Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Oct 11, 2017
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Between M N Goswami and Tushar Mahajan, there is Govind Singh Mehta.

When and how was he martyered? I don't remember ADGPI posting about his demise.
@Arihant Roy

Read here:

Lance Naik Govind Singh

Lance Naik Govind Singh hailed from Uttarakhand and was born in a family of military background. He was the third member of his family to serve in the army, his father Pratap Singh and elder brother Mahendra Singh too served in the armed forces. He belonged to the elite 9 Parachute Regiment known for its bravery and daredevil operations.

Having served for 13 years in the conflict zone of Jammu and Kashmir, Lance Naik Govind Singh had grown into a battle-hardened and committed soldier. By 2015 Lance Naik Govind Singh had the experience of participating in various anti-insurgency operations.

Krishna Ghati Operation: 14 Oct 2015

In Oct 2015, the security forces had received information from intelligence sources that about 300 ultras were waiting near the border to sneak into the Kashmir valley. The suspicious movement was noticed along the LoC in Krishna Ghati sector. In response to these reports, an operation was launched drawing troops form 1st Mahar and 9 Para units near the Tiba and Tilla posts.

On 13th October, the Army’s elite 9 Parachute Regiment launched the operation in the evening in Krishna Ghati sector on the LoC in Poonch sector. Lance Naik Govind was part of the team which had planned a series of at least six ambushes, bolstered by a larger area domination patrol by smaller units. The patrol went on the whole night, along with periodic checks on the ambush sites. One such ambush site was being monitored by the watchful eyes of Lance Naik Govind.

On 14th October, Lance Naik Govind’s team spotted some activity and on being challenged the infiltrators fired at the troops. In the ensuing gunfight, Lance Naik Govind and his comrades fought fiercely to eliminate the Pakistani terrorists, taking down no less than 5 terrorists. In the gun battle, however, Lance Naik Govind got struck by three enemy bullets, including one in the head, while trying to save a fellow comrade. By the end of the battle, he was grievously wounded but did not give up. He was taken to a nearby medical institute from where he was airlifted to a military hospital in Udhampur, but he succumbed to his injuries and was martyred.

But the supreme sacrifice of Lance Naik Govind did not go in vain. The infiltration attempt by the militants was successfully foiled by the commandos and the area was totally sanitized. For his exceptional valor and self-sacrifice, Lance Naik Govind was recommended for the award of Sena medal.
  • “He was a true soldier who fought till his last breath. I was told by Army personnel that, even after sustaining a bullet in the stomach, he continued heavy firing on enemy and tried to save his man. I’m proud of my son,” said his father, Pratap Singh.
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Oct 11, 2017
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[This text is excerpted from a copyrighted source, now under publishing.]

Afghanistan, 2004, Regestaan Desert. 4th Company for the Afghan Northern Alliance. The specific roles and posts of my unit are albeit not classified, I have chosen to keep them out of this.

The flesh trade was just picking up on the Durand Line. Slavers and traffickers, sometimes also dressed up as NGOs and social workers; were abducting and selling children from 5–15 years old, luring young girls across the borders into Uzbekistan, Pakistan, the NWFP… such that to save their daughters families would dress them as boys, draw little mustaches and beards on them, or stick some real hair on their faces with gum, etc.

Also, the Taliban, having fallen from CIA’s grace, paid for weapons in this way sometimes, giving these children and women to foreign military officers for ammunition, guns, transport and information.

There was a market, a bazaar where in a district for whoring and gambling and fighting pits and stuff, where parents of abducted children, or police would first look. They then would go to the Taliban, who, in exchange demanded money, or services.

That’s why you didn’t act wildly and shoot or maim a normal looking family guy gone suddenly insane and carrying guns or bombs where he should be looking for his baby. It was an unwritten rule to try and use minimal force with these people acting only to save their child.

I did visit the fights and the flea markets, but never went to the ‘harems’, where you could see little, innocent babies with soorma and lipstick ready to service the gigantic filthy mongoloids who came there.

The Alliance had won every battle, and was only being hurt by the proxies, the families of poor householders, forced to render service to Talibaners, for the safe return of their children. You could see them fighting like zombies, eyes blank, no emotional investment in the fight, guns hung loosely from soft limbs not meant for war but trembling to hold their babes once more.

