their personal weapons. You NEVER leave behind your personal weapon. They need to prove themselves big time to change the views of the people whose lives they're going to be entrusted with and have that image of versatility that the Paras or Marcos have.
I think SPG should be provided the role of VIP security to guard our assets in even the warzones, something like the Russian Zaslon. They definitely have the budget and talent for it.
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Sep 13, 2010
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NSG Commando during training Advance Combat Helmet + Rails Lightweight Plate Carrier Glock 17 Pistol Tactical Eyewear
Appreciate the new plate carriers but the standard issue uniforms of NSG need to be upgraded. See a lot of them in long sleeve t-shirts these days, hope to god they are fireproof like their traditional NOMEX uniforms.

Those quarter zip combat shirts they were leading during R-day parade should be their standard issue not this cheap crap and similar modern trousers.


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Jan 10, 2016
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Going by the reported procurement of weapons & systems from US via FMS (no competition, no tender), and also by the way the unit is being structured (not along the lines of SOCOM, but more along the lines of JSOC), it's plausible to assume that AFSOD is actually being created as more or less a 'Tier-1 equivalent/counterpart' force who's operational command will remain independent of the three Armed Forces, and will report directly to the CDS in the emerging structure.

Tier-1 units & Equivalent forces (like Poland's GROM, Australia's SASR or France's 1st Para Regiment) are kitted out extremely similarly, from the type of gun & ammo, down to the type of batteries that go into a laser module. And are similarly trained as well.

All these years our SFs (mainly Paras) have spent training with US SOF units may actually be paying off. An Indian Tier-1 Equivalent force might just be around the corner in the form of AFSOD.

We know as a matter of fact that deeper working relationship & interoperability with US forces on the ground is on the agenda for the current GOI as well, so all the more reason to assume this would be the course of events.

(Pics from above tweet thread)

SCAR-L (SOCOM Mk.16) rifleman:

Alternatively, HK416 (if FMS purchase is successful without German obstruction):

SCAR-H (SOCOM Mk.17) battle rifle with 1-4x LPVO (variable-power optic):



Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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Going by the reported procurement of weapons & systems from US via FMS (no competition, no tender), and also by the way the unit is being structured (not along the lines of SOCOM, but more along the lines of JSOC), it's plausible to assume that AFSOD is actually being created as more or less a 'Tier-1 equivalent/counterpart' force who's operational command will remain independent of the three Armed Forces, and will report directly to the CDS in the emerging structure.

Tier-1 units & Equivalent forces (like Poland's GROM, Australia's SASR or France's 1st Para Regiment) are kitted out extremely similarly, from the type of gun & ammo, down to the type of batteries that go into a laser module. And are similarly trained as well.

All these years our SFs (mainly Paras) have spent training with US SOF units may actually be paying off. An Indian Tier-1 Equivalent force might just be around the corner in the form of AFSOD.

We know as a matter of fact that deeper working relationship & interoperability with US forces on the ground is on the agenda for the current GOI as well, so all the more reason to assume this would be the course of events.

(Pics from above tweet thread)

SCAR-L (SOCOM Mk.16) rifleman:

Alternatively, HK416 (if FMS purchase is successful without German obstruction):

SCAR-H (SOCOM Mk.17) battle rifle with 1-4x LPVO (variable-power optic):

Somebody's been playing a lot of ARMA 3 APEX.



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Sep 15, 2014
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Going by the reported procurement of weapons & systems from US via FMS (no competition, no tender), and also by the way the unit is being structured (not along the lines of SOCOM, but more along the lines of JSOC), it's plausible to assume that AFSOD is actually being created as more or less a 'Tier-1 equivalent/counterpart' force who's operational command will remain independent of the three Armed Forces, and will report directly to the CDS in the emerging structure.

Tier-1 units & Equivalent forces (like Poland's GROM, Australia's SASR or France's 1st Para Regiment) are kitted out extremely similarly, from the type of gun & ammo, down to the type of batteries that go into a laser module. And are similarly trained as well.

All these years our SFs (mainly Paras) have spent training with US SOF units may actually be paying off. An Indian Tier-1 Equivalent force might just be around the corner in the form of AFSOD.

