Indian Ocean Developments


Sikkimese Saber
Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Nice pics but what's the idea of coming to IOR? Anti-piracy?


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2010
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what do you mean it went to for indian ocean?can you please elaborate?anyway the ships are really beautiful even though not much specification is given abou armaments etc.


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
There you go. That's what most of us want. But trying to be "cool" by showing the unpleasant attitude towards us is not going to get you anywhere.
I could say the exact same thing in turn when it comes to Indians here talking to the Americans, and many other groups in a condescending and arrogant manner.

Funny you say so much against China considering that they saved your necks from recession 2 years back. Even if Chinese get aggressive, barring US/NATO, PLAN would gobble Australia down if it really wanted to.
If it really wanted to, it wouldn't be able to. To get to us they need to go through the US and British armed forces, not to mention that Taiwan would take the opportunity to declare independence with US backing. Even the apologists I argue with here would concede this point.

I don't bash the Chinese as a group of people, if you were paying attention you'd know my disagreement is with communism as a system given that it is the most violent system in the last 100 years, and perhaps of all time. I've said many times I'd like to see a prospering Chinese democracy, but people will cherry pick whatever they want out of my posts to suit their own agenda.

Why only Indians if they are racists? After all, all of us south Asians (except a few eastern Indians like me) look very similar to (if) racists. This was a bunch of targeted attacks.
I could tell you some funny stories about racism here, particularly one about a girlfriend I once had whom some drunk idiots at a pub thought was Indian when she clearly wasn't; it would have been funny if not for the fact they were serious, but oh well. Then again an Indian couple I met at a hospital also asked her if her parents were Indian. *facepalm*

Racist attacks in this country have never been continuous and have only been carried out by a select group of individuals, and other communities have been targetted in the past such as the Lebanese (well, there was also violence and racism on their part too). If a gang of idiots attacks some students, or burglars start targetting them more frequently; most people here will condemn those actions and ask for the people involved to be thrown in prison. Just because Simon Overland had some amount of knowledge of these attacks (yet most people here did not) doesn't mean there's a conspiracy going on in our society, and he's become incredibly unpopular with most Australians since this event. A couple of friends of mine have referred to him as a jackboot fascist.

Australia is not a problem for us. It is just that a considerable lot Aussies think that by being overtly aggressive, they're being 'cool'. Try this with Pakistanis and you'd have bombs blowing up everywhere. Don't tell me the bull that this is not the trend. In the course of my work, I've come across a lot of Australians. Though professional in their work environment, tendencies reflect even in most polite behavior.
Likewise, India is not a problem for me and I live, work, study, and spend time with Australians all the time and I'd be lucky to hear anything at all mentioned about your country from them, let alone something negative or racist. Although since it is 'bull' to tell you of the obvious, I might say in turn that without any provocation, I've had several Indians here make subtle and overt stereotypes and racist remarks about Australians directed at me, and even one poster who said that whites are inferior. Would you like to tell me the bull that this isn't a trend either? Reactions can often be as bad as the original perpetrators mate, after all we are all human.

Curry bashing ain't cool and if you think that beating up unarmed students is cool, then let me tell you it isn't. Compared to other immigrants or students from our neighbouring countries, our people are not half as unruly for this sort of crappy treatment.
I wouldn't exactly crow too loudly about your country being morally superior when it comes to prejudice, especially given the caste system, religious issues/sectarianism/extremism (not all of which you can blame on Pakistan), and your own inequalities. Despite these problems, I still think most Indians are good people and I'd like to visit the country one day, among many other places. Stop the chest thumping.

I've always been of the view that all immigrants should be welcomed into our society and treated as equals, including Indians, and most Australians share that view. If you are privy to the major debates over immigration here in this country, you would know that by now.

Other than that, tell me how much bitterness has existed between India and Australia before 2007's spate of violent targeted attacks against our unarmed students? None. There has been a problem and that's the reason why there was bitterness in the recent turn of our relationship.
I agree with you here, and it is an understandable grievance. I am not dismissing that there isn't any racism here, because there clearly is if you want to go looking for it, but it is not a common occurence; otherwise this would not be a one-off thing, it would be a long term or repeated issue. Practically all of my life, nearly every Indian I have met I have been friendly to, and I've stood up to racists before on occasion. I hope you understand where I come from on this. :)
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DFI Buddha
Senior Member
Aug 21, 2010
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First of all i dont know why Australia thinks we are a threat to be countered and further more, Australia would never be able to counter China and India in the Indian Ocean, Australians have the luxury of sounding very brave and positive because they are an Island continent and friendly with NATO, that alone should not be reason enough for such misinformed foreign policies.

