I don't think it was Rohit Suri's but his CO, Col. Sandhu's voice was the barritone. becoz the same voice is in that discovery docu
"paratroopers: earning the badge" where the Commanding Officer explains what the balidaan badge is. the CO's build in both docus, stout and huge, is also the same, if u observe.
Col.Sandhu seems to be a very intimidating dude.
the other CO, Col. Yadav seems like an approachable man.....by luks thats is!!! he's got that guy next door luk. but then again, u don't become the CO of 9 PARA SF being a softie right? but he too got that evil stare.
suri's voice was the bit more boyish one, i feel and yes it was all intentionally distorted.
:biggrin2:suri in my opinion, luks more like a college geek than even a college prof or an SF Operator!!! the spectacles screams geek to me
but ya an extremely dangerous college geek