We know as a matter of fact that deeper working relationship & interoperability with US forces on the ground is on the agenda for the current GOI as well, so all the more reason to assume this would be the course of events.

(Pics from above tweet thread)

SCAR-L (SOCOM Mk.16) rifleman:

Alternatively, HK416 (if FMS purchase is successful without German obstruction):

SCAR-H (SOCOM Mk.17) battle rifle with 1-4x LPVO (variable-power optic):

IF SOD doesn't have permanent cadre they will not be tier I. Just another inefficient spending of money


New Member
Jan 10, 2016
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IF SOD doesn't have permanent cadre they will not be tier I. Just another inefficient spending of money
In the current plan, they are to be rotated?

Edit: Found the source for the claim:

" Sources said specific units of the three services’ special forces will be allocated to the division on a rotational basis for a specified period of time. "

Here's hoping this is a temporary arrangement.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2014
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Going by the reported procurement of weapons & systems from US via FMS (no competition, no tender), and also by the way the unit is being structured (not along the lines of SOCOM, but more along the lines of JSOC), it's plausible to assume that AFSOD is actually being created as more or less a 'Tier-1 equivalent/counterpart' force who's operational command will remain independent of the three Armed Forces, and will report directly to the CDS in the emerging structure.

Tier-1 units & Equivalent forces (like Poland's GROM, Australia's SASR or France's 1st Para Regiment) are kitted out extremely similarly, from the type of gun & ammo, down to the type of batteries that go into a laser module. And are similarly trained as well.

All these years our SFs (mainly Paras) have spent training with US SOF units may actually be paying off. An Indian Tier-1 Equivalent force might just be around the corner in the form of AFSOD.

We know as a matter of fact that deeper working relationship & interoperability with US forces on the ground is on the agenda for the current GOI as well, so all the more reason to assume this would be the course of events.

(Pics from above tweet thread)

SCAR-L (SOCOM Mk.16) rifleman:

Alternatively, HK416 (if FMS purchase is successful without German obstruction):

SCAR-H (SOCOM Mk.17) battle rifle with 1-4x LPVO (variable-power optic):

As much as I would like things to turn out this way, this is still only imagination at best.

We all will have to wait and see how the SOD actually turns out to be, because the Indian Babudom is fully capable of playing complete havoc with even the best of things.

Cross training with Foreign SOF will definitely pay off one way or the other, but it remains to be seen how.


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Jun 21, 2018
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As much as I would like things to turn out this way, this is still only imagination at best.

We all will have to wait and see how the SOD actually turns out to be, because the Indian Babudom is fully capable of playing complete havoc with even the best of things.

Cross training with Foreign SOF will definitely pay off one way or the other, but it remains to be seen how.
With the Modi regime, I have faith that things will turn out very well.


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Mar 31, 2015
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With the Modi regime, I have faith that things will turn out very well.
It's not a political problem but a military leadership one. The Army brass have always opposed creation of this type of unit as there are turf wars over who they would report to. There have been bitter feuds all the way since the 1980s concerning SF and its equipment and it's strategic utilisation.

Even today the IA bitterly opposes the use of NSG in the Valley for HIT Ops even though the SAG is 100% Army men. That tells you that the mentality has not been expunged.

However there will be change in maybe 10 years time. SF vets are slowly working their way up the ranks now. The current DGMO is an SF vet and more of his peers are in the upper echelons. Once they are allowed a seat at the top table their views will get a voicr


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Sep 4, 2019
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One thing I do wonder, (and please don't crucify me if I sound childish. I'm still learning) is that the SAS is, by the tier system, indisputably tier 1, right?
There are several Gurkhas in it who served 3 years in the UK military then joined UKSFs for a contract of 5 (IIRC) and since the British Parliament passed the law that you need not have lived in UK for 5 years to join the forces, it opened the way for Indians as well. Those UKSFs members who return are sheer talent in flesh. They could always be hired to give our guys some perspective on how the UKSF does things. The Brits have a lot of SFs - SFSG, SRR, the Pathfinders, SBS and of course, the evergreen SAS and I'd think that someone from the same force which was a part of Task Force Black would be a great authority in forming the training pipeline for a new Tier 1 system.
I know our badasses do have cross training sessions with other SOFs but a month of training can't possibly match having a man or two at disposal perennially to help out in training.
Again, I'm still learning and I understand these things require bureaucratic flexibility and that SAS isn't the same as SOD and both operate with different resources, environment and not all soldiers are instructors and all but still, I just wondered.
Don't hang me by my balls. :(


