Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Sep 13, 2010
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the guy is probably not from para commandos, 'cause he's not wearing a maroon cap.
but i didn't knew that women r inducted in para sf, is it only in support role?
If one earns his/her maroon beret that means he/she have gone through the full course of an PARA, Everyone is an fighting men / woman and everyone have their own specialty, In case of her its communications..

Woman are inducted almost everywhere, But they are in small number coz very few out of few made out to be in SF ..
Bro, she is in NO WAY a PARA or "para signal trooper". The maroon beret is given to anyone who is Para-qualified as such the IA has engineers, signallers, medics, arty, cavalry etc who are all Para-qualfied and thus wear the maroon beret- not PARAs alone. This is pretty standard the world over.

Para-qualfied refers to combat airborne jumping, not simply jumping out of a plane but jumping out with loads both during the day and night.

This women doesn't have a maroon beret because she's not in anyway Para or even airborne-qualfied- she doesn't even have airborne wings. The IA allows anyone who wants to to earn the airborne-wings including women, this requires a few jumps out of an airplane. But very few women in the IA have ever got the Maroon beret, literally a handful perhaps. As it is women are barred from combat roles and the Maroon berets usually belong to the combat arms (PARAs, combat engineers, arty, cavalry).

This woman belongs to the signals regiment but other than being a women, there's nothing noteworthy about her.

Para-signallers WOULD have a Maroon beret (which she doesn't) but there's no way she could become a Para-signaller as this is, by nature, a combat role.


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Sep 13, 2010
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this is exactly why snipers are not in the cobra, if these cobra guys started killing the naxal leaders, who going to left alive to play politics with our sarkari babus.
Onne thing cobra like all other paramilitary lacks is the snipers..They should induct moore and more snipers and designated marksmen to carry out long range sniper missionss to eliminate naxal leadership
The COBRAs have snipers and use them to great effect FYI bro both for such hits and for recce.



New Member
Oct 17, 2013
these guys are solid armed and equipped,

any specific reason (like chinese threat - who is real power behind the naxalite and maoist movement)for this solid improvement

is china intensifying their efforts of destabilizing india through these internal threats? is that why the such big and well armed force ( i think around 10,000 men)

are we looking at the preparation of indian governtment to fight a major war like sri-lanka and ltte against these naxals? because you know india didn't tried to "STOP" sri-lanka govt. from going full-on,hot pursuit against ltte like they stopped sri-lanka from doing that otherwise why would ltte survived that long?it could be had been crushed earlier.
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Nov 19, 2010
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Sorry my mistake ,the weapoon in thee hand of MARCOS is not SVDK but SVDS.And the one in the hand of the sniper in guilie suit is SVDK.Even though both has folding stock booth chamber different ammo.magazine of SVDK is of more big size than regular SVDs.
So we could assume that the sniper in gullie suit is of Russian army
The rifle with the Russian sniper is the SVDS not the SVDK, look at the muzzle brake for reference.


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May 16, 2011
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Dont go by looks.Unlike RR, cobras still lack much operational experience and only constant exposure to terror operations will make them an elite counter insurgency unit.Any way the idea to create a an elite counter insurgency force exclusively for guerilla warfare only is a good move as we had seen earlier that ill trained CRPF troops were slaughtered like lambs in buster and dantewada.
And coming to equipment only X95 is the weapon which is not in the hands of RR which any way has less power compared to AK which best suited for CT ops
Onne thing cobra like all other paramilitary lacks is the snipers..They should induct moore and more snipers and designated marksmen to carry out long range sniper missionss to eliminate naxal leadership
Partially true, RR is indeed the premier CI force around the world, few forces including specialized units or forces have the same amount of exeprience or sheer ingenuiety while dealing with CI. COBRA indeed have less expereince but they are very well trained and have their training being imparted from elite Greyhound units. Also Naxal threat is very different, they attack in large numbers, many of the encounters where many CRPF ill-trained men were killed was due to heavy numbers.

Police reports say that the deadliest attack wih 75 crpf men killed had over 300 ultras surrounded them and the entire area was one big death trap with plenty of land mines, no terrain advanatge for the troops. It was one very big intel failure. yet those men held out for over 4 hrs and quite a few naxals were killed. RR rarely have to face such odds. Also naxals are a very cunning enemy. Intel failures are expensive, even Greyhounds lot 36 men to an attack due to dependencies on incompetant parts in the intelligence chain.

However, over the last couple of years, I think the COBRA, Greyhounds have come around due to improvement in equipment, tactics and training.

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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'Exercise Shahbaaz- 2013', an Indo-Tajikistan combined Special Forces Exercise is being held at Agra from 26 Oct to 07 Nov 13. The exercise aims at honing the military skills of Special Forces of both the friendly countries. The Exercise besides benefitting the troops of both the countries in learning from each other's experience will further strengthen the friendly bonds that already exist between the two countries.
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