Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Jan 30, 2015
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Lol did they pick those up from carol bagh. These are motorcycle helmets.
They got those helmets in cheap.
Guy responsible for procurement be like " Helmet is helmet , There is no good helmet and bad helmet".


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Sep 15, 2014
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Dont know if this has been posted before - Article from 2011 But relevant in 2018 (also given some of the discussions we have been having)

Indian Special Forces 2030. (Gen Katoch) Katoch CJ Winter 2011.pdf

some extracts:

"Their potential in asymmetric wars to further national security objectives is not understood by the national hierarchy. Special forces should actually be central to our asymmetric response, which does not necessarily imply operating in units/ sub-units. In most case, such a special forces response does not even automatically relate to a physical attack – a physical attack being only the extreme and potentially most dangerous expression of asymmetric warfare."

"All these forces (less the SRGs) are actually what comprise the special forces of India though mostly the difference between “special forces” and “special operation forces (SOF)” is little understood and the media reports all and sundry as special forces, including the entire NSG, parachute units of the Army and SFF, Special Protection Group (SPG), various task forces of the police like Special Task Forces (STF), Special Operations Groups (SOGs), Force One of Maharashtra, Grey Hounds, Cobra, Octopus, Straco, CCB, SSG, Anti-Guerrilla Force, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Railway Protection Force Commandos (RPFC) and what have you."

"Varied command and control channels leave the hierarchy confused as to which force is trained for what capacity. For example, during 26/11, while the NSG had its own problems of take-off (absence of psychologist/negotiator et al)), the decision-makers were unaware that the SG of the SFF is also trained for anti-hijack operations."

"Ignoring the four globally acknowledged special forces truths (Humans are More Important than Hardware; Quality is Better than Quantity; Special Forces Cannot be Mass Produced; Competent Special Forces Cannot be Created after Emergencies Arise), we have gone in for rapid expansion of our special forces, diluting their combat potential in terms of manning, equipping and training"

"By 2030, our special forces scene should look as follow:
1. A National Policy for Employment of Special Forces in place and implemented.

2. An Integrated Special Forces Command (ISFC) established directly under the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) integrating the Military Special Forces, Special Group of the SFF and SAGs of the NSG. The ISFC should continue to meet the special forces’ requirements of the Services, coordinated through Strategic Special Forces Cells (SSFCs) functioning directly under the Service Chiefs, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS).

3. Incognito deployment of special forces in areas of India’s strategic interest for strategic surveillance, controlling the fault lines of our adversaries, targeting the sources of cross-border terrorism and continuous shaping of the battlefield in furtherance of national interests and objectives.

4. Raising and consolidation of a full-fledged marine corps under the Andaman & Nicobar Command (ANC), following which the ANC may be renamed as the Strategic Marine Command (SMC). This must be given due consideration by the government as the concept of the ANC looking towards Mainland India for troops will be unworkable in the emerging strategic environment given its vast regional responsibility and the grave possibilities of the Indian Ocean region hotting up.


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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No those are motor cycle helmets.

...although they kinda remind you of the German WW era Stahlhelm.

I've always wondered, if made of proper material, whether it could stop a 7.62 or not. The front & sides have the shape of a slanted Patka.
Just have a look at bottom left pic. Same item is been displayed and explained over to Phillipines army.

DnS6uYBXcAAR8oV.jpg large.jpg


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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Just have a look at bottom left pic. Same item is been displayed and explained over to Phillipines army.

View attachment 30624
Just take a better look at the images from the tweet & match the helmets with the one i shared.


They are using those helmets as practice dummys... or India is doing what I'd always wanted it to do & making bulletproof ones out of the design.

Unknowncommando 2

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Oct 2, 2016
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Those helmets are just for trainees. New helmets are already inducted and deployed in good numbers issued by MHA for all CAPFs. 2 types of them . Wide ACH & compact one.

First and last guy are wearing wide ear cut ACH and 3 in the middle have compact ones.

Same with the CRPF troops in this pic. Designs are not similar. Notice that 4th big guy is wearing wide ACH.

See different sizes with NSG too.
Honestly I never expected this from MHA. All I wanted is the replacement of old buckets with either PASGT or ACH. It is surprising that they actually considered different head sizes of jawans while ordering new helmets. I guess we need to appreciate this.


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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New helmets are already inducted and deployed in good numbers issued by MHA for all CAPFs.... All I wanted is the replacement of old buckets with either PASGT or ACH.
Yes.. Why are we so happy about these helmets getting inducted, barely better than the buckets themselve, useless against anything but shrapnels (9mm too, but who's gonna shoot them with 9mm)? :confused1:

Won't any sensible soldier choose PATKA over these any day of the week?.. You know, something that can actually keep their brains in their skulls against 7.62 & 5.56 that are expected to be shot at them?
2 Garud Commandoes could be alive today if they were wearing Patka instead of this crap!!!

I'm sure we could find a way to attach NVG/Comms with Patka if we tried a bit, improve its shock absorbing as well. Instead we are mindlessly copying the West to ditch this unique, functional Indian jugaad & everybody seems happy about it!:scared2: Why exactly?

Why not slant the sides of Patka this way & build the top like ACH? That'll solve the issue of open top & will provide protection to whole head while being ergonomic.
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Unknowncommando 2

New Member
Oct 2, 2016
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Yes.. Why are we so happy about these helmets getting inducted, useless against anything but shrapnels (9mm too, but who's gonna shoot them with 9mm)? :confused1:

Won't any sensible soldier choose PATKA over these any day of the week?.. You know, something that can actually keep their brains in their skulls against 7.62 & 5.56 that are expected to be shot at them?

I'm sure we could find a way to attach NVG/Comms with Patka if we tried a bit. Instead we are ditching this unique, functional Indian jugaad & everybody seems happy about it!:scared2: Why exactly?

Why not slant the sides of Patka this way & build the top like ACH? That'll solve the issue of open top & will provide protection to whole head while being ergonomic.
PATKA is effective but zero protection from above. Yes army has found ways to mount NVG but there are issues with that. As ear protection is absent weight can't be balanced and which results in PATKA changing positions and sometimes covering eyes while running. And of course adding ear protection will eventually increase the weight of PATKA. But our R&D guys never experimented with it's design. What you just wrote is absolutely right but forces thought that it is better to have some protection than nothing on top.
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New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Bro - Chill - This is what we know.

1 . Oil Rig was damaged
2. A Technical Assesment team (civilians) were inserted with the help of 2 MARCOS operators for Survey purpose only

The question being asked above is

1. Why does Command - (IA/IN/IAF) treat Special Forces as the first option no matter what the issue. Across the board Conventional Commanders do this Cover My Ass Policy and send in SF first.
2. Is there a lack of other critical assets - UDT/Combat Diver / CG etc that couldnt do this task?
3. Was MARCOS utilization critical or just simply out of laziness on part of Command? If MARCOS was critical What could be the possible reason?

Lastly - nobody is disrespectful of work done.

The above simply circles back to the Katoch article i posted above.
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