@AOE Hi mate, welcome back.. You need to delete your History if your pages get stuck. :)

Also just for the know, the Caste system is not based on race its based on work(varna). Every caste has its work to do, The Brahmin who are priests, Kshatriya(warriors), Vaishya(traders), Sudra(laborers). None of these people can change their work titles, the conflict comes when an laborer can not become an Brahmin. When Hinduism was founded around 5,000years work was just work and everyone lived modestly, so it was not such a big deal to live modestly as a laborer and people did not aspire to change themselves . That said its is a curse that has to be removed.


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
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http:// Bonnie Malkin, Sydney
7:13PM BST 22 Jun 2011
Stephen Smith, the defence minister, said a defence review to be handed down early next year, was suggesting relocating amphibious assault ships, Joint Strike Fighters and troops to the nation's north and west coastlines.

The coasts of Western Australia and the Northern Territory are home to several multi-billion dollar oil and gas projects and also lie closest to China and the Indian Ocean. However, there is only one major military base in the region, located in Perth.

The Australian Defence Force mainly operates from the south-east of the country, with a major base in Sydney and large army garrisons in Sydney, Brisbane, Townsville and Darwin.

The distribution of forces has remained largely unchanged since the end of the Cold War.

"As circumstances change our posture needs to change," Mr Smith said.

"Off the coast of the northwest of Western Australia and off the coast of the Northern Territory we are now seeing a significant petroleum resources energy belt.

"So into the future, considerations arise which go not just to the physical security of a growing resources industry infrastructure but also the general question of energy and energy security."

China's growing military might has alarmed other countries in the region, especially Japan and Taiwan. In March, China said it would boost defence spending by 12.7 per cent in 2011 and has made modernising its navy a priority.

India is also building a navy to extend its reach, while modernising its armed forces.

A similar review is under way in Washington, which also plans to increase its Asia Pacific presence, Mr Smith said.

As well as changing relations with other countries in the region, Mr Smith said security of energy resources from offshore oil and gas projects posed a new security challenge.

Australia currently has more than $200 billion (£123bn) of proposed liquefied natural gas export projects in the pipeline.

"This is the appropriate time to do a force structure review, because of the strategic and security factors of the modern era," Smith said.


Respected Member
Senior Member
May 30, 2009
Country flag yourself a favor. Don't talk about countries that you don't know jack about.

Your comments about China's relationship with Australia are silly.
To say that the Chinese Saved Australia from a recession is what I call reverse logic.
Australia is blessed with tons of natural resources. They can sell these things to anyone they want.
The fact that they have a ready customer in China shows how voracious the Chinese appetite for raw materials is which its export economy needs.

That gives leverage to Australia not China.
Australia is a rich enough country with a very small population, they can sit on
their resources if they want to. These are not resources that will drop in value - if anything it goes up.
They don't need to sell a ton of stuff to live well and they have managed their natural resources well.
There are also a major exporter of agri products.
Unlike Arab or Asian countries they don't have the endemic corruption, or the psycho leaders/politicians to plunder their national wealth and resources.

Your comment about the PLAN taking over Australia's RAN in a matter of hours is another idiotic comment. Do you really think the Chinese are going to take their half-ass navy which is only now starting to commission an aircraft carrier all the way to Australia to face the RAN and the RAAF. You think the Chinese admirals are that stupid ?? China may build a mighty bluewater navy in the future but they are certainly not there yet as of today, and it will probably take another 10 to 15 years or more. Until then the only countries the mighty PLAN can f*ck with are countries like Vietnam and Philipipines.

The RAAF will kick the PLAN ass. I don't think the Chinese would want to go up against the RAAF pilots.
The have the best training available in the US and their pilots are as good as any Western country.
They also have much better equipment than China.

Australia may be a small country population wise but they can certainly punch above their weight class if they want to when it comes to defense. It really depends on how they view the security situation in Asia and the nature of their military alliance with US.

PS: and folks - the Aussies are not threatened by India - they are just doing what makes sense.
Australia and India are not particularly important to each other. Nor are there any tensions.
But the Aussies would be prudent tomake sure that they have the capability to counter any aggressive moves in their region.

BTW : I don't know what it is about this forum, but in the past even if I disagreed with folks here, I still respected their opinions. I could see their logic even if I disagreed strongly.
Lately its being flooded with endless stream of yahoos.
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DFI Technocrat
Mar 7, 2009
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Fear of China is understandable - but why should they fear IN? India is their natural ally - and the RAN does regular exercises with IN.


Senior Member
May 7, 2011
OP may be want troll here, these ships just headed for Gulf of Aden, patrol in Gulf of Aden.


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2009
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misleading title, they are not heading for India sea


Senior Member
Feb 24, 2009
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Nice bit of propaganda, try to post some nice pics, lets show the Indians their place, and our glorious navy, achieved task comrade. Now go get your 2 yuan!

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