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Oct 11, 2017
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There have been bitter feuds all the way since the 1980s concerning SF and its equipment and it's strategic utilisation.
i think it was lt. gen katoch has repeatedly stated this. many section of army doesn't even want SF to be separate or get the gadgets that they need or the recognition they deserve & said that army SF is "forcefully yoked to parachute regiment" due to this turf war!

im no expert but which other country has parachute regiment "special force"! katoch already wrote how paratroopers tried to get SF allowance and SF tag which got repeatedly turned down by Gen VK Singh! he also wrote that paratroopers tried to shove in themselves as the CO's of SF units(succeeded as well during UPA 1& 2) when they had no experience in the SF field of work! its no surprise to hear this when an officer as brilliant & decorated as Brig. Shekhawat had his promotions blocked and had to go on leave for 3 yrs for opposing the army top brass. imagine how far he cud have reached up the rank by now since he is the most decorated & how useful his appointment at a higher post, cud have been for the SF!

and in all interviews that we got to see(i usually try to read btw the lines), the senior SF men refer to themselves as SF operators and not as Paras! we know how much respect and attachment army guys have for their regiment and not once they say para ethos they always say Special Forces ethos(CO of 4 said this while explaining of the type of men they look for). And that interview with 9 CO, he specifically said "we r not commandos...our training and mission goes far far ahead of that" yet many in the army itself refer to them as para commandos!

even after all these modernization drives, y no one is suggesting separating parachute regiment & SF since its clear that the SF men resent it. is there a logic behind it? can the senior members of this forum throw some light on this?
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New Member
Mar 31, 2015
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One thing I do wonder, (and please don't crucify me if I sound childish. I'm still learning) is that the SAS is, by the tier system, indisputably tier 1, right?
There are several Gurkhas in it who served 3 years in the UK military then joined UKSFs for a contract of 5 (IIRC) and since the British Parliament passed the law that you need not have lived in UK for 5 years to join the forces, it opened the way for Indians as well. Those UKSFs members who return are sheer talent in flesh. They could always be hired to give our guys some perspective on how the UKSF does things. The Brits have a lot of SFs - SFSG, SRR, the Pathfinders, SBS and of course, the evergreen SAS and I'd think that someone from the same force which was a part of Task Force Black would be a great authority in forming the training pipeline for a new Tier 1 system.
I know our badasses do have cross training sessions with other SOFs but a month of training can't possibly match having a man or two at disposal perennially to help out in training.
Again, I'm still learning and I understand these things require bureaucratic flexibility and that SAS isn't the same as SOD and both operate with different resources, environment and not all soldiers are instructors and all but still, I just wondered.
Don't hang me by my balls. :(
This would be a good source of knowledge if any of these guys were actually available after their service. Ex-UKSF are some of the most sought after in the world as military contractors, pvt security operators and security consultants. Its not difficult for then to find jobs paying well over $25 lakh a year. Is our skinflint system able to compete with that level for talent? Heck we won't pay half that to someone like Brig. Shekhawat despite his obvious talent.

Forget about such ambitious undertakings, our people simply don't have the vision


New Member
Sep 4, 2019
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This would be a good source of knowledge if any of these guys were actually available after their service. Ex-UKSF are some of the most sought after in the world as military contractors, pvt security operators and security consultants. Its not difficult for then to find jobs paying well over $25 lakh a year. Is our skinflint system able to compete with that level for talent? Heck we won't pay half that to someone like Brig. Shekhawat despite his obvious talent.

Forget about such ambitious undertakings, our people simply don't have the vision
Why don't one of us do attempt to join UKSF and offer our services for free due to deshbhakti? XD

On a serious note, no. Seriously. Who wants to do that? o_O
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