The passionless Alla-hoo-Akbars they shouted were more like indictments against the very God who gave them the doomed children. My heart went out to them, even as I had to shoot them one by one. I slew 4 men, only working hard to get their daughters/sisters back.

Do you know what this is like? I often ask couch-warmongers, and idiots who are fascinated with the workings of a special force. A special force is something sent to resolve situations that cannot be disclosed to the world. We are trained in speed. In finality. In precision. Only to obliterate the offending part of humanity, and every evidence of it ever having been. So the rest of mankind gets to live in it’s fool’s paradise of “democracy, socialism, what-the-fµck-ever”. I digress.

We found that three of our own were not only partaking of the trivially worded, proverbial “बहती गंगा..” ( their words, not mine ), but also compromised in terms of info, and that it had reached Command. A tall, dark chap from Bengal or Assam, and two from Rajasthan. Their names were one step shy from being released to public, as at the same time CNN was doing a story on this evil trade.

Our Command (which was in the hands of a true patriot and Son of India) felt that it was time to affect change, in the ranks, in morale, in standards of the Indian Army. We had a choice of shipping them home to court martial them, but our group commander (OSIC) was a man of real steel .

It was time to set precedent.

I shot two of them myself, one was taken by his own acquaintance. We could not allow the Army’s name to be sullied by the procedures that would rake up this filth.
And with CNN’s expose already in play, we would really suffer more than we deserved, all because of three sons of bitches. After their bodies were ‘discovered’, carried back and shipped home as ‘casualties’, there was a new found respect, an awe, of the Indian Para contingent, among the Brits, the US special operators, the Turks, mercs, everyone.

I have shared this, not to indulge your appetites for fantabulous military glory, or steal valor from my comrades in the alliance actions. We all know, how it all went to shit later, anyway. Ask most police, paramilitary, peacekeeper army… to take a stand like that, and they get shaky feet.

Hundreds of thousands line up for selection into India’s Armed Forces every year. In the other countries, you have to chase young men to recruit and those who get away are called ‘dodgers’. But in India, you have got to cut it, mate. Of the few hundreds who can cut it, the SF commando are selected in not tens, but ones. That is what makes them “Men Apart, Every Man An Emperor”.

This was a bit difficult to read ...........

I think this was posted by Dron M Acharya on quora. don't know if its his own experiences authored by him or some one else's he had wrote!
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Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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this is true in the case of all Indian soldiers....

View attachment 25563
Don’t agree with this.....

you can always see common people watching defence personnel in bus stands, railway stations and airports, there is a certain degree of respect in their eyes. There is a certain pride in people’s eyes.

Arihant Roy

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Jan 25, 2018
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this is true in the case of all Indian soldiers....

View attachment 25563

After the surgical strikes, the respect has gone up even higher. There is a certain awe with which civilians regard people in uniform. You don't have to wear an uniform. Just sport a crew cut and see how other people look at you.

Thanks for the answer.

And regarding our hero, some friends told me.


Section Moderator
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Sep 15, 2009
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PARA COMMANDOS ..............
How come indian get only crap quality paint for guns? From where did they got the idea to repaint the dark toned weapons with flurescenfl green or neon orange .


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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How come indian get only crap quality paint for guns? From where did they got the idea to repaint the dark toned weapons with flurescenfl green or neon orange .
Lol I don't think it's flourescent in colour. It is just showing up that way on the exposure of the picture. But yeah it's crap quality. They should be using auto machin paint but they use normal paint.

still a high toll since inception.
Price you pay for being tip of the spear. It's neither high nor low. Just the way it is.

Sad is how many of these lives we're lost doing high risk low yield operations.

Arihant Roy

New Member
Jan 25, 2018
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u r very welcome, bro.

oh great. that's happy news.
congrats to HIM and all of us, since he belongs to all of us as well:)

View attachment 25570
Honestly speaking, Lt Col Suri looks more like a college professor than a badass predator.

And when you talk of JNU, remember this. There's rock-bottom , then there's hundred feet of crap and then there's JNU grads.


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Honestly speaking, Lt Col Suri looks more like a college professor than a badass predator.

And when you talk of JNU, remember this. There's rock-bottom , then there's hundred feet of crap and then there's JNU grads.
Honestly speaking, Lt Col Suri looks more like a college professor than a badass predator.

And when you talk of JNU, remember this. There's rock-bottom , then there's hundred feet of crap and then there's JNU grads.
Do you heard Mohit Suri voice in History TV

It look like a lion roaring
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